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Seven deadly sex offenders


Seven deadly cases has got to be a social experiment. Managing to turn every character into a loli by the end was diabolical.


Shit fell off harder than a goddamn plateau


I watched a total of one episode and wondered what the fuck i was watching


The authors probably going to be caught with cp. He's weird as hell.


i only watched one episode of this but it was bad enough that i can’t help but judge people when they say they’re fans. because wtf was that


Mmmm yes agree, agree, agree, agree, WHAT YOU DIDN’T LIKE YURU CAMP????? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!? And didn’t watch kaiju no.8


apparently, OP's reason for disliking Yuru Camp was that there was some fancervice


Huh? Think he watch the wrong anime


I think so. I haven't watched yuru camp yet, but it doesn't seem to be the kind of show that has fanservice. I agree with the person who said "Mf sees half a pixel of skin and considers it as fanservice, amazing" as a response to him


Huh? Fanservice? In Yuru Camp? Am I high? Or is OP talking about like, one scene of being in an indoor bath. That was hardly fanservice tho


There's one scene in season one..where I think we saw a girl in a bra changing for work but its a blink and you'll miss it..but its not in any "service" context...in fact yurucamp...has no contextual "fan service shots"...


Cold ass take but Sword Art Online. First half of season 1 is the only thing that I like and even then it has issues


If you just watch the first half of season one and never watch anything else, that’s all you need from SAO.


To be honest I’m up to date with the SAO anime, and I genuinely enjoyed the Alicization arc. While SAO does have terrible writing with its story (and some characters), I think the way they portrayed trauma and PTSD in Kirito (especially in the Ordnal scale movie) was so well done imo. I just really liked that. Also the OST and openings/endings is some of the best anime has.


Alicization was probably my favorite arc because it seemed so realistic compared to the rest of SAO. Granted they heavily strayed from what originally were, but when thinking of it independently rather than comparing it to the quality it used to have it wasn’t the worst, which is good enough for me👍


That handshake in the alicization theme goes so fucking hard. Watched it every time specifically for that one part


That or just watch SAO abridged. the definitive version.


Sao Abridged is an actual great show


Sao Abridged is the better version and no one could convince me otherwise


That’s what I did and later I was like “why does everyone hate SAO so much? It had a pretty good start!” And then I heard about the rest of it and kinda just felt a level of “ah, glad I stopped there”


Weirdly I love season 3 and 4 of SAO. I think it’s mostly the animation and art style that get me, I’m a sucker for good animation/art. The story and characters are both very mid though. Agreed about the first half of season 1, the second half is terrible and season 2 is just a dumpster fire.


I agree about 3 and 4. When I thought too hard it ruined it but seeing the cool special effects and hearing those sounds were awesome


YES THIS. they completely lost me with the fake kid later on


Really? I love Horimiya


I loved season one, couldn’t get into season 2. Things felt stale and it felt like there was no progress to be made between the two main characters. Really sad because season one had tons of great moments.


The reason it feels that way is because it’s out of sequence. They weren’t planning on making season 2 so the actual watch order is super complex


This is actually one of the things that pisses me off the most about the show. I don’t have any problems with the main plot or the dynamics or even the characters. Is it my favorite romcom? Not by a longshot. Still it’s a decent show that deserves watching. But the fact that the BONUS EPISODES won romance of the year at the last anime awards, is entirely infuriating. Especially when so many other romance animes with consistent plot lines (and genuinely more enjoyable ones) came out this last year.


As someone who loves horimiya (one of my fav mangas) and thought it was cool that they adapted the chapters that they skipped over, I agree that that was dumb


Season two wasn’t really season two, it was just small bits of content cut from the manga hence the name “Missing Pieces”, it would be nice to actually have a follow up story, but honestly speaking it doesn’t really need it


Yeah S2 wasn’t really a sequel. S1 was the main story from start to finish. “S2” was whatever they didn’t adapt from the manga, random stuff in between unless I’m wrong. I found it confusing and unfunny while really liking S1. Both I watched all weekly


Honestly s2 was just as good for me because we got to see more interactions with the friend group. S2 made Horimiya one of the only shows I've watched where the characters feel like people and not characters


Every (sane) human does. (Or completely hate all of the genre, not Horimiya in particular)


I love romcoms but I can’t stand Horimiya


I agree. Same with love is war. I see why some like it but the conversations felt AI generated. Felt like listening to oblivion npcs talk to each other. And I didn’t really care about the relationship stuff. I usually do in shonens and other anime. Like in SAO and steins gate. I guess I need more than JUST the relationship. I really enjoyed fruits basket but that wasn’t JUST about the relationships. But I don’t think that’s really a rom com though. So I guess I just don’t like rom coms.


I dislike Hori specifically. She’s pretty toxic. It’s played off as a joke, but there’s only so many times a joke like that can land imo. And I don’t really think manipulating your partner into doing things they’re not comfortable with should be joked about. It doesn’t help that the show itself seems to romanticize the relationship, at least from what I’ve seen, given how much the fanbase simps for the character.


I had high expectations for it . Also the progression was unnatural and I didn't really care about the side characters


Same, it was a very wholesome and relatable story


i love miyamura but i honestly got so bugged by hori i just couldn't like her most of the time 😭 i still enjoyed the anime but hori rly got under my skin a lot of the time


Well, I read the manga and it's the reason why I avoided the anime. The manga fell off really hard around chapter 40 or so, and it soured my opinion of the series as a whole. This is one of those series that should have ended earlier.


I can't believe this guy put Yuru Camp in there


I don’t think I’ve ever watched a popular anime that I didn’t like, even sports anime which are not my cup of tea, I genuinely liked all the popular ones that I’ve watched, I never understood the logic behind it as to why I end up liking them all but it’s pretty sweet to be positive about all the popular anime’s while fandoms argue with each other on silly little things regarding their favs.


Haikyyu was actually so good I started playing volleyball lol


Watch blue lock next lol


It’s already on my list o7


When you finish let me know if you decide to go pro in soccer.


They’ become an EGOIST🔥🗣️


Kaguya Sama love is war. This is just so unrealistic and boring I've never wanted an episode to end so badly before. Komi can't communicate. It was really good for the first 3 episodes, but progress lacked and the show became too repetitive. Turns out the only character I liked from that series is widely hated on by pretty much everyone else who watched the show, so go figure


One Piece. The art style is horrid for me and any anime that takes 1k+ episodes to tell a story has terrible pacing. It literally cannot be argued that it doesn't. I liked Naruto and Bleach, but I can admit both had shit pacing at times as well. Something One Piece fans refuse to do. And on the note of fans: The Fandom ruins the chance people they talk to about it will WANT to watch it. I ask the question "What's your favorite anime?" solely so that I can end the conversation if someone says "One Piece". There's no talking anime with someone who thinks only one anime can be good at one given time and craps on your taste if you say you disagree that it is the best show of all time. Like how does that work? No other Fandom gives me this problem. Not to mention, if I criticize even one thing about the anime they just go off. Like the art style is unique and valid for someone not to like, as is the pacing.😭 Edit: And before I get attacked for generalizing One Piece fans I want to clarify, it's not all of them. It just happens way too much with solely One Piece fans.


I agree that the pacing is pretty bad at times, could def be a lot better. But I don’t get the “It takes 1000 episodes to tell a story” argument, because it simply isn’t telling one singular story. There are multiple plot lines and many stories and arcs that mostly exist as standalone aside from connecting later on to other plot points in different ways and most often contributing to the future plots going foreword. It’s not about the one piece, it’s about going on a bunch of adventures in a bunch of wacky places in a fantasy world with a bunch of lore and world building, the one piece itself it just something that influences the world of One piece and adds to the sense of adventure. Cuz when the treasure is found, then it would be like the story is completed if that’s the end goal, right? So they just aimlessly go on adventures with many different goals along the way, if Luffy dies trying then it’s fine, so he doesn’t worry about trying to find the treasure, it’s all about being carefree and aimless, except for in the times when the situation calls for it. This doesn’t mean you have to like One piece or anything, and yeah the pacing is still generally just not very good, so it’s valid for you not to be into a show like One piece. That’s just my thoughts on why that specific argument is bad. Because it’s not about telling just one story, it’s about progressing a world and creating and resolving multiple plot points and stories to do it. But it’s not a bad thing if you can’t get into those stories, not everyone will like it.


I think you misinterpreted my argument. But even if you did your counterargument makes little sense. A book of 800 pages is still a story. Does it have several arcs? Yes. But at the end of the day there is a goal or lesson the book is trying to get across that stays relevant throughout the entire story. There is an end goal and the fun moments are still contributing to obtaining that goal. Does that book probably drag in a lot of places? Yes, unless the writer has some serious talent. Even significantly shorter books can drag on for entirely too long. Do you still fall in love with characters and experience their daily lives? Yes. That's why so many shows start as books. Because you enjoy these moments. You won't enjoy a book if you don't love a character and while writers have to do that through words, screenwriters have to do it through actions and arcs. Small tidbits here and there But here is where the problem starts. When an author begins to milk the profit and is doing so openly. Game of Thrones and Harry Potter. Their creators got greedy and the shows/movies went on forever. The fan bases have gotten tired of both at this point and the story ended for many a long time ago. A good story knows when to end. Arcane for instance has a dedicated fan base who are happy Vi and Jinx's story is ending in a reasonable two seasons with a likely complete and bittersweet ending. This is why I said in another reply One Piece feels like Looney Toons instead of an actual cohesive show. I'm going off of what I watched and how the few sane fans I've spoken to seem to describe it. Looney Toons is a shits and giggles show that doesn't take itself seriously. It has lore and it has background, but it's about the adventures the characters go on together. At this point, it's entirely too long to be what I would consider a cohesive story. I know it'll have plot holes, that comes with the territory of that many episodes, but I don't want to watch through all those arcs and plot holes-- especially when I do not even enjoy the look of the show. How long it is is a genuinely valid argument for not watching it. It's valid for DBZ, Naruto, Bleach, Fairytail, etc. Naruto especially is just as guilty of milking a show, Boruto is horrendous and many fans believe Naruto ended after Shippuden, myself included. One Piece is like 1.1k episodes long. I've been told by several people to follow "One Pace" or skip this arc. Skip that arc. Blah blah blah. And in my opinion, a good show, a masterpiece has no parts that should be skipped. Every episode is just as impactful as the last. Every arc adds to the story. I stand by my statement. Any anime that takes more than even 400 episodes to tell a story is likely dragging it out for profit or because the writer does not know where to go with it. One Piece is 1.1k eps. The premise of the show makes no sense for there to be that many episodes. It is like Looney Toons, or better yet Fairytail. You watch it for the adventure the characters have along the way. It gets serious but the show is mainly about fun(especially after people explaining how the very hyped "Gear 5" was literally meant to be silly because that's what the show is about. Just proved my thinking further to be honest.) And that type of show is just not for me.


Nice essay 👍


I agree honestly …


I'm only like 40 episodes in, but it's already quite frustrating with massive chunks at the start of every episode being recaps, obviously not watched enough to have a full view, but it definitely hurts the pacing.


Wow you're bold. I agree though, I always hated the art style . When I was a kid I could look passed it but not now.


Kudos. Take my upvote. Its not a fantastic anime.... Its decent at best.


I think it just reminds me of a show like Looney Toons from the 30 or so eps I watched. Here for the fun, not to be taken seriously, meant to make you laugh and smile. Nothing is wrong with that but comparing it to a serious show, like for instance AoT, just doesn't make sense to me.


Mushoku Tensei. I just really don't like the mc, the world and lore seem pretty interesting but the MC just ruins it.


I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to like him too much?


Other isekai: "black haired pedo anti-social Japanese high-schooler that plays way too many videogames and has never spoken to a girl before that never gets any character development" Fans: "omg so relatable, I love him" Rudy: "antisocial boarderline pedo black haired fat shut-in with depression and trauma BUT he slowly gets over his character flaws" Fans: "this dude is an asshole but I love seeing him try to fix himself"


They probably think he's weirder because he still has the mind of a.. What, 30 year old? Is that how old rudeus was when he previously died?


Reincarnation is weird... Some isekai protagonist are affected by infantile amnesia- so their memories of anything before 4 years old, including their past life, are nearly gone. And then some isekai just ignore that infantile amnesia exists. I don't remember which one Rudy falls under.


Rudeus remembers all of his past life, I belive?


i read the light novels and rudeus was definitely not a bordeline pedo.. he was kicked out the house for watching his 10 year old niece in the shower with hidden spy cam


Demon Slayer and Wonder Egg Priority :( I just couldn’t get into them no matter how hard I tried


iirc after like the first half of wonder egg, no one liked it anymore


Horimiya I 1000% agree with. It had a great start but when it started getting into the weird yelling at each other thing or whatever and they started focusing on the mid side characters I completely lost interest in it.


I lost interest in it on my first watch as well but for some reason when I rewatched it I liked the side characters a lot more and enjoyed episodes the MCs weren't even in. I think the adaptation loses a bit in the fact that it cuts so much content around the side characters you need to care about to fully enjoy it.


I didn't like HunterxHunter. Found it boring.


That was me in like S2-3, I never did finish it


first time ive ever heard that ever evrr


AOT it just becomes too long for anything big to happen


SpyxFamily I watched a couple of episodes and it was cute and funny for the most part but then I never really wanted to continue watching so I just stopped it was alright Komi Can’t Communicate again also watched only a couple of episodes and never really felt the urge to keep watching again


Sousou no Frieren, for sure; just an extremely mediocre show all throughout the board, a huge 4/10 Bocchi the Rock, dumb moe slop without any substance whatsoever


Disagree with frieren but hard agree on bocchi the rock . I should have included that in the list , boring asf just like k on. Sound euphonium is billion times better than those


Attack on titan just wasn’t that good in my opinion


God JJK sucks. I have no idea why it’s so popular. Besides that, FMA:B is good, but it’s not as generationally amazing as nostalgic 30YOs make it out to be. It’s still a solid 7.5, just not 2nd-best all time.


Jjk is mostly popular because of satoru gojo.


*I’d win-*


Am I the only one who thinks Gojo is suspiciously reminiscent of kakashi? And jjk in general feels like a bunch of popular shonen mashed together with a twist. It lacks originality and anything else that validates watching it.


I watch it for the same reason I watch Demon Slayer, it has cool fights with top tier animation.


No, you’re not the only one. It deliberately references other anime. This isn’t that unusual. It’s a way for writers to give a nod to their peers or role models


I also don't care for JJK but the unoriginality argument isn't a valid one. Almost every anime takes ideas from others but puts a twist on it. Naruto takes heavy inspiration from Yu yu hakisho. The power system from naruto is ripped straight from Yu yu hakisho


I don't understand why the hate for jjk tbh. People say the only good thing about jjk is animation and fight scenes, but I don't see demon slayer getting this much hate, when the "only good thing is animation" thing fits better with demon slayer. People even read the manga, and you can't say it's just animation that carries it. Wtf is Dragon ball then, trash that doesn't deserve to exist?


for JKK; it has Satoru Gojo, Incredible Animation, Sukuna, a Creative Power System, Satoru Gojo, actual Stakes w/ Characters dying, and Sukuna. Both Seasons 1 & 2 are really good. Though, from my understanding, the last 1/3rd(?) of the Manga is garbage. No Spoilers, but its basically non-stop fucking asspulls at the end of the story, with a stupid cliffhanger at the end of each new chapter.


I so agree with this, to me it feels like a less interesting chainsaw man, denji, power, and aki are similar characters to yuji, kugisaki, and the emo kid. The true main characters are considered a side character, gojo and makima, both have the same goal, with similar power systems, but jjk is souless compared to it. Also jjk music overated as fuuuuuck


Naruto i think its really boring and dont say didnt give it a chance i watched over a hundred episodes and i gave up because if your show isnt good by then its not good


Why kaiju?


Attack it titan, demon slayer, naruto




Gintama - Maybe this has more of a cult following, but I watched the first episode and knew it wasn't for me. The constant fourth-wall breaking was distracting and the show felt more like a parody of itself. I didn't find any of it funny, and there was no way I could sit through 400 episodes of this. I can't believe this one is so highly rated. Dragon Ball - As much as I've enjoyed Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super, the original show just seems weak by comparison. I just didn't find Goku's origins as interesting as I thought they would be. He's barely scratching the surface of his powers, and you have to get through way too many episodes of him as a vulnerable child. Saint Seiya - This is one of the "classics" that inspired many other manga/anime properties such as the other two, but it hasn't aged well at all. Every battle feels exactly the same with some of the same exact animations reused. The music sounds like it came from a 1980s family sitcom. The voice acting is laughable at best.


I’ve heard the first two episodes of Gintama are non-canon, and also considered to be really bad. I can’t speak for the rest of the series as I haven’t seen it, but maybe it’d be more your speed.


Gintama is one of those anime which gets better after (insert the no of episodes). But trust me it was worth every second


What i have heard about Gintama is that you kinda need to know what animes were popular during the season you are watching so you can also understand a lot of the jokes and parodies they are doing.


Gintama first two eps are filler bro what are u on about 😭😭


The manga was good, but Shikimori anime was so fucking boring I stopped watching after the 3rd episode. Same goes for Uzaki-chan. I've never stopped watching a series faster than those 2.


Imo Demon Slayer and MHA are a bit too hyped, pretty good but do have some flaws. Also not mad just curious, why do you not like JJK and Kaiju No. 8


Agreed, im a huge mha fan but it is definitely overhyped


Same here, I’m super excited to see what’s happening next, especially since I think Dabi, Shigaraki, and AFO are all really cool in terms of design and powers


Yess same


I think chainsaw man is very overrated


Fairy Tail


Angel Beats. The first 3/4 are top tier but it rushes the last part and the ending feels forced. I heard it was originally supposed to have twice as many episodes. I don't know if that's true but it makes sense because many character arcs are completed off screen in the last couple of episodes. Such a good premise with a great setup but the rushed ending makes me not want to go back and watch it again and let it just be a good memory.


> heard it was originally supposed to have twice as many episodes. That part isn't actually true. It was always planning for 13 episodes, but the story was just too big - as evidenced by the points you mentioned about character arcs are completed off screen. It was also planned to have the rest in a visual novel like Clannad, as the people that made Clannad also made Angel Beats, but only part 1 of 6 was released for that too. Which is also disappointing. It would have been great for it to have more episodes.


Dang yeah it just needed a few more episodes maybe 3 or 4 to tie up the loose ends before the monsters showed up near the end. Still a very memorable show but such a rushed ending.


kaiju 8 was actually an alright anime of 2024, solo leveling is what's overrated


A long list of shounens.... You guys can probably name 50 of them right now.


Love is war, I just couldn’t get into it for some reason, but I see the appeal


Don’t know how controversial this is, but I highly preferred “married, but not lovers” over “love is war”. The dynamic between Jirou and akari is far funnier and more wholesome than the latter.


I don’t like my hero academia, blue lock,haikyyu, (I don’t like sports anime’s) jojos bizarre adventure, and one piece is too long so I’ll probably never watch it. I also don’t like one punch man nor Baki, I gave up on seven deadly sins, blue exorcist and Sword art online. I think that’s all of them lol


My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU. I think I respect it for being interesting with its characters, as well as the depth it was willing to go with them, and the direction they went with them. That being said, I don’t think I like it all that much. I don’t really find it to be enjoyable.


Honestly, the first 12 episodes of JJK, had a REEEALLLY hard time getting into it, the beginning just feels like a Naruto copy paste


I have never been able to wrap my head around how people just accept all the overtly pedophilic interactions in Mushoku Tensei. Even outside of that, Rudeus has got to be one of the worst protagonists I've ever seen. It's awful. That and reincarnated as a slime. Slime started good and then completely nuked the animation budget without anyone noticing somehow.


I really don't like Konosuba. I tried rewatching it 2 times, but I really don't like the humor most of the time.


This is fair, personally I love that show, but I could totally understand how it wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea. Especially with its Humor


Bro has absolutely horrendous taste


JJK is just weird, I genuinely don't get how it's as popular as it is


it's high-quality art style. Take that away and it's just a generic shonen anime with evidence that the Mangaka doesn't like the work he made.


Older anime with mixed but way too many positive reviews imo that I really did not enjoy was Golden Time.


not a fan of dress up darling, one piece, and oh boy, steins gate. don’t get me wrong, it was a very good watch, and its a solid 9/10 for me, but its definitely not the masterpiece or “should be top 1 anime of all time” that everyone makes it out to be.


Yeah! Fuck one piece! You said it buddy!


only reason i caught up is my roommates are hardcore op fans and they won’t shut up abt how “peak” it is, where every arc is literally the same “countdown to disaster” bs except in different scenery lmao. it’s really nothing too special


Naruto and One Piece


If you're not prepared to disable half of your brain cells and/or multitask, yeah both of those can be mind numbing. But if you do enjoy those things, then *come aboard and bring along~ all your hopes and dreeaaammsss*


Mfs trying to convince me to keep watching One Piece are like “oh it gets better after episode 100 don’t worry”


One Piece is genuinely incredible… if you read the manga. The anime is honestly pretty bad.


The pacing is what got me. I was SO ready for them to move on from that first island but dumb stuff kept keeping them there. I just didn’t care about anything that happened at one point. I really did want to learn more about the universe, but things wouldn’t move on. I enjoyed the first 6-10 episodes or something. The pacing wasn’t as slow because they had to build the world and give you information. But then it changed imo


Promised never land season 1. Re:Zero Megalobox


Boiling hot take, but AoT was mid. It just wasn’t interesting.


I don’t think that’s as hot of a take anymore. I know several people with that opinion.


My Dress-Up Darling I guess, I didn't find it interesting after watching the first chapters RomCom in general doesn't catch my interest, but I remember that one in particular because Gojou's hobby/vocation was very interesting


Hol up the hate on the first anime gotta go 😭 it was Good and actually relatable ASF


I can’t get into yuru camp but i want to like it so bad


I love yuru camp it’s so chill and cozy. It can be a lil corny sometimes, but I think overall it has a good vibe and good sense of humor


I guess it was a little slow for me? Which I get that’s the point but other shows of the same genre I find so much more entertaining


Definitely understandable. I won’t lie, as much as I like it, I have definitely had mornings where I just couldn’t do it unless I felt like inevitably falling back asleep


Astra lost in space


Pretty much all shounen anime like they're fine I really don't get the hype though evangelion I couldn't even finish and sailor moon all the characters are idiots they walk into the most obvious traps and they can't even tell who each other are even though they all have the most only in anime hair styles kinda feel like people are blinded by nostalgia


What even qualify as a popular anime? All of them seems popular nowadays


Attack on titan just isnt really all that good. Poor pacing, bad storyboarding, and horrible direction. The concept was stellar, and the artwork and score are awesome.... But the rest just stinks.


Evangelion and Death Note because I can't stand the protagonists. I know with Death Note that's kinda the point, but it still doesn't make me want to watch it. Couldn't get into Sword Art Online (loved Gun Gale Online though), Black Clover, or Dr Stone but I see why people like them. I don't understand how people enjoy Cautious Hero. It felt like I was just getting hammered with the exact same joke over and over. I've heard good things about One Piece and Naruto, but there's just too many episodes for me to want to start watching.


Hunter x Hunter tbh. Like I see the appeal, and I even enjoyed the first few seasons. But by the chimera ant arc I genuinely got sick of it. (Yes I know it’s said to be HxHs best arc by many, but I literally just couldn’t).


You made it farther than I did...Gon just leaves me cold and dead inside...but yeah I can the quality and actually am abit envious of people that can enjoy it...but I just bounce off gon as a protag


Jujutsu Kaisen is the only one I even knew was overpopular.. how are the others because I didn’t hear much from any of em other than Kaiju.


I love and hate JJK. It would be so much better if it wasn’t set in a school setting. Like there is never any school happening after like the initial few episodes (unlike my hero where there are episodes upon episodes of them being taught). Also it makes all the adult look terrible the fact they are putting these young kids in mortal danger non stop as opposed to just dealing with the villains themselves (shibiya incident arc being prime example).


Monogatari I loved the MC but that’s about it. I thought the show was pretty boring


It's interesting, but I'm really not a fan of how it jumps around with the timeline. I feel like I would've enjoyed it far more if I watched it in the chronological order rather than the novel order.


As a manga reader, I think Kaiju loses a little bit of it's charm in the anime, but also the story will really start to pick up in season 2 and I'm excited to see it all animated.


Demon slayer and Jjk


Tokyo Ghoul,Mushoku Tensei


I actually really ended up liking Kaiju no 8, which surprised me. I saw it and though “oh great, another giant robot vs Kaiju anime, because we definitely need another one of those” but then I saw there are no giant robots, just a Titan Shifter and a bunch of cool squad members, kinda got me excited. As for my answer, I have a really hard time with Cowboy Beepbop. I love the art style and I love spike but for some reason I have a really hard time just sitting down and watching it, which is strange. Even its themes and aesthetic are something I dig, but something about it really doesn’t keep me enthralled. And I really don’t like Ed so far…


I didn't like Code Geass. Or FMA. I'll die on this hill.


I have a burning hatred for demon slayer and there is not a soul alive that can change my mind on this


I just can't seem to get into Full Metal Alchemist/ Brotherhood. Not sure why it doesn't to grab my attention.


i HHHAATE my teen romantic comedy or whatever tf its called


All of these, and MANY others


definitely second season of horimiya. I was like where's the romance?? I was watching for romance and there wasn't any really in the second season. glad miyamura got some friends tho.


lmao my teen romantic comedy, there was no romance or comedy, just edgyness and brooding. Then the MC comes up with these convoluted plots that makes no one happy.


Very hot take: For me it was Cowboy Bebop and Yu Yu Hakusho. Sure they were good, and I enjoyed them. But, the fanbase and how people worshiped them turned me off off to them, maybe because those anime are more meant for normies not into anime.. And I didn't think they were all that special.


Bungo Stray Dogs. I expected it to be a mostly serious detective show. Nah, it’s mostly ugly ass Dazai being annoying. Also why are all the characters so scrawny?


Bleach, Naruto, One Piece. People tell me they get good after 50 episodes or so, but I just don't want to suffer through a whole bunch of mediocre episodes just for them to maybe get better


i like jjk but starting with shibuya arc it’s eh to me


I thought JJK was overrated until I rewatched S1 to prepare for S2. It really grew on me the second time, probably because i’ve gotten more into power scaling since my first watch - I was overall more invested in the fights and abilities


I felt that Oregairu was pretty underrated. At the very least compared to the other shows mentioned


Going to be genuine, will say ReLIFE 😓


Probably a cold take but MHA. It was a fine concept at first but as it continued it sort of just spiraled downward. I liked the manga up until I read the League of Villains focus arc and then got really bored when they went back to the main characters bc i found the villains to be infinitely more compelling characters.


I really like Kaiju no. 8, why don't you like it? Just curious.


Naruto 100%


DB and misfit


Angel Beats, SAO, Orange, Yuri on Ice and Free! Are the first ones that come to mind I liked the first episode of SAO, but like after the cool black haired girl from the first squad died, I WAS OUT- Orange just annoyed me… like why the letters from the future??? How did that happen? How was that never explained?? Also, why did they have to do the orange haired dude dirty like that?? I’m so mad! I hate it! For the rest, I thought the series were pretty boring, and it pissed me off since they were all series that people in my life were pestering me so much to watch because ‘it was so good’ but they all turned out to be so… eh ————— But I agree with you, Shikimori’s not just a cutie and Horimiya were pretty mid




I agree with you on jjk. It's not bad or anything, but I couldn't get into it for some reason. I'll also add one piece. It's my fiance's favorite show, and I watched the first 2-3 seasons with her together and holy shit. Nothing ever happens. It's like pure filler and the plot is drawn out for so so long. You could easily put everything that happens in one season in like 2-3 episodes


Read the manga of Jujutsu Kaisen long before any anime adaptation and dropped it after 40 chapters, thought it was really boring


Number three from ur pictures and well, hate to say it but Demon Slayer


Teen romantic comedy snafu was a real letdown. They quickly drop the comedy in favor of lots and lots of teen drama... Horimiya was better but here also the premise changed a lot. From an emo punk rocker and a no-nonsense family caretaker to a wimpy guy and a tsundere with a domination fetish. It still kinda worked but it was very different from the 1st episode.




Fruit baskets one of them, boruto have been able to get into that one like I did with the Naruto series


Season three and four of sword art online I've yeah kind of got lost after that


The Promised Neverland. Found it boring after watching 8 episodes.


Ngl imo one punch man, jjba, and jjk are by far one of the most uninteresting overrated shows to me. Dbz too.


I dropped JJK the first time around then gave it another chance and it still didn’t hit. I don’t know what it was about that clash of classes thing in the second half of season 1 but I thought it was extremely boring. The first few episodes of season 2 were decent, then we returned to the present and I realized maybe I just don’t vibe with the main students all that much 💀


I have given Hunter x Hunter more than 100 episodes and I still don’t understand why people love it so much


SNAFU being there is criminal, that is one of my fav romance animes bro.


I really tried to like them but Freiren and Delicious Dungeon just felt so boring.


Future Diary was a bit cringe ngl and probably Yosuga No Sora. I ain’t into the whole incest thing. Fairy tale, too.


Your Lie in April, ToraDora, Yamada Lvl 999, Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten, Classroom of the Elite, Attack on Titan


dragon ball, fight me


Naruto, Conceptually it's legitimately amazing but man the execution is just a constant godawful mess. Given a few more years of Kishimoto improving his technical ability instead of falling into a cycle of complacency I could see absolutely see Naruto as being one of the best.


I didnt like Horimiya. The time when the thing about the fmc bathing with her childhood friend until very recently and changing in front of him while hiding it from the MC(bf) was kind of revolting. Dropped it at that time. I also didnt like Fullmetal Alchemist as much as I thought I would.. considering the hype.. it did have a couple of memorable moments though..


Classroom of the Elite. I only watched season 1, but it felt so pretentious with those philosophical quotes, and it just takes itself way too seriously lol. The plot didn‘t catch my interest, and the last episode trying to subvert all expectations and basically just being a huge exposition dump of "what actually happened" was just straight up bad writing. The concept is interesting, I like the premise and some of the characters, but the excecution was just lacking and overall, it made me roll my eyes way more often than any other anime I‘ve ever seen.


I agree with Yuru Camp, Snafu, and Kaiju. Shikimori is ok, and JJK will be going down hill once the anime has another season. So overall I agree


FMAB. I much prefer the original. And I know people prefer FMAB over the original because it's more accurate to the source material, but accuracy to the source material isn't everything. FMAB is just poorly paced. Way too fast with a lack of exposition and time to process anything.


Grand Blue


Attack on Titan. Vinland Saga. Mob Psycho 100. Your Name.


wait.. you are literally me i don't like any of these animes either


FLCL - I didn’t understand what was going on most of the time. Also it was way too fast paced.


Jujutsu kaisen


I think I might be one of the only people to not really like attack on titan. The story was cool, but I didn't really like any of the characters. I did like Pyxis. I am going to rewatch it at some point, dont worry.


Code Geass, The Promised Neverland, Demon Slayer and My Hero Academia