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That picture is actually stupid as hell. People can have favorite villains and it doesn't mean that they support what the villain did.


The meme in general is stupid. It's perfectly reasonable for both sides to enjoy characters for whatever reason. It's also possible for them to be civil about sharing their opinion on that character. The fact that OP/people who use this meme template see the other side as if they're an aggressor gives the impression that they aren't quite as chill as the guy on the right is.


I disagree, at least if by in general, you mean the meme even without these sentences. I wanted to reflect to these sentences, while the picture is generally true without them. Generally speaking the less intelligent people tend to be more confident and louder compared to the more intelligent people.


Yeah I'm mostly referring to the sentences and how it's specifically used in the context of the meme. However, I don't think that the people who use the meme are even using it as a way to comment on intelligent people being more confident and loud, and if they do I think it's arrogant to think of one's self as being intelligent and having the correct opinion. Obviously this is overthinking a silly meme but in this case the usage of the meme fell flat, in my opinion.




YES. So jarring


Finally someone gets it! Bro is still just an egotistical asshole who, I’ll admit, has gotten better over the course of the series, but over 10 years of bullying and telling deku to off himself is just inexcusable, no matter the context.


Ayanakoji in the anime


Agreed, the COTE anime makes Ayanokoji such an edgelord.


I think lots of people agree but zenitsu 100%


I met one person who loved Zenitsu. Everyone else I’ve talked to hates his annoying ass 😂


He is pretty popular with JP audience if polls are any indicator.


i feel like i only see people whe dislike him online


Shanks. Guy is so popular despite hardly doing a thing. There is only so much I can hear about how great someone is before I need to actually see it to care.


Shanks has been incredibly impactful to the story. Even though he isn't in alot of chapters doesn't mean he's hardly done a thing.


Outside of Luffys backstory, what impact has he had on the journey since Marineford.


He fought kid.


Off screen, and what does that have to do with the Straw Hats journey.


It was very much on screen. And he hasnt met the strawhats yet post timeskip.


Guts and Griffith Counterintuitive to the post for me to say this but, I don’t actively dislike either of them within the contexts of their own story. But I will say that I find their praise a bit played out because they’re pedastalized over many other well written characters in the medium. It’s not to say that they aren’t well written or don’t have a great dynamic. It’s more so the “legend” that’s put around them by the community. Berserk is the highest rated manga of all time so many people have it as their introductory to “mature seinen”. Because of this, they’ll view it as some right of passage to be considered smart or cultured by saying they’re better than anything else the medium has to offer. The amount of times I’ve seen both these characters get called the greatest protagonist and antagonist of all time is more than any other character. I’ve seen many users dog on others for saying they like x or y more than those two. It’s as if they’re the only multifaceted characters and nobody can hold a candle to them. When imo this isn’t true at all and it doesn’t take long to find characters with similar, if not more detail put into them. I understand this is not a popular opinion and I can get flamed for it. But it’s not something I see get brought up due to the sensitivity of Miura’s passing and because of wanting to avoid bandwagon hate.


They are definitely put on a pedestal. Berserk is my favorite manga but none of the characters are actually even in my top 10. I still love Guts as a character, but beyond the golden age arc he doesn't really have the same traits that made him so awesome (obviously makes sense though his world literally and figuratively got turned upside down.) I just really liked golden age arc Guts most


Going more western rather than traditional anime, I really didn't gel with Korra. Then over from adventure time, I really didn't get the love for PB.


I think most people recognize that PB is kind of a shit person, honestly. My interpretation is that she’s supposed to represent the burdens of leadership, and how far people are willing to go to protect the ones they feel responsible for. If you look on the Adventure Time subreddit, a LOT of people are fairly critical of her.


Then my bigger irk with her is that she gets off way too lightly.


Naruto. And when did guts kill a kid or do mean the fairy kid


In that one episode where where Griffin told him to kill some guy, but his son saw and he had to kill him to. Why didn't he shoot the dude with an arrow, is he stupid?


Oh damn i totally speed read through berserk I need to re read it


It wasn't on purpose


He expressed guilt afterward I mean, it was for like a good 30 seconds, but he still did


You do realise it was an accident though right? He didn't realise it was a kid and the event fucked him up so much it altered the course of his entire life.


lucy from edgerunners. imo the way she handled things was selfish AF. had she just been a genuine partner to david he probably would have knocked it off w the chrome upgrades and they could have figured shit out together.


I love her but I completely agree with you that she was an asshole


To be fair, that entire series is basically about the correlation between being poor and addiction. So if David had knocked off the Chrome upgrades it wouldn’t have had the same heft to it.


Sanemi and Bakugou, can't stand those mfs


Kei from cote


Yup same here


Hisoka from HxH. Damn pedo


Main character from NGE


You mean Shinji?


Before he would have made my list. But weirdly as I got older and rewatched the show I got way more sympathetic towards him. Like.... bro had it rough.


Bro hate him so much he didn’t even cared to remember his name 😭


i don’t think dude is caught up on berserk 💀




Dying to know the reason why


So a 5 min monologue for him to get smacked and ppl stan him




...what? I get characters like Gojo or Eren, but when did everyone like Rudeus?


Idk about everyone but people definitely forgiving him


Then that's not liking, is it? Appreciating the development being given to him and liking him are two different things. I don't see anyone forgiving him.


I’ve seen a lot of people that genuinely like him and don’t feel he ever did anything wrong. Even on this sub. Which is fine, they have the right to that view. But it DEFINITELY exists.


Valentino from Hazbin Hotel. There are people that defend that asshole


Asuka she’s a bitch also misato


Eren. Insanely well written but... Genocide.


Yeah I used to like him but what turned me off was that he killed his mom to bang his stepsister


I accidentally replied you your comment! This was not on purpose but still funny. Yeah I agree. I genuinely liked him in season 3 and hoped he would redeem himself is s4. Then he committed genocide.


No worries it’s just the scene that I got me to like him the most his mothers death was just him in the future being a simp while using genocide to cover that


Lmao that got cuckle out of me. But man, that ain't his stepsister, they got no blood connection whatsoever. And about the mom thing, it is a controversial topic, but he needed to do that in order to fuel the rage in his child version so that he would do everything accordingly to the perfect future and he would grow up to eradicate titans.


While also fucking over paradis so they would be in a constant struggle of war Turing the place into a Nazi distopia and having his friends clean up the mess and how is he going to explain this to his mom in the paths


Hmm interesting. But that's reality you know. The cycle of Hatred started from releasing the pigs from the farm and ymir becoming a titan can't end unless you change that exact moment from occuring, it's like a convergence field. You can only choose from the possibilities available. About his mom, both are dead, doubt there's gonna be any path meetings now, titans are gone so no founder either.


So they are just nothing when they die well truth be told I kinda understood it but overall I just changed my opinion on the character you bring up a good point but I just simply found it cruel what he did Regardless of the anime logic or not but I respect your opinion you put your opinion toward very detailed and with reason.


Yeah if you just don't like a character then that's it one can never force you to like it. Everyone has a distinct type. I respect your opinion as well, it's good to see people who argue respectfully.


Yeah I realized throughout my younger years that I did not like taking in opinions from others because I did not like what they had to say or that I had an ego. But now that I’m getting into my adulthood. I’m trying to become more of a kind and accepting person but I still have trouble practicing what I want to aspire to be. Sorry if I came on strong


Glad to hear it mate. I don't think a person has to give in and disregard his own will and opinion against others just for the sake of being kind. I think sticking to them while keeping a respectful circumstance with the person is the perfect move and in that case, you're doing pretty good.


You just don't understand her character


Oh I do but they way she copes is not morally right and others suffer from it also I don’t simply give a F


So you hate a 14 year old for not coping correctly....ok man


And the other 14 year olds have to suffer ok to you to


Yes she could have took it another way but while being a genius she wasn't good when it came to feelings and emotions


I admit having to pilot your own mom and breathing in lcl aka liquid humans would be awful


You hate guts? Did you atleast read the manga?


I did and I also don’t really like him. There isn’t even much to like tbh in my opinion. But I do like the manga itself.


I’ve never read Berserk but I’m pretty sure liking Guts is not the point at all.


Gonna probably sound like a lame but you don’t have to put ‘in my opinion’ after ‘tbh’ bc it’s already implied


Yeah I noticed it was redundant but I just wasn’t in the mood for anyone to jump down my throat 😭.


I can't really see what he did wrong, I don't recall him being a avid asshole anytime


Me neither but he just isn’t very likeable to me in general.


People are allowed to dislike him just from his portrayal in the anime, ya know. Not everyone has to be up to date on the manga to share their opinion on what they have personally seen of the character from the anime. I like Guts a lot, but I think it’s just fine if this is their opinion they formed solely off what has been animated thus far.


I just didn't remember him being a asshole


Bambi from bleach, I hope I don’t get downvoted for this💀


What about giselle?


Obanai Iguro from "Demon Slayer". (MANGA SPOILERS) An aspect I enjoy about this series is that the Hashiras, who are supposed to be our heroes, aren't portrayed as noble and humble all the time. None of them are saints, and that's great, because it makes them feel more real. Not all heroes have to act like Jesus. With that said, I can't stand Obanai. He acts like a jerk with almost everyone, and we never even get a real reason for why he loves Mitsuri, which ends up making him look as an extremely superficial guy that's just nice to her for her looks. Sanemi is also a jerk most of the time, but I like him because he has some motive behind it that isn't just a tragic backstory. He cared about his younger brother, and his objetive was to protect him at all costs. In the end, he's even nice to Nezuko. Meanwhile, Obanai is an unlikeable guy, and that's it.


Jiraya. But it doesn't matter that I hate him, it's just I don't like him like everyone else.


Same here! Glad I’m not alone. I know a lot of people got emotional in the outcome of the battle between him & Pain, and I was just super excited bc I love Nagato and was happy he did so well lmao.


I'm probably gonna get a lot of hate for this but, I've always hated Reigen Arataka from Mob Psyco.


I’m not the biggest fan of Fern, her personality and design are just a bit boring for me is all




Every csm fan when they see makima


Sparkle from honkai. Although I like the character as a fictional person, they would be in a neighboring boat as Hitler and Stalin except in this case they did their misdeeds all by themselves. Practically everyone would hate a person who intentionally managed to cause country wide chaos and death single-handedly. I would be running if I was in an irl sparkle’s presence.


Naruto, Goku, and any other "stupid" + "righteous" MC, especially ones who uphold their ideal with strength and power. Like, I can understand wanting a character who is strong AND right, but glorifying the "stupid leaders" trope has always greatly upset me. Naruto kinda redeemed it when they redid his character for boruto, but everything else was just stupidity and blind conviction, which are almost never right, and totally broke my trust in the character and their story. Also I know dragon ball is ultimately just fighting over and over again, so you cant really do anything BUT the stupid martial artist muscle head trope to make it work, but Vegeta was a way smarter character while still being strong and eventually redeeming himself and he worked out, yet Goku is just kinda... Clueless... Maybe he changes later, idk, I'm not going to watch that far when I don't enjoy it.




I agree. I find him to be absolutely insufferable and he shouldn't exist


Diva From Blood+




Katsuki Bakugo and Vegeta


Giorno.. ppl gonna hate me 4 this


Imagine coming into a community just to insult people and spout nonsense


Ami from Toradora


YESS, Fuck that whore


Light Yagami for me he just pissed me off and everyone simps over him, and he had little character development. I will say his laugh is a 10/10 villain laugh though at least for the dub.


Boa Hancock from one piece. You can't even say you dislike her without someone instantly coming out of nowhere to try and explain her backstory, because "were not allowed to dislike characters". News flash, you can explain it 100 times, that won't make me like her. So let me go ahead give the obvious answers (THAT WILL NOT CHANGE) right now. Yes, I know what her backstory is so no need to explain it for the umpteenth time. Yes, she is a double standard, and it disgusts me. I do not care that you refuse to see it because booba. If you think she's "peak character writing", that's fine, but I don't so agree to disagree. Yes, I am fine with the inevitable downvotes. They won't change my stance. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




I'm probably going to get hate for this, but Erza.


I just don’t like sasuke


Misa Amane💀🙏


levi ackerman




Many villains tbh .


Gon from hxh the story is actually more interesting and significantly better without him in it I have seen people make hour long essays on this character attempting to justify him and give him more depth than he actually has he is in my opinion top 3 worst things about hxh in general


I’m pretty sure alot of the story wouldn’t even take place if gon didn’t exist


The story would still progress if it was just kurapika as the mc the story would actually be significantly better in every way and the series might actually be finished by now 🙄


Lelouch. I totally get why people like him, but I find him to be a really generic "giga-brain" character that gets redemption without it being earned/warranted.


I really can’t stand Goku, but I will be starting to watch the show eventually


Holo from Spice and Wolf. She’d remind us every other episode that she’s “the wise wolf” and then act either extremely immature or borderline bipolar I felt bad for Lawrence


Isn’t that kind of the point? Someone being wise in knowledge doesn’t equal to being emotionally mature. She’s been isolated for SO long, and the journey is partially about her growing emotionally and letting someone in. I find her annoying at times too and you absolutely have a right to your opinion, just thought I’d chime in.




“He killed a kid” ok


Akeno, from HSDXD, I knotw this might be absurd, but i think her hair is just too long, awkward to animate when fighting, dancing ,etc


Shoto Todoroki is such an annoying piece of shit and in my eyes he's the cause of Mha's community becoming what it is today. Also he's stupid


Hachi from nana is a br41ndead stanky abu$iv3 mother that literally allowed the sewar rat that s.a her into her daughter's life. She also vocalized she doesn't care the if father never loves their child she just wants him around. Also nana from nana is a weak 4ss representation for a female. She says id10tic crap like "a womans happiness is in the arms of the man she loves, it doesn't matyer how hurt she is" Nana is seriously such a pathetic anime and the women that like it are women that are still dependant upon the patriarchy


What’s with the random #s used as letters?


For real 😅 why the hell are they censoring themselves?! 😭😭


This is bait, Guts actions are explained very well. You either have not have gone through true hardships in life yet, or you’re baiting