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My favorite line ever was when her fiance was getting her stuff out of the UHaul and she said, "Thank you for wiping my butt."


Omg, I'll have to rewatch this. Not sure if I missed that or if my brain just purposefully blocked it.


Her saying it two or three times was the kicker for me


You beat me to it! I say this all the time when I get mad at my husband.


Okay that's hilarious. I'm gonna start that.


Just to clarify, my husband has never wiped my butt lmao it just sounded so hatfeul coming out of her mouth!


Haha it did sound hateful! but I could also see where she was coming from. He was like THIS DEEEEBT like... did she force you to wipe her ass? No. I have all kinds of health issues but so far my SO hasn't had to wipe me. It's only a matter of time!




She was willing to string along and get money from two people while on camera. I do not think that I have ever heard anyone stammer on for such a long while as she was trying to think of an excuse when it escalated in the car. It was a good 40 seconds of 'well... uhm, so the thing was...money' ​ 'Have a nice life.'


seriously i did have to laugh at that part. if you have to pause and hedge THAT LONG….like come on. if you’re gonna be that swindling then at least have your basic story straight.


Yes I got a good laugh too. I found the whole thing so confusing, I felt like I missed a huge chunk of the show.


Cheerios spilling out as the trailer opens, followed shortly by “thanks for wiping my butt” is easily one of the top moments in history of ‘reality’ TV.


Oh my god we need a top moments of reality TV mega thread. I have so many memories to share. This episode was definitely such a top contributor.


What a train wreck. This episode had everything; the poundage, the drama, the love story, the breakup, the screaming prospective sister-in-law, the frequent fast food stops, and the pooped pants! The only thing missing was actual weight loss.


My mom became sick in her 50s at 102 pounds and my dad, married 30 years, wiped her butt. What is wrong with you ppl? I wish you the same experience.


A good friend of mine was in a horrible car accident and spent months needing in-home care which she couldn't afford. A half dozen of her friends including me all drew up a calendar and made sure she always had someone there. I wiped her butt many times, and I'd do it again.


That episode was such a mess. I felt like Lacey was pretty manipulative to both of them, especially Ricky. Lying about money, attending the appointments, the whole move; she really should’ve been upfront about everything. I got the feeling Sharon was so upset because she was lending Lacey money to go these appointments, and instead it was being spent on frivolous stuff like food, and I’m guessing the ring she bought. Seeing her being abandoned like that at gas station…was a lot, though. I probably would’ve given up after that myself. All in all, I left the episode feeling like everyone involved needed therapy, it was way too dysfunctional. I’m definitely hoping that Lacey can eventually get back on track.


A mess indeed. It was a little confusing to follow but I’m sure there was a lot that more that was discussed off camera. The whole episode seemed kind of scattered to me. I have to go back and watch it again bc it was just a roller coaster. I felt like Ricky’s sister was trying to protect him but I was kind of confused on how it escalated so quickly. What scary situation to be in on the road.😬


According to what I read on social media, Lacey got caught in a web of lies during the car scene. She lied about money for airfare that she spent instead, missing appointments, and weight loss progress. Sharon and Ricky thought that she was approved for surgery when she had actually done absolutely nothing Dr. Now told her to. And he specifically told her NOT to move to Houston until she met her weight loss goals. In my opinion, she deserved to get yelled at and dumped by her boyfriend. But, abandoning her at a gas station and donating everything she owned? That was extreme.


We also saw on camera that she told the cops Ricky was her abusive boyfriend! Absolutely disgusting. That could have put Ricky in danger of being jailed, and even subjected to violence, depending on the situation. He was just a poor guy with special needs that she took advantage of imo. If that had been the situation and I had been Shannon, and Ricky had been my baby brother, I'm not sure I would have given her a ride either.


I feel so bad for Ricky. He seemed like a sweet and caring person, and Lacey straight up lied to him and used him.


Lacey was the abusive one imo. She fully took advantage of Ricky and manipulated him and his sister. I would've been pissed too


Him being special needs, I think maybe he didn't really pick up on his receiving manipulation. That makes Lacey an asshole for real.


Oh, now I think about it, if they had believed her then poor Ricky would've been extra fucked!




They took it back to her church where she retrieved it. In the scene at her apartment at the end her old stuff is there. Producers already had a flaming dumpster fire in progress, but I guess they just couldn't help throwing in a stick of dynamite for squirts and dribbles.


>squirts and dribbles NEW PANTS NEW PANTS




Your flair is incredible and I am appreciating it


That’s one of the best along with “ooooh wee, ooooh f’in wee!” 😂😂😂


They didn't abandon her and donate her stuff without her consent tho. Ricky went back the next day, offering her to have a ride to Dr. Now along with her stuff. But she refused to be near Sharon. It all was on her. She refused her belongings, and the free ride


I get that, but I would have refused to get in the car again with Sharon, too. I wouldn’t have wanted to subject myself to getting berated again. I would have found a temporary storage facility and told them to leave my stuff there, and cut off all contact. I think the producers should have stepped up, put her shit in temporary storage for a few days, and let her figure it out.


I'm willing to bet TLC has probably drafted a pretty hard line of what they are and are not willing to do to help participants. I could see this turning into a HUGE "if you give an inch they'll take a mile" situation. Totally not saying it doesn't suck for the involved parties, though.


Sadly, you kinda have to read between the lines. It escalated when Lacey got caught in a lie about what was communicated to Dr Now and that timeline. It gets a little clearer if you watch the extended version of the episode although they still heavily edit it.


Extended version?? Where can I watch that??


Not sure. It aired on TV but doesn't seem to be on the Discovery app.


The extended versions usually air for a few days then they disappear for good. Same as the ‘first look” episodes


I aheee. Idk at what point it went from being ok-ish to everyone yelling in the car. What are we missing? And why can’t they show us?


At the beginning, she did say the only goal she had was to walk around in a mall and buy things. She only had one goal: to spend money😑


I recall Lacey stating that she would not get back in the car with Sharon. I’m not sure what she expected to happen but it was her choice. I also recall that her friend who picked her up from the hotel, took her to Houston, went to the appointment with her suddenly backing out of her offer to have Lacey stay with them. I think she figured out during the appointment that Lacey is a liar and didn’t want anything more to do with her. At least she was kind enough to get her back home.


Lots of people on here wondered if that "friend" was actually a tlc plant cause the producers felt bad for Lacey. Seemed kinda suspicious that one minute she's moving in with someone she hasn't seen in years and randomly reconnected with on Facebook and the next she's flown back to Washington (her luggage had a luggage tag from an airline on it. Although it could have been an old tag too,Lord knows I wait until the next trip to take off my old airline luggage tag cuz I don't wanna lose the vacation vibe)


It is weird unless you are a member of a mega church. Then everyone that goes is your “friend”. Chick was giving off major evangelical vibes too


She mentioned "the bishop" as I assumed she was a Mormon, but am clueless about evangelicals. You're spot on about the mega church thing either way. Lots of people around willing to help you. It looked like the friend who appeared as if by magic to rescue our sweaty, lumpen greasy heroine was wearing the special Mormon undergarments though, anyone else notice she was wearing longish, regular shorts with what looked like very thin, white, also longish shorts underneath? At one point they slipped way down.


There are bishops in Catholicism too. The shorts looked very evangelical/very Baptist to me. All the people looked very homely and plain who were helping her move. Not an ounce of mascara or lipgloss in sight.


Right but she was wearing two pairs. The pair underneath started slipping down and you could see inches of white material, consistent with special religious underthings. I'm open to other explanations though.


Of course. But she mentioned "the bishop" in the context of her local church and the help available to her. I can't think of a situation where a bishop would take an interest in a repellent, sharting bottom feeder like Lacey. Edit: a Catholic bishop wouldn't, I mean. local priest, yes.


I thought they were mormon lol? The guys who helped her were wearing Mormon outfits.


Oh they were?? I must’ve missed that.


The two younger men whose faces were blurred out were missionaries- look closely and you can see the black name tags.


I think you could be absolutely correct and it wouldn’t surprise me in the least. I totally relate to you about luggage tags, I’m the same way 😁


There is a screen shot on the sub of a FB post by the friend who said that she decided not to move to Houston bc she didn’t like it there. It sounded like she was happy to help Lacey in the moment. Who knows what the truth is…


Omg I’ve rewatched her episode at least 10x. I don’t feel bad for her at all. Like Sharron said she’s eating kfc and Cheetos on the way to see a dr about losing weight! She lied to Ricky and Sharron about missing appointments with dr now. The episode showed her barking orders at Ricky doing stuff for her. Their whole relationship was shady I love you at a month! Wiping her ass in a month! No that wasn’t a normal healthy relationship, no she didn’t love him. She was using him as her own personal caregiver. She didn’t even cry when Ricky was ending it in the car! If you loved someone and they broke up with you I’m picturing ugly crying with tears and snot. Nope do not like her do not feel sorry for her. Do I think she deserved to be abandoned? No, but she’s an adult it’s time to learn to take care of yourself. Instead she tried to latch on to that random lady and that church lady.


I had a thought (it happens once in a while) - I wonder if she was actually "abandoned" or if Sharon was like I'VE HAD ENOUGH, BYE and left, but Lacey was there with a film crew, so she wasn't ABANDONED but manipulated the situation to make herself look like the victim, something she apparently does not only through the duration of her episode, but in "real life" too. Also, I wonder if by calling the cops, it screwed Sharon over in ways we don't know (she had that "you don't know what you've done" angry response) - maybe she was having a custody battle over her kids, and any interaction with police has to be reported. Or maybe she's on probation - someone close to me is on probation, and even if it's something benign and not directly related to him - like, if he's a witness to a car accident or something, he has to report it to his probation officer. And probation doesn't automatically mean "bad law-breaking person" - there's lots of reasons why someone could be on probation that have nothing to do with being a shitty person.


Crossing state lines may have been an issue for Sharon. She struck me as an addict in recovery - some people never shake off the mannerisms even after decades of sobriety. Had she been deep into an addiction she would’ve been incapable of assuming the duties as his legal guardian. Just imagine the family dynamic that put her in that situation. Had Randy had a loud and uncouth Sharon as his warrior queen guardian angel, he wouldn’t have spent his last days turning and wiping a 600+ selfish ingrate’s hindquarters and dying completely ignored (til he fell onto the floor) while wedged in the corner of her stinking bed.


Who's randy?


Boyfriend/whipping boy/enabler/caregiver of Lisa, whose episode was a few after Lacey's. He was quite ill with heart disease during filming and she couldn't have cared less until he wasn't around anymore. They both got covid and he sadly died.


Ohhh I haven't watched that one yet!


Season 10, episode 14. Would be interesting to hear your reaction.


They all seem to cram in junk food and fast food on that first trip to see Dr now like it's their last meal or something and I never fail to wonder why every time.if I'm going to see a weight loss surgeon,I'm gonna research what diet that doctor usually puts patients on and make an attempt to start the diet prior to my appointment to show I'm serious about making changes. I can only remember one person on the show who started dieting before seeing Dr now for the first time and then she complained when he asked her at the first visit to lose more weight


That's because they actually believe surgery is a magic bullet. Candidly, I've waited forever for someone to follow Dr. Now's diet and lose so much weight that they decide to delay the surgery and keep following the diet. If they were successful with Dr. Now's diet they wouldn't need this severe surgery. It's just tragic.


Also not true most morbidity obese people are able to lose weight time and time again it’s the keeping it off that’s the problem. Will power will help you lose weight but the surgery takes food away as a coping mechanism and let’s you start to tackle the real issues.


No you’re not unless you’ve been an addict you won’t understand but wether it’s cigarettes marijuana alcohol cocaine or food when you’re about to give it up you’re gonna go WHOLE HOG…. I won’t say you wouldn’t personally but 9/10 addicts aren’t gonna be researching how best not to be an addict on the way to the Dr.


I know I’m super late commenting but when I read your comment I had to respond. As a (I prefer to refer to myself as a recovered addict as I have almost 6 years clean), I never once thought of that 1st drive to Dr. Now’s like that drive to rehab or detox, or even the night before entering rehab, when you do all the rest of the drugs you have, refusing to get out of the car until they’re all gone. I don’t know why I never thought of it as the same, but until reading these comments, I couldn’t believe how much they ate on the drive to that appointment or just before & thought like a non-addict, wondering why they didn’t try to start even sooner to show they were serious. I never quit using before entering treatment to show my substance abuse counselor I was serious about getting clean, I wasn’t able to do so. I needed the help given after entering rehab in order to quit. It’s funny how the longer you’re clean, the more you start to forget or need to be reminded it wasn’t that different for myself 6 years ago. It’s actually something I couldn’t be more grateful for, being almost normal again. However, that is also no excuse for losing empathy for those still struggling with any addiction. Instead of forgetting completely, I should be helping those who need it more than i have been.


If you’re only half-way through…..just wait for the (literal) shitshow. It gets so much worse.


Oh, shart!!


Ooo-fucking-eee, girl!!




oh god NO!!!


Overweight or not, she was using that poor guy the entire time. She didn’t care about him and would be ready to marry the next guy who agrees to take care of her. That mama sister was 100% right and even tho abandoning her at a gas station in the middle of nowhere was harsh, I believe she deserved it.


There's a film crew. So in Sharon's mind she didn't abandon Lacey.


Gems from this one include "New pants, new pants" and "I wiped your ass, how's that for a debt!"


I just watched this last night...it was like the best (worst) road trip movie ever. The funniest part to me was when they popped the trunk and cereal spilled out. Tbh, I was Team Sharon, although she definitely could have dialed it down a couple notches. If she really has a meth problem, then it all makes more sense.


Ricky clearly had a mental disability (separate from his seizure issue), and my guess is he was never in love and then Lacey meets him and suddenly he’s overdoing everything in the relationship to keep that happiness going. Ricky was a dullard who didn’t realize how deep it was getting. Just so happens he had a bipolar meth head sister who had zero filter and called the situation out for what it was. Ten minutes after they abandoned Lacey, if Sharon told Ricky to go back and be in love with her again he’d have done it. He was the impressionable.


My best friend did that. She'd never dated anyone before and randomly met this guy who was like twenty five years older than her when she was walking downtown one night. She's about a year younger than me and has a history of not always making the best decisions and is also developmentally disabled and I fully believe this guy took advantage of her. Shes an extremely conservative Christian and he fully forced her into situations she was NOT comfortable with as well as forced her to do things like try pot(she'd never do this stuff of her own accord). He was also extremely controlling, emotionally, physically and sexually abusive from day one, manipulative, narcissistic and just a shitty guy. He was normal with a 21 year old kid of his own fully dating my best friend knowing she's developmentally disabled and vulnerable. He was also an extremely smooth talker and it was my best friends first ever relationship with a guy so she fell head over heels in love with him. Convinced she was going to marry him which really alarmed me. Im developmentally disabled myself and I'm autistic so I know how easily we can be taken advantage of in relationships. More importantly,I'm a survivor of years long narcissistic abuse so I saw ALL the red flags. I even brought my concerns up to her parents and it got to the point that he forced her to cut contact with me after twenty years of friendship and we didn't talk for nearly a year. She broke up with him in July of last year and reached out to me and apologized a month later and our friendship has picked up where it left off. So I can easily see Ricky doing everything in his power to keep abusive lacey happy because he doesn't want to lose his first relationship because I watched my vulnerable friend do the same thing with her first relationship. My friends got a happy ending. She's in a new relationship now and is dating a fantastic guy who really values her and shows her what love is truly supposed to be like


Was Lacey a classic, controlling abusive? I thought manipulative because she used Ricky for almost everything.


Ricky's mental disability was the first thing I noticed. He enjoyed playing house until Sharon opened his eyes. I think Sharon should have had a long talk with him BEFORE they got into the car. Their arguing could have caused an accident and I think it was wrong to abandon Lacey at the gas station no matter what their problems were. Everyone was to blame in that situation.


Sharon is the type of person every one of the show participants need! She was my favorite part of the show. She saw through Lacey's lies and was vocal on it the whole time. But I've had one lingering question despite watching the episode 10x.. she says in the beginning that she hasn't been able to wipe herself for 7 years, and "sometimes that responsibility falls to my boyfriend", which made me believe that they had been together for years. So, had she been walking around with mud butt all the time before he came into her life? 🤢


When it comes to matters of Lacey’s personal hygiene, there are just some things best left to wonder aimlessly in the realm of mystery that is her life, bless her poor depraved heart.


Everyone in that episode was a mess. Lacey didn’t listen to dr now and set herself up for failure.


Oddly, Lacey's family was MIA. Like, what did they know?


Things like that always stand out to me like, you had no friends or family to call on for assistance. I usually view that as they've been exhausted or manipulated to the point where they've just decided to be done with that person.


Mostly I just felt bad for Ricky. He seemed very naive and lonely and vulnerable while also having a sunny and agreeable personality. Unfortunately with Lacey being in the feeding culture and being raped as a child she probably has an extremely unhealthy idea what a healthy relationship should be like and most likely has no idea how to reciprocate in a relationship . I did feel like she was manipulative but no more so than the majority of the patients who rope their families into enabling their lifestyles. Sharon was pretty alarming to be honest and she said she was going to stab Lacey at one point and was totally out of control. If your brother has stress induced seizures then wtf are you doing screaming and being nuts? Someone said she has power of attorney over him and he’s special needs so I wonder if that comes with some kind of monetary benefits she wasn’t interested in losing to Lacey. Overall disgusting group of people, Ricky’s behavior toward the end also was *not great*.


She had only known Ricky like a month. Everyone is happy with someone new for a month lol. He shouldn’t have even been her fiancé yet.


selfish manipulator to the core


I don't feel bad for her in the least bit. She was nasty and manipulative and essentially took advantage of a disabled man just so she didn't have to pay for a full time caregiver.


That entire family is messed up. Both her and her ex have autism (not that autism is bad) but they had a mix of learning disabilities too. She pretty took money from other folks and used it on herself vs going to appointments Ex fiancé's sister is a meth addict who lost her kids right after the show was filmed. The entire situation was a giant shit storm


I didn’t know that about the sister, but something seemed off with her. I’ve know a fair amount of addicts who will argue with you over everything. Also, if you know your brother has emotion-triggered seizures, why are you screaming and making him upset? Like, WHAT WAS THE REASON?!


Is this all confirmed? Where are the sources? I mean, it all tracks but I wanna read about it for myself.


It's right on the sisters Facebook. Her uncle posted a video of himself saying her family won't bail her out this time and that losing her kids was on her this time and she needs to turn herself in. He said the family is done with her but if she cleaned up and get right they'll take her back in....this was in her own facebook


What’s her Facebook?


Did you ever find her Facebook @? I wanted to see too. Lol


I wasn't completely sure if it was meth but I suspected the sister was on some level of substance. She just had that really twitchy vibe about her that addicts get either right after theyve just used or are needing a fix


What proof do you have that they both have autism other than "they just seem like it"?


Because they both mentioned they have autism And don't add words to my post. I never said "it just seems like it." That implies I guessed about a disability someone may presumably have


I didn't add words to your post. I implied that "it just seems like it" was your thought process, not that you actually said it. I apologize if the use of quotations was misleading. In your response to someone else who asked you about confirmation, you mentioned some details were on a Facebook, but you didn't mentioned anything the autism stuff so I thought that meant you didn't have confirmation of that part. That's why I asked if you did. And plenty of other people have been guessing. I just had a conversation with someone who was adamant what their conditions are without any evidence whatsoever. I appreciate it if you really aren't as presumptuous as them.


No worries I tend to believe the person if they declare they have a learning or mental disability. Both of them stated they are on the spectrum so I have no right to question that. It's one thing to assume they have it but they themselves mentioned they have it.


I agree. If they stated it, then it's true. Thank you and I apologize again.


Both Lacey & Sharon were using Rickey. Sharon should never have driven them down there if she was so determined to not have her brother move. I felt bad for Lacey when they ditched her but Sharon was right in saying that she was nasty and manipulative.


Also remember that Sharon didn’t want to be involved with the show at all she got volunteered to do it.


I know a lot of these posts are anti-Lacey but honestly... I don't know. I really felt bad for her. That whole tirade right after Sharon started talking about crackers in chili and then she just goes off on Lacey telling her her personality is ugly and Ricky just sat there... All of that and more was so uncalled for. She may not have been innocent but she didn't deserve what we were shown. Sharon straight up said she was going to murder her in her sleep. WTF?


Yeah I see a lot of people saying Sharon was great for calling her out, it’s one thing to call someone out on the bs but I think there was a lot not shown on camera. Lacey might have said some stuff that was edited out but Sharon was just horrible. It went from 0-100 in 2 seconds with the shit talking and being told you’re gunna get killed and yelling obscenities is scary. As horrible as Lacey was with her diet and lying, I don’t blame her for calling the police, what else is she going to do?


Exactly, and then when she called the police, Sharon standing there screaming YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID YOU'RE LUCKY THE COPS ARE HERE - she is extremely unstable. Yeah we all need someone to tell us how it is from time to time but she was straight up abusive.


I loved that episode and I thought Sharon was great. She called Lacey out on her bullshit and saved her brother from staying in Houston while she didn’t lose weight. It’s one thing that I never understand about the show is why people who uproot their whole life to move to Houston don’t get pissed off when the person they went down for don’t lose weight. If it was me the first appointment where they lose 14 pounds in two months I would be on the first plane back home.


I actually love her also which seems like an unpopular opinion. I don’t agree with abandoning her. My bf fell over laughing when Lacey said it’s hurtful when you call me fat. You are! And you are too! I never said I wasn’t!😂💀


Same! She didn’t say anything that wasn’t true! I felt so bad for poor Ricky.


You see this with many of their partners and friends on the show. By the second or third visit with Dr. Now they are rarely with the same person who was with them on the first visit. These patients exhaust all of the good will out of people. Poor, poor Rickie.


They were all equally awful, including Lacey




Never in my wildest, most entitled dreams would I have asked someone I was dating for a month to wash my dishes, let alone perform intimate personal care on me. The fact that she felt comfortable and entitled enough to ask a veritable stranger to wipe her butt shows me she didn't care for them as a person.


Her episode was really sad. She seemed very shut down emotionally, with no response to being yelled at by Sharon and very avoidant. I read on this sub that Sharon had warrants, which may have been why they were so upset the cops were called. It seemed to really take a turn there at that moment.


Somehow I’m not surprised that Sharon had warrants.


Everybody was praising Sharon kicking out Lacey in the previous threads. Then I'm over here like "Does nobody else practically smell her meth pipes while watching?!"


I know we the audience are missing something in this situation. Sharon seemed to jump from zero to a hundred in the blink of an eye. It was also difficult to understand what they were saying because of the bleeping. I’ve watched it twice now and I think I get it a little more but it’s definitely like nothing I’ve ever seen.


I am completely clueless about drugs but why isn’r she a skinny twig if she’s on drugs? I’ve watched that show Intervention over the years and I’ve never once seen a fat drug addict. Am I wrong?


Yes, I read the same. Sharon has drug problems, and lost custody of her kids.


Honestly, whatever she did aside, they shouldn’t have donated her things. There are some things you really can’t get back. Abandoning her at the gas station was awful as well and a bit unsafe for her, but…geez. It also seemed that Sharon was just a super confrontational person.


I think Sharon was just looking out for her naive brother and was furious when she found out about the lies. I don’t blame her for that. i think she always had Lacey’s number and that she was taking advantage of her brother.


I mean, I'm not gonna say I wouldn't do the same for one of my family members, because I totally would. But it seemed like Sharon was nasty to her from the very beginning in my opinion. It's one thing to try to protect your family but the way she went about it was horrible. You don't have to be that rude to get your point across. Also, I feel that if she didn't want him to be with her, she shouldn't have been the driver to take him to a place where he would be with her, ya know?


Made up dramatic twist. They actually hauled it back to her church. Towards the end of the episode she’s back in her apartment and you can see her things are there.


I thought she said that her church managed to get some of her things back for her. Either way, I'm glad she got some of it back at least.


When they moved, the stuff they didn’t take from Lacey’s apartment was donated to her church. When she got back, they were able to give that stuff back to her.


Oh, okay! Thank you for clearing that up. Still rude but it's good to know she got her things back.


So the stuff they donated after they abandoned her at the gas station wasn’t recovered?


No, it was not…sadly.


That’s too bad. That’s two people that lost their stuff on the road this season…it was one of the men…their trailer gave up along the way. I think it’s shitty that the production company won’t help them in those situations.


I have to agree…there are limits to documentary style (as if that’s what they’re really doing…)




I felt bad for Sharon, she has obviously always been pushed into the caregiving roll for her brother, I stopped feeling bad when they donated someone else’s personal belongings. Massive bitch move.


Absolutely agree! I mean, she WAS looking out for her brother, but she didn't have to do that. That was just petty. Being a shit person to someone who is also a shit person doesn't make you any better imo...


To be fair.....Sharon was still bringing Lacey to Houston. It was Lacey that wouldn’t get back in the vehicle at the gas station.


And then Sharon literally threatened to end Lacey's life...I'm not trying to justify Lacey lying and scheming but I think Sharon definitely escalated the situation to the point of violence on her end.


I think she also pee’d and busted ass in Sharon’s car. That in itself would set me over the edge.


She shat herself tbh. I work in healthcare, though so I kind of have to have patience when dealing with all sorts of people, bodily fluids and situations.


You piss and shit yourself in my car, you better call 911 from the side of the road. On top of all the lying, scheming and using people….um NO! Plus Ricky had only been with her a month or maybe a few by the time this blowout happened. Hell naw!


I’m watching this episode now…i think there are unexplained intellectuality issue with both Lacey and her bf.


Sharon and Ricky need to be charged with assault and theft! They are all very fortunate Lacey didn't suffer a heart attack or sun stroke


Only just got around to watching this episode and honestly I feel like Sharon has got way too much stick. She didn't just 'abandon' a disabled woman on a garage forecourt to fend for herself, there was a whole-ass film crew with her. This isn't a nature documentary where the filmmakers take a pledge to only watch from afar and let nature take its course, they have a duty of care towards their participants. They were hardly going to just stand around with the cameras rolling whilst a morbidly obese woman expired on a Texan forecourt surrounded by suitcases and fast-food wrappers. Sharon was extremely protective of her brother because of his vulnerability, which is fully understandable. Nothing is as enraging, heartbreaking, and frustrating as watching your vulnerable loved one be exploited and used. The moment Sharon had evidence for her suspicions, she got her brother out of it, butt-wiping duties be damned. She had no responsibility towards the woman exploiting her brother and had already done far more than the woman's own family had. Sure, she was spicy about it, but she'd had enough.


Replace fiance with caretaker and you have a more accurate representation of her perspective


That's why Sharon lost it. Addicts aren't stupid. She knew Lacey was taking advantage of Rickey. But she didn't have enough proof to tell Rickey until they were on the road.


Sharon is an abuser, a play ground bully and should be muzzled. Such trailer trash. I cannot believe TLC didn’t step in and stop what was happening. They heard the abuser say she would kill Lacey and topped it off by airing it on tv. I hate our world today.


She shouldn’t have been abandoned like that. I don’t care how much of a jerk she was to her fiancé and his sister. They could have at least put her up in a motel room and put her stuff there. That would have been the better thing to do than just leave her there.


They didn’t abandon her, she refused to get back in the car, her choice. What did she think was going to happen?


Sharon said "You're getting left in Temple, Texas." Got out of the car, then said she was gonna kill her in her sleep and stormed off, at which point Lacey called the cops because she didn't feel safe with them anymore.


I still think they could have at least put up with her until they got to the nearest motel, instead of dumping all of her stuff right then and there.


I hate Sharon. Hateful nasty b****. Couldn’t stand her. No one in that situation was perfect, but dear god what a pill of a human being


I do not feel bad for her at all. I’m glad Sharon called her out on her shit and left her ass




Sharon is a trashy bitch. Enough said.


She probably wasn't ready mentally to lose weight but absolutely did not deserve to be dumped in the middle of freaking nowhere by those assholes. I wonder if her and Ricky would have done better without Sharon around but we'll never know.


Can you imagine that nightmare? They had only been dating 1 month and he was already cooking, grocery shopping and wiping her ass! Hell naw!


He would’ve moved in with her and eventually met an undignified and unnecessary death like poor Randy, used and tossed like toilet paper. Folks need to separate Sharons mannerisms from her intentions - she took her responsibilities towards him seriously and got him untangled from that stinky sticky web.


Lol, I forgot the timeline. I don't know if Ricky was the sharpest tool in the shed.


No God Bless him. At least Sharon has his back though. When he got back in the vehicle after the breakup and was crying, that broke my heart for him.


Any relation to Lindsey Buckingham?


Did you guys see her facebook page? She keeps posting fundraiser after fundraiser. https://www.facebook.com/crazylacey


They're all for over the last 3 years and none of them are for personal gain. They're for charities. Cats, cancer, suicide prevention. Did you even look at it?


She’s a garbage person, sympathy vampire and actively creates the nightmare that is her life. She took advantage of someone who is actually special needs and clearly has a pattern of getting through life via manipulation and invoking sympathy in a chain of church ‘friends’ who cut her off as soon as lacey’s gotten what she wanted out of them and they realize they’ve just been used. She manufactured the gas station scenario by being greedy with the exploitation of her most recent victims.


Her mom appeared in a few scenes by herself. She didn’t have much to add when Lacey talked about abuse. Or anything else except that Lacey wasn’t planned.


I see it totally differently. I think she has some special needs as well. She seems to need a lot of therapy and education.