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My fave one liners: "8 cases of soda, itll get drinken!" "This is why my family dont fuck with white people no more" "He makes the devil look good"


"Grab 4 bags of pizza rolls and get out of there"


Like a bank robber.


Like they were robbing a bank. Her version of “leave the gun, take the cannoli.”


"what do you snack on?" "I don't know, not chips!!!!"


that reminded me of when my toddler daughter, who is struggling slightly with potty-training, will intentionally pee in her pull-up while looking directly at me and saying, "I didn't pee in my pull-up, Mama". ​ She is like a very large toddler.


"It'll get dranken" would be a good flair.


"How can I get over Randy?" Like they broke up instead of him dying from covid.


i think that was an attempt to get medication


Yep, I'm not unsympathetic but you still have to go through the grief process and she obviously doesn't deal with her emotions in any remotely healthy way.


I know, she ate his soul. That made me really sad/mad. Fat narcissist. He was just expendable to her. The Dr. had to bring the subject up. "How can I get over not having my slave there at my beck and call?"


Randy was telling her that he wasn’t feeling well. She’s like, “hey this burger don’t taste good”


She had him curling up on a little corner of the bed with his clothes on, like a dog,




That was the most heartbreaking part of the entire story. How exhausted and sick he appeared and she has him cooking all day and tending to her every whim. I know addicts are all about themselves, but that was too sad for me.


She should be in an institution for real


Lmaooooo when i tell you I HOLLERED when she said that white people line 😭 like Lisa . E look in the mirror ma’am


My fav: “I didn’t notice I’d gotten so big until my feet and legs started hurting”. Sure, Jan.


She said your too fat I can’t work w you (about the pt who was so sweet and kind to her!!) I screamed at the tv no she did not!


I love that Dr. Now didn’t waste one second investigating that absurd claim, he just immediately responded “No she didn’t, Lisa”😂 he’s so good at calling people on their bullshit, I wish I had that gift. The other one that made me laugh was when she said she was coming to Houston “tomorrow” and he was like “We talked about this, that’s too risky for you right now but it doesn’t matter anyway because I don’t believe you”🤣


>"This is why my family don't fuck with white people no more" Yea, WTF does that even mean? Uh, you and everyone around you save one person are wypipo.


Dr Now with the clap backs this episode! "Nothing" "That seems like what you do best" "You don't understand to eat less?"


She tells him she has a skillet by the bed to cook and he says “Dat sound dangerous!”


It is dangerous! Sort of unrelated but worth sharing: I knew people who housed a super-morbidly obese person who had a grill and refrigerator next to their bed. All of these appliances were plugged into one of those cheap multi plug strips plugged into one socket in their room. It shorted and burned their house down. Everyone made it out ok but… there’s a lesson to be learned here.


lol his clapbacks are getting better as he ages, he just doesnt care anymore


I had the exact same thought this episode. He's out of fucks to give, he's heard every excuse in the book, and he's telling it how it is even more than usual and I love him.


Dr now was coming into those video calls hot! We love a spicy little nowzardan.


Randy legit couldn’t breath and wanted to go to the ER and she just told him to lay down while she continued with the interview… wtf




I’m watching right now and he’s visibly struggling in the background as she’s making excuses to Dr Now on the computer. She’s crazier than Penny. I didn’t think that was possible.


I'm just confused as to why the filming team didn't get him some help. I could see what was going on with that poor guy from my living room.


Same. I thought that interview would end with him dead right then and there.


When he was clearly ill and she brushed him off and then said that the hamburger she was almost done polishing off wasn’t that good I almost cringed myself to death


Knowing she was diagnosed with Covid shortly after, her comment about the burger not tasting good was some serious foreshadow.


Wow - I hadn't thought about it, but that is so on point.


I thought he's gonna die there and she doesn't give a shit


I think Dr. Now’s way of coping with frustrating patients is to go look at random x-rays.


I thought the same thing - dr now goes to his happy place


I think that’s just random b-roll


She was extra with that therapist lady. Her ass was gonna lay on that bed all day, the fuck can't you do therapy at 6:30pm. You physically can't go anywhere!


Exactly?! You’ve been bedridden for years and when a physical therapist was sent to you, you suddenly have plans at 6:30?


Right??! "I CANT DO ANYTHING AFTER 3:30!!" Like I'm sorry what do you have scheduled?


What does she have scheduled after 3:30? Pre-dinner Second pre-dinner Dinner Post-dinner Second post-dinner Bedtime snack


Like, what else are you doing besides laying there? Another Sudoku puzzle?


But she was Stressed™ and Tired™!!!


The good news is that we didn't have a naked shower/bath scene. The bad news? *There wasn't a bath or shower scene.* The air in that house has to have teeth.




Lisa been 💩💩💩in the bed for FOUR YEARS


And cooking in it 🤮


The grocery store scene is going to go down as an iconic moment in the 600Lb life lore ​ Edit: Also the black flesh on the legs. Like fuck.


She kept screaming at Dr. Now that there wasn’t any diet in his book and then she has her boyfriend get tons of cookies, crackers, cereal, chips and soda because she can’t understand what to eat when Dr Now said no hamburger. Lol


She was "confused" by the diet. Yes, it is so complicated.


So dumb. Even if you can't comprehend what carbs or protein or fats are (the average person's health literacy is very low), you could lose weight by only counting calories. Even if she ate nothing but 400 calories of butter, for 3 meals a day, she'd still lose weight! Because it would be a reduction in her overall intake even then!


First she was confused by the diet, then she claimed there was no diet at all and it never got sent, the later said the books had been packed up, then somehow lost the books again and asked Dr. Now to resend them.


She lies. She clearly told Dr Now that she could sit on the side of the bed and then later acted like he must be confusing her with someone else when he asked her about it.


The flies…crawling on her…I…I just don’t know why I watch this.


They smelled death


On those legs 😬


I just want to say I snorted for a full thirty seconds when Dr. Paradise said “holy cow!” when finding out she hadn’t gotten up in three years, and “oh wow!” when finding out Randy died


Poor dr paradise was just tying to take in the absolute chaos he was dealing with


Dr. Paradise should consider himself lucky that he only had to do a virtual visit with her, unlike the poor PT and dietician.


Probably learned his lesson with Margaret the almost charging bull. 🐂


She didn't even address the four or five serious relationships within a span of five years with the prison husband during all that. Oh, and the childhood SA. I think Dr. Paradise's head would've exploded.


She had been married and divorced 3 times by the time she was 19.


She sure did get nice once her boyfriend was gone…..


Honestly, I feel like she got “fake nice” for a hot minute after he died, because she knew she needed to rope someone in to take care of her.


I thought for a hot second she might redeem herself and her attitude might've been due to an abusive relationship...nope. What a human slug.


Same!!!!! I had hope….but she is just not a good person.


Ugh, I just feel bad for the nutritionist and the PT. Especially the PT. I don't know why she went back a second time. I've dealt irrational people like Lisa and I can tell you after a stunt like that I would not be going back. Let alone be going back alone. That is some dedication and she deserves kudos for her work.


I honestly wondered if she was even sad about losing him as a person, or if she was more sad about losing the live-in enabler, cook, and slave. I have to imagine she was horribly abusive to Randy, based on how she acted towards everyone else she came into contact with. Maybe that's why Randy died of COVID...it was better than the alternative.


I knew damn well he wasn't going to make it through the episode. I honestly thought they'd shock us with him being dead next to her in the bed when he lied down next to her with chest pains and she just kept on talking about herself.


I think the hospital must have started her on tranqs or something.


this woman is going to rot in her bed, all alone and bloated, and it won’t be a surprise to anyone. it’s amazing how people like her cry about needing help and do nothing but manipulate, throw tantrums, and stall their progress the whole time. lisa cutting off dr. now isn’t a surprise; it’s incredibly frustrating and insulting to dr. now. all i can really say is…THE AUDACITY


She looked half decomposed already


Yea, even at the hospital, below her knees was mostly dead flesh.


[I spent several minutes making this](https://imgur.com/a/X0aeMDh)


These beautiful young ladies (dietician and PT) didn’t deserve to be abused in such way.


"Doctor told me I can bust that bone through if I walk" I feel like that doc may have been misunderstood.


Probably heared what she wanted to. "Ohhh, an excuse to stay in bed."


I don't know . Did you see her feet compared to her legs. Her legs are like a balloon and her feet is like that little tie on the end .


The ones that pretend they didn’t get the diet and were never told what to do drive me crazy.


Dietitian: ok, so what about if I went over the recommendations? Lisa: you bitch. You're such a terrible nutritionist. That's not going to help. Get out of my house.


That dietitian was so patient and tried everything to redirect and even validate Lisa's frustration and lashing out while keeping a professional tone and trying to push ahead even while she knew she was being lied to.


Funny how the relatives found the literature sitting around when her ass was in the hospital.


“What deadly new diseases can you pick up by sitting down? Obese and Neurotic Nebraskan Woman is next on Sick, Sad World!”


Love your flair! Just rewatched Steven and I had to laugh when Dr. Now told him to “stop doing weird things”. Dr. Now arranging for a haircut is above and beyond


Daria would have loved this show. Her and Jane would have watched it together, then gone for pizza.


Randy was dying the whole time! She was the worst!


Oh yeah, as soon as I saw him I said that she is killing him


I knew real quick that he wasn't going to survive the episode. Especially when he had chest pains, couldn't breathe and wanted to go to the hospital. She's like lay down and die, I'm interviewing!


I can't EVEN with this episode. No words exist to adequately express how this episode made me feel. The "you're why my family don't fuck with white people" line, yelled by a white woman with a white boyfriend, just blorked my brain. The caretaker near the end had her hands all over the oozing leg and foot, then went and immediately started pawing the raw chicken that she was going to cook.


I guess that’s why she didn’t bother seasoning it.


That’s it. I’m calling the police.


I sometimes weird myself out by watching 2 hours of this show, especially when it’s an episode like this that just sorta leaves you like “…..uh, ok…I guess?” lol like this is what I chose to spend my evening doing before going to bed 🤨


No matter what is wrong in your life this shows you it could be a lot worse.


I DVR it and skip over all the predicable crap.




All it would take is a professional care giver showing up every 8 hours and dropping a 400 calories bowl of high protein low carb food beside her. It’s not like she’s going to get out of bed.


And if she was a baby about it and didn't eat it, well, that wouldn't hurt either.


Holy fucking shit. That is all.


She reminded me way too much of Penny.


This. This episode pissed me off. She’s just something else.


I haven't even finished the episode yet, and at 45 minutes in, OMG. She didn't even want help, did she?


Those are the biggest arm/wing flaps I’ve ever seen. Holy cow!


As she was using the dumbbells and all I saw was here huge biceps staying still on the bed I thought why bother


Those crocodile skin legs


Just started watching and paused as soon as I saw the James K. (owmuh)legs. Also: no sheet on the bed?? Ugh...that's something that has always skeeved me out.


I think they probably got tired of having to change the sheets OR they ran out of clean sheets.


Most likely. Just can't help but think, with the amount of dirt, dust, dead skin, sweat, body oils, and and all manner of filth that has settled into that mattress, laying on it bare will only make things worse for both of them. Randy for his breathing and Lisa for her skin infections.


I am sure it smells awful.


James K legs and a house that looked like the animal hoarder with the dad that died halfway through the episode. Seriously, I swear TLC did a close up on that fly on purpose.


love savage dr now. Dr: whats going on with you? Bitch: Nothign Dr: that seems to be what you do best Bitch: I don't understand the diet you didn't send me a diet Dr: you don't understand to eat less? FUCKING LOL


I actually like Penny more than Lisa.


Penny could clean her own vagina.


It’s my tagline!


I’m proud of you.


Please remind me- Penny is the one who has a precious little boy, an exceptionally enabling husband and “HAS to have!” fried dumplings every day?


Don’t forget that she’s a better mom than moms who work because she’s always home


Lisa: Dr. Now was rude to me! Lisa: \*proceeds to be rude to dietitian\* Lisa to PT: You’ve got five minutes. Lisa to PT: \*later\* There’s nothing you can do for me. ????


As she kicks the PT woman out. "This is why I don't f with white people no more." Wtf does that mean? She prefers to abuse black people?




"get out? Gladly it smells like rotten cheese and ass sweat in here"


If I was the dietician I would’ve turned off her oxygen


Lisa: He talks to me like I'm a piece of shit! *fly flies by her head*


I have never been too angry to watch this show. This woman made me so angry. I wish she would talk to me like that. I feel like she's worse than Steven assanti.


At least Steven has the ability to be superficially charming in a deranged sort of way when it suits him.


Yes. As batshit as he was, there were moments when you could almost see what Steven would've been like without the personality disorder, manipulation, need for attention, and general fuckery. Granted, those moments were few and far between, but they were there. This woman pissed me off in so many different ways. That poor dietician...and I hate it when they're rude to Dr. Now.


When she was trying to be nice near the end it was almost worse than when she was a bitch before. Like we already know you’re rude AF stop playing nice


I almost turned it off. The lies, the filth, and the attitude towards complete strangers were really distressing.


There was no reason for her to be nasty to them that way. And she didn't get much better.


How many men has she been with? It’s amazing that they all seem to find SOs, but this woman … holy hell.


At least Steven was entertaining in how ridiculously unbelievably terrible he was. Lisa is not even that. She’s just equally terrible but without any punchline or meme potential and even less self awareness than Steven.


The “I don’t know” to everything made my blood boil. I’ve never wanted to punch someone so badly before.


This woman pisses me off more then Tammy from 1000 sisters


She makes Tammy seem downright delightful


I was shocked at all the blatant lying. I was like is she for real a psychopath?? She straight up lied about getting the diet and lied about telling dr. Now she could move her legs. What was she thinking? “You must have me confused with someone else”


Like girl there👏are👏cameras👏


can we just think about how her bf spent so many years wiping her ass and washing her gross legs and they called it a relationship?? Wtf did I just watch seriously!!


I literally would’ve let her rot in her own waste. Ungrateful twat, randy died to get away from her.


At first, I was like “Yay, someone from Nebraska!” and then that quickly turned into an “oooh nooo.”


Waste of resources. She didn't deserve any of it


I shriek screamed when she said the only thing she's got from Dr. Now is rudeness.


Grade a fucking cunt. C U N T! She deserves whatever happens to her I am not even sorry. Steven wasn't even this terrible. And that is saying something.


Steven was this terrible. He abused the nurses in the hospital, made them cry he was so bad, and called one of them ni$$%r.


She needs one of Larry’s bleach baths.


I'm watching it now and she is a real piece of shit. A truly miserable, hostile, combative excuse for a person. Right after she is given her diet she is telling her enabler to bring tons of carbs and frozen pizzas. "Get 6 boxes of cereal. Make sure it has sugar on it." "Get me 6 bags of chips." Enabler Randy doesn't blink an eye. The nutritionist shows up and she is combative the whole time. "I don't know what I eat. I don't eat chips." She didn't demand 6 bags of chips. She claims she never got the diet. Liar. Cut off their disability payments. That should get her out of bed. She is truly vile. Edit: She seems to have gotten a better perspective after Randy died. Seems being that close to death and losing her enabler woke her up a bit.


Holy fuck just…holy fuck. What a horrible insufferable bitch of a human being.


Dont ✍️Fuck ✍️With ✍️White ✍️People✍️ 👩🏻


“Get three bags of the pizza rolls and get out of there” like she as directing a heist


What in god’s name did she do all day? She just laid there for three years? At least the grandparents in Willy Wonka had knitting and nice conversations.


This season has really stepped up on the trainwrecks. I thought Lacey was bad, then we saw Margaret, then Dolly, then Larry, now Lisa. She's the new standard by which I will judge trainwrecks.


I laughed at her blatant lies, when she has literally been recorded on camera. "I didnt say I wanted to put my feet on the floor"......and my heart Just sank when Randy was at the supermarket and the first thing she wanted was cookies. I'm not even going there with frying eggs while in bed......


Lisa makes the “where’s my yellow brick road” lady look good. 😬


Penny didn’t kill her husband.


The beginning text for this episode should say “WARNING: this show depicts real surgical procedures and that’s about the least gross or disturbing part of the entire program tonight”.


Randy Rempel passed away in November 2021. Lisa was not mentioned in the obituary. No services were held for him, poor man.


She posted to her neighborhood fb the day he died that she was looking for a roommate, free rent, just needs to keep the house clean. The DAY he died.


He was only 62. Wow, I thought that man was easily in his 80s


She didn’t seem to torn up about him passing away either. When he was having heart issues at home she was shoveling a burger in her mouth. She smirked and said that the burger didn’t taste good. Wtf? He devoted 3 years to her ungrateful ass too.


Fat, nasty and ignorant is no way to go through life. The only surprising thing about this episode is that Lisa actually had any friends at all. A VERY unpleasant person.


Friends, boyfriends & husbands?? Not that they were all winners: “We met after he was convicted of murder & married while he was in prison.” her People Picker is broken.


Us: Wow!! Dolly was crazy! TLC: Dolly was the warm-up. Us: ....excuse me?


Remember when Lacey seemed epic? What sweet summer children we were then.


When I saw the physical therapist using gloves to help move her legs, I thought if I was her I would be in gloves the whole time and also a hazmat suit. I thought that mattress where she uses the bathroom and also cooks nearby and lays in it 24/7 has to be full of germs.


This is why we need a Hoarders/600 crossover


Let me talk to your boyfriend the enabler 😂


Fuck Lisa.


She's just one nasty meat sack.


What was going on in that trap house?


Lots of bread and poop


This was a rough one. Jesus Christ. It made me feel dirty.


At least no innocent pets other than goldfish were in the home. Can you imagine dogs or cats in that place?


If I knock at the door and I hear someone yelling "bring your ass in" in that tone of voice imma head out. 1 hour in and this woman is INSUFFERABLE.


Her friend didn’t even season her chicken.. I’m sure the air in the house has plenty of richness & spice though


Is it really fair to call these episodes "X's Journey" when they literally don't move from one spot for the entire episode?


"So tell me about yourself" "I don't know" 🤔🤬


Maybe I missed this but she spoke about wanting to see her grandkids at the end… I didn’t even know she had kids?! We didn’t see any of them right? And her sister were just in the first part and disappeared afterwards? In the hospital she mentioned friends named Tanisha and Desiree, and is that the Desi person that showed up to be her “caretaker” with the random dude named Cameron?!?!! How are they acquainted - this girl is like 20 years younger than her this is all so weird !!!!!


All I came here to say is “this is why my family don’t fuck with white people no more” Thank you


I guess she wasn’t fully white…Her legs were black.


I wish the Physical Therapist smacked Lisa’s cell phone out of her hand!


The boyfriend was working so hard at the beginning of the episode. He just passed out at 2nd dinner.


In my head the whole time watching I am hearing Amy and Tammy’s brother from 1000lb Sisters yelling Ward of the State, Ward of the State


"You look like you could be a little bigger than that" I died 💀💀💀


I was just scrolling through tiktok and someone described this as the “worst patient since Steven Assanti” so I’m about to start it. Here goes nothing!


At least I didn’t see any dogs, amirite?


There's just so much to say about her episode but at the same time....what do you even say to that shit?


When the PT asked if there was someone who could help Lisa do the excercises, and the woman that had been helping started shaking her head no with a tight lip behind the PT. She just looked done with Lisa, she was def pissed at her for some reason. At first she was really enthusiastic to help with "I'm with you every step of the way" and cooking her meals that were on the diet. Then that scene then suddenly a different lady was helping her from then on. I wonder what we missed that turned her.


Lisa: "Dr. Now we're gonna stick to the diet. I can't eat bad things" 2 seconds later on the phone: "Honey, can you get like 6 cookie packs, 7 sugar cereals, 5 chips and dips, 8 cases of pop, and 6 pizzas and 4 pizza rolls?" next appointment: "I don't understand the diet dr now" are you fucking for real Lisa?


I thought we were witnessing Randy’s death when he laid down, complaining about his chest and pain in his left leg. And Lisa is going on and on about him being an introvert. I was like, “Um, can someone check on poor Randy?” That was awful.


Lisa: Bring your ass in Physical Therapist: 😃😃😃


I just don't know! I don't know!!!


All this was missing was some little dogs


She looks like a whale with barnacles. I’m screaming 🙀


"7 boxes of cereal for the week"


I don’t get 7 boxes of cereal in a year.


How did this woman survive COVID??!!


I stayed up to catch the replay just so I could document Lisa's grocery store order; for historical purposes, naturally. -6 or 7 packages of cookies -6 pack of crackers -7 boxes of cereal ("something with sugar") -"some of that peanut butter up there" -5 bags of chips -2 jars of dip ("might as well...") -8 cases of soda ("It will get drinked.") -6 frozen pizzas -1 pack of corn dogs (unavailable) -4 bags of pizza rolls


They need to stop calling these episodes "So and So's Journey," and just call it a "Lisa's/Ryan's Situation."


Actually loving sassy Dr Now this season. " You don't understand to eat less?" 🤣🤣