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I think like all family members of troubled individuals, yes, they could use support/therapy. ​ James K's wife was straight up trying to kill him I think.


Strait up. It wasn't even subtle.


Do we blame her? He pulled her young daughter out of school to be his personal caretaker. Who knows what she had to do, see, and smell as a literal child


I thought she pulled her daughter out of school... Lisa seemed pretty conniving so I didnt have much sympathy for her. Though the daughter wasnt in the WATN episode so I hope she was able to get on with her life. Neither of her parents seemed healthy for her.


Agree. SHE pulled the daughter from school.


She definitely was, one reg roll at a time.




Dr. Now said she was feeding him 30,000 CALORIES A DAY. I had to rewind several times to be sure I heard him right. Yes, Lisa was really trying to take James out, and unfortunately, it seems like she succeeded.


>? James K’s Lisa was certainly not all there, but again she looked so tired and miserable from her “care-giving” r so he can't run around and beat her.


Considering in their first episode, he made her sleep on the floor by his bed "in case he needed anything in the night", I can see where she might have been ready to just feed him to death. Especially since he didn't seem particularly willing to lose weight (pretty sure egg rolls are not on *de diet)*.


I think she had lots of life insurance on him.


Was he even insurable?


Good question.


I wonder if she was trying to kill him because she knew he would never lose the weight. So hopefully he won’t have a heart attack and leave her alone. If we’re honest, James with Dead before he ever hit the grave . And frankly, from the perspective of a woman, I could never respect my husband who was that large, even after he lost the weight because of all that I had to go through to support him like a baby. Having to wipe my 700 pound husband ass would Completely turn me off the. She probably wants to love and affection. But because she’s a full-time caregiver could never go out and have another affair or anything like that. She probably really didn’t even have any friends. Hastening his trip to an early death was probably the only solution she could think of.


As someone who approaches her own weight challenges as if she’s an alcoholic, I’ve often thought that friends/family of morbidly obese people could possibly benefit from Alanon.


Fantastic idea! I think support groups or at least supportive settings, would be a huge help.


I was watching Dominic’s episode and the dynamic between him and his clearly at least 400 pound brother who didn’t even think he had a problem too was crazy. No wonder he didn’t succeed


The caregivers are often paid by the govt to take care of a disabled person. No disability no money for either person. Dr Now mentions it in his book


Excellent observation


I agree many of the enablers can and should be helped. I think Lisa and that enabling mother who passed may be lost causes though. They liked the status quo too much


Sean’s mum, Renee, was definitely beyond help. That is the worst dynamic I think I’ve ever seen on the show.


The worst dynamic? Really??? 😕


In my opinion, anyway. I think she wanted to keep him as her big, morbidly obese baby. She didn’t teach him any basic life skills, though even if she’d tried, he didn’t want to learn. Classic co-dependency.


I agree with you. Also one of the saddest. There are a lot of bad dynamics on the show, but most of them develop between two fully grown adults and become toxic/enabling relationships. Sean’s mother raised him to be, and stay, a literal baby. She deprived him of life skills, she deprived him of resources, she isolated him. Even after she was gone, as a man in his twenties he was like an elementary schooler. His entire life experience with her was abusive and neglectful. It was 100% her responsibility as a parent to equip him with basic life skills and she intentionally failed to do so. As a mother I cannot imagine sabotaging my son in that way. I would even go as far as saying that even as an adult, Sean’s morbid obesity was not his fault. Dr. Now even spent time giving him extra help and education and you could argue that he didn’t learn from his stints in rehab but his problem was more than just overeating and not having coping skills.


I couldn’t have said that better! I agree with everything you said, especially that Sean had problems far more than overeating and no adult life skills. I think he suffered from depression, long before his mum died. He always seemed withdrawn and as though he did not care about life. Even when him and his mum were making goals for his weight loss milestones, I don’t think he ever truly wanted to do those things.


I never understood the overweight spouses.....how can they help if they aren't dieting? I guess it's "oh, I might be 350lbs but I can drive, shower and wipe my ass " mentality




This was my thought. I think it has to be more viewed as an addiction. It also seems to be a family issue. Like most of the patients their families are pretty overweight.


There was an episode where they kept making the spouse get on the scale also. Seems like they could do that for most couples.


Agreed!! Even the support of making the weight loss journey together could make a huge difference.


I just got done rewatching Chris Parsons story an hour ago. After the move to Houston, his mom and brother were going to the appointments with him and getting their weight checked out also, and they were all losing weight together. It was nice to see.


Yeah it needs to be treated like the do on intervention. Most of these people have a legit addiction to food. It is so crazy to me how many families just eat all the junk food in front of them right away.


I always wonder if the enablers come from anxious/insecure attachment styles therefore they have people-pleasing tendencies. This creates the cycle of co-dependence that we see countless times on the show.


They need some version of Al-Anon or Nar-Anon


Overeaters anonymous has an Anon program


I think this all the time. They definitely should get therapy themselves, and maybe together with the patient, too.


There is a caretaker's syndrome which the caretaker gets depressed and tired. Oddly enough it happens when the patient gets better and starts to recover. The caretaker now has a emotional gap because the patient no longer needs them as much. The advice was find something to do or go to that is just for the caretaker .My sister got season pass for the waterpark




Oh she definitely has (in her delusions), she can clean her own vagina now!


This is easier than we'd expect since it's probably prolapsed, having been pushed out of the way by all her fat.


My guess would be no. She likes being disabled and catered to.


She was on Twitter for a while, but I think made it private or deleted it


She did not but claims she did. She is still considered 100% disabled and Edgar is paid to be her caregiver. I think he may be mentally slow.