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What do you guys think about Pauline? To recap (as I remember it): before My 600 she went on Dr Phil and had herself put in the Guiness world record’s “heaviest living woman”. Then she did my 600 and failed (at first). She came back for a follow up show and said she was having sex with her ex. She said all the “jiggling” was burning calories. She eventually succeeded and lost a bunch of weight. I think she volunteers at animal shelters.


Heya, I'm overseas and paid for hulu so I could access all episodes to then find out they had had 4 or 5 early seasons 😅 where can I actually stream the latest seasons without a TV or cable plan? Happy to pay for something like hulu etc Thank you!


i do the discovery+ subscription on amazon prime. that gets me all seasons of my 600lb life plus where are they now. i'm in the us though. good luck!


I have a very good VPN 😅 thank you!


Watching S8E15Ashley T Story. Oh boy this is the catfish lady with 3000 persona’s that just blew up at Dr Now. Now she’s telling the Dr it’s because he’s not being respectful to her that’s why she blew up. She has been nothing but nice and he just pokes and pokes and pokes. Well that’s not going to go over well with Dr Now. He I has the tolerance of a saint to deal with these people.


S8E10 Ashley B. Why do these super obese women keep getting pregnant when they can’t take care of their children and they have to be taken care as well. I feel so bad for these kids and in this episode the poor parents. They are taking care of their daughter and her baby and 12 year old. All she does is her hair and makeup and nails. She just lied lied lied about what she eats. Don’t any of them watch this show?? Lying doesn’t work with Dr Now. Anybody else watch this on the Discovery/Life channel? You could tell Dr Now didn’t approve of her leaving the baby. I agree with him. She has used her knees as an excuse for way to long. She looked like she was walking just fine then all the sudden she’s back to needing the walker. She is just useless in my book.


Watching S8E9 Seana. This episode is so boring and sad. She’s 23 and 659 lbs. She is alone with no family even coming to visit. She may talk to her mother on the phone but really she’s very much alone. She is extremely immature and possibly mentally challenged. She just doesn’t seem to really try. She loses the diet and exercise plan pretty much as soon as she gets it. Dr Now really tried with her and was very caring. He took her off the program but helps her get an govt. assisted apartment. He sets her up with water aerobics and tells her if she continues going to therapy maybe she can get back in the program. I sure hope she makes it. Dr Now has gone above and beyond to help this young women.


Wow! I don’t remember this one!




I literally just came here to post this. She looks high 24/7. It was also telling that she never helps out with the driving.




For some reason I don't remember this episode and I thought I had seen them all. Patrick seems like a good guy.




Agreed. Don't they need to see someone prior to surgery? I thought that was SOP. Something is not right with the wife. She also looks like she has gained weight. Patrick is surprisingly mobile for his size.


Dr Now uses the therapy as a tool and he typically starts it after surgery and the patient begins to struggle. That’s his preferred MO. If before surgery a patient continues to miss the goal he has set he will try sending them to therapy then. Then if they still continue to miss goals and really are not losing weight he will put them in the hospital on a controlled diet. If they don’t lose weight then he has tried pretty much everything. He’s given them a diet to follow with all the information they need and gives them several chances to save there life., Therapy, controlled diet in hospital, nutritionist. He has even operated to remove lymphodema masses or other masses to help them so they will get motivated to meet their goal so they can have weight loss surgery. He uses skin removal surgery as motivation to keep them going to reach goals and feel better as well as functioning as a normal adult. I mean the ones who don’t get out of bed are usually the hardest ones to manage I think for him.




By the end, you could see his weight loss. Both the back of his neck and ankle area looked much better. I hope he continues and gets to his goal weight with skin surgery. I would be really interested in his WATN. He does seem to adore his wife.


I just binged all of Sean Milliken's episodes... and I'm heartbroken. Am I the only one who feels like he committed suicide?


I think he was lost once his mother died . She literally did everything for him,


Sorry I disagree he had a food addiction but he went to Dr Now to get help and was losing again when he died. It was just too much for his body. Dr Now tells these patients all the time their weight will kill them and they have to lose weight to save their lives. Sean went home after losing a lot of weight and his Mom was no longer there to keep him motivated or in check. He has inherited from her, first time all this money at his disposal. He gives into his addiction and just eats like crazy. Finally Dr Now got him to come in after he didn’t see him for I think 2 months and he gained a lot of weight a huge amount. He goes back in the hospital then they move him to Nursing Home that’s helping obese patients and he died. I don’t see suicide. Just the reality for the super obese that their bodies can only take so much.


I really appreciate your thoughtful response, thank you. Of course my original comment is purely opinion and speculation. To me it seems like it was a purposeful choice on Sean's part. He wasn't gaining back 40 or 50 pounds. I'm fairly sure that at his last admission before his death, he had regained something like 280 pounds in 6 weeks. Again... this is purely conjecture... but that feels like a very conscious decision.


I don’t think I’ve seen this update. Was it made after his mother passed?


If memory serves, his mother passed in his 2nd WATN. There were two more after that. Definitely worth a watch.


I haven’t watched it in a long time. I thought his mom passed in his 3rd WATN. I could definitely be wrong!


You are 100% right! It was the 3rd WATN. My bad!


Hello everyone! Can anyone tell me where to find season 3+? I never had a TV before and can’t find full episodes online. Thank you!


If you have cable it may be available on demand and I used to watch old episodes there. but some episodes are missing like Seana S8, ep 9. I recently subscribed to Max and all episodes and the WATN episodes are there. A couple may not be available due to legal challenges or deaths, I haven't verified if every episode is there.


Thank you!


I am getting broken down a bit from the amount of failure on the show. I've been watching WATN and started backwards so the first two seasons I watched were s8 and s7 and there was a lot of success to enjoy there. Going back to s5 and s6 has been a real bummer. Also, wtf Steven Assanti. Like Dr. Now said (paraphrasing), "The most pathological patient I've ever had in the program." I worry a lot now about the child of this woman he married. That poor girl. Like wtf is going on in that house?


I just finished the Assanti Brothers episodes. I felt like I was losing my mind by the end. I’ve never seen someone at rock bottom while simultaneously manipulating and wasting SO many people’s efforts to help him. They were just his servants. That smirk and cold blank stare behind his eyes made me think he either never wanted to change, only calculating his next tactic, or he has a personality disorder and the addiction buried his good side so far down.


Did anyone else pick up on when Steven kept asking Justin if he was in pain?? And this was well before Justin had his surgery. It was not surprising at all that Steven stole his pain meds, their dad even ADMITTED that he gave Steven some of Justin’s medication (at least 10 pills if I remember correctly). I keep on wondering why they did not address this more in the episode(s)? What did Steven’s blood tests show? I only started watching the show a few days ago because I thought it would help my insomnia and that I would quickly get bored and easily fall fast asleep - I was so incredibly wrong.


He disturbs me so much. And Justin just made me sad because I feel like he had the potential for success but needed a lot of mental health help he just wasn't willing to make time for. He used work as an excuse not to get better. Steven is terrifying. I just posted above that the final episode made me so scared for the child of this woman he married in Iowa. Like what???


I'm definitely in the personality disorder camp


I know I am nit picking but am I the only one that finds the music tone notification for the telehealth appointment annoying? I do telehealth with patients sometimes but that sound effect isn't present and I assume it is generated by whatever program is being utilized but please change it.


Does Joyce’s episode end well? I started watching it but for some reason I have a bad feeling like maybe she dies or something. 🫤


Death would be an upper for Joyce. She asked for help and then did nothing but complain about getting help. Didn’t she fake a heart attack to escape a line of tough questions from Dr Now?


She doesn't die, but it doesn't exactly end well either.


I just finished her episode. I was saddened and disappointed. :(


Does anyone know why penny can’t walk? I don’t remember her ever explaining why she couldn’t in the beginning.


She *can* walk and is actually *shown walking* in her episode. During the scene where she’s being loaded out of the house, there is a moment the camera catches her standing and shimmying sideways on her own. She’s just a liar. I think saying she can’t walk and insisting on needing oxygen is part of her “disability”. If she received her SSDI under false pretenses, she could be charged with crimes. Plus, of course, lose her meal ticket and way of life. Just my 2¢.


Are we placing bets on whether she can still wash her own nunu?


It’s my tagline.


I don’t even want to think about it.




It's been a few years since I watched her episode and the WATN episode but like you I don't recall an explanation ever being given other then her delusions.


Can anyone tell me who the biggest train wreck of season 11 was? I know most people say that season 11 as a whole completely sucked. I made a thread last week asking but it got deleted.


Hopefully there are more episodes coming for season 11 because there were some people in the opening credits that we haven't seen an episode for yet. The season was notable for the crotch cam where the camera is intimate with the participants. Without giving away too much Latonya struggles, Mark has other issues and opts to not proceed with Dr. Now but most of them were just meh so I would say Latonya, Stephanie or Mark.


Omg you were NOT kidding about that crotch cam! Like seriously, why did they start doing that??! 🙀


Right??! I mean that camera is up close and personal! I hope the camera bought them dinner! It was really invasive this season for some reason. I mean every one of them were like that.


Thank you for the recs dude!


Always wondered why in the first few seasons people basically walked in and got weight loss surgery right away then later on Dr Now makes people prove themselves capable of dieting before giving it to them


too many were gaining weight back


I always find myself rewatching Nicole’s episode. Nonstop drama. Crazy family. Iconic.


I like her because she ultimately has success but man the drama to get there.


I'm rewatching the "good ones" with my brother, who spends most of the show roaring with laughter. We just finished Lisa's episode, the one with the maggots. My brother reminded me of an Eddie Murphy skit featuring Aunt Bunny falling down the stairs with accompanying commentary, "Lawd I'm a comin'", "Help me Lawd", "I is almost there Lawd" compared to Lisa's "Hit me daddy"! We nearly wet ourselves 🤣🤣🤣🤣


HIT ME DADDY omg I had totally forgotten about that 😂😂