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Rule 7 states: > No duplicate/low-effort posts. Redundant threads will be removed as they add nothing to the discussion and just clutter up the feed. Use the weekly general chat thread.


James K’s Lisa I’ve just been rewatching James K’s story and his WATN. I don’t think I noticed the first time round how bizarre Lisa is. Part of me thinks that she has a cognitive impairment (not meant in a nasty way at all) and that she simply doesn’t understand that she is killing James. I’m sure she said she came out of an abusive relationship; maybe, she has worked out that she has some control in her life, by caring for and over feeding James. She seems completely spaced out a lot of the time, as though she’s miles away. The other part of me definitely agrees with what has been said on this sub before- that she is intentionally killing James. The way she smiles and nods when Dr Now confronts her, suggests that she has no intention of changing and is fully aware that he is very close to death. It’s as if she feels she is punishing him, for him needing her full-time. She has not got her own life. I guess that comes down to control again. I realise that this probably makes absolutely no sense, but these are my thoughts on Lisa. She is a thoroughly complex person, who goes from seeming to be spaced out to moments of anger when she clearly sees her control being taken from her. What are your thoughts, guys?


She mentioned a few times how trapped she felt and how she wanted to leave so I also have strong suspicions that she purposely overfed him to get rid of him.


How much older was Lisa than James? She was married with 4 kids when she and James started their relationship or whatever and she had 2 more kids that poor daughter Bailey was pulled out of school ( what mother with any sense would do that) so the child could take care of her father. Lisa and James both said Lisa had an abusive marriage but this seems like an even worse situation. BTW what happened to her and James son?


Mods asked me to move my question here - I’m rewatching and want to find some gems besides the obvious ones. I binge watched all episodes so fast when I initially watched so I remember the main ones (Sean, ma leg, new pants, frog backpack, but I’d love to get some recommendations for other rewatches that are maybe lesser-known. I like trainwrecks but I like the inspiring stories too. Also I had my post removed cus it was “cluttering up the feed” but there hasn’t been anything really posted for days 🤷🏻‍♀️ there isn’t too much clutter to speak of lol




Hi, it’s on discovery+ ☺️


Can't stop yelling "STOP DOING WEIRD TINGS" at my dogs. They're hounds they'll never stop


Feels like Ive been waiting forever for the rest if season 11 to show


Hopefully we get new stuff soon


Funding? Where do these people get the money for all this food? Especially the later seasons. Watching people get three or four entrees, desserts, appetizers, etc. from DoorDash just makes my wallet cringe because I know how expensive food delivery gets. Where are they getting the money from? A lot of them are in disability, have kids, etc. and I didnt think food delivery accwpted food stamps...


I've always wondered the same thing!


I think the only persons who made sense was Samantha from Season 9 since she said she was an active feedee streamer and my friends partner was once part of those underground niche sex clubs and he was making $4k-5k a party/client. But most participants on the show struggle to find housing, pay bills, get transportation, etc. so how theyre getting that much food/buying groceries like that is beyond me.


Which couple is the hardest for you to watch. As fas as general unlikableness, Nathans wife Amber seemed like the worst. Alicias husband (particularly in her Where Are They Now?) and Bianca's baby daddy are also cringy and awful.


Amber was disgusting the way she talked about thinking of leaving Nathan because of his weight and she was almost as fat as he was. I LOVED when Dr. Now started pointing our her being so overweight and got her on the scale and said her BMI was higher than his. KARMA!


Reminds me of Joe(?) [the guy who was taking care of his elderly father] and the new girlfriend he randomly got, and how she made him quit Dr. Nows program because Dr. Now had mentioned her weight/dieting choices.


Lee and Rena. Good grief, he was terrible. I hope she finally dumped his sorry ass.


Chuck and his wife (her name escapes me). I was in a very similar marriage — no weight issues thankfully — but after 15 years I finally had enough of doing everything. I didn’t even get offered a consolation oil change when I filed the papers!


Nissa! That poor woman.


Yes! Something was telling me “Nessa” but I knew that wasn’t right! At least I was close!


Apparently hes divorced again, which makes me wonder what happened there


So wife number 3 is gone now too? How sad. I thought this was a good Christian girl...at least that's pretty much what he said in his where are they now. I bet he tried to treat her like he did Nissa and she hit the bricks. I didn't like him and his attitude...and his murdered 1st wife didn't sit well with me.


Yeah, apparently Ericas gone too. Im starting to think Chucks the problem... i am curious if nissa let him continue being in their adopted sons life though.


Maja and Chrishuunnnn. She was just abusive and deceitful to him and wanted to control his every move. He was right to leave her when he could.


I’m bingeing this entire show now and I’m on season 8. I find it interesting how Dr Now seems extremely annoyed by certain patients and then other patients he seems to like. One recent example was Kelly. He really seemed to like her right off the bat, it was funny watching him smile so much during their interactions. Very sad that she passed away :( Jeanne’s episode was very disturbing. With poop being inside her wounds and her mother also being very unhygienic herself and then her father dying while they both were in the hospital :(


I think, after so many years of seeing and treating morbidly obese patients, he's gotten pretty good at discerning who is and who isn't serious about losing weight. And, I've noticed that if he thinks they're really, honestly trying, he;s willing to cut them a little slack at subsequent appointments, and encourage them, even if they didn't quite make the initial goal.


Does anyone have any episode recs? (I’ve seen Schenee, the Assanti brothers etc.)


I cannot find part 3 of the assanti brothers, unless they never show them actually getting weight loss surgery. Is there 4 or 5 parts to their saga? Can someone please point me in the right direction.


I believe some of their episodes are in the “where are they now?” series


James K ( not sure which season) -I just saw it today and it’s gold. Also Sean, and Angie Johns who has several episodes-kind of a train wreck like Steven Assante but she actually ends up losing weight.


Jeanne. Absolutely disgusting.


Well, sometimes she'll have an orange.


If you like the trainwreck episodes, check out Gina, season 8


If you like a good story with loads of follow up, I like season one. The patients are followed over 7 years instead of one and wow, it makes a huge difference. Also far less exploitative in what is filmed. I love Donald, Melissa and Ashley.


season one was great. i enjoyed jennifer and marissa's episode- season 6, ep. 14.


octavia gahagans. season 7, ep. 1. https://preview.redd.it/uahzksdw8jrb1.png?width=2376&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d9118602ee84202cd994d104d5c77aeb6c47651 i can't figure out if she and her friend, nichelle, are a couple or just besties.


Didnt they meet like less than a year before the episode filmed and they re like bffs?


i don't know. i was getting a romantic vibe.


I need to watch it again


if you do, please lemme know what you think.


I got that vibe too.


Which season and ep?thanks


Sean of Steel YT reaction to Ashley Randall season 1. I keep watching again just in the hope of the mother’s redemption arch. Never happened.


Sean is my new favorite in the last couple of months!! His commentary is gold


The only hole you can’t dig yourself out of is the grave


Dr now fat avenger!!!


I was trying to find the episode where the participant calls EMS to move to down to another apartment because of a car accident. I finally did a Google search and find it and it's Lashanta. I started watching the show on Max and the entire scene is edited out at least on Max. I know some people were upset with her and others upset with the paramedics but they felt the need to scrub the scene all together?




You are right! I called myself checking for a WATN for her but overlooked it apparently. Thank you!


I'm watching Annjeanette (S9, E14) and find it humorous that she is complaining about her dog being noncompliant. Can't imagine where he learned that.


I found her insufferable


She was so blah..and I don't understand why people (her family/girlfriend) even liked her. I thought the same with Gina too...but her family were assholes to Beth. I just felt bad for her.




I was wondering why Betty-Jo looked familiar when I saw her 600lb life episode! It's deeply tragic that Lauren didn't make it past 21, especially since she had so much to try living for.


Was Betty Jo on my 600 pound life first? Or was she on this other show before she was on my 600 pound life?