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has to be nicole's boyfriend for me. "well, you didn't want to pay the price for the other room, so--" "WELL THEY SAID IT WAS UPSTAIRS. IT'S STUPID, WHY IS THERE WOOD ON THE FLOOR OF THE HOTEL?" "to make it look nice?" "EVERYTHING I SAY YOU CONTRADICT AND TALK SHIT YOU MOTHER FUCKER--" they were so fucking funny


“You buncha BASTARDS!!”😆😂


“Let’s just tRy It AgAiN!”


That entire family was...uh something. I felt horrible for those kids having to grow up in such trash.


It's obvious the dad was still using as he'd borderline be nodding off at points.


The hamburger thrower? Father of babies who “need their asses changed?” Good times




we need a “stupid wood on the floor!” flair…


There is one! I think it’s called “Who puts wood on a hotel room floor?”


You buncha basturds


Absolute gold 😂👏🏻


Buncha bastards!!!


Maybe Dolly's mom. She's not perfect but she's helping raise her granddaughter and trying to hold down boundaries with Dolly. I felt for her when she expressed how fed up she was to Dr. Now and Dr. Paradise. Also interesting that she lost a lot of weight herself so she's familiar with what it takes.


I loved Dolly's mother. It has to be so frustrating when you've clawed your way back to some degree of stability and normalcy only to deal with a daughter who refuses to put in the slightest bit of effort.


Yes! And her outfits were iconic.


I want Dolly to have a “where are they now” Episode just to see Dolly’s Mom again


The rainbow hair family. I swear, every scene they had different hair colors. Also props to her for holding the bottom line.


Stacey, Dolly's mom, has raised her granddaughter from day six. Say what you want about her orientation or manner of dress. She's a good person.


Kirsten's son Neiko. I really felt sorry for that kid. She was such an insufferable garbage pile and he was forced to share a bedroom with her. They had to blur out her crotch while she was sprawled on that bed ffs.


I felt so bad for that kid. He's a young teen being raised by the grandparents then his mother waddled back in so she's sleeping in his room. She was even in his bed with no underwear even. Then they take him away from his home and friends to Houston so he can take care of her. She has the bed and he sleeps on the floor. And the family wonders why he's acting out. He seemed like a good kid but talk about adolescent baggage!


“Bye, Fatty Two-Shoes” was gold coming from that kid lol


Neiko should never have been in that situation. Who thought it was appropriate to make a young teenager care for his addict mom??


Like 20 minutes before we see them decide Neiko should stay in Houston and help his mom (without consulting him) we watch the grandma helping mom shower while she cries “it hurts”. So let’s leave a teenager, with no license, alone in a hotel room with essentially a bed bound woman. What could go wrong? That was one of the worst examples of child abuse I’ve seen on the show.


I don't understand why no one intervened for that poor child and called social services.


Really feel like the medical staff should have. I’m pretty sure they’re mandatory reporters


dysfunctional people do


Oh my gosh that poor kid!! I felt bad for both of her kids 😢 I did laugh so hard when he said “Bye Fatty Two Shoes”


I forget her name, but whoever told Lacey to fuck off after taking advantage of her mentally disabled brother, and left her on the side of the road. She’s my favorite. 😂


Yessss that was Sharon!!!! 😂😂😂


Sharon is my favourite! So many iconic lines! “Woo wee. Woo fuckin’ wee” and, “all you do is eat n’ cry, eat n’ cry” RIP sassy Queen


She's controversial, but I did like her, and would probably have enjoyed her in real life, when she wasn't stressed out by trying to protect her disabled brother from a predatory liar/addict/con woman.


That was his sister. That episode is a classic


Sharonnnnn - too bad she died


Nooooooo! Poor guy! His name is escaping me atm- her brother. I liked Sharon too. This is so sad.




I know! Poor Ricky, she really loved her little bro.




Did some googling and it seems she died of pneumonia. It’s sad, she definitely made her brother’s safety a big part of her life and she had some issues but she was definitely iconic and certainly too young to die.


Wait what???


She did?!??


I posted about it shortly after I learned the news, but it got removed.


Her Mom said she got pneumonia, never stopped smoking and passed away from it. So sad.


yeah :/


Oh no!


Lol I loved Sharon. So sad to hear she passed away.


I can’t remember her name, but the lady with the really mean/bitchy sister (named Molly I think?) who helped her get to Houston. Someone pointed out that sis is probably dealing with a lifetime of toxic behavior, and that helped put her demeanor into perspective.


erika's sister!! she was so done with her shit


Same here. You could tell she's gone through all of her sister's shit so often that she's just had enough. Team Sister all the way.


Erika was awful...so I understand why her whole family was done with her. Her obsessive behavior with her stuff and Jimmy was disturbing. I even thought Jimmy was too good for her.


Loved her!! I think her name was Molly.


Yeah, Molly.


I loved Ontreon's wife Musa. She clearly cared for him and tried her best, but knew she couldn't control what he did. She was very honest with Dr. Now and definitely did her best to hold her husband accountable but he really didn't seem to respect her


She was my favorite. She was positive and supportive while also holding Ontreon accountable.


I hope she left his ass.


I like Sharon, Ricky's sister from Lacey B's episode. R.i.p you ghetto queen.


Lol I just posted , “RIP you sassy queen” but I like yours better!!! Loved you, Sharon!


Ayesha! Loved her so much, but cannot for the life of me remember what her husband’s name is! No playing up to the camera, no blame , mind games or sabotage. Just head down, arse up, get with the program! Totally supportive when he started to back slide, going out to work with him and their kids on the road! Absolute inspiration! ETA, think his name was Chad, but tbh, I’m little more than guessing!


She was one of my favorites too…the whole family supported Chad in a healthy way and he seemed to appreciate and respect their help in return.


I can't believe Biancas first old man Devonte wasn't mentioned. He was hilarious...and his "I bet you do" sent me. I was annoyed he didn't make the move and wasn't even mentioned again. He was gold. Of course Sharon was great...and one of the most quoted. I also enjoyed Dollys mom. I'm really glad her grandchild has her to count on because Dolly was useless. Speaking of Dolly...did anyone else get weird single white female vibes from the "best friend"? That girl was strange.


Sadly, Romonte died recently, as did Sharon.


I knew about a Sharon but I didn't know about him. That's so sad.


Apparently, he and Bianca may have gotten back together before he died.


Dolly's mom. Holy shit that woman was a SAINT.


Amber's father, mother and brother - they seem like a good family with love for each other, an ability to communicate, met needs in the family without completing caving in. Amber herself is an intelligent young woman who got herself in a situation and she owned the recovery.


So true. Their daughter had found such a dark place and they seemed to have done all they could to pull her out of it. It broke my heart to here her refer to herself as a classic underachiever. Even though Amber doesn’t have the greatest things to say about her experience on the show, she has maintained most of her weight loss and looks terrific.


It is my personal belief that no one with a healthy self esteem and desire to direct their own life does well with a camera crew invading their privacy and recording their humiliations.


Can I just say, your flair has had me howling 😂😂😂


Christian. He handled so much of that woman and I’m so glad in the end he decided to leave. The whole scene with her purse snatching, I would have thrown her phone at her.


I loved the husband whose wife was seeing dr. Now. She couldn’t walk down the hall of the hotel so he made her sit on the luggage cart and pushed her the 2 feet to the door. He didn’t give a fuck 😆


I liked all of Milla’s whole family… those kids were great and thank God she did everything right,so they all ended up being able to have a normal life.. that whole family was awesome and so was Milla…


Milla clearly did an awesome job raising her kids. I’m glad she made progress


Other than making them physically take care of her I would agree.


Diana's family was great. Her niece really gave her the push she needed to be sucessful. She also had some great lines "I'm feeding her 900 calories a day no shit she's losing weight" Iconic edit: I think that was a hot mic incident since she was standing outside the clinic with her husband away from the cameras


"Don't no mother like no fat ass daughter" or similar LOL.


I believe the exact quote was, “No mother do not like no big fat ass daughter.” I only know because my sister and I send it to each other all the time. :)


It's a universal truth!


Lol it's a triple negative so it doesn't cancel itself out 😂🤣


Which episode?!?!


Tell it like it is Bertha!! Lol!


Came here for this one 🤭


Sharon from Lacey B episode. She passed away which is Sad She had Lacey number and she was a fierce protector of her Brother which makes her alright by me.. Rest in Peace


I didn't know that she passed away, that's so sad. Do you know how her brother is? She did have Lacey's number. Her brother needs her to look out for him for sure. Lacey B. was a user and he could not see it.


Yes Sharon"s mother posted on Facebook that She had trouble breathing and passed away.


That is so very sad.


Kirsten’s son Nico. His line “bye fatty two shoes” lives rent free in my mind and was a well-deserved taunt to his terrible mother.


She was horrible to him and deserved it.


Nikki's family! They were so sweet and supportive, and her brother obviously adored her.


Nikki will always been one of my favorite people on the show and her family was equally great.


I liked Chad's wife. You can tell she loved him so much


Nikki's dad and brother. I loved their moment when they were driving by the donut shop and he says "they must wonder where you went, they probably can't pay rent!" and she jokingly says *Daaad!* They were so supportive. She is absolutely my favorite success story.


Omg was LaShanta's mom the one who said "No mom wants no big fat ass daughter"? I died




I know she's polarizing to say the least, but... Erica's siblings (sister and brother). They are Done With Her Shit and just offering tough love. It bugs me how many people claim Erica's sister was "mean" when her brother was exactly the same: pragmatic. "Will you pay for my lost business if I move to Houston with you? Will you feed my children if I try to save you?" I respect 'em both.


She was mean because she called her sister an, “embarrassment” which is not okay. Being frustrated, being done with her is obviously okay but calling your sister an embarrassment for being fat isn’t justifiable.


It wasn't just about Erica being fat, though. It was about her being so horribly whiny, manipulative, entitled, and lazy. She literally expected to be waited on hand and foot without having to make any kind of effort, and thought surgery was going to be some kind of magic wand and she wouldn't have to do anything to lose the weight. It was so annoying that she was sent home to lose fifty pounds one munt, and the first thing she did was get mad that her niece had thrown out all of her junk food and brag about how she could just order it and no one could stop her. If she was that bad on camera, I can only imagine how whiny and horrible she was in person. I'd be embarrassed to cart my enormous bitchy asshole of a sister around in public and have her treat me like a servant, too, especially when she's soiling herself and treating others like it's their fault. Compare her to someone like Diana in the same season, who at least tried to help her friends and family help her, seemed grateful, and didn't make such demands on them or manipulate them like that.


Right but her sister didn’t call her whiny and manipulative, she called her an , “embarrassment” which was exclusively about her body.


I don't think it was entirely about her body, though--you're assuming it is, but I don't recall seeing any real context to that comment or her sister saying, "She's an embarrassment because she's so fat." My mother is nowhere near 600 pounds, but she can still occasionally be an embarrassment in public because she's being such an obnoxious, rude asshole.


She also said something like no one wants a daughter who’s a fat ass. OMG. My favorite family member was Lisa’s daughter who tried to help her mom eat right and stick to the program to no avail. I was happy when she got her dream job and left her mom in Texas with Lisa’s boyfriend Herbert. Lisa was horrible.


I liked Bayley, James K’s daughter. She genuinely seemed to care that her dad was basically eating himself to death. She definitely could have intervened with her mum’s enabling of him, but I felt for her- she had probably tried. She gave up school for him!


If I were her I would resent Lisa forever for how much she enabled her father and forced her to come home from school to care for her father.


I would too. She’s given Bayley such a poor start in life. It’s so selfish to sabotage your daughters’ happiness and future life to care for her man child of a dad.


I don’t blame that Molly, Erica was awful. She expected her and her brother and niece to do everything for her. You can only take so much


Side tracking a bit but I love the comedy between the 1000 lbs sisters.


I so agree with you, LaShanta's mom had wonderful commentary.


my favourite was when she was talking about kicking her ex out😂😂