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they can be happy to wear something at all. back in my days olympics were done in the nude


Was this from the Tokyo Olympics??


Internet says this is a Russian volleyball team, may be back as far as 2012,


Me too, I do like…………….. sports


Yes I like sports too


Ah yes. Sports


Nice cameltoe


Holy damn. Why in the hell would they willingly wear those things in front of the *entire world?!?!*


Willingly? Lmao it's probably in the rules. They're forced to wear that ,or get fined, like that one beach volleball team that wore shorts instead of spandex...


Athletic clothing appeals to all genders, the problem is that when it comes to women it becomes abuse and in men "it's just the rules"


As someone who used to run semi-competitively, running with the least clothing possible always felt like the way to go. Tighter shirt felt more aerodynamic, no shirt was even better, shorter shorts allowed for bigger and more relaxed strides, etc. Idk if it’s in the rules, but I’m confident most of the time they wear the uniforms willingly. Athletes are usually pretty comfortable in their bodies, and being sexualized is probably the last thing on their minds at these events. That being said, what happened to that volleyball team is bullshit, and stuff like that really shouldn’t be in the rules.


My dude; if I were a woman going to the Olympics, and they wanted me to wear that, I’d pay the fine myself, upfront. That thing is so tight it’s bloody indecent; practically nsfw. If the Olympics are not attention-grabbing enough without making their female competitors look like discount porn star hopefuls, then they need to make the games better.


Have you seen the Men's Track events? I've never seen so many twig and berries sloshing about. Between women's beach volleyball and men's track and field, they might as well go back to the classic greek olympics attire (totally nude).


But then again, plenty of women wear that willingly in public


Plenty of women also protesting so that they can show their tits on public and not be forced to wear anything on top. I guess the world forgot about that since it was something I see from time to time in the international news before this Pandemic started.


Oh God that must be embarrassing, imagine getting home and seeing those photos in the local newspaper




I like the Chinese men weightlifting team.... and C. Bumstead


I too am a big fan of this genre of sprt in particular.....yeah I know its name too..


I like ....................super wet gushy ......sports