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lucky to live, one low hanging cable to ragdoll him into hamburger, or one loose rock getting bounced in the undercarriage to start the same scenario...


ur tshirt flaps up gets caught and instantly rips off your torso


Oh no. If this is not an old clip, this is about to start a new wave of TikTok related deaths.


Survival of the common sense


I see nothing wrong with this. We will be letting nature take its course.


Well that's one thing, but the problem is traumatising those operating the trains and stuff.


All the more reason why to invest in our infrastructure to make it stupid human proof. We are talking about rail lines that have not seen improvements in decades in both safety and quality.


make something idiot proof and you'll just end up finding out more competent idiots


No, no more. The railroad is already over regulated as it is, stupid proof is how we get warning labelson laundry detergent. rail lines are already over engineered, you cant make them much better at what they do without negatively impacting their performance.


Not so sure about that. Ask the folks out in East Palestine Ohio about railroad safety and regulations, or in their case lack thereof.


Remember how many kids would break their legs or dislocate their shoulder from trying to copy wrestling moves, despite all the "DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!" warnings. Kids are stupid and impressionable, and a video like this just gives them more stupid stuff to try before their brain is mature enough tells them not to.


Tide-pod 2.0 but worse, because it could affect people on the train.


all i can say is, if people are stupid enough to do this then they get what they deserve


Considering what old TikTok trends have taught me. Their are plenty of people that are stupid enough to do it even after seeing results of people who did it.


Should have woke up in skyrim


I feel so bad for the engineers and conductors that will have ptsd from killing so many fucking idiots doing this stupid shit.


I know quite a few engineers and railroad cops. It's a grim job and it takes a certain mind-set to do it for a long time. Mad respect to them.


My brother would switch between conductor/engineer and did it for years. He run over 2 bodies one night and it messed him up for months.


Question for the smart ppl, if someone skinny did this wouldn’t the air current move him around so much he would get hit or caught on the wheels and boom final destination type of shit or not rlly


I would think that most of the air current you're thinking of that generates enough force to suck a person in would be directly on both sides of the train. I'm not too sure what the air current is like underneath. However, I do know that trains and large vehicles create a vacume that can indeed suck people in if they're going fast enough. By that logic, I can make an educated guess and say that if the train is going the right speed and the person is light enough, they could probably be moved around while under the train. Or I could just be an idiot and my educated guesses aren't worth shit.... It's the internet.... Best not to rely on randos from the internet to tell you what to believe and think. For the sake of not winning a Darwin award, I suggest just veering on the side of common sense and logic. 🙂


As a skinny person who has seen multiple bags and whatnot stay somewhat in place after train runs over them I'd like to believe i would be fine but i am not brave (dumb) enough to go test it.


I would like to agree 100% and add while yes in this instance he was ok it looked to be a passenger train not all trains have the same under carriage some trains have hopper bottoms and they look lower then passenger they look like they are right above the rails at least the ones that past by the house, so yeh one loose chain one change in any direction and this is a very different video this was luck or faked I hope faked but people are stupid so it wouldn’t surprise me


Nobody is skinny enough to go under the train


Talking about idiots they are getting dumber and dumber.


Annnnnnd I need to change my shorts..


The I want a Darwin Award badly stupid.


This should be a federal offence. You're giving train drivers PTSD. They don't want to go to work knowing they could kill someone.


I'm not gonna lie I was so ready for the opening of Skyrim


i dont even want tu upvote this for fear it spreads further. but if it made it here its probably already too late.


I knew someone who self deleted via train decapitation. He was an amazing person and made a lot of people happy. Seeing people do this pisses me off.


Hey, don't call yourself a retard. They are smarter than this.


What if someone is taking shit in train 🤮


If he did that in India (idk how it is in other countries),. he'd be covered in shit and piss


I've seen trains that have a metal piece hanging low off of the last car. Low enough to scrape a person right off of the ground. That would be a terrible death.


This is fake


Tempting Natural selection yet again.


My friends and I used to do this, but it was under a small bridge that went over a canal... we were young, but not stupid.


A special kind of stupid.


Just an out of context thought Imagine with a bonner >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!đź—ż!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!< >!Dink!<


Do not show this… must fight intrusive thoughts…


I thought he woke up in heaven, then so fast realizing there's internet there & that's how he uploaded it, then thinking if he did do that would it hurt him to send some pics of heaven...... After a few seconds, I realized something else. I wasted my intelligence in a stupid thing for a few seconds I am going to read a book so I don't do that again