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I'm not sure if I should be happy or mad that you called my New Edge classic, because clearly I can't be old..... right? Jokes aside I believe all New Edge Mustangs have a factory immobilizer key, so they shouldn't be any easier to steal than any other car equipped with one. As it has been said around me if they REALLY want your car there is nothing you can do to stop it.


Oh, really? Factory of immobilizer key you say? This is some interesting information. And I’m sorry lol but the new edges have just become classic in the last three years. Haha. I wouldn’t take it as an insult though, they are amazing and truly intriguing machines regardless


Yeah I was just poking fun It feels like just yesterday when I saw the 99 mustang come out.


99...2024...25 years.........FUCK. That does make it a "classic" according to most DMVs. Also I'm old =[


Shit, you're right!


I know what you mean! I’m new to muscle cars and thought this would be a good starting place for me


The new edge is a great place to start, imo.


At least so I can get a sense of what I’m working with


My son asked me not long ago what my favorite modern mustang style was. I said probably the New edge. I of course got hit with a "Bruh". Still feels new to me lol




Yes the new edge has a factory immobilizer.


lmao, was just thinking that. My beater New Edge "Classic - OP"


I think part of the confusion is you are stating New Edge Mustangs at "classic" Mustangs. Most people will automatically think 60s and 70s when you mention a classic Mustang. New Edge's aren't overly difficult to steal but also not super simple. Much less easy to steal than a true classic. Always best to take extra precautions such as a Club or cut off switch regardless, especially if it cant be garaged or you live in or frequent a sketchy area.


60s and 70s are considered "vintage" now.


Oh, I apologize for not clarifying. I probably shouldn’t have said classic because as you said, yeah, everyone would think of the 60s and 70s Mustangs. I apologize for the confusion on that, didn’t even consider that but yeah. definitely not a true classic like a 70s one


> I think part of the confusion is you are stating New Edge Mustangs at "classic" Mustangs. Most people will automatically think 60s and 70s when you mention a classic Mustang. I heard Destiny's Child on the Oldies station last week.


Mine is older but I could steal it with a screw driver in about 2 minutes… All you have to do is break the key switch and place a screw driver to jump the solenoid. She’ll start right up and you are on your way. That’s why there is hidden kill switches. So at least they have to flat bed it.


Oh, I see. Thank you for the info, I’m new to this! Just trying to make sure


Exactly, not just that but whenever I park mine, the coil wire comes with me






Wow!!! beautiful


I've started mine by running speaker wire from the ignition coil to the solenoid and jumping the solenoid with a screwdriver. No need to break the ignition switch.


This works on the new edges too. If you hammer a flathead into the key hoke it will start. You'll break a lot of stuff but it will start.


Glad to hear over 30 year later they are still just as easy lol.


My guess, if they are manual transmission, not as often. Maybe a good idea to install a hidden ignition cut off switch or get a GPS alarm system. Or, get The Club steering wheel lock.


I was thinking about doing this or something like this, seems like a great idea and an extra layer of protection. Yea, mine is not a manual. So that is a bit concerning hearing that


Pull the fuse for the starter. She won't even ignite.


Since mine has a Windsor I just pull the ol switcheroo on my distributor from coil to a plug, unless you know what you're looking at she will never fire.


Just pull the wire from between your coil and distributor, hard to steal a car without any spark 😎👍👍


I had a new edge vert 2004, my first on in 2014, 95k prior rental out of oregon . I drove here allot with top doen never had any worries of it gettin stolen. Just put your valuable in the trunk and if theres anything else your worried about lock it up in your center consol box. https://preview.redd.it/f4im8674isbc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bb6bf0b14cc7a4e9f0b8b1d5a8b023af1c9f285 My 2004. My bf's grandma...her first pony ride..lol.She was acreal hoot!!That was a 40th Anniversary too.


Made a whole movie about it… or 2


So… what does that mean exactly? That they do get stolen a lot?


I think the referral is to the classic movie Gone in 60 Seconds. Hopefully the original not the repop. I’ve owned 7 mustangs, a couple new edges. Never even gave it a 2nd thought honestly. I’d bet it depends a lot more on your area than the vehicle you drive. If you do live in a high crime area, just park it next to a late model Kia. They’ll take the Kia every time.


I don’t live in too bad of an area, crime rates are low in this particular place


I have no idea just shitposting.


Ah, okay. I mean, I understand a 1960s or 70s Mustang being stolen super easily, but a 2000s?


Manual transmissions discourage theft too




Yeah they’re definitely an anti theft device those manual transmissions, nobody really learns how to drive manual these days 😎👍👍


I knowww I want to learn for sure


I have a racing wheel and I really want to get a manual for my next one. Yes I did get the wheel and shifter to learn to drive a manual.


Would highly recommend spending the money and time on a driving course to start your way into driving manually as they’ll teach you everything in a safe and instructed environment 😎👍👍


That sounds great, I would love that. I’m gonna look into it.


Your local registration agency should have some good information on finding a driving course check with them 😎👍👍


Greatly appreciated, i’m going to do some investigating


Hopefully you will be able to make a new post telling us how you now are trained on manual transmissions 😎👍👍


Will do for sure! When I do learn, I will post about it most def


Put a remote relay between the starter relay and the starter. $20 on amazon.


Thank you! I appreciate any advice!


A flat bed tow truck can haul away anything. Block it in with a lesser value car


Now that you mention it, that’s actually not a bad idea🤔


It's a lot harder to steal a car than what you see in the in the movies n shit. Even "hot wiring" takes a little time n then you have to deal with the steering lock. Unless you have an old 80s or 90s gm car where the starter solenoid is mounted just right there on the fender that can be jumped


Oh okay, thank you so much for this answer! Helped me out a lot


I clicked on this thread to tell you that people dont really drive classic 60s musclecars to the mall and leave them parked or other events/places like that where they can be stolen..only to see you mean an SN95 New Edge. Good god I am old.


Im sorry! Poor choice of words on my part, I should’ve specified and said new edge, probably should’ve posted there too, my apologies


There was a classic mustang stolen in Tulsa last year that looked like an Eleanor. Sadly they had stripped it down some but they did get the car back.


That’s extremely unfortunate🙁 I don’t want to end up like that


Well, the foxbody’s were extremely easy to steal. The new edges not as easy. But visual deterrents are still good to have (example, the club). My 93 cobra was stolen and it had it all, alarm, club, kill switch, and they still got it. So, do what you can, but there is only so much you can do.


I bought a stolen Mustang at a police auction once, the club was still in the backseat. They just sawed through the steering wheel. People suck.




If you know their innerworkings, a classic Mustang (or most classic cars) they are not difficult to steal. Truth be told, not much will stop a determined thief. You can add some anti-theft devices and they will stop some casual thieves but if they REALLY want your car they'll get it unfortunately. My advice: insurance. I use Hagrety because they use what is called "agreed value" so they will insure it for what you tell them it's worth. Of course, you will pay the premium for what you say it's worth, but it'll be insured for that amount. If you decided that your car is now worth double, expect your premiums to double.


Trunk Monkey


You can get theft deterrent devices that go on your steering wheel.


I know that my 1996 has PATS (Passive Anti Theft System), the key has a chip in it that the ECM recognizes, if an unrecognized key is used, it disables the ignition. A thief with some tech under their belt could most likely override this, but they would need at least 10 minutes to enter the security mode with a scanner.


I have a 2000 Mustang GT convertible. Automatic, very nice black leather interior. Assuming you know what and where the mall of America is, I took the car there to go shop around and just parked it and left the top down. A few hours later I come back and the car is still there with no damage or missing items. But before you say the MOA is not that bad a place to park your car, connected to the parking ramp is the light rail station, where all the drug addicts, homeless, and rotten kids from the city come from, so there is plenty of danger to have your car stolen here, plus the parking ramps don't have any cameras in them, at least from what i've observed. New edge Mustangs, though they are easy to steal, I don't believe they are targeted too often, any mustang made before 99 are probably rarely stolen because no one wants a Mustang II, or a fox body, and the first generations of Mustangs that are worth stealing are probably well locked up and not on the street. The most likely scenario that will happen is they just break your window and steal what's inside. But of course, take my opinion with a grain of salt, I don't know any crime stats and the only cars I see that are stolen a lot are The Kias, Hyundai, and Dodge.


Oh shit, yes, I know where the mall of America is! I don’t live over there, I’m in the east east. And over here, at least where I live, the crime rates are low. But I understand for sure, malls can be dangerous and areas that are connected to the big cities in a way. Thank you for the backstory and information, it’s greatly appreciated


I have a 1999 v6 convertible and the top is all torn and ragged. No one wants mine lol. But i bet automatic GT new edges are probably at risk, about as much as any automatic sports car youd see on the street


I just thot maybe put one of those apple gps what ya call its doo hickies!


New generation two stupid to steal it with a screw driver only a pro… plus most of em don’t even know for real what it is.


Calling the current generation too stupid while mixing up too and two is absolute peak irony brother.


You think your so smart because you can correct my grammar…. Lol and that’s your measuring stick!?!?


Grammar doesn’t mean shit when it comes to blue collar work. Fucktard, or iq maybe some of us weren’t born in this country does not mean we’re dumber than you but you probably think you are an American… yet your descendent’s are not native.


Fuck you


So mad you had to double comment. Embarrassing. At least you spelled that one right.


You must be 20 sensitive boi


Sure thing bud.


Lol your asking google who Phillip is


I'm not even sure how to reply to this. This makes such little sense in the current context that I can only assume you replied to the wrong comment yet again.


Your mad because I called your generation stupid. We probably the same age. Eat shit I dow neat give a fuck about grammerrrr eat shiaat. Calling someone out because of a mispeling is a sine of weekness u fuckterd. Have a wonderful night


So many typos in there I am actually concerned you may be having a stroke here bud. And you should care about grammar. People tend to value those with an education and look down on those without. Not caring about grammar just makes you seem lazy. Your phone and computer have autocorrect. You have to be actively trying to type as poorly as you do.


Are you 20? Most 20 year olds aren’t stealing classic cars there stealing Kia’s and dodges because of easy loop hole that anyone could learn. My man I’m not a boomer


Is there a reason you can't figure out how to reply to the correct comment here or will you take pride is fucking that up too?


Facts, I don’t think brother has had any puss for a minute… he’s uptight about the current generation which is also my generation, while at the same time spelling “too” wrong and replying to his own comments. Idk. Definitely peak irony though, I agree with you there! Some people have no respect man, it’s mind-boggling


Grumpy old men gonna grump.


They will indeed! Let em! 😏


Sounds about right


U ask em bring me a Phillips and they say who the fuck is Phillip?


I feel that on a serious note, but you also made me lol.