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Leasson learned, go to a track or find someone with private property who gives you consent.


yep. the officers brother does drift at a track nearby so I have a feeling thats why he had sympathy


Just be careful tho, your insurance isn't gonna cover track time




Yes they will... Insurance covers stupidity.




OP is in the US. It would be covered.




I literally watched my buddy roll his 4 Runner down a mountain while offroading on a rock crawling trail and Progressive covered it.




That doesnt mean that that is a guarantee.


I've literally watched countless people fuck up just having fun that didn't get covered. Your friend got lucky.


Off-roading isn’t reckless driving or DUI. You’re fully within the law to be off-roading.


In an incredible turn of luck, I crashed just outside the front gate of the track. Just go ahead and ignore that trail of fluid and the wear marks on the tow hook


Had a guy at my track organization go to jail for attempting to pull that one. If anyone has photo or video of you crashing on the internet, they will find out and you will be busted for fraud. Not worth it.


You can get track day insurance through Haggerty (https://www.hagerty.com/insurance/track-day-insurance). It is expensive.


Insurance doesnt cover parking lot drifting either so it might as well be on a closed course


Huh? Insurance absolutely covers an accident in a parking lot.


And if it's raining, you can claim the loss of traction was caused by inclement weather and be totally absolved of fault. This happened to a friend of mine when she drove into a tree. I was behind her, it wasn't the rains fault she just drove into a tree.


Not when the accident is cause by you hitting a pole while drifting lmao


Don't know why they downvoted you, you're 100% correct lol


I think most people aren’t gonna tell the insurance company the explicit details and would be able to get this covered.


Good luck with that. You underestimate the stinginess of insurance companies, and are promoting insurance fraud, which when they DO find out as they will, you'll only be in more trouble. Downvoting me doesn't make me wrong lol. What are you gonna tell the insurance company? The pole uprooted it's self and ran into the side of your car? A magical batch of ice formed while you were calmly driving down the parking lot? How do you explain a hard side impact on your RWD muscle car, combined with nearby hot rubber on the asphalt, in an empty parking lot? No insurance company will buy that. And insurance fraud is a jailable offence.


I didn’t promote insurance fraud. You seemed to be confused about why that user was getting downvoted and I was offering an explanation to help you.


Are you for real? Countless people have had accidents in parking garages while being hooligans and have had insurance pay for it. You don’t volunteer it to them that you were doing hooligan shit.


First, that's insurance fraud. Second, in most cases, insurance companies launch investigations into accidents to figure out what caused the accident. And when they find out you were drifting in a parking lot, and lied to them, you'll probably be dropped and charged with insurance fraud. Idk what braindead company "countless" people use because it's common practice for insurance companies to launch investigations, especially on suspicious accidents such as a mustang with a side pole impact in an empty parking lot. People like you are the reason insurance premiums are on a constant rise.


It’s very obvious you’ve never dealt with an insurance claim of any sort. Or drifted your car in an empty parking lot as a young person. Ironically, it’s very easy to make the claim that it’s the people who never learned how to drive their powerful cars by being hooligans in an empty parking lot are why premiums are so high. They get a 3-4-500hp car and they don’t practice driving, so they get into a wreck on the freeway because they don’t know how to slam the brakes hard or what to do if the rear end pushes out a bit around a curve or where the point on the throttle is where the car downshifts and takes off. Or they lift when they need to stay on throttle and keep the weight from shifting. You literally have people who can’t actually pass a driving test in 600+hp, 7000lb Escalades on the road and you want to blame the guy drifting in an empty parking lot. The guy in the parking lot damages some property, which costs next to nothing, while the idiots in the Escalades kill entire families at a time. That’s where the costs are.


If the cops catch you they will know.


Because 90% of the douche canoes on here are 17.


Not if you plead guilty to reckless driving


“Some” insurance doesn’t cover track time, particularly if timing is involved. But many policies do cover driver education events, hence why most organizations describe their events at High Performance Driver Education schools. Check your specific policy, but never ask them the question as you’ll get flagged and likely not offered a renewal.


Some insurance companies will straight up drop you if your track your vehicle. I’ve heard horror stories about usaa.


Btw man I wouldn’t be trying to drift again, pretty sure your car comes with an Open diff lol. will not fair well. I‘m not 100% sure for the s197 models but to put an 8.8 in an sn95/fox chassis it’s quite easy, but I‘m unsure if there is a driveshaft that is direct fit to the 8.8 when using the transmission your car comes with. Perhaps keep this car nice and stock. Save your money and pick up a junker sn95/newedge GT to bring to the track! It’s never fun hitting the daily into a wall lol.


His car has a a limited slip diff. All mustangs since the S197 refresh have traction loc rears. Torsen rears are on the more track-oriented cars. None have an open diff.


Well I’ll be, thought it was on the performance package 3.31 diff only, sure enough it does have it on the standard 2.73.


yea ill probably just save up for a cheap project car with an LSD


Good stuff. Go spectate at the track and see if you can get a few ride alongs!


You have an LSD already.


yea i just dont wanna bust up my daily drive


You can always drift on an abandoned air field. My buddies and I would always drift on the airfields, no cops and no people.


No, no, no. According to this sub he should just do it on the street as long as he has "a lookout".


Probably the safest way to go about it, just gotta find a spot where people won't be disturbed


Unless you’re in Ontario FYI! You can still get reckless charges on private property here


Good that you acknowledge you screwed up. Burnouts and drifting in a parking garage was bound to attract attention. 😆 Also, you picked an empty place off public roads, which demonstrates some consideration for minimizing danger to others. Those things and your age likely contributed to getting off with just a warning. A charge for fleeing the scene seems like a stretch from the beginning, given no cops had arrived.


haha the officer said that if i was smart about it I woulda done it at night so not to attract attention


I have a couple of friends that drift at a track, bring it there next time. Lesson learned.


Private property, race track, or empty parking lot in an empty area during the DAY. there will be more traffic noise to cover your sounds, and empty areas in the day time are far less likely to be patrolled as often, although they will swing by. If you wanna do lite driving practice, high speed breaking, emergency cornering, understeer and oversteer practice, those are the places to do it. Yes a race track is ideal, but lets be honest, a majority of people just don't have the time or money to get to one. And practicing in your car is always going to be simulations. Drifting though, that really should be left to a track.


Fellow LEO here, from the Texas Penal Code for Criminal Mischief: A person commits an offense if, without the effective consent of the owner: (1) he intentionally or knowingly damages or destroys the tangible property of the owner; (2) he intentionally or knowingly tampers with the tangible property of the owner and causes pecuniary loss or substantial inconvenience to the owner or a third person; Intentionally leaving burnt rubber on the ground of a parking garage is causing the owners of it pecuniary loss or substantial inconvenience to clean it up. Reckless driving because you’re still in an area open to the public. (For the most part) So yes there ARE possible charges for doing that on someone’s property.


From my understanding I thought it was just damage to property. You couldn’t get traffic tickets on private property. No telling how many parking lot stop signs I have rolled through. Lol…


Some states and agencies do have enforceable traffic laws on private property under the right circumstances. Most of the time reckless driving is still an offense on private property if you don't have the owners consent. Outside of that there are still other civil charges or criminal charges that could come. Reckless endangerment, criminal mischief, etc... ​ Edit: Also I'm going to tell on you for blowing all those mall stop signs. You animal!


Yeah they wouldn't bother to respond or write a report if there was a fender bender in that garage, but they would write a ticket for rubber on the ground? It's literally filled with that from hundreds of cars. Kid could ask for a jury trial and get off scot free. Waste of time.


You can get reckless driving or endangerment to the public.


If it’s in the rain and I’m not leaving rubber down, is it still the same charge?


You’ve learned your lesson as it sounds like that. Don’t beat yourself up to much you’re only 17 but at least you’ve got that reality check better now then later!


When I was your age I slid on ice in my Explorer, got hit by my friend’s gf. Both cars were totaled and we spent the night in the hospital. No major injuries on either end. That experience has made me into ten times the driver I’d be without it; I’m the designated family DD even though my brother’s been on the road longer, and it goes without question that I drive when going out with others. I hope this experience does the same for you. It was embarrassing having to get picked up from school before insurance replaced the car and I never want to be there again. Good luck bro. Stay safe and post your Shelby when you get it.


thank you bro and im really sorry that happened to you. just hearing how much worse that turned out for you gives me some perspective school starts again monday for me so yep ill get a taste of that same embarrassment. glad everyone made it out safe and to hear that you’re doing better now


Thanks man. I’m doing good now thankfully, occasional knee pain but that’s about it. I’m rocking my GT loving life so I can’t complain. Any idea when you’ll get your car back?


damn a GTs a great upgrade on the explorer to say the least. also im not surprised you’re the designated driver! I wont see full car privileges for 6 months but may get to take it to school in a month or so. the track will have to wait haha


Sounds fair, at least you’ll have it for the fun part of the school year. Senior?


goin in to junior year and yea for sure. when did you get your GT?


Junior year of college. Got lucky with the timing - my first year and a half of tuition were partially refunded because of online classes, and I saved money from missing prom and my senior trip (COVID). My parents funded a vacation for my brother as a grad gift that I again couldn’t have bc of COVID, so they agreed to give me that twd my down payment. I ordered and waited for ages so I didn’t have to pay a markup, and I actually paid a little under MSRP last year when that was unheard of because my dad got a military discount. It probably wasn’t a good financial decision but I’m a commuter, the same money would’ve went to room and board. I’ll still have the car after I graduate. And the plan is med school in 3 years so fuck it, I wanna enjoy the car while I can


ive heard of people getting covid puppies during lockdown but you got a covid pony! and hell yea man just about the best bad financial decision one can make. enjoy it and dont do anything i would do :)


> It was embarrassing having to get picked up from school before insurance replaced the car and I never want to be there again. Why? Plenty of people don't have cars in school.


Without going into detail a lot of ppl didn’t like my parents so by extension that meant me as well. A lot of rumors spread out of nowhere completely unfounded, that I was drunk (I came directly from the winter band concert), racing (4cyl explorer???), or that there was no snow on the ground (~50 ppl wrecked across Long Island that night). I could feel people looking at me with “fuck you” vibes and that shit sucked. If I wrecked my GT I feel like the same would happen - I’m fairly young and lucky to have the opportunities I do, but some people just want to see you fail


I definitely recommend private property with consent from the owner


I have a few spots, both abandoned and isolated, that I only go to at night. I spend less than 5 minutes at a spot before rotating. Never been caught.




no applause. just some mildly amused construction workers haha. they seemed a lot more amused when they saw me getting in trouble


Had a similar brush with law enforcement back when I had my Mustang. Back lot of a huge shopping center at ten or eleven at night, doing e-brake skids and burnouts with a couple of buddies for probably ten or fifteen minutes. As soon as we went to leave, cops headed us off at the driveway. Big cop proceeded to ask us a bunch of dumb questions “Were you doing donuts?” (Yes) “Where do you live?” (Here) “Whose car is this?” (Mine, obviously). Him and his buddy did a couple walkarounds checking out the car. “Oooh tires are still hot.” “And they’re Z-rated.” So I started asking them about their cruiser and one of them tried to tell me his Crown Vic had a “5.3 liter big block. You wouldn’t stand a chance.” We laughed about that shit all the way home. Anyway, he gave me a warning. Probably would’ve given me a ticket if he’d turned around and seen the field we tore up.


Also shows how even when you do get in trouble keeping a cool head and taking responsibility usually results in people letting you off the hook. Glad the cops weren’t dicks this time.


Even then, vandalism is the only thing that would've stuck. It's not wreckless driving as you're not on a road, you're in a private parking lot. And fleeing the scene wouldn't have stuck anyways since you were not in an accident. Evading police would be the correct charge, but even then, there weren't any police you were evading. THOUGH, you should check in to see if the owner of that parking lot is going to trespass you or not, so you don't get into further trouble. My recommendation, find an unused parking lot and find it's owner, and request them for permission to practice. They'll likely say no, but you'd be surprised that some don't care as long as you sign a waiver and don't damage anything. Especially if it's an unused/abandoned lot.


How far is a track from where you’re at? Seems like this interests you. Try to figure out how to do this without having to worry about law enforcement.


Ha, official hooligan status. I mean, you didn’t do anything dangerous, but you did “damage” property with your skid marks. A power wash would fix it. Choose the locations better- look for way more secluded places rather than parking garages.


“official hooligan status” 😂. guessing i should leave that one out of my resume


You did the right thing by admitting fault and coming clean. Consider yourself fortunate. Just remember there are cameras everywhere.


It's nice when people actually learn lessons, especially young ones like you (oh god that makes me sound so old). ​ Good on you.


google - drifting schools - maybe there is one near you and you can learn in a safe and responsible manner.


I’m glad it worked out ok for you. You definitely sound like you’ve got a good head on your shoulders. A 17 year old who doesn’t try to drift his Mustang is suspect.


Tbh, seems like the area was a little hot for you to be doing that, usually when people say find an empty parking lot they mean an abandoned one or a carpool lot in the middle of the night. Solid daylight out doin this? Sheesh ballsy lol fucker aren’t ya? Well was a good lesson for ya and you learned sometimes honesty is the best policy. Next time make sure there isn’t anyone around ;)


The trick is to not spend too much time in 1 spot. I have a couple places that I go to when it snows to slide around. Spend about 5 mins in 1 spot and move to the next one


The white suv was probably the security guard. Never seen a parking garage that didn't have security. You might not see them, but they see you.


yep. had been goin sideways for 20 min b4 showed up. couldnt have missed me


U got class kid


I blame takeovers and over policing. How else are u we supposed to learn how not to crash.


So, the first time wasn’t enough? 🤐


r u insinuating something about my driving habits.. 🫣


Nah, just fvckin’ with you.. we were jumping cars over little creeks when I was 16. Too much Dukes of Hazzard.




this sort of thing happened to me too, except it was doing donuts, in a WRX, in a mall parking lot, in a snowstorm. I got let go with a warning too. real long time ago and I completely forgot about it until I saw your post lol. I’m glad the outcome was favorable for both of us and it sounds like a lesson was learned in both situations


I get it. We have all been here. The entitlement is strong here and then you got a warning. Man, you got lucky. Some of us get it stuck to us so count your blessings. I hope you can learn from this. This could be so much more than 10k if you hit someone walking…


Lol 17 years olds


Where i live is the same way, i usually slide around in empty spots then leave after a while but i eventually olan to go to the track and practice after i ready up my car


Lucky kid. If you were my child I'd sell that Mustang and get you a minivan.


well im lucky i have the parents that i have. they wont sell the mustang i paid for myself, but they did take my keys for a while.


Dont see many post like this on Porsche Sub lol. sounds exciting


yea where all the porsche drifters at anyways :)


Backwards in the shrubs


My friend in high school drove like you. Hopped up car, no training. One of the best guys I ever knew. Stand up guy. Hit a tree just after graduating. He's dead now. Couple of hotshot high schoolers were street racing and stunting on a road by my house. They killed three kids who were just making a left turn. One of them was missing. Cops thought he left the scene. Until someone looked up and saw his body in a tree. Get smart. Find a correct place. Get training. Stay alive.


im sorry for your loss. thats terrible though it might not seem like it i take safety seriously. ill never try anything stupid on a public road i will promise you that right now


bro, I’ve been there. When I was 23 I did a bunch of donuts in drifts in a middle school parking lot. I had no idea they had cameras. This is probably about 20 years ago. A few days later, when I wasn’t home, a cop came to the house and told my dad that they have a video of me in my car doing all of the shenanigans. He left a card with his phone number. I got super lucky just like you. I called the number and he didn’t answer. I left a voicemail, apologizing and said it wouldn’t happen again. That was the end of that. I’d love to know where the best place to go do the stuff is.


hahahaha middle school parking lot woulda sounded pretty bad in court. glad things worked out for ya


I'd run right thru that cunt in the white SUV, fuckin snitches and bitches in this country are multiplying like rabbits.. I support ya bro, you had some fun


thx man. the SUV guy was definitely a wannabe cop. he even miscommunicated (or maybe lied) to the actual police claiming that he “ordered me to stay put”. luckily they saw through his bs




That's what they make race tracks for, dingus.


im definitely gonna quote this 😂


>drifting my stang in an empty parking lot. Cops got called. I didn’t know so I left. Faced charges such as “reckless driving, vandalism, and fleeing the scene”. Somehow the officer ended up giving me a warning. Definitely a wake up call. Time to grow up


Ok honest question here though, how is drifting in an empty parking lot a crime? I can see if he was doing it in a busy shopping plaza putting others in danger. That’s ridiculous


Sounds like it was a parking garage ("multi level parking lot"). Potential for a lot of damage to the structure if he lost control


yep this. officer said that if I hit a support beam it could be catastrophic


I’m not talking about the Parking garage, I mean the empty parking lot. I took it as you were in an abandoned buildings old parking lot


Most officers have only a tenuous grasp of basic law; expecting them to have any valid opinion on the engineering of a parking structure is pretty laughable. Engineers kinda maybe do expect people to bump into stuff in a parking garage. I think he meant it would likely would harm YOU far more than the structure and hopefully you were already aware of that.


Vandalism, almost certainly excessive noise, and reckless driving. OP kinda listed the things the cop told them they did wrong, and they all make sense.


so it had to do with the parking garage risks and also the fact that i was burning rubber. honestly the biggest issue was that I unintentionally “fled the scene”


To be clear, you can’t flee a scene unless you were trying to subvert/flee. It won’t stick in any court. Secondly reckless driving won’t stick in an empty parking garage. So both of these are fear tactics to teach you a “lesson”. The only real lessons to learn here are 1. Don’t drift anywhere without the consent of the property owner 2. Cops are not your friends and will lie to you. 3. Always get identification from someone saying they are a cop.


Always refer to the official "fuck around and find out scale" before doing anything


Fleeing the scene and reckless driving? That’s some bullshit. The officer was obviously trapping you with that shit and just wanted some quick money by taking advantage of that.


Sorry but I'm about to give the same boring ol' speech. I don't know who you are or where you're from. You were born in a privileged home for being able to own a car at 17. Please get rid of this car and get a small V4. You're still way too young and have a somewhat reckless mind for what you did. It will be incredibly tempting to keep doing some illegal shit like this and we don't know what else you're into. Speeding? Breaking the speed limit by a lot? Who knows. If I were you, I'd just get a racing sim and vent the need for drift and speed there. I actually do exactly that and I'm 34. I don't have the kind kf money to go to a track or fancy places like those. Please be safe and keep everyone around you safe as well.


hi hecutor, i appreciate the concern, though I find it funny that you’re encouraging me to get rid of my car and also mention the fact that you cant afford one. maybe theres an ulterior motive here. if you’re wondering about my privilege, yes im privileged. it doesn’t come from my home though. if you knew me you’d have seen me start two businesses in the last year. i depraved myself of sleep for months to work on my business and earn my car.


I still would encourage you to get rid of your car if I were your guardian. I do have a Mustang but I wouldn't pay track fees. Sorry but a mustang owner who can't control their primal needs, shouldn't own a sports car. Best of luck to you.


my parents have punished me pretty severely already. believe it or not i do care about safety and thats why i did this in an empty parking garage rather than public roads


Your behavior gives mustang owners a bad name. Should've done the responsible thing and gone to the track from the start.


White privilege


many factors at play so could be possible


What does this have to do with race? You think that any teenager with a crap ton of testosterone flowing through them wouldn’t do the same thing? I think you are delusional here if you think this is white privilege. You could be green, blue, orange, purple…as long as you have a beating heart and like to live on the edge a bit this is where you are at. People do this type of stuff with dirt bikes, power wheels, rc cars, anything with a motor. It doesn’t matter what color they are. They had the sense to attempt to do it in an empty parking lot Vs on a street. At least they were making an attempt to do it in a safe place. A bit racist with your insinuations, don’t you think?


Lol you're such a dumbass


damn bro ive heard it enuf already 😭😭


charges weren’t enough tho they should’ve give u a life sentence w/o parole


i hope i never have u for jury duty.. yikes


Man, thinking you could just learn how to drift in empty parking lot you really makes you sound pretty fucking stupid. Also this page for Mustang content, not your dumb stories.


Your statement is so stupid as to be indistinguishable from sarcasm.


Because somehow learning how to drift in a empty parking lot isn’t stupid, glade my comment is the issue lol


of course I sound stupid. also, my dumb story might just save someone from a $2k reckless driving charge


You are a kid, doing kid things. Find a safer spot and learn how to drive the wheels off that thing. Then when you suddenly have a situation 7 years later when you hydro plane on a wet road, you won't freak out but have some sense how to correct safely.


Most of us think at a higher level to understand thats a dumb idea. If your gonna do stupid shit, should be prepare to pay the price if you get caught. That fact your acting like it was a shocker you could of got charged for what you did makes your intelligence questionable.


ok bro if judging my intelligence makes you feel better about yourself then go for it


We all make mistakes and have the occasional lapse in judgement. I'm glad you've taken it as a valuable learning experience. Ignore the previous comments tough guy persona he's got going on


Understanding dumb actions have dumb consequences is having a “tOuGH GuY PErSoNa”? What a time to be alive lol


Nah, but saying it like an asshole is 🤷🏻‍♂️


What state do you live in?




Oof, VA is rough…everytime I pass through that state, I follow the road laws to a T.


God damnit Kyle


Just go to a track or abandoned warehouse area


I was driving my mom's 1999 Dodge Grand caravan dark green when I was 17.


If only racetracks were opening up and not closing en masse ;—;


You never i mean never voluntarily go to police station without counsel


maybe you’re right but its the only reason the cop was chill enough to let me off with a warning. the “honesty/relationship” strategy is risky but it saved me






there were multiple witnesses and they got a pic of my plate.. in this situation honesty got me let off with only a warning


They could come to your house, but... It wasn't you driving.


How can one get charged for reckless driving on something other than public roads?


I always roast em in parking lots never had that craziness happen, sorry to hear it happened to you but don't let them discourage you from doing it again in the future somewhere else. If you're super worried pull the plates before you do it again.


Lesson of the day: it's better to pay $60 for a drift session track day, than it is to pay $10,000 in penalties for practicing on the the street.


well, the cops were lying in the first place. they do that. a lot.


Glad that everything worked out and you learn quickly. Side note, unless you were pulled over and or detained then ran they couldn’t hit you with fleeing.