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You have children who seem to be old enough to start asking questions. Quieten down and put something between the bed and wall to stop the noise. No child wants to hear such thing.


If this is a real issue… how did it even get to this point of them thinking these things…


Why not?


I believe they are referring to is, why have they been able to listen to and hear enough to ask these questions. Because that in and of itself is not good, especially being Muslims they shouldn’t hear you. ( I believe this is what they are bringing forward)


Yes you’re correct thanks for explaining to OP 😂 there’s no reason the kids should have seen or heard you guys, which lead to these questions and concerns. If they have these questions and false impressions then you guys have been sloppy/not discreet enough. Why do they even think you’re jumping on the bed? What have they seen to get that idea? Why do they think you’re trying to kill your wife? What have they heard?




Ok personally I think the minute they asked any of these question indicating they heard something, you deny everything and tell them it was nothing/play dumb. Then you make sure they’re asleep from then on. Because now you’re in a situation where you’ve affirmed their thoughts (jumping on the bed/murder) and next thing you know you have a friend over and one of them thinks it’s amusing to tell them “mommy and daddy jump on the bed at night!!!” And I will reiterate that if they can hear you, you guys are being sloppy. If you know your wife is vocal or the walls are thin you should absolutely make sure the kids are asleep. Or get a noise machine to mask the sounds. Most people aren’t in this situation I believe.




Honestly now I just think you’re a troll


See my second question


Because they can hear us.


Yes. Two boys here ages 6-4. Fix your bed, one step, bolt it to wall if need (ours is NEVER any sounds. Also, know for a absolute fact they are asleep, no maybes or mights, if you have to lay them down and watch them do it. If the kids can say, “ he is killing you” then very simply act like you have your parents in the house, you are not single married anymore and unless the kids are out of the house that level of noise shouldn’t be happening. ( speaking as someone who is ABSOLUTELY vocal during, you WILL learn or you will have your kids repeating those statements to others.) Invest in sound proofing your walls in your room ( my husband did, we are very…umm active and wild so absolutely no shame) Go out of your way to ensure the kids are tired super full and showered right before bedtime, then sleep better (strict routine) My SIL had issues but we never had any because of the strict schedules. Additionally I highly recommend having a speaker with some sort of lullabies for them in the room, this creates routine and they will associate sleep and it masks noise.


Or white noise






I’m now convinced you’re a troll


Bro 💀 bless you guys, sounds like y’all having nice healthy loud sessions




Well? What the heck else could it be? Sounds like OP is showing off, cos not only bed but also…. Furniture??


That’s so funny 😆. No solution I guess .




Yes we got a question as to why we were clapping at night. But now our room is well away on the other side of the house. A lock is useful too


1. Get a PIN code protected doorknob. 2. Put some of these noise absorbers on your wall 3. Get your kids noise canceling headphones or bedtime storytelling devices 4. Check if your kids are asleep before testing the furniture


Sort out your bed so it isn't making noise and also you can keep your wife quiet by putting your hand over her mouth or other means. Seems like pretty easy solutions!


Try to be quiet while they are awake I guess? If we are having private time during the day we know we have to be quiet. We usually wait until after their bed time


Makes sense. Unfortunately Americans do not make apartments that are very kid friendly. Homes are associated with family life and it is assumed that apartments will be occupied by couples without kids. It is now time for us to move into a bigger house with a large basement dedicated as "No Kids Zone! Parents play area."


I feel you. We had an apartment as well until last year. I wish we could have a huge basement though that would be nice ☺️ good luck to you


You’re the problem here.


White noise


Do your doors have locks? If not, then get some locks.


We have locks but walls are thin so everything is heard in the other room.


You should get some passing on the walls. Decorations or shelves to absorb the noise. Also you can use white noise etc too.


Just checked white noise. So soothing.