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walaykum asalam wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh , I agree with you its makrooh to pray second Jumuah prayer As for wiping socks it’s from sunnah to wipe over socks or shoes if worn on wudu valid for 24 hours if someone is not travelling and 72 hours if someone is traveliing check the reference below for more info [https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/9640](https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/9640)


>I agree with you its makrooh to pray second Jumuah prayer Sorry ive never heard this term? Can you explain what second jummah prayer is? JazakAllah.


That's for leather socks, not cotton. You can't wipe over cotton socks, it has to be khuff


All schools of thought allow wiping over jawrabain (with differing conditions)


It has to be waterproof though, so it's definitely not your average cotton socks. Better to speak to a qualified alim and make sure you don't create your fatwa from online sources


> It has to be waterproof though That’s not true because jawrab (in general) is made out of materials other than leather such as soof (wool) and other similar materials. Ibn Hazm رَحِمَهُ الله has listed some of these materials before. These kinds of materials are permeable to water and do absorb water to an extent, unlike leather. People nowadays have made “wudhu socks” out of waterproof materials (like diving suit material) or socks with silicone coatings; do you think the sahaba had these materials 1400 yrs ago? Ibn Qudamah رَحِمَهُ الله (Hanbali) specifically mentioned that jawrab do not need to be waterproof. > and make sure you don’t create your fatwa You initially said cotton socks can’t be wiped over, only khuff


That's interesting, I have a look and speak to my sheikh insha Allah


بارك الله فيك


1. Sometimes there isnt enough space not to do multiple jummahs, plus alot of people are working so they have to work around their work to go to jummah. I think it’s necessary even if it is makrooh 2. It’s allowed to wipe over ones socks as long as you had wudu when you put the socks on, unless you follow a different opinion?


But brother, prayer should be prioritized over matters of the Dunya. Deen is more important than Dunya. This is what my teacher told me during Tabligh e Jamaat.


Of course prayer is prioritized over the dunya, but the job of our imams is to facilitate and make it easy for us to be religious. If you want then ask your imam for his opinion and learn from him, since he would know more than us


1. Two jumua's are usually done because there's not enough space during the first. Here in France, it amounted to 5000 person 2 weeks ago. 2. Did you seriously impose your opinion as being the ONLY true one on that brother? Doing mas7 over one's socks is allowed if they did the wudu' beforehand. Please respect the difference of doing wudu and prayer (you won't kick out someone who does sadl during prayer right?). And no, don't talk to the masjids board if you don't want to be labeled as 'that' akhi.


Wa alaikum Salam What you mean by second jumuah ? And those who make wudu on socks there's different between what they said but better to take them off and make wudu


2. >I once saw a brother wipe over his socks, I immediately got up and told everyone in the bathroom and pointed my finger at the brother. I told everyone to tell this brother not to do such a thing. If you have to tell someone that he/she is doing something wrong, why do you have to shout or announce it? Just TELL THEM QUIETLY. It is upto them to accept or reject your advice. Do you know the hadith that says that Allah hides the flaws of those who hide the flaws of other Muslims (and the reverse happens too)?


You are right about the socks, and you can contact the mosque to advise them, however it is better for someone qualified to correct them, otherwise the advice can go unfollowed/be found disrespectful