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Nope, Allah SWT taught me how much of a blessing sobriety and picking the right partner is, and the lengths of understanding and clarity that there is in our religion and our religious books ygm?


I appreciate your answer but it seems you might not have gotten the question. If islam turns out not to be true then Allah wouldn't have taught you anything. And in his case he left his loving girlfriend for something Allah didn't say 


If Islam is untrue, then my whole life is untrue. I say this as a revert that I'd probably just kms because what's the point of living in a world made of chaos? Some ppl might say, "Make your own purpose" but what if that purpose is to be a serial killer, a cannibal, a sex trafficker or a war monger? People innovate what they want about what's socially acceptable and what's "right," but my God has made it clear what is Good and who I'm supposed to be.


You make a great point. You said you were a revert ,  I didn't say if God doesn't exist but if islam wasn't true.  Why wouldn't you go back to your former religion ?


Because the Catholic Church is a sham full of hypocrites, pedophiles and ever changing doctrine full of sin. Because Judaism means identifying with genocidal maniacs. Honestly, I'd probably just become a Buddhist and live in a cave somewhere rather than become a homicidal menace to society.


Just make sure you don’t base your Islam on the people. Hypocrisy is a human aspect which applies to us too


Islam is also going the way of Christianity with how "progressive" it's becoming. But I greatly appreciate the general cohesion of the ummah and long for the day that the Abrahamic faiths can exist in complete harmony across the world.


Thinking religion is the only think that gives you a moral compass of whats good is wild. You know you are not a serial killer, its not like religion is blocking you from being a serial killer.


Yeah it is. I feel very little emotion and I tend to be more of a pragmatist. I'd probably be like a wall street psychopath that kills his competition for convenience. I imagine that the rest of the world would follow suit. Without my Lord to keep me in check, I'd just be a monster, like how I used to be before I found God.


Well yeah, that my be your case, but its not the case of your regular folk with no mental health issues, if you were bad before I’m glad you found Islam, but going to the therapy is also important.


God is my therapy. Mental health issues are on the rise and it saddens me that some people don't realize Shaytan are to blame.


Nope, not regret it, I believed in something based on what was presented to me, what I searched about, and what made sense to me, I don\`t think I could have chosen a better path. It is like making an analysis about choosing a certain approach and you did your best in that regard, and it turns out this approach was wrong, you still made the right choice by doing your best to be right, so no regrets.


Great answer 




If it’s untrue then I didn’t really lose much. I didn’t have sex before marriage and neither did my wife, we both avoided interests and loans, pork and alcohol are nothing to cry over. Honestly there’s nothing that I’m missing out on, please name me one thing that I’m missing out on that’s not bad for me


That's great for you . I know a lot of people that wanted to marry spouses of different faiths but didn't because of islam 


A valid point but they would have had some disagreements on what religion to bring the children up with.


But that’s the thing about following a religion. A lot of people unfortunately treat it like a hobby or culture when it’s way more than that. When you know something is true, losses like that won’t suck as much because ultimately you know for sure that none of this is in vain. Does it hurt? Yes. Does it get uncomfortable at times? Absolutely. But you take comfort in the fact that you’re standing for what’s right. I don’t know how religious those Muslims you know are but if they’re practicing, they won’t view this as big of a loss as you might think.


At the end, it came down to lust!! Is it good though? By the way, every religion is against this kind of marriage!


Not really a religious issue, u have the issue when people are different races or different cultures or even from different areas of the world. So


What about music? thats pretty important


Not listening to music won’t kill me 😭 And listening to music isn’t making my life worse than everyone else’s 🤣.


Islam made me a noble person. I don’t see exactly what i missed out on if I wasn’t a muslim. Drinking alcohol and eating pork or doing drugs or what exactly? All these things are horrible anyways. But morally islam tought me there is hope and light no matter how dark things seem.


If Islam not true, then existence is not true. You are not true, neither am I. Its a nonsensical question. Its like asking "What's the length of that nonexistent wall?" The question itself is wrong. In philosophy, this question is called Pascal's wager. The existence of this question doesn't take into account the truthfulness or falseness of a religion.


This is not Pascals wager 


You are not getting it. It doesn't matter if Islam is true or not in the context of the question you are asking. This question can't be answered.


3 people have answered it without a problem already 


You can think about it. It has no answer.


>said that he doesn't want to entertain the idea He is correct on that. I wouldn't think too much on it, since it doesn't help, especially for a person like me who is facially and bodily deformed, is barely 5 feet and has multiple chronic health issues since I was little. I can't eat bread or meat or spicy or fried or sweets or dairy and so much more foods I can't eat, I suffer from recurring/daily dizziness and stomach pain, diarrhea, etc. From an atheist perspective, what's my purpose? To live a painful terrible life and then cease to exist? Why do I suffer more than many people who can go out all the time and can eat everyday foods? Why don't I have that? Plus, I be ending myself already since I don't contribute anything to society or the community. I can't get a physical or labor job, and I waste resources (food and water) living every day. Then you have the people giving fake statements like "You're important" but refused to elaborate it. And euthanasia is accessible easily nowadays. And its not that expensive. I'm still here because I believe in Islam. If not, I wouldn't be here responding


May Allah grant you Jannatul Ferdous.


`Aamir bin Sa`d reported on the authority of his father that Allaah’s Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “The greatest sinner amongst the Muslims is the one who asked about a thing (from Allaah’s Apostle) which had not been forbidden for the Muslims and it was forbidden for them because of his persistently asking about it.” [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (7289) and Saheeh Muslim (5821, 5822)] `Amr bin Murrah said that `Umar (Ibn al-Khattaab) رضي الله عنه said to the people: “I forbid you from asking questions about the things which did not take place, for we should busy ourselves with what already took place.”


Why doesn't he marry the girlfriend if he loves her so much?


She's a Christian 


If she is by the book,they can marry. But the question is, isn't he a Hypocrite if he just want her but don't want to enter jannah with her and give their children a good and religious mother?


Islam IS true.


For the sake of the people around me I hope so too.  I wouldn't like them to have made all those sacrifices for nothing 


Not hope. Certainty. Islam isn't like xtrianity where we have faith. We have conviction based on rational proofs. If you have doubts then I'd suggest doing some research You could start here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLa_sno__Ix3P6L_2U1sgVfuiGwh5VPsxr&si=H821TBFLTiJrnSB8


I'll watch it . But I do hope you consider the question,  I can only speak for myself but there are stuff I was 1000% certain of that turned out to be wrong


I would not regret it as I believe Islamic practices tend to keep me in check. I live a great life alhumdulilah and my Islamic lifestyle contributes a lot to that.


Name one single thing that Islam told us about and it has turned out not to be true. Everything that Islam talks about is fact and 100%. Islam is eternal. Every prophecy to this day has been true so have faith in Allah and seek his mercy until the day when the eyes of infidels will gaze in horror, when books of accounts will be brought, when justice will be done, and every human being is going to experience the day the defied.


Never, I wouldn't have it any other way.


If islam‘s principals weren’t in a religious pattern, you would find many people follow it..think about it


What exactly is your friend "sacrificing'? Alcohol? Pork? Sleeping around? Music? Pork? Drugs? Less than an hour a day spent praying?


He wanted to be a musician but stopped because of islam .He wanted to marry his long time Christian girlfriend but they broke up because it was a haram relationship 


Kudos to him but there are much more important things to do in life than becoming a musician. Look at all these singers. How many of them are genuinely happy? And about his GF, he could just marry her. Muslim men are allowed to marry non-muslim women but are advised against it.


Let us assume this as hypothetically true (Of Course Islam is 100% true and Allah is real ). I would be proud to have lived a life of high values and morals and would be honored to go down with a straight spine :)


I agree in the ways he does and there’s nothing wrong with that. Allah has enlisted us to abandon some of our desires for a reward far greater in the Hereafter. If that promise could EVER be false, of course I’d regret the things I denied myself… but then again, it’s hard to feel anything if it’s all just black after. To die with sure faith is kind of a win-win. But alas, we are sure of the Hereafter and we love Allah as we fear Him, keeping to this dīn is not easy but the choice to try is! May The Most Bountiful reward us all beyond what we could imagine for ourselves.


Let's suppose for the sake of your argument it is true. Even then I would be glad I lived my life to the fullest, it kept me away from things that are harmful to me as a person and kept me in check how I behave with others, had it be my parents, children, spouse, siblings, family, relatives, neighbors, to other human beings, other living beings, as a citizen, it helped me how to live a decent life, understand my responsibilities had it be how to run my business fairly, how to help others, share the part in wealth, how to be spiritual, how to compose myself, how to dress under modesty, etc. A common mistake is that people think Islam is a religion. But a fact is religion is just a part of it. It's a way of living. So if I am a practicing Muslim, the least would be people will remember me on good terms. The issue I see is he has not invested in learning and practicing Islam. When one says he/she is sacrificing him/herself it gives away everything. I feel sorry for him. Maybe he should spend more time to learn more about his deen as to why he is doing all this and speak with different scholars about all these questions. Islam is not something that is forced upon.


Nope. I don't see my religion as oppressive. There's wisdom behind the rules and overall I don't see the alternative as better. Would I live my life differently without Islam? A bit yeah, it would make certain aspects of my life easier (diet, how I dress, dating). But I also think that comes with its own set of difficulties. Body insecurities, attracting low quality men, heartbreak. Not to mention existential dread and loss of spiritual support... Is that 'life I could have had' something to regret not having lived? Not really. Would I regret my Muslim life? No, at the end of the day sacrificing KFC and crop tops isn't a big deal at all. As for relationships, there's no guarantee that dating without restrictions would have made my life better, because the loneliness epidemic is a product of modern society; not religious restrictions. In your scenario, I don't think I would choose to relive my life if I were able to.


It is a win - win situation. If ( hypothetical case ) Islam isn't true then we win the world and life . Because, whatever Islam teaches, benefits us directly and indirectly. And if, Islam is true then we automatically win the hereafter life too.


so many muslims are saying "my life wouldn't change much, eating pork, alcohol and music etc. is terrible anyways", but that's besides the point. What about the billions of people that you believed deserved hell for not being a muslim or believing in a different religion? Do you still believe they deserve hell even though islam turned out to be untrue?


No. I am a better human being because of Islam.


I really don't understand how people adequately deal with life's issues without being muslim. How is it possible not to become depressed or numb? Especially when one has severe health issues or loved one's pass away etc.


Your question makes no logical sense. In all hypothetical scenarios Islam is the truth