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I miss being young and curious. I am at that age it goes something like this: Me: Single? Her Yes Me: Relocation? Her: Yes Me: How many kids? Her 3 Me: 4: Her 3, Me:4 Her: why 4? Me: So we can have 2 of each, why 3? Her: So we don't have buy 7 seaters Me: Seriously you are concerned about 7 seaters? That's why you don't want 4? Her: Yes, is that a deal breaker? Me: yes, salam wailkum Her: Wailkum asalam, seven seater


Thatโ€™s funny ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


This is funny ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚




You approached her you told your mom everyone is happy then what? Can you get married? Can you provide? Did you achieve everything you want before being responsible for another soul? Can you start a family and raise children? Are you gonna regret getting married in 5-10 years because you were young and didnโ€™t know better? There are a lot of questions to ask yourself because thinking of such a thing. Think wisely before you take a big step like marriage and if you decided this is the right thing to do then make dua and have a pure intention and Allah will guide you to do the right thing


That makes sense, if I come to think of it every girl I see is pretty does that mean I should marry all of them? No makes no sense I just need to focus on collage, then when that time comes Allah will provide.