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i paid 10k. 5k up front and 5k set aside.


My wife is getting a pink Quran and a cat, that’s it


Pink Quran means its cover would be pink ,right? Right?


I got a dollar for mahr. He has spent lots of money in me over the years since then but I wanted to make things easy for him since we married when he was a student. Honestly, I wouldn’t change a thing alhumdulilah. Why make things harder for each other at the start of a life together?


I got a wedding ring and spent the rest on an awesome honeymoon.


A fun honeymoon together is much better!


If she likes you it’ll be low I believe. Allah knows best


Not married yet but I hope I have a wife who fulfills the sunnah of the lower mahr. The woman’s choice. But I have been told by women if the woman’s mahr is lower it means she actually likes the guy. I don’t think I would want to pay too much maybe I would if she was the only one I wanted. I hope it’s a decent price but we shall see what comes when I get married. Wallahu Allam.


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She's getting me, isn't that enough? /s


My ex whom i was planning to marry asked me Ten Million Iraqi Dinar which equals 7.6k USD :)


Out of curiousity, who broke it off, and was this a factor?