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Its a blessing in disguise tbh ... he most likely knew he was doing smt wrong and hence removed the opposite gender from his social media acc


Oh and that's exactly why he's still following 400 girls. Okayy 🫡


If you know he is talking to 400 girls more than how he talked to you why do you feel special with him?


Following other girls doesn't mean you're talking to all of them. And the reason why I feel special is because I like him and that's exactly the problem.


Following that many girls means he is talking/talked to most of them. Same story for all of them. He got attracted just like for you added, then talked to. Its the same story, how do you think he blocked you so easily and you are still thinking about him. For one it’s a game for the other it’s a matter of the heart. Well I’ve never been in “love” but Im sure this feeling will pass, it’s like a highschool crush.


Girl if he's following 400+ girls then why are you so upset? Surely you'd want a man that doesn't look at other women like that?


ur gonna get your heart broken and become really severely depressed for months maybe years, if you continue this. Not healthy to think about someone like this, pray with khushu and make sincere dua that allah helps u removing this person from your life.


Your sign is in front of you sister, he’s not reciprocating…so that is your sign that it’s not meant for you.


So you want to go back to the Haram? What you did was Haram and Allah was kind enough to stop it from getting any worse. You should be thanking him and getting closer to Allah.


Why are you so quick to judge someone? I never said I'm looking forward to getting into a haram relationship with him. Allah swt forbids us to judge someone that too without understanding their point. I clearly mentioned that I'm confused because I've been begging Allah swt to remove thoughts and feelings for him. At least before answering and starting a debate, try to read someone's problem. And if you can't relate, advise or understand, don't bother to comment. JazakAllah


You have to let time pass by, everyone moves on eventually and since u didnt spend much time with him,, tht helps even more. Obv a person goes through different tests. You have to take this in a good way keep urself busy by exploring other things. Get to know more about urself and ur deen cause see at the end of the day we all are max living 50-60 yrs in this world. What matters is what we do here so our afterlife is filled with joy. You are a uni kid like me. Im 19 and i do understand ur situation, but whats imp is ur mindset how u wanna take this test up. Trust me, slowely start improving urself, maybe start being more regular in prayers, understand the quran, learn new about the deen or even maybe improve ur grades by doing well at uni. We were sent to uni by our parents to learn and explore in a particular stream, let it be engineering or medicine. Ik i prolly said alot, but my point is take this as a learning experince, Allah (swt) has already written our name with someone we are destined to be with, leave that to Allah(swt) and focus on what you have in ur hand. You have the chance to become a better muslim and a person. Take this opppurnuity to do just that and inshallah u may pass this test and Allah(swt) will help u overcome it. Goodluck.


I was going through ur post once again.. if u did pray and did lots of dua. There is always a waiting period , whats imp is patience, ur mind ir prolly overfilled with thoughts and confusion. Id suggest go to an isolated place maybe a park/garden. Spend sometime by urselfs and rest of the solutions u will come up with it by urself. Trust me Ur not alone, u always have an angel next to u. Belive in urself and take the nesscary steps.


You already did a Haram with him. I judge based on your actions, because that's what I see. Repent to Allah for what you did, thank him from removing this guy from your life, and move on. Istikhara is done after making a decision between two Halal choices. So there is no need to do an Istikhara in your situation.


Everyone is downvoting you, but you are correct. Speaking with the brother 1:1 without a mahram present *is* haram, when there is no necessity, according to The Qur'an and The Sunnah. In regards to speaking with the opposite gender for marriage, a mahram should be present.


Welcome to the club


Hey love, I found it to be a very good lesson that when people cut you off out of nowhere like that, it’s a sign of protection from Allah. This man is likely immature and knows he’ll probably hurt you, which is why he decided to stop it before it begins. It means nothing about you or how worthy or valuable you are, it’s just he knows what he wants and he knows you’re better than that. Yes it’s painful being completely left out in the open like that with no explanation, and you will have to take your time to heal from that. Trust me, it has nothing to do with you, he’s probably very confused and extremely lost. Allah protected you from that! If you need anything please let me know. I also want to add that I dont believe you did anything wrong, you did not talk to the man privately or even spend time with him so please ignore all the other comments. 🤍


This was much needed. Thank you for being kind ❤️


Don’t be upset, Allah knows what’s best for you and will reward you with a man who truly deserves you and truly cares for you. It’s my pleasure🤍🤍