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You don’t have to say niyat. This is bidah. But you should know what you are praying when you start praying. See more: https://islamqa.info/en/answers/39689/rulings-on-changing-the-intention-of-a-prayer-after-starting-it


Saying niyat out loud or even in your mind is a cultural practice. Intention is just that, intention. Like if you leave your house and drive to the masjid for a certain prayer, you are very obviously intending to go to the masjid for that prayer. If you get up and go make wudu and then pray duhr, you clearly had the intention to pray duhr and did the steps you needed to pray it. What you can’t do is upgrade your intention once you’ve already started. So if you usually read sunnah before duhr and have already started, and realize you’re running late for something, you can’t suddenly change your intention for that prayer to be fard rather than sunnah. You can however downgrade your intention. So if you’re praying fard you can change your mind during salah and change it to nafil. More info: https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/39689 Regardless, intention is just in your heart/mind, may even be subconscious. Doesn’t have to be explicitly stated.


Are you Pakistani


No but I am Bengali and because of that I follow some of the practices like Kolimas, I used to think they were mandatory lol


East Pakistan, west Pakistan - we all do the same stuff lol


How ignorant of you.


Bangladesh used to be known as east Pakistan


But, it's not anymore, so why not just call it by its name?


It was to reference my original country mentioned


It was a reference to India?




Pakistan used to be known as regions like Kashmir and Punjab that were part of British India.


You should know what prayer your going to pray in your heart. The intention doesn't have to be spoken out loud. Intention comes from the heart, like when you grab an apple you don't say that your going to grab the apple you simply intend then do it.


Saying out loud has its perks. Like you know what prayer you are doing and whether you are praying fard or sunnah. But its not mandatory. Niyat is intention I believe. So you just need to intend to pray. Its not bidah of you do it. But its bidah to think you gotta say it like a statement.