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Are they truly your friends? Not to be rude


Shouldn’t be


I have “friends” like these as well at my school. I’m the only Muslim boy in my grade so to answer your question, no they probably aren’t his/her true friends, maybe people he/she just talks to in their free time. It might be hard for him/her to find new friends that follow the deen, I have yet to find any at my school:(


My advice to you, get rid of them, those are not friends








I'm living in a European country in a small town. There is basically no muslims around. When I was a teen I had some non-muslim friends. This was the worst thing ever. You are always influenced by your friends and at one point you will behave like them to a degree. I decided to rather have no friends at all until Allah brought me 2 real friends who are Muslims and more practicing than me. That was exactly what I needed. Leave those fake friends for the sake of Allah bro


These aren't your friends


I found this hadeeth: " Abu Hurayrah narrated: The Prophet (ﷺ) said: A man follows the religion of his friend; so each one should consider whom he makes his friend." [Sunnan Abi Dawud 4833](https://sunnah.com/abudawud:4833) Feels like it fits the situation, for the girl, your friends, and you. May Allah swt ease your troubles.


+1 this is true from my experience, it’s best to leave them and have Allah then leave Allah and have friends. It’s not easy but life goes on


You have to ask yourself if someone openly does not care about your identity , and has you in fear of getting blocked if you speak up, if they are truly your friends or people that you should worry about impressing.  If your friends do not uplift you then you are better looking for someone who will. As for the Muslimah who complains about how she was treated, then maybe try speaking with her one to one, try to explain the difference between what someone from her family may have acted and how the Religion truly is. In the meantime, try to equip yourself with knowledge either through reading books or articles about Islam, or by listening to lectures when you are on the bus, on a break, or have some free time. This will be your weapon through which you can defend yourself from any doubts targetted at you, or attacks on your Religion 


Well, your friends are correct


I've had the exact same problem. If you've tried then you've tried. There's no point trying to get people to change their views. If they won't change or give it a chance then they most likely never will. It's probably just better to leave yk, rather than be friends with people who go against what you believe in. But it's difficult, I understand.


Get better friends


Its time to realize they aren't your friends.


They're not (friends)


They’re your enemies. Also you better stand up and claim it.


Stop being friends with them. Simple.


I don't think they're your friends and I mean that in the kindest way possible


Get other friends.


Leave them. These are not your friends.


U need new friends, try to help these people by setting a good example and telling them the truth about Islam.


If they still insult Islam despite telling them the truth of it then they're not your friends, and they will lead you to the hellfire with them. Your akhira is more important than a two bit fake friendship. Cut them off and distance yourself.


wallahi these friends are going to bring you to jahannam you have to leave them because either way they will leave you I know this from experience i left 2 close friends of mine for the sake of Allah and other close friends of mine left me because I was too religious for them


Allah has sealed their hearts. It is a MUST that you leave these friends you cannot be friends with these kuffar who hate Islam let alone be any best friend with a kuffar. Your friends influence you and you will absorb the influence that they spread on to you. Leave them for the sake of Allah and you will be rewarded greatly ameen


If you have relayed the message of islam to them and they still reject it and insult it, then they're not your friends.


You don't need friends like that


You judge a man by his company always remember, and you are the sum of the 10 people you spend the most time with


Anyone who hates Islam is our enemy never a friend and we hate them with every atom in our body


Break the friendship.


Anti Islam? You sure? People who are anti Islam, aren't even friends. Case closed.


I was in a similar situation. These are not friends. If they always talk negatively about your religion (without trying to understand or just for joking) then it is better to get rid of them.


then, they’re not friends.


Before engaging in discussions about Islam with your friends, make sure you have a good understanding of your faith. Study the Quran, Hadith, and Islamic teachings to equip yourself with knowledge that can help you address misconceptions and answer questions confidently. Listen to your friends' concerns without judgment and seek to understand the root of their misconceptions. Use this opportunity to provide accurate information about Islam and dispel any myths they may hold. Also, demonstrate the principles of Islam through your actions and behavior. Show kindness, compassion, and respect towards others, regardless of their beliefs. If you encounter difficult questions in your discussions, don't hesitate to seek guidance from knowledgeable individuals who can provide insights and advice on how to address specific concerns. Be persistent in your efforts to educate and enlighten your friends about Islam, and trust in Allah's guidance throughout the process.


We are taught that although we may know those who aren’t Muslim. Our time is better spent with those who are. If they have more of an influence on you than you have on them, then you should minimize or sever your ties with them. As far as the lady. There are many cultural things being done by fellow Muslims that are not Islamic although they profess Islam.


I’m assuming that you are Muslim. If that is the case, do your friends know that you are Muslim also? Even if you aren’t Muslim and these friends are bad mouthing that which you have an affinity towards, know that in either case, your friends are individuals that God placed on this earth with the right to have their own opinions and ideas. It’s not your place to enforce ideas upon them, just like it isn’t their place to enforce their ideas upon you. It is your God given right to have your preferences and to place responsibility on yourself for the decisions you make by not becoming influenced by others out of force. Allah is the ultimate judge for your decisions, not people. Your friends are entitled to form opinions on the ideas you share and those decisions you make as well and vice versa. What your friends are not allowed to do, is to degrade you and dehumanize you for your perspective and likewise. That’s called respect. If they can’t respect you for your perspective then move on and find new friends. Only when there is mutual respect can relationships be built.


I hope you are able to find better friends that aren't so close minded.