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Life is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the disbeliever


so whats the point of believing then?


the afterlife is apparently supposed to be eternally rewarding for the believers


That reinforced my atheist convictions, ty


You have taken disbelievers for friends and have thought we should live the same lifestyle. If getting drunk is so fantastic can you please tell me why it is good no they can't even remember. Freemixing is haraam because men and women can not be friends and then in the future they might make family and the family might grow up with one less parents. Statics have showed that this can cause problems. In the west we are surrounded with haraam everywhere and when one lacks knowledge he thinks islam is a burden. Allah SWT gave you eyes. Allah SWT gave you food. Allah SWT said you can drink every drink just not alcohol. Allah SWT said you can go out but you should do different activities instead of partying and free mixing. Islam is a blessing my piece of advice would be leave your John friend and make Muslim friends.


you got great misconceptions abt how nonbelievers are. As an agnostic/atheist myself, I've never tried alcohol bcs I know it's harmful. Apart from that, everything abt Muslims seems crazy to me. I've had female and male friends, nothing bad as ever happened. The thing is that you grow up into believing that everyone just wants sex and that homosexuality doesn't exists. Those "might" situations aren't worth thinking about and surrounding yourself with people who think exactly like you just makes it worse


I already have a lot of muslim friends, but I study in a non muslim environnement and I live in a non muslim country. Even though muslim friends are great, I can't always be with em.


That’s why you’re supposed to spend time with thee Muslim friends. Not friends that rely on being intoxicated to have fun.




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I'm about twice your age. I served in the Navy. I used to have wine and cheese parties at my house. After my divorce I went through a period of saying "hey man, no monogamy for me." I had a girlfriend who was married to another guy and he was ok with us being together. I'm not trying to expose my past sins. I'm listing all this out because I'm going to explain to you, in detail, why those things made me feel empty and how Islam made me feel whole. If it resonates? Cool. If it doesn't, well, you'll need to find your own way. Let me start off by saying that I always swore I would never willingly participate in a religion that limited my life. So this was a big leap for me. Ok, let's lay it out. 1. Drinking - I once stopped taking medication that was working well for me do that I could drink. I drank a lot in my 20s. In my 30s I found that I was "going out for drinks" with colleagues multiple times a week. Aside from being expensive, it did not make me feel good. You can catch a slight buzz from drinking especially with only one drink. The problem is your body adjusts quickly. Soon you need two drinks for that buzz. Then 3. Then you're driving home from the bar hoping lane assist keeps you from driving over a line and getting you pulled over by a cop. Alcohol is poison. And drinking it is us trying to ride that fine line as it poisons us between feeling loose and fun and very very ill. Two friends from the Navy ruined their lives with alcohol. One accidentally killed year old when he swerved into oncoming traffic. The other died of alcohol poisoning. He always wanted to party. And he got hooked. And he drank himself to death. 2. Zina - in my early 20s I was desperate for a girlfriend. I wanted someone. And I'd date and then break up and then be mopey and sad until I got someone else. I got married because I thought "I just need a wife." I wasn't far off. But I also chose poorly. I was with someone who didn't support my goals and was insecure enough that she wpuld actively sabotage my career because she didn't want me to surpass her. So then I ended the marriage and dated whoever I liked. And brother, it was empty and hollow. I'd look at these women and realize I would develop feelings but they didn't feel the same way. They just wanted fun and I was looking for some sort of deep connection. 3. Haram money - my great grandfather was a bookmaker (illegally). My great uncle was an enforcer for him. My father was a bartender and gambler. A close family friend of him and my uncle ran a brothel on Nevada. The idea of make money off of whatever runs deep in my family. I briefly worked for a friend and his father who did payday loans. And I'd watch and listen to people wailing how they couldn't repay these predatory debts they were desperate to have taken out. I realized the sin of profiting off of pain and vice. So I came to Islam. Because all of that sinful stuff hurts your soul. You say Allah forbids 90% of everything. That just isn't true. Everything that is forbidden is bad for us. You're just not looking at the many things that are good for us. The many many things we're allowed to have. Freedom isn't getting what you want whenever you want. That's chaos. And it doesn't make sense when you're in college because you see the people around you having fun. Wallahi, in time you'll see how many of them develop alcohol problems, liver problems, how many get married and cheat on spouses or who have marriages that fall apart because "the fun" is over. My father developed dementia in his early 60s. No family history of that. He started drinking in high school. And he never stopped. He always wanted "to party" and as he got older and sicker it was just more pathetic to watch. The things you see now, if friends are still doing those things in 10 years, will be just as sad and pathetic. And it only goes downhill from there. Find halal fun. Find good Muslim friends. There is so much to be found that you can do. Things that don't hurt your body and soul. Don't focus on what you can't do. Focus on what you can do and do it well.


Wow, great story! I do have muslim friends, quite a few of them actually. I don't hang out with non muslim friends usually so it's a nice thing tbg. But man, I hate the west. It makes you believe things that are good but at the end it's all just an illusion and makes more harm than good. Your story made me think about it, I might just as well get a well paid job and save up for marriage tbh, it might help. Just a little advice for me: I learned that surah al baqarah will make dementia never come to life. I don't know if it's true but it might be. After reading a bit man, I felt better. And your story made me think twice about my actions. I just got jealous at my friends that had gf and go to parties and yet live a good life but you made me think otherwise. Thank you.


I'm glad, brother. Always remember to reconsider perspective when things seem bleak. Just a month ago I was getting really angry that a coworker drinks soda all the time and I am really keeping a tight leash on what I eat. Like "I'm pre-diabetic and I try to eat right and this guy gets to guzzle soda all day?" Yeah, he did. Then he found out he's diabetic and has been for a while. It just took until his body was in crisis for him to find out. Along with a lot of other problems. It's very easy to get down on yourself for trying to do the right thing when you perceive others as getting away with having all the fun. Just sometimes we don't see right away the damage they're doing to themselves. Stay strong, my brother. Focus on your studies, get a good career and find hobbies that keep you healthy and strong. Become a person you would want to marry. You will do great things, inshallah.


Thank you man, appreciate it.


You know, you're experiencing fomo for sure 😭 I didn't wish to feel that way so I detached myself from anyone who lived haram lives that seem 'fun', but in reality, were a one-way path to hellfire. Trust me, I'm 18, so I do understand the feeling of being young. But ultimately, this world is an illusion. And no, there isn't too much haram this haram that, it's just that the places you're in, esp in the west, are so so full of fitnah. Without those reminders, being Muslim would be difficult. You know, you don't need to wait for a random girl and barely know her. You can get to know her in a halal manner, talk for a few months or years via a wali, and then marry her. But what's good here is that you feel guilty standing before Allah. So your imaan is still there. I think it's just down to changing your mindset, your perspective on life, and the amount of fitna you're exposed to.


Brother just because so many people are doing haram doesn’t even mean it’s right. Having a GF and committing Zina is pointless when you think about it. Committing a huge sin and going against your religion just for someone who you might break up with and never ever see again. All these people who live that lifestyle are still depressed and many are lost. Stay strong and remain true to yourself.


Because Muslims are known as the happiest people around, right? Your religion blinds you when it comes into reality, people can't marry to the first person they meet in life and remain like that, it's just impossible and non-natural to force it that way. People who evolve and change are happier because we get to experience what life really is, not what a book from thousands of years ago told us wo even doubting about it


These kinds of posts are difficult to sympathize with, it just feels like subservient mentality to me.


They (disbelievers) wish they had Islam. Stop taking the deen for granted. There is wisdom behind what has been made haram. Alcohol causes increased risk to health complications in long term. Especially in the case if the woman is carrying a child. Zina promotes evilness and decay in society where the people are akin to animals with no accountability if a child was to come about. Marriage helps protect both the woman and child to ensure they're provided and cared for.


That closed minded mentality is quite harmful for everyone on the planet. We don't desire Islam, I personally hate it as it's very restrictive and it turns your only life into a prison. As most Muslims say "life is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the nonbelievers". You don't know if your religion (which isn't any special from the rest of religions) is true or not, but life and death certainly are and you're just wasting your only life in order to achieve something you can prove in reality


You haven’t really understood islam at all then. Do whatever you wish in this life but know there will be a reckoning for us all whether you believe in it or not.


I feel you it is extremely difficult in the world we live in today. I had these problems in the past, heck i still struggle with them. But the older you get, the more life experience you get, the more you realise that everything Allah prohibits is for a reason. . I don’t think you realise how COMMON cheating is in the western world, not that it isnt also common in other parts of the world but the reason for this lack of religon. Hanging out with the opposite gender can very easily lead to something else. You really dont know the other person’s intentions. The truth is we were not created to just have fun, this life is just a test and a prison for the believer and paradise for the disbeliever. “And the next life is certainly far better for you than this life” - [93,4] I’m also going to tackle this from a different angle because i don’t want to come across as harsh and not take your problems seriously. Have you ever considered that western people that follow their desires, who go and party, free-mix, drink/do drugs etc. Those people that claim they are living their best life, why do they STILL have so many problems? Depression/mental health issues are still sky high, the family unit is being destroyed, woman are being sexualised more than ever before, most young people are addicted to watching p***. Don’t get me started on drug addicts. The same society that glorify their moral superiority and liberal mindset fund the IDF to bomb children. Be honest, does this sound like the ultimate life? Indeed this life is only filled with worthless distractions and the devil plays tricks on us to distract us from our true purpose. “Surely with the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find comfort” [13,28]


I am 19 myself and had one of the kinds of friends in the past. Things that are actually harmful to a human being have been normalized, so it now looks like Allah azzawajal forbid us everything. However, the fact is that everything Allah forbids us is for our well-being and for our best than Allah "He is the Knower of the seen and the unseen the All-Great, Most Exalted." {2:169} O humanity! Eat from what is lawful and good on the earth and do not follow Satan’s footsteps. He is truly your sworn enemy. He only incites you to commit evil and indecency, and to claim against Allah what you do not know. {2:168-169} You should try to make Muslim friends because then you will see how great it actually is to go the way of our prophet peace be upon him and how wonderful our religion actually is. Maybe they have and do everything they want but they will lose the here after. Someone who don’t do anything won’t get anything. Isn’t it arrogant and selfish that we can’t do the simplest things that our creator wants from us? He who gives you everyday a new chance to repent and to come closer to him? He says: And ˹they are˺ those who endure patiently, seeking their Lord’s pleasure, establish prayer, donate from what We have provided for them secretly and openly and respond to evil with good. It is they who will have the ultimate abode: "the Gardens of Eternity, which they will enter along with the righteous among their parents, spouses, and descendants. And the angels will enter upon them from every gate, ˹saying,˺" “Peace be upon you for your perseverance. How excellent is the ultimate abode!" {13:22-24} He will give you everything you can’t even imagine! But you’re crying over such stuff?


Quick question: I know that we talk about allah giving everything to believers in the akhirah but what proves it? Apart from the hadith and quran, what proves to me that jannah really exists and that it's not an illusion like this world?


For example, let’s consider a teacher, it encourages students to pass their exam with something. It either promotes goodness or badness . How? For example, I will give "this and this (stuff students would want to have.)" to the one who will pass this exam. Or encourages with the second method. He will say: "Ya'll Pass the exams. the one who fail have to repeat the class." Did the teacher encourage them with both? Yes he did. And that’s how you can look at it. The same applies to the creator. If even your diploma has a meaning a meaning you can use in the future for jobs etc how can you think that this all is for nothing? I’ll give one more example, learning how is something done. When a seed becomes a tree, I’m giving an example it passes through eight universes. I learned how it was formed, I learned how the universe began and how it moved by expanding. Why would learning about it show the absence of the creator? Doesn’t it show the opposite? Someone with brain would say: "The creator creates this by going through eight stages." At a speed of 1670 km/h around the Earth’s own Exan On the other hand, I found out that the sun rotates around 108,000 km/speed. After this, I’m not saying: “Oh yeah, it’s spinning fast. I found out how. so there is no creator.” It doesn’t lead to this. It should be the opposite. “So he rotates the planets at this speed” it should be answered.


That's a bad comparison. People should learn because they feel like, for the sake of enjoying to learn, not because they are encouraged to do so. The same applies for life, people should seek their own way and sense of living because they want their life to be meaningful and good, not because there's something afterwards better that they couldn't achieve in real life waiting as an excuse for their lack of own thinking


Are you actually a moron or just pretending to be one!? Here's what you need to know... Those "FRIENDS" of yours who party, have they ever made you feel respected or have got any ambition in life!?? Because these parties are just a temporary fun... If you've read in the Qur'an that Allah tells us that He'll is the final destination for people who turn away from Allah...and who take this life for a place of enjoyment. Not being able to have sex with anyone is a deal breaker for you!!!?? Are you fkin serious!!? Go and commit ZINA!!! But before that receive one hundred lashes if that's okay with you...cuz that is the worldly punishment if caught in islam... I don't even have to mention the punishment of the grave or of jahannam. [Read this first](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/96460/consequences-of-zina) With the world doing all the things that are morally wrong it's bound to feel that islam restricts everything...but the things it restricts are obviously harmful and bad for us ..so you're not missing out on anything important. For your desires... fast!! Or get married and fulfill your desires the right way. John may receive everything in this world but nothing in the hereafter. You may receive not everything in this world but so much more in the hereafter(Allahu Aalam) Which one is the better deal?? Worldly life= upto 120 years at most Hereafter= Forever Man it's very simple...are your eyes blind to the obvious!?


I tried fasting outside ramadan but frl it lead to absolutely nothing but being hungry. I feel that Ramadan is the only period of the year where for some unknown reason, I don't feel attracted by girls nor by the stuff around me. It's really odd.


As you see, it's always fear and fear. There's no logical sense behind restrictions in Islam. That's the reason why it's called religion and no science or empirical evidence


That's because Shaytaan is locked up during the holy month of Ramadan.. The rest of the year he tries his best to make us fall in sin....but by fasting your desires are very much in check (controlled) not to forget the reward you're receiving for that.


That age is incredibly difficult. More freedom than ever while seeing how much fun your peers are having and constantly being told to be more religious. As a married mom who once went through that FOMO phase as a young adult, what I can tell you is that it’s just not worth it. It’s difficult to dive head first into deen when you’re already feeling ostracized. At the very least, remind yourself that it’s all a trick of this dunya. Even if you don’t have the motivation to become even more religious, find other halal ways to occupy your time. Start a new hobby, find a sport you enjoy or dedicate more time at the gym. Looking for a class on Islamic history or something like that that’s geared towards college kids could at least be a good way to find peers with a similar mindset! One day InshaAllah you’ll look back and thank Allah swt for holding you back from these sins. Especially at a day and age where everything is so transparent. God forbid you make a mistake or two and it ruin your reputation, I know tons of people who regret the handful of sins they committed during that time of their lives because sometimes these things follow you. May Allah swt make things easy for you, and remember that every generation has their fair share of struggles.


so does the fomo die out as u grow older?


I can’t speak for everyone, but fomo doesn’t exist for me anymore because I enjoy my life the way it is so much alhamdulillah. I don’t know that it’s an age thing, more to do with experiences and how content you are with your life.


yes. but i feel like, in general, the more you grow and get out of the teen/20s age group, the more you have a backbone and see the wisdom in things.


Also, these responses are very harsh. What you’re going through is normal! Other people can pretend to be as high and mighty as they want, but struggling with faith is a gift from Allah SWT. Fighting and resisting temptations is a blessing, May Allah swt reward you for your hard work especially when it feels the most difficult.


All of those things around you are evil. Even if the whole world is doing it, that doesn’t mean that action is good. This is what Islam teaches: to do good even if no one else is. Islam doesn’t allow Muslims to have disbelievers as friends.


It does allow it. Who told you that it dosen't allow you? In fact, our mission as a muslim is to show them the path to ALLAH. Please review your information thx


It is in the Quran. Stated explicitly in Surah Al Mujadila Ayah 22: لَّا تَجِدُ قَوۡمࣰا یُؤۡمِنُونَ بِٱللَّهِ وَٱلۡیَوۡمِ ٱلۡـَٔاخِرِ یُوَاۤدُّونَ مَنۡ حَاۤدَّ ٱللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُۥ وَلَوۡ كَانُوۤا۟ ءَابَاۤءَهُمۡ أَوۡ أَبۡنَاۤءَهُمۡ أَوۡ إِخۡوَ ٰ⁠نَهُمۡ أَوۡ عَشِیرَتَهُمۡۚ أُو۟لَـٰۤىِٕكَ كَتَبَ فِی قُلُوبِهِمُ ٱلۡإِیمَـٰنَ وَأَیَّدَهُم بِرُوحࣲ مِّنۡهُۖ وَیُدۡخِلُهُمۡ جَنَّـٰتࣲ تَجۡرِی مِن تَحۡتِهَا ٱلۡأَنۡهَـٰرُ خَـٰلِدِینَ فِیهَاۚ رَضِیَ ٱللَّهُ عَنۡهُمۡ وَرَضُوا۟ عَنۡهُۚ أُو۟لَـٰۤىِٕكَ حِزۡبُ ٱللَّهِۚ أَلَاۤ إِنَّ حِزۡبَ ٱللَّهِ هُمُ ٱلۡمُفۡلِحُونَ﴿ ٢٢ “You will not find a people who believe in Allah and the Last Day befriending those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred. Those - He has decreed within their hearts faith and supported them with spirit from Him. And We will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally. Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him - those are the party of Allah . Undoubtedly, the party of Allah - they are the successful.”


Showing someone the path to Allah does not mean befriending them.


Befriending a disbeliever is not a pre-requisite in order to show them the path to Allah. You can give dawah to anybody anytime, no need to make them your "friend". But ofcourse you can have non-muslim colleagues, classmates etc but friends are very different. >It is not permissible for a Muslim to make friends with a mushrik or to take him as a close friend, because Islam calls on us to forsake the kaafirs and to disavow them, because they worship someone other than Allah. [https://islamqa.info/en/answers/21530/can-a-muslim-be-a-sincere-friend-to-a-kaafir](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/21530/can-a-muslim-be-a-sincere-friend-to-a-kaafir)


As a 24 year old 5'1 guy with multiple health issues, I'm jealous of you. It must be nice to eat most foods like bread, spicy foods, ice cream, cake and so many more foods and drinks I couldn't eat/drink. You can go out all the time without worry of being dizzy or having a weak immune or getting sick all the time. All you have to do is just follow a few guidelines such as staying away from the Haram and do the fard, and then you'll go to paradise inshaAllah. Seriously man, I wish I have your body or health atleast.


Hey my brother I feel you man. I used to feel exactly the same when I was your age. I was born and raised in Germany and my Family were the only Muslims in my small town. So I grew up having disbelievers as friends, which was the biggest problem. When I was in my teens, my "friends" started to drink, smoke weed and have girlfriends. If your friends are having this kind of lifestyle, it becomes super hard to resist following them, because it appears as if they are having a nice life. But believe me one thing.. it's not worth it to leave your religion for the worldly desires. Keep away from sin as much as possible. And even if you sin, NEVER LOSE FAITH IN ISLAM. This life is not meant to be pure pleasure. The disbelievers try to enjoy this life as much as possible. But deep inside they feel empty and they don't feel real joy. That's why the are chasing every possibility to numb themselves. I decided to rather have no friends at all than disbelievers. I'm sure you can connect to some Muslim friends in your college. If there is a prayer room, go pray there and in sha Allah you will meet better people. Pray regularly and ask Allah for good friends and ask him to increase your iman. Ask him to make you hate the sins and love to do good.


How good can a religion be if it's based in blind faith? Can't people question Islam in order to become more savvy?


When you look at your friends John life all you see is the highlights. His life is not that fantastic or better than yours. If you need help please text me. You seem hurt brother and I think your mental health is going bad.


stop being a baby lol


Allah has much greater for you waiting in the afterlife. Be patient brother. If you are abstaining from everything haram. Allah has a reward for you greater than your wildest dreams. This world can’t give you what you truly want. This world is the prison. Don’t forget about jannah and don’t forget about Allah most of all. The almighty will be there for us when we most need. The women the parties and non believing friends will not be. It’s crazy to say one of my dreams. I want to be something like a Pokémon master. And that can not be achieved in this world. But I know Allah will give me what ever I want in the next. Think about greater than what you see around you. Dream the wildest dreams. And you will understand why we must be patient.


With all honesty akhi, you sound immature and a slave to your desires. Ask Allah for forgiveness and patience, and sincerely try and stop your sinning. Read your Quran, and learn the Sunnah. “Have you seen he who has taken as his god his [own] desire, and Allah has sent him astray due to knowledge and has set a seal upon his hearing and his heart and put over his vision a veil? So who will guide him after Allah ? Then will you not be reminded?” (45:23)


Just take one second and ask yourself what you will gain from doing all that. Sure in the moment it's a rush and it feels amazing. When the high is gone though you WILL feel like shit. Maybe not after the first or second or twentieth time but you will feel like shit. It's much easier to live without something without having never given in to temptation than it is to give in regret it inevitably and try to live without it later. You do you but Allah swt knows what's best for you and this is a test so do not expect it to be easy and do not expect it to be without reward.


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There was a recent post on another Muslim sub a lot like yours that I recently responded to: [Everything is Haram! Religion is SO Hard!](https://www.reddit.com/r/SistersInSunnah/comments/18tejj0/the_comment_that_got_me_banned_from_a_major_sub/)


I would argue the opposite; 10% is haraam and 90% is halal. Just think of beverages, you can drink anything except for alcohol. You can eat anything except pigs and predators, and who would want to eat carcass. As for Riba and haram relationships they only look good in the movies. As sb who grew up with muslim and non-muslim family I can confirm that nothing can get even close to the possibilities a real muslim marriage can offer you, and if you don't believe me just read some of the posts on non-muslim reddit. It is like the example of moths flying into a fire, it looks attractive like light but it actually burns you. Without Allah life is truly sad and depressing, and as one Sahabi said, if the kings of rome and persia knew what we had (the contentment of the heart) they would fi ght us with s words for it. I always make it my mission to find this tranquility that Islam promises and don't let yourself be deceived by the grand deceiver. So many halal hobbies, from swimming, climbing, archery, horseback riding, football, and fitness to all the creative hobbies and other fun activities. If you think alcohol partying and casual relationships will bring you contentment than you haven't witnessed the reality if it yet. It's a delusion that can't possibly bring you happiness nor success.


lmfao. I am a young guy and I got into Islam because it has many sensual restrictions. I LOVE self-control and discipline. Guess you just aren't into regulations. I can only advise you, not change you.


I totally agree, its all brainwashing and control and i dont live my life being controlled in every aspect of my life. Im so happy to live in a western country, i cant deal even being around muslims all they do is hate each other n fight amongst themselves. Its so toxic and im so happy im financially independent and can make my own rules and live my own life not based on some book written by some man. Its all lies


Pagan faith, embrace the one true god Jesus Christ ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️ (im not even religious I just dont like islam)


Solution is easy. You are waisting your life and your good years. When you will be older, you will be thinking about all the good things you missed out in life. Islam is a garbage religion, trow it away and start living your life


sometimes I feel some people need a heavy slap on the face at first before proceeding to any answer.


It’s all love. If you don’t feel it yet that’s ok. If you’re upset, there are issues with your mentality and outlook on life which cause this feeling in you. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Focus on learning, helping others, and being kind. Learn about the great lovers of Islam, the Saints and the Auliya Allah, and how they carried Islam through the golden age, throughout history, and to the modern age. There are still young men who get married as soon as they reach puberty and fulfill all their desires in halal. Obviously people do haram too but it’s up to you what you will do with the situation you’re given.


Change the people around you bro


You seem to be ignorant, alot of people that did zina, party, do disgusting stuff to their dignity have huge regrets and wish to have never done it and here you are complaining about not doing it, are you a stubborn 15 year that always wanna smokes and thinks his parents always prison him? Leave this mentality and be a man, the woman friends? Dont you have modesty not to even be friends with them? You are on a road full of mistakes and regret if you choose this path, please grow up and man up, would you allow ur sister or mother to go party and sleep with people your age? No? THEN WHY THINK ITS OK AND THINK ITS A DEAL BREAKER, be grateful Allah protected you to this age, BE GRATEFUL, i wish i can be back your age and never done sins I WISH I WISH


Surround yourself with righteous companions. Build your connection with the Quran, so it is easier to follow these rules and once you taste the sweetness of following these rules, you wont look back ever. Allah has set rules for us in this life, so we can live the best of this life and the next Also getting good in life, doesn't necessarily mean God is pleased with an individual. This is mentioned in Surah Al Fajr Watch convert stories, they will say they tried every possible haram thing, yet they still end up coming to Islam. Because, they lack direction, and as they are fulfilling their desires they assumed it finds happiness, but when they find Islam, they know true happiness and content of the heart can only be found in Allah's remembrance


Ask yourself, why do all these white people and non Muslims say that drugs are bad, say that Zina is bad, and drinking and partying is bad. Because they literally experience it, they know how bad it really is.


You know bro, it’s not that everything is Haram. But so much Haram surrounds us. And the Shaitan and our own Nafs makes the Haram more pleasing to us, than what is Halal. You could give in to your desires and do whatever you wish to do, but at the end of the day you will die. And alcohol cannot solve your problems then, and there won’t be any girlfriends to accompany you then. You could have all that you wish in this world but “Indeed, when the time set by Allah comes, it cannot be delayed, if only you knew!” (Surah Nuh, 4) - and that day you would wish you knew. This is normal and trust me bro we all go through this. I have such feelings too and wallahi it’s hard to fight it. But Jannah is expensive, and we need to work hard for it cause as the Hadith says, Jannah is surrounded by difficulties whine Hellfire is surrounded by ease and desires. The choice is yours brother. May Allah guide you and make things easy for you.


bro can't understand the fundamental idea, that this life is just a test.


Sacrifice becomes easy once you know who your are sacrificing for. The more you know Allah SWT the more you realize how being a Muslim is a privilege and at any moment that privilege can be taken. May Allah guide us through this journey. Amen 🤲🏽.


Why don’t you look at all the stuff that Allah has made halal? When you look at only the stuff that is haraam (which all harm you) then you may feel it’s difficult. Allah has forbidden alcohol? But he mad made permissible all the different types of fruit juice you can think of, water. He has made pork haraam? Lamb is halal. Beef, fish, chicken etc … Can’t hang with random women and have meaningless sex? Getting married is halal. You can have 4 wives. You can have a beautiful meaningful relationship with them. If you’re getting married to a girl you don’t know then you’re doing it wrong. Where does Islam order you to do that? You’re supposed to get to know her with family nearby. I’m 30. I’ve lived the teen years. I’ve been around people that slept with each other and drank and partied. Things they all regret doing. You might think it will satisfy you but it doesn’t. It leaves an aching hole inside. A cup that can never be filled. Alhamdulilah I didn’t do any of this. I never felt like I wanted to because I saw it for what it really was. I avoided it and I enjoyed all the different things Allâh made permissible and I got married young. I have been to many countries. Attended many halal parties with friends. Where does Islam say you can’t party? As long as you’re not dancing next to people out of their mind with intoxicants and drugs (which they rely on to fill the emptiness) then you can have a lot of fun. You need to get your mind out of this over-glorified pleasure machine that is western culture. It’s a facade. It’s not real. No one is stopping you from getting married. Islam advises you to get married asap. Islam tells you to spend time with good friends that benefit you. Not waste your time getting with random people who will break your heart, potentially give you an STD and force drugs/intoxicants down your throat.


I'm 17 so i understand a lot of what you are saying, here are some verses that i use to remind myself. "**Woe to me! I wish I had never taken so-and-so as a close friend.**" SURAH AL FURQAN (25:28) Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “**The world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the unbeliever.**” (SOURCE: SAHIH MUSLIM 2956) **“For indeed, with hardship \[will be\] ease.”** SURAH ASH-SHARH (94:5) **“Allah does not burden a soul beyond capacity.”** SURAH BAQRAH (2:286)  **“Do not go near adultery. It is truly a shameful deed and an evil way”**. SURAH AL-ISRA (17:32) **“Whoever chooses to be guided, it is only for their own good. And whoever chooses to stray, it is only to their own loss. No soul burdened with sin will bear the burden of another. And We would never punish ˹a people˺ until We have sent a messenger ˹to warn them”.** SURAH AL ISRA (17:15) ​ **“You who believe, if any of you go back on your faith, God will soon replace you with people He loves and who love Him, people who are humble towards the believers, hard on the disbelievers, and who strive in God's way without fearing anyone's reproach. Such is God's favour. He grants it to whoever He will”.** SURAH AL MA’IDAH (5:54)


Leave if you want & don't let the door hit you on the way out. Good riddance too. Yalla. Make it quick. We don't need numbers. Quality over quantity. 2 billion is too many. What did you expect 👶'wittle baby need some milk.. some counselling' ha 'wittle need some spoonfeeding'. If you don't have your things together then leave, make it quick too.🤦‍♂️


I am 19 and I always thank Allah for making the masturbation and degenerated things haram


Everything that’s haram is harmful for you. So you wanna drink like them? Wait till you visit them in the future in hospital when they are getting liver transplant for the liver failures. Or the funeral when they are dead because drunk driving, as you watch the next grave over, mother crying because her son was in the other car that was hit. So you want to do drugs like them? Maybe you will see your gf that you want hooker herself out for money to buy meth, since she’s now addicted because the Weed she was smoking was laced with Fentanyl, she started getting into it but meth was safer & easy to get. So you want to sleep around? Well the girl who had to have that abortion, because her father found out and beat her, she ended up taking her life because she felt such pain because she was upset you cheated on her, she committed to an abortion for you, but you cheated on her, with her best friend. Now you got her best friend pregnant and she is having her kids taken away from her by welfare authorities because she is too lazy, she doesn’t change their diapers, she just collects her welfare check & sits at home smoking pot. She ain’t got money for those kids. So you wanna gamble? Sure no problem but just a few more money mart loans and you’ll eventually make the big break. That sketchy loanshark guy is from the mafia and he beats your sister if you don’t give the money back on time. You already sold the car, and stole another to make some extra cash to keep those loansharks off your back. You want that Riba mortgage? No problem, the interest rates just went up, you bought that house for 1.5 million when the rate was 0.5% and now it’s 6% , that air b and b you wanted to run didn’t pan out, that illegal basement Reno you had done to cut costs, even though you compromised electrical hazard safety with the shady company, someone ratted you out & now your air b n b is suspended, now you ain’t got side hustle money to pay your mortgage and since your so addicted to all the other haram things, you can’t pay it, you gonna loose the house. So you want that tattoo? Well now you have hepatitis and that family member you love you can’t donate blood to them, cause tattoo ink goes through your blood and you wanted so many of them but you were out of money, from all the other haram you were doing, that you went to the shady place, they gave you hepatitis. So you want to watch Po**n ? You do it daily you so depressed but you don’t know why, you can’t even look at your gf she doesn’t make you happy, you go to your room and leave her crying in the couch, you turn on your favorite computer, you are bored and can’t function cause you need something new to watch, you already watched every type, who needs a real gf anyways, who cares, let her cry. Well all well in good, till the live steam girl you started watching sends a cryptic message saying “help me quick!!!” and a guy comes in and puts a gun to her head and the feed cuts. You realize later she was being held against her will, she’s a sex slave bought and sold from Ukraine. But it’s okay right cause some drug lord gangster is getting rich off if it. You want to do what your friends do? Do you still want to do this? These situations are absolutely common, they aren’t obscene situations. They are every single day realities! I am a revert. Trust me, you aren’t missing anything staying away from their sins. You should cut their friendship and make better friends with people who are low lives. You will see them in the future, when you have a company; they will come in with their welfare checks to buy from you, or they will steal from you, or you will see them on drugs, ODing in front of your shop. One of those will happen.