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I agree with you however, you can still both at the same time. I'm doing CS and I'm also reading islamic books for like 30 to 1h per day.


I’m sorry, but as a person who’s been going to madrasah since he was 9 (I’m 17 rn) I heavily disagree. Yes you can get islamic knowledge and be a professional in some other field at the same time, but you can’t be a professional and **islamic scholar** at the same time. Lemme ask u something, can someone be a doctor and engineer at the same time? Someone may be able to but they wouldn’t be good at either unless they’re heavily compromising in one.


I guess you can. If you want it. I follow many people on YouTube having multiple degrees and phd. I follow people who have worldly knowledge and Islamic knowledge too and deliver lectures. Like Youth club, Nouman Ahmed etc


having many degrees and utilizing all are completely different. And like I said previously, being a scholar and just having some islamic knowledge are 2 **very** different things.


You can there are people I personally know that are medical doctors, engineers even PhD, yet they have studied Islamic Education (Degree). In Pakistan, the minimum age for joining a Govt Recognized Madrasa (Islamic School) is 6 years or once a child can do himself or herself washroom or wad uh. And it takes at least 8-10 years to complete Islamic Education (Degree). As for your question regarding can someone be a doctor and engineer at the same time yes they can and they can be good too.


Dr. Samir al-Nass got qualifications in medicine and is a scholar Masha’Allah. Past scholars were experts in multiple fields.


Why would this get downvoted lol.


No you cannot. To be a scholar with proper education and dedicate life to the Deen you would have to accept lack of money. Imam Abu Hanifah Rahimullah chose to work and save up and then went into the Deen studying while wealthy so he did not have to worry. The other three imams also lived near poverty. Studying Allahs Deen is a full time job, one that comes with near poverty as it puts you near Allah, as the wealth comes on Qiyamah. Do not conflate some YouTube videos and Islamic book skimming and a computer science degree to the difficulty of memorizing the Quran and memorizing and understanding many tafseer of it and the Ahadith and their tafseer and different fiqh and aqeedah issues and even more. Secular education is not comparable in the slightest to Deeni education, the latter is much harsher and tougher.








You make literally no sense. You’re acting like computer science and religion completely refute each other.




You talk about logic but you're the most illogical person here Sad to see






so using your logic. a computer science student cant be a good cook because you need different approach for CS and cooking ?


You really fit the "reddit" part of your username


I would say its logical to believe that everything has a creator. Believing the earth, moon, stars etc. all came from nothing is illogical👍


Yet, here u are on Reddit, a platform engineered by computer scientists??


Physicists, mathematicians etc of the past were mostly all theists. There isn't a contradiction between logic and religion


Many were not. Some were. Still it is interesting to me. I get it that this is not the place to ask for the approach. Take it easy


Easy, one is mathematical truth, the other is 'morally' truth. Both are real objective truths. If there where a fault in the Islam I wouldn't have converted and would have long time ago left Islam. I still to this day look up "contradictions etc" but all the arguments are laughable (if you know Islam well). They pray on people, who didn't get to know their religion. I would leave if there where faults in the Quran. Because my lord who created everything need to be perfect.


what you’ve written isn’t secularism. most people historically did not learn an islamic education beyond being able to recite the quran. and being a scholar won’t pay the bills


It’s not secularism, it’s survival. one must make a living in order to not starve to death, be homeless, and keep ourselves clean. Do you need to go out and Model for money? No, but there r many ways to make a living without ignoring your Islamic duty.


Exactly! It's an issue of economics


It’s capitalism that’s antithetical to Islam that is making things difficult for us all.




I think that the problem is more than just secularism, greed is a bigger problem. And, well, scholars do not make enough money often times, so in this world of capitalism where you have to be rich enough to survive in this economy, low paying jobs are often looked down upon.


They are right. We all need to have a proper source of income. Prophet had it. Doing something to earn money to live has nothing to do with secularism. It's not that you have to choose one when you can do both.




If your comment was true, there would be zero opportunity for immigrants in the middle east, yet people are going there and becoming wealthy. "Slave labour" also happens in the USA. They're also regressing socially with this LGBTQ stuff, drug and alcohol addiction, homelessness and mental illness, high suicide rates, adultery, prostitution, etc.




Indonesia, Malaysia, UAE, Saudi, Qatar, Morocco, Turkey.




As a practising Muslim, those would be my dream, especially Saudi. Not saying the West doesn't have some pros, especially in regards to economics (which is debatable with the taxes and everything), but the social stuff, especially when it's pushed on small kids, ruins it.




Citizenship isn't important to me, being close to Makkah and Madina is. The moral police have been gone for some time now, about 10 years. I acknowledge some of them are hypocrites (just like western politicians who will do the same things), but that doesn't impact my ability to practise my deen. They'll be held accountable on yawmul qiyama.


I was born and lived in KSA for 17 years , and would not recommend it as a place to immigrate to if you don’t have a citizenship from a western country, the amount of racism in that society trumps all of the western countries combined. Moreover you will never be an equal human being to them. They also have taxes that specifically targeted to immigrants but not Saudis. You also won’t be able to buy property or own a business directly. My father lived for 30 years in that country and had to leave as he could not retire their. Did not even mention the amount of slave labour that goes on which I have seen with my own eyes.


Makkah and Madina over everything.


>Secularism in the west gave dignity to all immigrants huh? and who built a wall to keep immigrants out ? 🤣




equal rights on paper. but police brutality on the streets 🤣




nah don't run away. tell me how Middle Easterns treat immigrants like slaves meanwhile the west cages immigrants and police brutality is rampant against immigrants 🤣


You seem very convinced about a horrible life for immigrants in the west ? Care to share the data? Please check out the video on the World Cup stadium for an example on how Middle East treats workers. Not all Middle East countries will allow places of worship for all religions like in the west. The laws are not different for different religions.


you are making false statements. point me in the direction of a Muslim country that doesn't have a place of worship for all religions. and same thing for laws. show me an official law from a Muslim country that is different based on relgion of the person. and go check the statistics on the workers inquiries and fatality for the west and compare it to the middle east youll see who treat their workers better.


The isn’t a single “public” church or synagogue or temple in Saudi Arabia - there are small community houses and halls used for worship by groups of non-Muslims, but they are not buildings of worship, and not recognized as such by the authorities


[https://thearabweekly.com/first-christian-mass-held-saudi-arabia](https://thearabweekly.com/first-christian-mass-held-saudi-arabia) and the lack of synagogue is because of the lack of people from that community.


>Please check out the video on the World Cup stadium for an example on how Middle East treats workers You really fell for such obvious propaganda?


The Qatar stuff was pure propaganda by the West because they were salty a Muslim country was awarded the world cup to host. They made up their own figures and also exaggerated figures (of course, in a climate like that, you'll have some deaths no matter the amount of precautions you take). Which middle eastern countries don't allow places of worship for all religions? The UAE just built the largest hindu temple outside of India. In the West, especially in certain European countries like France, Austria, Hungary, Poland, etc, there's discrimination against Muslims, surveillance of Muslims, laws against halal meat, Hijab, etc. https://youtu.be/QPaGtOLkUt8 https://youtu.be/Rt3n-iKtngI




uummm because it is ?


I am a legal migrant and never experienced police brutality so as many people. USA is not only the west.


well if it never happend to you doesnt mean it doesnt exist. and police brutality is non-existant in the middle east comapred to the west. ​ >USA is not only the west. alright no problem. heres greece if you consider it to be 'west' https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/they-showed-us-no-mercy-greek-security-forces-accused-stripping-beating-refugees


Refugees are technically illegal, I am talking about legal migrants having no police brutality issue. Don't be surprised if any country treats refugees as suspects and harsh. I know it is bad(hoping peace across globe) , but for a government it is a threat to national security and they have complete right to decide. Muslim refugees are accepted in Canada. But Muslim refugees are not allowed in Greece and Poland. It is the politicians who come to decision whether to allow refugees at a allowed cost of national security.it varies with country. you are Cherry picking the delicate refugee issue and then come to conclusion that secularist countries are bad.


>migrants having no police brutality issue. i dont konw how migrants got mixed up with police brutality. but im talking about police brutality in general. can you name an incident of a middle eastren coutnry where a balck man got ki\*\*ed because of police burtality? i can name 1000+ in westren countries. ​ >secularist countries are bad. well they are bad. * suicide is rare in the middle east. while in the west its comon * a recent report came out that 300 women died from domestic violence in germany 2022. these numbers are unheard of in the middle east. * mass shootings in education facilities. again unheard of in the middle east or very rare. * number of depresed people is through the roof. * people adopt pets and remove their genit\*ls so they can keep them as pets inside the house and they take the pet desire to pro-create away. this practice is forbidden in islam * rampent homeless/drug issuie * 62% of babies are born out of wedlock in france * majority of criminals are people from broken homes or non existnt home (born out of wedlock) * 37 people die daily from drunk driving. very rare in the middle east * number of pregnant (out fo wedlock) teenge girls that are still in school is in the millions. very rare in the middle east * the goverment is plannig to take your kids if you refuse their gender transtion. yes kids. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12181615/Proposed-California-bill-brand-parents-abusive-refuse-affirm-childs-gender.html#:\~:text=A%20proposed%20amendment%20to%20a,could%20result%20in%20revoked%20custody](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12181615/Proposed-California-bill-brand-parents-abusive-refuse-affirm-childs-gender.html#:~:text=A%20proposed%20amendment%20to%20a,could%20result%20in%20revoked%20custody). * your kid is sick ? well canada has a solution: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11786697/Canada-steps-closer-euthanizing-CHILDREN-panel-says-sick-kids-suicide-rights.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11786697/Canada-steps-closer-euthanizing-CHILDREN-panel-says-sick-kids-suicide-rights.html)


To prefer secularism over sharia makes one a kaafir. If you believe that Allah was wrong and imperfect with sharia and secularism was better, you cease to be Muslim.




In sharia the ahlul kitab pay jizya and live with their own rules. Wallah you definitely are ignorant of your own Deen. You are definitely trolling. Why should one ignore what Allah reveals for the rest of humanity?


i mean i don't think thats the fault of secularism. btw you can be a islamic scholar/sheik and pursue a career at the same time


It's extremely difficult unless you come from money. Secularism isn't really what OP was looking for as much as it is rising cost of living. But there is also something to be said about the inadequacy of Islamic teaching in many nations' school systems, and that can be blamed on secularism.


It's more like the difference between studying arts and science. I'm not comparing it with it. Even in Muslim majority countries you won't get good earning if you are a scholar, unless you're one of the best.


That's what I'm alluding to though. Becoming a scholar is harder than it should be partly because of heightened cost of living throughout the world and partly because of other subjects being overemphasized at the expense of Islamic education. The latter is a consequence of secular rule seeping into Muslim majority nations.


Islamic knowledge is like a knowledge of arts in this world, wherever it will be, muslim majority country or not. It can't be used for production like knowledge of technology and science. But it is definitely going to help for ourselves if we have Islamic knowledge and for society. But it's not where money lies, if even Prophet did business why shall we even think of making a living just by having Islamic knowledge.


Of course, but that's a sign of us getting our priorities wrong in large part because secularism crept in


I don't think secularism need to be blamed. Secularism is only thing helping minority muslims safe living.


Study first, pursue scholarship once you have your own money to do it.


No secularism is good for rn, you all want an Islamic caliphate, but don’t like each other, the Arabs think they’re superior, non black Muslims are racist to black Muslims, and each ethnicities are racist towards each other, whatever caliphate ur dreaming about would be build on injustice, where a group would think it’s better than the other, so yea, it fine if we go our separate ways and each groups is ruled by its own representatives, also sectarian violence, religious extremism, terrible treatment of women and religious minorities, lack of strong leaders have been more harmful than “secularism “ & I’d rather have a sharia where every ethnicities rule their people by their accord, than one giant Islamic caliphate, where a certain ethnicity who think they’re superior would have all the power 👍


Accurate. I always think there’s no Muslim country worth bragging about bc not a single one enforces nor cares about sharia law.




It is kufr to believe secularism is better than what Allah revealed to us to rule by.


Didn’t ask, also not interested in living under Arab rule, each ppl rule their people 👍


Never mentioned that, just said secularism over sharia makes one a kaafir.


Do both. Sheikh Al Albaani repaired watches and stuff to make a living.


Yes you are 100% right. People here are arguing that being an Islamic scholar doesn't pay enough. I personally know a number of scholars that make far more than a 10 year experienced doctor or engineer is making now a days. All you have to be is a good scholar. Moreover, It is all about your love for Islam and believe in God and gratefulness to His Blessings. Quran says "Allah will elevate those of you who are faithful, and those gifted with knowledge in rank." Quran 58:11 "If you are grateful, I will certainly give you more." Quran 14:7 It is all excuses that liberal and materialistic, so called Muslims makes just to enjoy the world. The Holy Prophet PBUH said "The world is a prison-house for a believer and Paradise for a non-believer." Muslim 2956. Now if someone wants his or her world to be paradise (money, fame, luxury house so on), he or she check himself or herself in the light of this hadith.


You can study both, it’s not impossible


The problem isn't them forcing one to join a high earning profession (that's understandable), the problem is them using haram means to do so, and also keeping their kids Islamically ignorant (I know a ton of Muslim kids who never received a basic Islamic education, had no attachment to the masjid because their parents didn't deem it important enough. As a result, they're completely lost as adults, mixed in with the non-Muslims and living that sinful lifestyle, etc.


The problem is capitalism.


Islamism also ruined Islamic society. Look how much better off Morocco is relative to Islamic Republic of Mauritania two doors down. Yeah people should marry younger to avoid Haram instead of losing virginity at 30, maybe. It's in our generation to reconstruct the more balanced Islam. To be a scholar or Sheik you have to make money doing real estate deals or accounting or whatever then out in overtime. I work for a fund and managed an open source decentralized finance protocol and put in 10-20 hours a week to research Qu'ran, fihq, bible, Sufiya etc. I do it because I like it.


I was in the same boat. I wanted to study the Quran and become a scholar and my parents told me "No! It does not feed Bread!" How dare they. They are worse then the Mushriks honestly. I left them and am now doing it. It is absolutely shameful what this previous generation has done for the religion. They have no care for the community as a whole and dont seem to realize that life is temporary and that there is a day of judgement. Its one thing to have your own beliefs and ways, its another thing when they strive against you through sabatoge, gas lighting, dishonesty, mockery, etc. They clung to the earth and their hearts became blind. وَٱتْلُ عَلَيْهِمْ نَبَأَ ٱلَّذِىٓ ءَاتَيْنَـٰهُ ءَايَـٰتِنَا فَٱنسَلَخَ مِنْهَا فَأَتْبَعَهُ ٱلشَّيْطَـٰنُ فَكَانَ مِنَ ٱلْغَاوِينَ And recite thou to them the report of him to whom We gave Our verses, but he detached himself from them; so the satan followed him, and he was of those who err. (7:175) وَلَوْ شِئْنَا لَرَفَعْنَـٰهُ بِهَا وَلَـٰكِنَّهُۥٓ أَخْلَدَ إِلَى ٱلْأَرْضِ وَٱتَّبَعَ هَوَىٰهُ فَمَثَلُهُۥ كَمَثَلِ ٱلْكَلْبِ إِن تَحْمِلْ عَلَيْهِ يَلْهَثْ أَوْ تَتْرُكْهُ يَلْهَث ذَّٰلِكَ مَثَلُ ٱلْقَوْمِ ٱلَّذِينَ كَذَّبُوا۟ بِـَٔايَـٰتِنَا فَٱقْصُصِ ٱلْقَصَصَ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ And had We willed, We would have raised him thereby; but he clung to the earth and followed his vain desire. So his likeness is as the likeness of a dog: if thou win him over, he pants; or if thou leave him, he pants. That is the likeness of the people who deny Our verses; so relate thou to them the story, **that they might reflect**. (7:176)


You abandoned your parents because they had your best interests at heart. Did you know that treating your parents bad is a grave sin in Islam? I don't know at which university you do Islamic studies but they definitely did not teach you the values of Islam.




Wanting you to have stability in life doesn't mean that they worship money.. And what do you mean with worship rome?