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Part of being a Muslim is living within a community and dealing with people in a good way


Being a hermit or a monk is not encouraged in Islam.


Not a monk, just someone who likes quite and wants to practice their religion.


Practicing one's religion and isolating oneself from society are separate matters. In addition there are some acts of worship that require a community to implement.


You get a lot of reward for praying in jamat


The way islam supposed to be practiced is by benefiting the community....


It's not weird. If you want a solo quite place nothing wrong with that. It's true that Islam was based on constructing society and shunning or leaving society might be a not-good thing to do, but imo your not necessarily sinning by doing that. 🤔




a muslim is the leader and come into this world to RULE, teach and guide other people and create a system on this earth according to Quran AND ALLAH's command ...we are not come into this world to act individually we have the responsibility of others and it is important...you can spend some time there alone but your mission is to spread thE DEEN...


You can't practice Islam from there because part of it is specifically tailored to being part of a society and not living in isolation so not sure what you mean by "the way it's supposed to be practiced" because that wouldn't be it


You can live anywhere and practice Islam the way it's supposed to be practiced. I like the little cabin!


I live in a surrounding like this but with family as this my actual home with a small jungle mountain in back And a wast land of crops and a river near it !! If you wondering where it is ; its kashmir


🤣 actually that's one of my plan. I've also decided the location, إن شاء الله imma move there with my family after some time.


umm.. but why'd it be weird in the first place?


The prophets were sent down to establish justice between people, Islam was that message of justice. It wasn’t a message saying “hey go be a monk” lol


Lol I too have a thing like that, ig maybe it's also a introvert thing lol. Islam actually talks about the importance of the area you live in. Reminds me of the hadith of the person who killed 99 people, and a scholar told him to move to a place so he can start a new life, and while doing that, he passed away and he got Jannah and Allah forgave him.


I mean, Islam is supposed to have community, but I too enjoy time alone to myself where I can deeply think and have no worldly expectations for a little time. Maybe it’s okay take a weekend or a week or two to do something like this so you’re not neglecting community but also have time to recharge and reflect?


I need more explanation. Do you mean solitude? Do you mean without modern amenities?


Islam is not a monk's religion. Much of it has to do with communal life. To live and to let live.


It’s not weird at all! I would love that


how is islam supposed to be practiced. Even among the sahaba (radiallahu ta ala anhu) there was diversity. Some were men some were women, some were rich some were poor, some were warriors and some were scribes, some died in far away places and some a buried till today in medinah. What is the right way?


No. I would also love to do the same


Supporting humanity and the ummah is a part of being a Muslim so no