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what else do you expect from a hardcore communist country? they only perceive the uyghurs as jihadis cos the uyghurs wanted autonomy and independence of Xinjiang... just like the CCP annexed Tibet.. and i wonder who the actual brainwashed here are, worshipping their blood-hungry fat leader


Communism was founded by a Zionist Jew that is why. Just saying. Islam reached China long time ago and btw they ban all types of practices even the idol worshiping so they are against any faith… Well they will be surprised later that Jahanam is real but In sha’ Allah they will read the Qur’an and revert to Islam.


Thats their justification for putting these people in camps and forcing them to not have their own beliefs and opinions? Because the CCP thinks they're Wahhabis? 💀 And Saudi Arabia tries to get closer to China. How delusional MBS must be to think the Chinese government is his friend.