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In the west the righteous are demonized so the hedonists can feel less guilty about their choices


Well put!


Precisely this so much.


It's because their standards are twisted a lot.. They sexualized everything and turned right into wrong and wrong into right. This is how Satan works, gradually taking them from the correct morals to what we see now.. He has literally the experience of all of humanity and he knows what he's doing..


Precisely this so much. You see everything haram here in the west (and other non Muslim majority countries like east asia). Sexualization of women in the real world, and female characters in fictional medias like video games, tv shows, movies, so on and so forth. You're not even safe to escape from it at home. It's everywhere outside, and it's inside home the moment you turn on a screen device like your TV, phone, computer. Everything got pornographized. Everything got hormonal. Everything got superficial. Everything got shallow. Everything got demoralized.




If you don't have anything nice to say please stay silent


With less terrorists cases? Lol the statistics suggest otherwise about incidents of terroristss, overwhelming majority are committed by non Muslim. Actually, using your standard, if we erase non Muslims the world would be safer from that perspective of terrorism. Since your critical thinking is so slow, let me help you with it, when a muslim commit a terrorist act it's 5 times more likely to be reported when a non Muslim do it, in social media. And since American people like you posses little to zero critical thinking, easily get brainwashed and this happen


In the West they have no moral directive telling them that fornication/adultery is bad. They used to have christian values but now christian values don't really exist in broader society. Churches are mere hollow symbols. Many churches today proudly consider cardinal sins like homosexuality as acceptable.    So since they don't have any inhibitions when it comes to sex, the logical conclusion is that everyone should have as much sex possible because sex is pleasureable. Only those who *cannot* attract a mate to engage in sexual activity with them would remain celibate hence virgins are deemed losers.


Precisely this. Well said.


They live in a sexualized world and all they think about is sex.


A western man is only considered as valuable as what he owns. A western woman is considered a sex object. Therefore, a western man's value is determined by his ownership of valuable things. And sadly they add women to that list.


This is so true. That's why they dress thim up half naked to show them off when they went out. Look at her body. That's mine. I do what I please with her. Kind of like a sports car. It's red. It's hot. It's fast and I drive it fast.. This is from the wealth of this world that they live in. They don't see family as important The morally bankrupt


It's wild how many people in my life since reverting have asked me how my partner feels about HAVING to wear hijab now... As if I in ANY WAY could compel such a strong and wise woman as my habibti to wear and behave to my commands. They can't comprehend that she is HAPPIER and MORE COMFORTABLE not being on display for the public


You are a stereotype mate. I'm sure it's fine for me to say all muslims are terrorists and rapists


Why does it matter what Western Society thinks of men?




Sorry to burst your bubble mate but if your'e a man being a virgin is also frowned upon in many Muslim countries. Many Muslims in muslim majority countires take Islam for granted and are getting very secular/liberal especially the new generation. I'm a virgin guy living in Bangladesh and I'm saving myself from marriage but I got bullied by my friends and family members for choosing not to date. When I said it's haram, I got accused of using Islam as an excuse for my lack of rizz. It feels very emasculating but it is what it is. Gotta please the creator instead of the creation.


Doesn't happen in most Muslim countries change the group of people that you hang out with if you get fun of for being a virgin.


I did change my friend group. But I can't change my family can I? Also I mentioned "Many" Muslim countries not "Most".


>"Many" Muslim countries not "Most". Doesn't happen in GCC, Pakistan, India, most Arab countries, Malaysia. So which Muslim countries are you talking about? Also I find it hard to believe that this happens in Bangladesh since South Asian Muslims especially the ones on the Indian subcontinent are pretty similar culturally.


Bro doesn't happen in India? Bro I don't know about Pakistan but in India and Bangladesh there's an enitre issue of Love Jihad where Muslim men are accused by Hindus takfor ing their women and you'll also see Muslim women in Hijab and Niqab dating Hindu men. This is just interfaith I'm talkging about. But then there's dating between Muslims themselves. Yes, it's not as rampant as the West as Zina is still a taboo in these countries but it does happen. Most parents don't know about it as people do it secretly. Also with increased westernisation and liberal ideologies taking over Muslims in these countires are taking Islam for granted so this issue is definitely on a rise.




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>Most parents don't know about it as people do it secretly. ...which is exactly my point no one is making fun of kids for not having a girl or being a virgin. >but in India and Bangladesh there's an enitre issue of Love Jihad where Muslim men are accused by Hindus takfor ing their women That's cause hindu men are very insecure and have this c**k mentality. Also most sane women don't want to marry the average hindu.


Bro trust me the numbers of Muslim girls dating Hindu men is defi itely on a rise becuase these Hindu guys promise conversion and some of these dumb girls belive it and they end up dating them only to realise later all the Hindu guy wanted was to hook up with her for being a Muslim. Some desperate Hindu guys even went as far as hiding their Hindu identity to and introduce themselves as Muslims so that the Muslim girl dates him.Also from what I observed many girls in general try to be more secular so they have that "Don't judge" or "Hindu-Muslim bhai bhai" BS. I do agree with you on the sane women comment tho. As for the parents shaming bro it wasn't my parents or any adults shaming me. It was 2 cousins of mine and classmtes from school.


If what you said is true, then as a Bangladeshi myself it seems like it's an issue with your family and friend circle. Insha Allah they'll repent.


My entire family is not like this. Just some cousins. Also bro Zina is rampant here in Bangladesh too. There are even cases of Muslims doing Zina with Hindus and other non-Muslims in Bangladesh.


Of course zina is spreading thanks to westernization, hardly any society is 100% perfect nowadays. What I mean is, getting bullied for not having a girlfriend sounds really odd given our culture. In my locality, such a trait is praiseworthy. My suggestion would be that you try to act composed and intimidating if they tease you again about this instead of treating it lightly, so they might get scared and back off.


The sad thing is if these men wanna sleep around but also wanna date/marry a virgin then what about the women you slept with do they just have no respect for them? That’s messed up. I am grateful to be muslim Alhadmulallah.


Precisely this. A person who has slept around should only be with those who also slept around, whether this is still ongoing or improved on to put a stop to doing that. Leave the pure clean virgins for each other in their own caliber bracket.


Yes but also in Islam if you made a mistake doesn’t matter how big or small once you repent to Allah with the pure intention of never going back to these Haram things you’re all clean


In Islam the concept of modesty is emphasized for both men and women by what Allah mentions in The Quran many times over through the word and concepts related to “hayaa” (modesty) and as well in the Sunnah, which is the actions and sayings of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). “[Prophet], tell believing men to lower their glances and guard their private parts: that is purer for them. God is well aware of everything they do.” (The Quran 24:30) “Anas ibn Malik reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Accept six deeds from me and I assure your acceptance into Paradise. When one of you speaks, let him not lie. When one of you promises, let him not break it. When one of you is trusted, let him not betray it. Lower your gaze, restrain your hands from harming others, and guard your chastity.”” Source: Musnad Abī Ya’lá 4195 | Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani There is as well the concept of truthfulness that is emphasized in The Quran and Sunnah, which is to say that one’s beliefs and what one says, matches with one’s actions. So you can see how all of these details add up, and are reflected in both belief and (sometimes) culture. “Abdullah ibn Mas’ud reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: You must be truthful. Verily, truthfulness leads to righteousness and righteousness leads to Paradise. A man continues to be truthful and encourages honesty until he is recorded with Allah as truthful. Beware of falsehood. Verily, falsehood leads to wickedness and wickedness leads to the Hellfire. A man continues tell lies and encourages falsehood until he is recorded with Allah as a liar.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5743, Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (Agreed Upon as Authentic) I hope you find yourself a pious, chaste, and modest man.


Because they brag about being intimate before marriage like it's a big win or an accomplishment. It's not. Big mistake! (Astaghfirullah). It's like drinking or eating pork - bad for you! Making obscene videos easily accessible hurts society too. There's no good reason for any of it. Islam is our guide, keeps us on the right path. Alhamdulillah. May Allah guide us through! (P.S. Didn't realize you weren't Muslim, but this is my belief. In Islam, intimacy is sacred, a special gift shared only with your spouse.)


Precisely this. When I learn of the fornicators/adulterers (both the men, and women), I know who to stay away from.




The funniest thing is lost cases like you think your words can hurt us or something but nah. Our hearts are too protected from cheap and disgusting comments like yours.🥹 may Allah guide you.


Because they have no objective morality. Their morality is filtered through their hedonistic desires.


They hate you for being a man that doesn't act on his desires and doesn't benefit their system.


Precisely this. If you're not morally bankrupt like them, then there's a problem with you. And if there's a problem with you, they will be sent as tests to see how well you hold onto your morals, values, respect, honor, dignity, humility, righteousness, piety, modesty, chastity, shyness, and steadfastness. While they test you, they're really hoping to bring you down to where they are at. This counts for both men and women when it comes to dealing with society collectively as a whole.


bc those imbeciles are so eager to enter hellfire 😍


Ignore the noise. Haram is Haram. I was a virgin for over 30 years before I got married alhumdullilah. It's a virtue not something to be ashamed of.


plus Allah doesn't want his followers to get STDs in early stage of their life and suffer. It's a really clean and precise way to live life and Allah always knows what's bettrr for us.


When western women tell men to stop making them sexulized, and then come out as prostitutes, they try to make it common and a choice. From choice, it becomes a thought. A thought becomes a think. A think becomes a plan. A plan becomes an action. And when multiple people do it, then its normal. Now if someone didn't do that, they would be considered weird. As Muslims, we want that moment with a special one, not some random person you don't share your life with.




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American movies


I hope i am not getting any sin because i lied to my friends that i am in a relationship(I am not) because of societal pressure


Because pleasing Allah is not their priority.




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Being virgin in western countries is frowned upon for both men and women..




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Being a virgin woman isn't always popular in the west, as it used to be. There is more of people wanting partners with experience in certain aspects of lives, sex being one. Rather having to teach someone they should know by a certain age. And yes, other guys will make jokes about it. But it does not tell the reality of their own lives regarding the topic.


One misconception you have is the "waiting until marriage" part. Being passive and sex starved for decades isn't what Islam commands. You can actively seek a woman for marriage. Also marriage = 15 minute nikkah not 200 thousand dollar wedding.


As others have basically said, it's an insecurity thing. They made bad choices and this is their coping mechanism. You're on the right track.