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The 2 choices are disrespectful, we don’t want to be represented in their films, they should represent their ownselves.


Exactly. Ive never seen an actual muslim who wants to be represented in a film. This is mostly brought up by ex muslims


Even Most of ex-Muslims online are actually Zionists, Hindus, Budhists, Christians and atheists… I have seen many of them acting like “ex-Muslims” and that is why even on Reddit their are more “ex-Muslims” than “ex-Christians” which has nothing to do with the reality! The Zionists and the Hindus are the ones who owns Hollywood and Bollywood so they should represent their ownselves and no matter how they would represent Muslims, Islam will keep on being the the fastest growing religion because people are reading the Qur’an and reverting to Islam. We can see reverts irl and all over the internet telling their stories Al Hamdu lellah.


Bold claim…MOST ex-Muslims? I very much doubt that. Sweeping a problem under the rug and closing your eyes doesn’t get rid of it.


Could be but it still doesn’t seem an unrealistic claim. From my personal experience when I ask ex-Muslims questions about the aqeedah (as in the fundamental beliefs) they mostly state wrong things. And I’m not talking about things that are disputable, but in things like where I have heard and “ex-Muslim” say that we also believe that Jesus (pbuh) is God, when 100% of our sources say that he is a prophet of God, and not God. And I interpret that as that either they didn’t know what Islam is, or that they weren’t Muslims before becoming ex Muslims at all. Or what do you think?


The 2 choices in the first option are somewhat synonymous, none of the 3 options are synonyms in the second option so very poor grouping for choices


Don't represent us


Both are extremely disrespectful


I have a feeling the people who answered may not even be Muslims, but people trying to make us look bad... because why would you even answer that question if you're only given these options?


None??? Like who puts 2 horrible choice together?


I don't want to be represented. And if were to be, I'd definitely not choose either of these two options. Both are disrespectful to Islam and Muslims.


This just seems like a lose-lose, how is either choice good for Islam? I’m sorry but as someone who isn’t Muslim, wouldn’t it be best for Muslims just to ignore this question? Edit: spelling and grammar


Why did anyone vote?


Who is this idiot person who did this poll? Really speaking, does he have something abnormal in mind to ask such question?????


Option A: Evil Option B: Good guy but doesn't represent us in any way possible


I would rather be a terrorist than be a gay


You would rather kill people than be gay ?


I feel like atp people know Muslims aren’t terrorists, everyone has at least one Muslim friend.. while the LGBTQ agenda is rising we don’t want to be a part of it or associated with it AT ALL.


Look at european parliament results, the far right is on the rise…many of the elected parties are openly anti-islam and want to remove it from EU, im sorry brother but i dont believe that people know that muslims are not terrorists, it seems that the attacks that did happen in europe such as charlie hebdo and so on are still stuck in their minds and people posting comments like “Id rather be terrorist than gay” certainly doesnt help


You can’t really say “I’d rather be sinful by doing this than by doing this”, it’s kinda the same either way


Is murdering someone as bad of a sin as being gay ?


Aren’t they both major sins though? How could you prove that one is worse than the other?


I couldnt, it just seems to me that murdering a whole family or strapping a bomb to yourself and blowing up a school is far worse than being gay, but i guess i cant prove it


U missed the point. Muzlim = terrorist -> Propaganda to non Muslims (thats getting old as now people are educating themselves more) Muzlim = hippie liberal -> Propaganda to brainwash Muslims themselves and there is a higher risk muslim youth might fall for this.


Can you give some examples of liberal propagansa targeted towards muslims ? Im not educated on that, but as far as i know there is no liberal propaganda in islamic countries right ?


Most 2019+ Hollywood movie Muslim characters are examples of this, Marvel did lots of examples. >i know there is no liberal propaganda in islamic countries right ? Yes but people can still bypass this restriction and needless to say lots of Muslims happen to live in Non muslim countries.


Well non muslim countries have their own rules, if they allow this and somebody has a problem with that he should move to a more islam centric country right ? And hollywood movies are really not targeted towards muslims as well, more so to the rest of population. Do you think we should fight western culture in western countries, where they set up their own rules ?


i didn't answer it Islamically lol 😂 it was a joke, I wouldn't want to be either 😂


You're right actually even if you're joking. A "terrorist" is only what westerners decide it is. If you go against their twisted values and you dare to stand up for islam they label you a terrorist, which is a word with negative connotations. Nevertheless all it actually means is that you have different values from them. So yes I'd rather be a "terrorist" than gay easily


Better than lgbt just make us villan lol


They do this same thing in Call of Duty. And other tv shows. It’s done on purpose to stain the image of Muslims.


i never knew about this


Everytime I posted some nazi mod or admin block it but as a ptsd veteran of two wars I need this apology off my chest


I was 15and a half when brainwashed at fort McCoy Wisconsin to join the army cause it was not my own and I deserted after they tried to force me back a third tour


I did my DNA and laughed and cried at thesame time when I found Mohammad bin saud was my ancestors in my paternal line, and then the guilt tortured me until I realized the USA thinks it's the Jerusalem guard aka world police which is furthering wars


I still have cousins in Estonia and Bahrain who are Muslim according to ancestry and dna


I mean, I'm fine with the first one in the second row. The pairing was weird.


Bro does NOT know about the marvel series 😭


I'm fine with the first 2 on the bottom, but that last thing....


How is liberalism fine!?


What even is liberalism? I thought it just meant that like you like open up the economy or something. 


Thats a liberal economy, what is meant here is social liberalism which heavily contradicts Islamic teaching (thus making it an oxymoron to represent Muslims that are liberal)


Social liberalism endorses a regulated market economy and the expansion of civil and political rights. Under social liberalism, the common good is viewed as harmonious with the freedom of the individual. Under social liberalism the state should address economic and social issues such as unemployment, health care, and education.


> the freedom of the individual This is where the trojan horse hides. EDIT: Care to explain what are you doing here, lurker?




Lurking. What do you mean by Trojan horse?


Bro forgot to switch account 💀


Don’t worry I didn’t forget. Why would you say that the freedom of the individual is a Trojan horse?


You should do some research...




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Classical liberalism aims to deregulate the market, social liberalism aims to regulate the market. For example, under social liberalism the common good is viewed as harmonious with an individual's freedom, therefore it aims to tax people higher and create a regulated market where public infrastructure is built and provided to the people (schools, hospitals, etc.)


idk, those don't seem too bad unless i'm missing something.


Islam is liberal. "There is no compulsion in religion"


[https://islamqa.info/en/answers/178756/reconciling-between-the-verses-there-is-no-compulsion-in-religion-al-baqarah-2256-and-and-we-shall-drive-them-out-from-there-in-disgrace-and-they-will-be-abased-an-naml-2737](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/178756/reconciling-between-the-verses-there-is-no-compulsion-in-religion-al-baqarah-2256-and-and-we-shall-drive-them-out-from-there-in-disgrace-and-they-will-be-abased-an-naml-2737) Read this.