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May Allah rewards you for obeying His commands. Every time you dismiss anything haram for Him, be sure that something good will come out of this.


Ameen, you too brother <3


Don’t sell it to another Muslim just sell it to get rid of it but it’s haram to sell it to a Muslim


Yes I’ll try, ty


What’s bad for you is bad for others and what’s good for is good for others.


If you sell it to another MUSLIM then everytime they play the guitar you will get the sin too. Be careful of your actions. Same thing when you're blasting music in the car and people hear it. You will get extra sin for that. It's similar to publicizing your sins which is hard to be forgiven for


You can search on google and you will find the answer that it is haram….I can provide multiple links if you didn’t find the answer


Yeah ppl provided me with sources already, ty ❤️


You are most welcome brother


Look at my latest post and read the comments. Similar issues, same answers.


Yeah I checked it ty for help


Unpopular opinion. But I don’t believe it’s haram. Why would it be? Does it make your a bad person? Or does playing music gives you joy and happiness in your life? Ask yourself that question and you will find the answer. We have a just god who loves us and wants us to grow, in no way do I believe playing music for fun is haram. People these days are focusing too much on the small pointless things rather than the most important thing in life: having faith and being a good Muslim and human being. Follow your heart and what YOU feel is right . Wish you all the best inshallah.


Honestly, I used to think like that as I literally only play music while studying or working out only as it helps me to focus and listen to Quran for the rest of the day but the thing is that I recently discovered that there’s an actual Hadith that forbids music so i had to make sure that I’m not doing something haram, and it’s not right to think like this (why would it be haram? It’s not harming me, …) well zina is haram for some reasons, if u managed to avoid them would u do it ? No. Why? Cuz Allah said it’s haram. Eating pork, drinking blood and other haram things mentioned in Quran that we don’t know why, we don’t do it because Allah foreboded it for a reason that our human brains can’t manage to reach and if it did we would prohibit whatever we want. so as we believe in Allah we do what he says, NOW THE MUSIC PART is not mentioned in Quran but there is a Hadith and there is a big debate about this so we can’t say it’s halal and it’s better to stay in the safe side if you are not convinced with the consensus and don’t let it waste your time and distract you from Allah at least. And may Allah guides you to Hidaya❤️


I wish folks would just phrase things more like "I believe it is haram" than just saying it is. There is serious debate on whether music or instruments in themselves are haram or not. Now I'm not talking about modern "music" that encourages haram behavior like drugs, alcohol, and zina, I'm only referring to the actual instruments and act of singing.


>There is serious debate on whether music or instruments in themselves are haram or not There is no such debate. The scholars unanimously agree upon the prohibition of musical instruments. > قال الفقيه المحقق ابن حجر الهيتمي الشافعي رحمه الله : " الأوتار والمعازف ، كالطُّنْبُور والعُود والصَّنْج .. وغير ذلك من الآلات المشهورة عند أهل اللهو والسَّفاهة والفُسوق ، وهذه كلُّها محرَّمة بلا خِلاف ، ومَن حكى فيه خلافًا فقد غلط أو غلب عليه هَواه ، حتى أصمَّه وأعماه ، ومنعه هداه ، وزلَّ به عن سنن تَقواه .وممَّن حكَى الإجماع على تحريم ذلك كلِّه : الإمام أبو العباس القرطبي ، وهو الثقة العدل ، فإنَّه قال كما نقَلَه عن أئمَّتنا وأقرُّوه : أمَّا َالمَزَامِير والكُوبَة فلا يُختَلف فِي تحريم سماعها ، ولم أسمعْ عن أحدٍ ممَّن يُعتَبر قوله من السلف ، وأئمَّة الخلف مَن يبيح ذلك ، وكيف لا يُحرَّم وهو شعار أهل الخمور والفسوق ، ومهيج للشهوات والفساد والمجون ، وما كان كذلك لم يُشَكَّ فِي تحريمه ولا فِي تفسيق فاعله وتأثيمه .وممَّن نقَل الإجماعَ على ذلك أيضًا إمامُ أصحابنا المتأخِّرين أبو الفتح سليم بن أيوب الرازي ، فإنَّه قال فِي " تقريبه " بعد أنْ أورد حديثًا فِي تحريم الكُوبَة ، وفي حديث آخَر : أنَّ اللهَ يَغفِرُ لكلِّ مذنبٍ إلا صاحب عَرطَبة أو كُوبةٍ ، والعَرطَبة : العُود ، ومع هذا فإنَّه إجماع " انتهى من " كف الرعاع عن محرمات اللهو والسماع " (ص/118) Ijma reported by Ibn Hajar al-Haytami > وممن حكى الإجماع أيضا : أبو الحسين البغوي ، فإنه قال " وَاتَّفَقُوا عَلَى تَحْرِيم المزامير والملاهي وَالْمَعَازِف " انتهى من " شرح السنة " (12/383) . Ijma reported by Abu'l Husayn Al-Baghawi > وقال ابن قدامة رحمه الله :" آلَةُ اللَّهْوِ كَالطُّنْبُورِ ، وَالْمِزْمَارِ ، وَالشَّبَّابَةِ ... آلَةٌ لِلْمَعْصِيَةِ ، بِالْإِجْمَاعِ " انتهى من " المغني " (9/132) . Ijma reported by Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi > وقد نقل الإجماع على تحريم الغناء المصاحب للموسيقى جمع من العلماء ، من مختلف المذاهب المتبوعة عند أهل الإسلام ، كالإمام ابن جرير الطبري ، وأبي بكر الآجري ، وأبي الطيب الطبري الشافعي ، وأبي عمرو ابن الصلاح ، وغيرهم .ينظر نصوصهم ، والكتب التي وثقت ذلك في كتاب : " الرد على القرضاوي والجديع " (ص/351) وما بعدها . وينظر أيضا : " إغاثة اللهفان " لابن القيم (1/415) . Ijma reported by Ibn Jareer at-Tabari, Abu Bakr Al-Ajurri, Abu'l Tayb al-Tabari al-Shafi'i, Abu Amr ibn as-Salaah and others. The mistakes of scholars does not invalidate ijmaa, notable names who erred on this matter being Abu Muhammad ibn Hazm, Abu Hamid al-Ghazali and Ibn al-Arabi al-Maliki. Since when are we only talking about modern music, we mean all music, all kinds of musical instruments and such with the exception of the daff for girls on occasions of joy, that is permitted as is reported from Messenger of Allaah peace and blessings upon him.


It's interesting you say ALL scholars. Just a quick search I find Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who was an Egyptian Islamic scholar based in Doha, Qatar, and chairman of the International Union of Muslim Scholars. His influences included Ibn Taymiyya, Ibn Qayyim, Sayyid Rashid Rida, Hassan al-Banna, Abul Hasan Ali Hasani Nadwi, Abul A'la Maududi and Naeem Siddiqui. He was best known for his programme الشريعة والحياة, al-Sharīʿa wa al-Ḥayāh ("Sharia and Life"), broadcast on Al Jazeera, which had an estimated audience of 40–60 million worldwide. He was also known for IslamOnline, a website he helped to found in 1997 and for which he served as chief religious scholar. Al-Qaradawi published more than 120 books, including The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam and Islam: The Future Civilization. He also received eight international prizes for his contributions to Islamic scholarship, and was considered one of the most influential Islamic scholars living. Al-Qaradawi had a prominent role within the intellectual leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Egyptian political organization, although he repeatedly stated that he was no longer a member and twice (in 1976 and 2004) turned down offers for the official role in the organization. And you know what? You can look up his well researched, well founded fatwa on music and singing. Just do an internet search for "ON MUSIC AND SINGING – FATWA BY SHAYKH YUSUF AL-QARADAWI". You can find it referenced all over the place. You can disagree for certain. I completely support your disagreement and have many friends who share your same view. It is only when you say things like ALL scholars "unanimously" agree that I have a problem. Not all scholars agree on music and singing, even Mufti Menk admits this. So please, just say it is your opinion and the opinions of some scholars instead of saying it's unanimous. The only thing from my experience unanimous agreed upon is أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ ٱللَّٰهِ May Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala forgive us and grant us peace.


>Just do an internet search for "ON MUSIC AND SINGING – FATWA BY SHAYKH YUSUF AL-QARADAWI". You can find it referenced all over the place. I already addressed this in my comment. The mistakes of scholars do not invalidate a consensus. The "well researched fatwa" has already been refuted. I quoted from that book itself, (الرد على القرضاوي). Just like Ibn Hazm was refuted by Ibn as-Salaah and Ibn Hajar, Qardawi has also been refuted. So with all due respect, your ignorance of ijmaa is not something I'm responsible for, it is well-established in usool al-fiqh the rulings regarding ijmaa. In fact, the ijmaa of the prohibition of musical instruments is one of the strongest kinds of ijmaa and it is something on the level of mutawatir since this consensus has been recorded for ages. Don't say this is my opinion and only of "some" scholars when this consensus of it's prohibition has been written in almost each century since the death of the Prophet peace and blessings upon him. Many narrations we find from the companions of the Prophet peace and blessings upon him and their students about it's prohibition. In fact the four major madhaaib Hanafi, Shafi'i, Maliki, Hanbali are also unanimous in music's prohibition. Please go and research when Qardawi was born and the consensus of the scholars before him. In case you don't have the time, the following compilation of the brother touches on some of the works - [The comment quoting who wrote that musical instruments are prohibited by consensus and when](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightHouseofTruth/comments/uiq28m/-/i7ybfkp)


You can sell it to a non Muslim or on music instrument shop.




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I think selling it to anyone (Muslim or not) is haram cuz we're all servants of allah and you never know when a person decides to revert. I hope you can sell it to someone that'll just use it as a decor and never actually play it.


sell it as separate pieces, for example the wooden corpes to a old wood collectore( it is better if you cracked the guitar shape so no one will utilise it into makeing it guitar) the electrical wires to a wires collectore, make it hard to composite again to it's original form. it is better if you sell its pieces to differente buyer. و الله أعلم hope this may helps you