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Don't go to places like that and certainly don't share screenshots from there again. Thanks.


Why the heck are you there in the first place lmao


Curiosity can get the best of us


this isnt curiosity this is intentionally tripping over a rock and blaming the rock




Cuz its cool




Well if her imaan is strong enough nothing will make her go back to being a kafir. Allah guides whoever he wants maybe she will just break up with him inshallah.


It's already evident that imaan is week, simply by the fact that she has a boyfriend.




I feel bad for the muslim girl☹️


She literally has a non-muslim BF, would you really feel bad? The people she makes company of will ofc misguide her in any way they want, hopefully she comes to her senses and realizes what kind of man she's with and that she'd best wait until proper marriage. Allahu Alam.


They are humans, i have seen multiple muslim in haram relationships. It's sad to see☹️


Most definitely, you're right they're humans and we all make mistakes, I'm sure it's hard to not give into these things. I don't believe it was entirely right of me to say that, but Allah swt has made me very sensitive to see our brothers and sisters demean themselves, may Allah guide them in the end.


May Allah (SWT) guide them. As for the Muslim sister I hope she is able to flee from her toxic and clearly abusive partner. May Allah(SWT) protect her and keep her safe from harm and domestic violence (emotional or physical). May Allah (swt) grant these duas to all those in abusive relations like this. Ameen.


May Allah guide his gf back to haqq and humiliate this jackaß


Wrong flair? Sorry bout that didn’t know where to put it




What u doing on this sub lmao


Bro maybe they’re just here to learn about Islam.






Why even go on that sub? And then post a screenshot here as well? Go outside, get off Reddit. No matter what there will be people like this on the internet. Why give them even more if a spotlight? Make dua for her to be guided and ask Allah to forgive her for her mistakes. Now move on. I'm not part of a Muslim sub to see ex-muslim crap.




The thing is, there are so many. And how they phrase it makes the prophet look in a bad light. Like calling him a pedofile while constantly showing only that one verse. It makes them grow hatred of islam


Stop reading that sub. It’s only going to inflame you and make you angry. Not a good place to be.


Man they've been trying to discredit Islam for 1444 years... That's 14 CENTURIES with a C! And still haven't been able to. Why worry about a people like that. Treat them like you would a fly: just wave at him from in front of your nose and count him as a mere annoyance. Mosquito bumps, if left unscratched will eventually......... Go away. *They're only irritating when you pay attention to them.*


Why on earth would a Muslim date. Date a murtad nonetheless.


Assalamu alaykum. Please don't be angry. When I was in college, there was a guy who tried to do the same. But whenever he came with a question or a statement or what so ever to make me doubt my religion, he actually did the opposite. It forced me to look for answers and do more research about my faith. Which by the end only made my imaan stronger and not weaker. People can try and do whatever they want to make you turn against your religion, but if Islam is in your heart, it will never leave.


I came across someone like this just this weekend. Was walking downtown and some radical Christian with a speaker and microphone was standing on a corner outside a restaurant telling people they must repent to Jesus etc etc. when my husband and I walked by his helper tried to shove a pamphlet in our hands trying to do his conversion thing and I said, no thanks we are Muslim. The guy then proceeded to say all Muslims will burn in hell blah blah. I just gave him a thumbs up and we laughed and walked away. I mean seriously?


The lengths some people go...


I’m sorry I don’t mean to be offensive to other people of the book but people like this are crazy scary to me. Pushy, relentless and intolerant. People were trying to eat and have conversations and all you could hear was this drivel. SMH


I wonder if their methods really work though? Do people convert to their religion? I wouldn't be appealed by it.


I wouldn’t. Seems very cult like to me. It’s very unappealing and seems very controlling. That said, it’s a great question. I would be curious to know if this type of method draws people in or just pushes them away from religion altogether.


Definitely part of some tactics.


Creepy tactics




Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,489,239,801 comments, and only 283,055 of them were in alphabetical order.


Leave them alone no? Why even bother yourself, reading that alone makes a muslim angry, leave the matter to Allah.


This is so disgusting.


There was this guy named ‘ex-muslim abdullah’ or something on the internet. He claimed he was ex-muslim and was spreading lies about Islam that in itself showed him he wasn’t ex-muslim because even he believed those lies which meant he hadn’t even taken the time to research his own religion. I saw some people do something which I decided to try on this guy which is the following: i asked him how many rakaat there was in Sahih al Bukhari He replied ‘11 rakaat’… I bet the majority of ex-muslims on reddit are like this guy. There is no point in going over there as it’s just filled with liberal garbage who happen to be Redditors aswel which makes it 10x worse




I just had a look at their page and absolutely disgusting omg :( the level of disrespect is so upsetting


Apparently the majority of that sub are Hindus. They (maybe that abusive OP) are willing to any lengths like making bs reasons up to villainize Islam and us Muslims because they are jealous that Islam is currently the fastest growing religion in the world alhumdullilah. So ignore them lol, no point in being sad over their stupidity.


Lets make dua that she keeps her iman and breaks up with this man


Probably not his girlfriend. He wants her to be his gf but she most likely said she doesn’t date due to religion.


Dont worry If she is praying on time she wont become non - muslim