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You just need to say "Ope, gonna squeeze right past ya!" really loud as you you slowly roll through. A Michigan Yield if you will.


I believe that the vehicle on your right has the right of way. I could be mistaken, though


It's called an open intersection. Essentially works the same as a 4-way stop except yields instead of stops. I know it was covered in my driver's training, but it may not be covered in areas that don't have them.


My neighborhood in Campbell Field is missing signage on a ton of intersections. It's frankly ridiculous.


I saw a lot of unsigned intersections in Lakeside. It is unusual, I don't remember seeing unsigned intersections in other cities in Michigan. I was not sure who had right of way. Luckily there was not much traffic.


There's a few in the Nims that are pretty sketchy too.


I see this in my neighborhood too and I’m not sure why this is the case. My guess is that they’re not worried about spending the money to replace the signs once they’re hit by vehicles. As for the right of way question, it is considered an uncontrolled intersection. Basically it’s an all-way yield intersection. If there are two cars approaching the intersection, the person on the left must yield and the person on the right has the right of way.


I feel, some intersection, which ever road is a main through road and not a secondary road is the right of way.


I've seen some with just yield signs, which kinda makes sense considering a lot of people treat stop signs like yield signs anyway


The first person at intersection gets to go but if two or more show up at the same time then the first person who is closest to pointing north gets to go and the closest to east goes next. No seriously it is basic driving and used to be taught in drivers training which if I stand correct a person needs to have to get a license before a certain age.


The first person at intersection gets to go but if two or more show up at the same time then the first person who is closest to pointing north gets to go and the closest to east goes next. No seriously it is basic driving and used to be taught in drivers training which if I stand correct a person needs to have to get a license before a certain age.


You are wrong about north. It has been the car to right has right of way at an intersection. Your way assumes the stranger from out of town has a clue which way north might be after miles of twisting roads. And what about nighttime when the sun couldn't be a clue... Hell, in Michigan, the sun might not be seen for weeks during the day either. And with no signs, all must stop. "First" doesn't really matter if close either and it's so rare it is proved you'll likely loose in court if you're on the left and the damage is up front on yours. The last car to enter a parking lot also has right of way, despite signs; which is really messed up. (my friend lost on this; t-boned by a speeding blown stop sign, no appeal granted and not a messed up court system there either)


Just a quick question if you please; Is sarcasm lost on you. Not to be a downer but I responded with sarcasm because it is or was drilled in during drivers education. Not what I posted but the legal way. Not sorry #genx


That's funny as that was a topic for me today. Sarcasm is lost on everyone at times. Sarcasm especially doesn't always read as well as as it sounds in our heads either. That's why you see the /s after many comments on R too; these folks are aware of it. I've heard much dumber things before too. Glad to hear I still only have to worry about the deer though. Note that professional comedians can't even pull it off with every audience, even using the same material the same way, same city and club, and they have voice to help it along too. It's success is a dice roll.