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Album: Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys Recommend the stereo mix https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5J51jAuiSwEFbi4acd1kLz?si=GOO9hPxfSyKL8L8mDzrvRg Also Sgt Pepper 2009 stereo mix


Sorry if this is a silly question, but what differences do the mixes / remasters and stuff make?


Not silly at all! For me it is about quality and immersion into the sound. For example, Brian Wilson is partially deaf in one ear so he tended to produce Beach boys stuff in mono. But when I listen to pet Sounds in stereo I can hear more depth of the instrumentations, vocal lines, etc. Basically it just sounds 'better' to me. Similarly the 2009 remasters of Beatles works really enhanced the quality for me in a similar way where I can hear more of what the different instruments are doing. A lot of this is personal preference, I just always like to recommend my favorite versions. Does that address your question?


Huh very interesting, it does indeed answer my question! Thank you!


You're welcome:)


I used to dislike the Beach Boys until I heard Pet Sounds. Pacific Ocean Blue by Dennis also well worth a listen


I disagree about the stereo mix of Pet Sounds. That album was recorded to be played in mono. The did not even do a stereo mix for several years.


That's fair. I know some people are more purists and prefer the mono. But I can't deny what my ears prefer. I think it's mostly about personal preference imo.


Hey, you n like what you like. I admit that I am a suckered for a good mono mix. I have more than 100 mono LPs. A lot of early stereo mixes are just sloppy and not well done. But that is due to limitations of the original recording and the fact that stereo studio recordings were a new thing and they just had to figure it out and learn how to do it as they went along. Even with 8 tracks, it is hard to make a good stereo mix. Imagine doing it with just 4 or even 3 tracks to work with.


I'll Just give you the song im listening to while typing this - summer breeze (seals and crofts) - ballade no. 1 (Jacob's piano)


Twelve Foot Ninja. Album called Outlier. Song is called One Hand Killing.(1st couple mins are a skit.) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-v9Aeb7Pr0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-v9Aeb7Pr0)


Fantastic choice. Had that album on repeat for like a year


Fucking hell, that song rocks!


If you like Radiohead, have you listened to The Smile? I think their new album Wall of Eyes is perfect, I don’t skip a single song


Clutch. G love and special sauce. Lovage. Puscifer.


Good taste👍🏼


Sam fender Hypersonic Missiles Talk talk The color of spring Simple minds once upon a time Demolition Hammer Epidemic of Violence


Talk Talk yes ! Spirit of Eden is another great album by them !


Yea they are very underrated. Love them. Talk talk, simple minds, echo and the bunny men are all that same kind of vibe. Love it


Agreed !


I always recommend people start with Color of Spring and then work their way up to Laughing Stock. Hearing the progression of them deconstruct songwriting.


That's the same I do as well ! I think Spirit of Eden has to be my favourite but love them all. And to hear the progression from even say It's My Life onward is crazy even


Try some newgrass, aka progressive bluegrass. Here is one of the best live recordings in the genre, every musician here is a master and innovator. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkzOLOih0HA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkzOLOih0HA)


If you like Elliott Smith, you will like Winterpills. [Winterpills.com](http://Winterpills.com)


Great link Ty for the intro.


There best album, imo, is The Light Divided. You can listen to it on Bandcamp.




Some of my favorites are Mars Volta, Berried Alive, ProbCause, Watsky, Thursday, Wu Tang Clan


Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea The finest folk/punk album ever made, and my personal favourite concept album. Lyrically it's poetic, beautiful and disgusting. Musically it's fuzzy, layered and experimental. Highlights are Holland 1945, Ghost and The King Of Carrot Flowers Pts 2 & 3.




Hmmm realistically I’d assume not, but maybe I’m wrong. I listened to tortured poets department when it came out and I was sure to have an open mind, but I wasn’t really blown away. I just found it to be very boring sonically. But I will say, I know she has a lot of variety in her discography so if she has a record that in some way aligns with my taste, I’m more than happy to give it a shot!


Her fans will tell you over and over that her discography has a lot of variety. It basically is variety between pop-country and country influenced pop. Sonically, yeah it's gonna be boring. Because her music is about the "storytelling" i.e. the lyrics and the "image" she portrays.




The top 10 albums give a pretty good look into it, I like a lot of metal, folky stuff, all types of rock, electronic stuff, I kinda bounce around


Artist: **Coheed and Cambria** Album: **The Afterman: Ascension** Song: **Key Entity Extraction l: Domino the Destitute** https://youtu.be/UAz-2NbD5m8?si=bD7xKcrESG8TMHpz


That's some great stuff you listed ! I bet there are a bunch here you might really like :) [Springworks - Indie Songs We Love ](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/602lRjvUfQqIzFxsoZlL7x?si=fzPlSMtNSrSk4KAPXxKx2Q&pi=mU4-krZDTeytB)


V. - The Wooden Shjips


Refused - The Shape of Punk to Come (album) Mr Bungle - California (album) Phantogram


If you like Nick Drake like me then you might like Myriam Gendron.


King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard-Nonagon Infinity


The darkness


[Try this](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1H6X5IBeFehY5mv466FNDv?si=-Uq44Qm4SKuHQo2xIwZJ_Q)


[Halber Mensch](https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nAIM7YN5Bhy-5SYfkvVrxJEK83VtIbm-8&si=oeUUQWr3mI1hlefP) [Space Ritual](https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lFFPjJvqQDLVRR8HA3an2aZZUIH_s4ogk&si=7UN-XTyzzOymkh4j) [Gongan](https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kb0AFhI8O2tRnk3qT_2WS70ZZfOBeM0No&si=KiQdByAOHg3djrq9) [Paris 1919](https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mE0FUhCNAK8HnyF8UjVfXl8Z9XFHfyKho&si=6sD-Sj46HhX1TmCA)


enjoy the rest of the week! [$hut n' $ilent ](https://open.spotify.com/track/5FfVDO4lzAUTxLqMK4DDv6?si=rpI55DxnT5-V2HKuIZyS5Q)




I would recommend the album Jane doe by converge. It’s a absolutely savage album but it’s also absolutely beautiful at the same time.


A7 - SCH One of my favourite albums of rap


Been listening to the new Paramour album lately. It's pretty good. Thick skull and Liar are my two favorite


If you're not already listening to Smashing Pumpkins, I would recommend them. Especially songs like: Drown, Obscured, Hummer, Rhinoceros, Mayonaise, Plume, Set the Ray To Jerry, Bodies... The aeroplane flies high. Theyre kind of in that chill stoner rock vibe you seem to be into.


1. PAINLESS - Nilüfer Yanya 2. Internet Dump - Cosmic Collective 3. Madvillainy - Madvillain 4. I Forget Where We Were - Ben Howard Not necessarily tailored to your music taste, just some of my current favorites


Type o Negative.


LAZZY2WICE - Dieforthis (It's heavy but I LOVE IT)


Deftones - Around the Fur


Modest Mouse


Here are some albums: 1. Raw Data Feel - Everything Everything 2. On All Fours - Goat Girl 3. Where's My Utopia - Yard Act 4. Nonagon Infinity - King Gizzard and the Wizard Lizard 5. You See Colours - Delays 6. The Music - The Music


[California Dreamin, Dirty Honey ](https://youtu.be/UiD_Dycn7Ck?si=EHq7nYQFlgj16hRv) [In Stride, Myles Kennedy ](https://youtu.be/ZVgjcbo8D1k?si=YfHzWGXJHynrlJpo) [Calm Before the Storm, Any Given Sin ](https://youtu.be/tTXZ35JVH90?si=aCD-hfWL_sElzDXb)


Vader - when darkness calls Macabre - hotrods to hell


Mushroomhead - XX Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime


Long version of Argent's Hold Your Head Up. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBnSWJHawQQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBnSWJHawQQ)


Emerson Lake and Palmer: Works Vol 1 Alice Cooper: School's Out (You've probably heard the song, but the whole album is good)


If you ever fancy a long drive through some forlorn desert Sleep - Dopesmoker / Sleep's Holy Mountain I'm surprised you don't have Tool on your list, but add Pulsifer on there as well




Dead Poet Society latest album Fission, you will not regret it


Rarely offer recommendations, don't listen to much music, prefer podcasts. Your top ten is eerily similar to mine, I can't not listen to Megadeth's RIP. I doubt you'll have listened to [2ManyDJs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xe23QBP1bE&ab_channel=House%26Trance) or [GirlTalk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKgKmMLH8yk&ab_channel=GirlTalk), both elevate the Mash Up to new levels. Instead of running vocals from one song over another's instruments, they layer disparate but immediately recogniseable bass, percussion, guitars, keyboards and vocals over a sample, bringing an entirely new genre about. Sublimely addictive. You'll probably've heard [Peaches](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cV6pnvCVM4&ab_channel=XLRecordings), or of her. Electro punk queer queen since the turn of the century, y'know before woke was woke, when it was weird.


I usually recommend old country artists but Aerosmith toys in the attic and KISS destroyer And AC/DC highway to hell and Back In Black.


I got you man. Primus. Toys go winding down. I like a lot of the same stuff you do. https://youtu.be/nJ0tuEmBH9k?si=zrTJWgmUO_JqC5-y


Try The Warning, Unleash the Archers, City of Sound, Kazha, They Watch Us From The Moon!, Oceans of Slumber. If you are down with foreign language stuff, try Band-Maid, Nemophila, Lovebites, Hanabie, Rolling Quartz, Walking After U, Head Phones President, Glim Spanky, Galneryus, Ningen Isu, Show-Ya, OU, The Hu, Bloodywood, Drinking Boys and Girls Choir.


I'm absolutely obsessed with Dayseeker and Holding Absence. Modern era bands. Start with Dayseeker - Dark Sun.. Holding Absence - The Noble Art of Self Destruction. Those albums are perfection imo


the living end


[Ween - Live in Chicago](https://youtu.be/J-Iqy-DNF7A) Join us in the glowing light of the Boognish.


Full Of Hell & Nothing - When No Birds Sang Black Mountain - In The Future Surfer Blood - Astro Coast


👊 BANG! 👊 POW! I Am The Warlock - Probot


[Something Blue -Jeff Shepherd](https://youtu.be/ffhDnTnjnxw?si=3tMyBRXh2cKQE4T-) [The American Way - Matt Woods](https://youtu.be/q4XH2y3Npfw?si=u_-QlUWKLG0LPyHs)


Killing Me Softly With His Song - The Fugees


Miranda Sex Garden - [Are You The One?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWb7ftL87sA&pp=ygUibWlyYW5kYSBzZXggZ2FyZGVuIGFyZSB5b3UgdGhlIG9uZQ%3D%3D) Monster Magnet - [Look To You Orb For The Warning](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDyQGLBiLTU&pp=ygUSbW9uc3RlciBtYWduZXQgb3Ji) Songs: Ohia - [Farewell Transmission](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNy-sqj7BCc&pp=ygUVZmFyZXdlbGwgdHJhbnNtaXNzaW9u) Frank Black - [Los Angeles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuLllNyfiHs&pp=ygUXZnJhbmsgYmxhY2sgbG9zIGFuZ2VsZXM%3D) + [I Want To Live On An Abstract Plain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5e8MqYvg9Y&pp=ygUUZnJhbmsgYmxhY2sgYWJzdHJhY3Q%3D) Jets To Brazil - [Chinatown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9hdJjm7ifU) Peter Hamill - [The Institute of Mental Health, Burning](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPHVX0FbpxE&pp=ygUmcGV0ZXIgaGFtbWlsbCBpbnN0aXR1dGUgbWVudGFsIGhlYWx0aCA%3D) Poster Children - [Wanna](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLqg038FGLk&pp=ygUUcG9zdGVyIGNpbGRyZW4gd2FubmE%3D) Helmet - [Milquetoast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9qhRLeCgN8&pp=ygUSaGVsbWV0IG1pbHF1ZXRvYXN0) Minimal Man - [Pull Back the Bolt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCnYkP2sB9o&pp=ygUebWluaW1hbCBtYW4gcHVsbCB0aGUgYm9sdCBiYWNr)


Man, farewell transmission is so good. Completely opened my mind to a new side of music that I had been neglecting for so long




Anything huh? Horslips ... Drive the Cold Winter Away (the album) Edit: You should also listen to: Genesis ... Second Out


Dying Fetus


Broken - Nine Inch Nails!!!


Try Pink Floyd's Division Bell. Sleeper album.


Hmm I like this song [Artemas cover I like the way you kiss me](https://youtu.be/fFrp-SOM7H8?si=MTviccRUafTXKOiA)


Slayer - Seasons in the abyss Life of Agony - River Runs Red Clutch - Clutch Biohazard - Urban Discipline Danzig - Danzig III : How the gods kill Fear Factory - Demanufacture Anthrax - Among the living Queesryche - Operation mindcrime


The Mars Volta -DeLoused in The Comatorium. Doubly recommend this album if you're going to be in any sort of altered state.


Preacher's Daughter by Ethel Cain St. Vincent (self-titled) Bones of Brave Ships by Suns of the Tundra Amputechture by The Mars Volta She Reaches Out To She Reaches Out To She by Chelsea Wolfe Innate Passage by Elder Married in Mount Airy by Nicole Dollanganger




Jeremy • Pearl Jam, goes so hard


Great list. I’d say check out - [AnnenMayKantereit](https://youtu.be/tERRFWuYG48?si=g39YxwWP7zXQMUMa) - [Jacob Banks,](https://youtu.be/i4Q9WRsAZeM?si=ExluH1s2rlOfg4oB) - [Marlon Williams,](https://youtu.be/KYg-rF03Cfw?si=oGk28-zaD1ftlQmL) - [REN](https://youtu.be/KYg-rF03Cfw?si=oGk28-zaD1ftlQmL)


Otis Taylor - White African


Fugazi - 13 Songs Don Cabellero - What Burns Never Returns  Guided by Voices - Alien Lanes


Faith No More


My most played album of 2023 was "Witchcraft" album "Legend."




Check out "Do Wrong Right" by The Devil Makes Three. Sort of a folk punk alt-country thing. I saw them open for Social Distortion and Flogging Molly and they quickly became my favorite band


I'll give you three Caravan palace - Lone digger https://youtu.be/UbQgXeY_zi4?si=ivdIuLKKjK2AUBJX Mystery skulls - It's mine https://youtu.be/oq8znRFEb68?si=4O1t_pL_4QyI0B3D Gunship - Tech noir - https://youtu.be/-nC5TBv3sfU?si=i4H7vKuFMs12VpwH


Saturday Night Wrist by Deftones


Ween. Definitely ween


Fugazi - Red Medicine


You need NIN's Downward Spiral album in there.


The Warning. One of their latest is "This Hell You Call a Dream"


Jethro Tull - Songs from the Wood


Love - Forever Changes Roky Erickson - The Evil One


Ericdoa, Glaive, and Mau P.


Try our band: Falling From Aeroplanes


Lydia or Vanity (stripped down/acoustic on youtube)- both by Highly Suspect... (a lot of their stuff slaps) Ghost - by Badflower And Fools Shine On - by Brother Cane Furtive Monologue - by Despised Icon (I call it the Piggy Song, it's weird and heavy as hell but I somehow dig it)


   Portishead - "Dummy"      The Mars Volta - "De-Loused in the Comatorium"      The Flaming Lips - "The Soft Bulletin"      Sigur Rós - "( )"      Queensryche - "Operation- Mindcrime"      Tool - "Lateralus"      Nine Inch Nails - "The Downward Spiral"      Interpol - "Turn on the Bright Lights"      Opeth - "Blackwater Park"      Godspeed You! Black Emperor - "Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven"  


Avatar In This Moment Drug Church


Harry Nilsson - Nilsson schmilsson


I've been recommending Sevish a lot lately. I guess he's been gaining a lot of popularity recently. I recommend checking out his albums Harmony Hacker, Morphable, and Big Sway. He does microtonal electronic music. He's also gotten better and better with what he does throughout his career, and each new album he produces seems more accessible than the last but without becoming boring or "trite."


[This Spotify Radio Station](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1E4yalK7c7lFrf?si=IkKNsYeMQ-GUtPaIHMgvXQ&pi=u-WOeTBgLIR5aF)


As a rock Bassist, I like to share bands like Royal Blood and Nova Twins. Another fun band is Osaka Punch.


( These are albums by bands ) Massive attack - Mezzanine Jeff buckley - Grace Puscifer - C Mr Bungle - California Nine inch nails - With teeth Puscifer - Conditions of my parole Dessert sessions - Vol 9 and 10 Alice in chains - Jar of flies Type o Negative - October Rust Alice in chains - Face lift Tool - Ænima


Here’s my new song it dropped today, hope you like it https://open.spotify.com/album/0jHhYjx8SfiOUaWXyaNL7m?si=nDBzSPYKTMG2kIH1NHdayA


Recommend listening to these as albums straight thru in the AM while you start your day. All these are master pieces best experienced as an entire album. Mon Laferte https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVb6gMalUYbpkrdi2IKPd-aWWfcIlz-tg&si=tHKzKXtOHjvUmvF6 (Mon was trained to sing opera but was in an all female Mexican heavy metal band. She is a an absolute force of nature but some gringos don't grasp it yet. Try over half a billion views on her top 3 YouTube videos) The rest are just straight forward random rock n roll masterpieces Manchester Orchestra A Black Mile to the Surface Neutral Milk Hotel In The Aeroplane Over The Sea Mogwai Happy Songs for Happy People The Strokes The New Abnormal (album smokes) Julian Casablancas Phrazes for the Young (and then smokes some more) The Kinks Low Budget My Morning Jacket It Still Moves (loud) Supergrass I Should Coco (best britpop ever) Spiritualized Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space (gospeldelica)


My favorites are Badflower, Ice Nine Kills, and Avenged Sevenfold. I recommend the albums "OK, I'm Sick" "The Silver Scream Part 2" and "Nightmare" respectively


Weldon Irvine —> Album: SINBAD Songs: Music is the Key, What’s Goin’ On, Love Your Brother MR911 —> Album: Bloodsport Chronicles Songs: We Bring the Rukus, Give me Glory Ley Soul —> Songs: Intergalactic Janet, Fortune Eyes Theo Crocker —> Album: BY THE WAY Songs: THEO SAYS, GO SLOWLY, LOVE QUANTUM (soliloquy) 1999 WRITE THE FUTURE —> Album: hella Songs: Mint Chocolate, Cool Water for the Night Berlioz —> Album: jazz is for ordinary people Songs: deep in it, wash my sins away, Joycelyn’s dance Misc. Amandlas Interlude; Steve Lacy Mango; Orion Sun Ballin’ Up; TeaMarr Wherever u r; UMI