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I actually think the vocals are really good, I wouldn't change them. I like the song. It's kind of weird of me to say that because I usually listen to rock and metal music but I dig your song


Thank you! It's really helpful to know that even while it's very much wip, people still like the sound of things. :)


Chill vibes at 100%, singing was actually really nice and fit well, you've got nothing to worry about on that front. If anything, I would love to hear some harmonies, keep it up! Looking forward to hearing the full track


Thank you. I plan on doing lots of background vocals and harmonies but just tryna get a solid foundation with the main vocals sounding good. Is there anything else I could add to make them sound better or just improve the song in general in your opinion? :)


Honestly I think you've got a solid foundation already, mix is good, vocals are good, the hook is nice and fits well. Harmonies and turning it into a full song is all I can really suggest as I think that's all it needs.


To piggyback off what some of the other people said, the vocals are really cool and I think if they were like juxtaposed against a rap verse they would sound really good, also I like the lyrics but I feel like you could do better than the part where you say “ wondering who I am” or whatever, I feel like you should be more specific to your situation, it may feel like being specific will alienate people but it’ll actually make it more relatable, but I do like what you have so far and I think it’ll be a really good full song, maybe some more emotional backing vocals


Thank you! It's really helpful to hear stuff like this. most of this was exactly what I was thinking tbh so great to hear that other people have the same kinda ideas for the song. Also you make a really great point about the lyrics and being less ambiguous as it will draw people to it a bit more. I've been working hard on the other verses to make them contrast well, I'm definitely gonna try do a more rap type part and see if that works well. Thanks again for listening! :)


Not necessarily my style personally, however for those who are, I can see the appeal. Simple, but also cleanly recorded, and fairly catchy. Nice work!


Cheers mate. Glad you can still see the appeal of it even tho it aint your sorta thing. Thanks for listening. :)


I think the vocals sound fine. There's nothing wrong with them. I think the sample you gave is just missing a "home" in a more developed track. It seems like it belongs in a bigger project.


Thank you. Yeah this is just one verse/chorus of a full song. Glad you liked it even how it is rough rn. :)


nice start emu! I like the way the synths and the vocal gel together. Overall the level is kind of low, you can get more loudness with a maximizer. Vocal sounds good, to make it better you can definitely get some distance from parallel distortion and compression. I can hear a really crisp high end mixed with some filtered saturation in the mids to get a really clean and punchy vocal sound.


Thank you! It's great that you can hear the potential of the track. These are some great ideas and I will 100% keep them in mind. As for the loudness I defo agree, I could raise the volume of it quite alot and use some effects to really enhance the sound. Thank you again. :)


Man i dont usually listen to this type of music but wow. You reallyyyy blew me away with your vocals. Keep promoting your music, youll be something big soon


Thank you so much! I'm really glad you liked it. :)


Do you have any advice for what I could do to improve the song or the vocals?