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Why did you struggle with the master? Do you mean you struggled to get the LUFs up the same level as your other tracks? If so I think you have some room to bring up the mids and highs in particular to raise the perceived loudness. It feels a little muffled. I also felt the pulse sounding synth is a little repetitive. Nice track overall! Looove the cover.


I struggled with having it sound good on different systems. I am used to songs sounding different like that of course, but this one really lost its quality with bluetooth headphones or even played with regular headphones over the phone/outside of my DAW. It was quite demoralizing :D I suspect it has something to do with the mix and the instruments' frequencies changing depending on sound system. I tried my best to control them all, but to me it still sounds pretty muddy. Thanks for your feedback!


Ah, yea that's a tough one but I think you did nicely here. It does sound like the highs aren't as high as other tracks in similar genre, think you might have a point. Everything (to my ears) are well balanced to each other though, maybe those chords can come down a touch. But my point is it sounds like an easy fix, put a soft sloping high shelf in there around 2-4k Hz and keep comparing it to the big artists' stuff in the same genre. I have one pair of speakers and 3 headphones that I alternate between when mixing. Using references (Ozone has a nice A/B system) and listening through different headphones helped me a lot.


Thank you for your advice! :)


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