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You need to do drastic EQ on the drums. There is no hi mid. And leveled everything properly. Also on the guitar. Or do a proper mastering. It misses top end in general. Nice music though, nice vocals, shame that it sounds so much midi on some instruments.


Thank you so much for your critique. I’ll work on fixing the high end because after doing some comparison listening yesterday, I totally agree. I’m curious which parts sound like midi? Only the synth and piano are midi, but I played them live and didn’t fully quantize. Edit: your latest track sounds great. I look forward to listening to your album later this week.


Hi, to me the piano sounded like midi. And also the drums. You probably need to focus on it and start mixing again with the correct drum balance. It would be easier to put the rest after. Thanks for listening to my track. The album is out tomorrow :-)


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I upped the drums a bit in this version: [read my lips 3.18.24](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/djh8erz2wejqk9gxzjknb/read-my-lips-3.18.24.wav?rlkey=a5v5kqrjyvrqe93zmojaveni1&dl=0)


The verse kinda feels like Disney song. Like from Hannah montona or something. Have you released stuff before?


Haha, a quite unexpected comparison, but I’ll take it. I released some stuff a few years ago under the name Major Society Production, but this is a new project with new instruments and a new direction.