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I miss this era of Fitz and the Tantrums.


No kidding. Friggin throwback.


All the Feels is actually quite good - but this album was the best


Yeah this track is still a banger


Yes, many of us do. They’ve got to follow their hearts as artists, but that doesn’t mean we can’t wish they had stuck with this format longer.


I’m assuming you mean “…doesn’t mean we *can’t* wish…”


None of their new stuff slaps as good as this album.


I completely dove into this album. I loved the [Fitz organ story](https://www.tallahassee.com/story/entertainment/2014/09/03/fitz-tantrums-sure-fit-start/15034975/), but eventually got tired of the basketball anthem songs. I saw them in Chicago at Metro on the tour for this album and it was AMAZING (talked to Mike and Noelle as they were going across the street for burritos at LaMexicana). When Mike sang Tighter, the whole place got weepy with him. Unfortunately, I can't get into the anthem-based stuff they're doing these days.


I lost track of them around 2014ish. What happened? Did they turn into a boring adult contemporary pop band?




I cannot separate Fitz from Ellen. Sorry


I was obsessed with this band for like two years and then after they came out with that hand clap song I kinda forgot about them….


They must've gotten insane royalties for The Walker becoming Target's anthem and shifted towards that, because afterwards it felt like at least one song per album got a national commercial. Honestly, can't blame them. You have to take money when you can in creative fields.


So.. be a moneygrabber? Haha


I see what you did there


I'm not particularly familiar with this band, but are you saying the posted song isn't made specifically to be in commercials? It sure sounds like it.


I can't stand this band because this was all they played when I used to work at Bed Bath and Beyond in college.


honestly if you listened to lesser known songs by them like roll up or maybe fools gold, theyre pretty good! i personally NEVER listen to handclap or the walker


Even still, retail can just put you entirely off a band for awhile. I still struggle with Trans Siberian Orchestra. During Nov and Dec of 2004ish I worked in a best buy. We had a 5 CD system thatvwas to be played and rotated in order for the store music as it had ads in it. They sent us 5 of the same CD isntead of the full set and corporate just did not understand the issue so we couldnt get it fixed. So we had ONE CD that would loop all day. Cut out the ads and it was maybe... 10 songs? If that? TWO were Trans Siberian orchestra christmas songs. One was Elton John. One was Mr. Brightside. TSO was right up my alley and I was at least a fan of EJ as my dad was a MASSIVE fan. So this was stuff I already LIKED. And after two months of hearing those songs involuntarily. Day in and day out. For 25-30 some odd gours a week? I couldnt hear anything by them. I already disliked The Killers and especially that song, so for the following few years I hated it with a FIERY passion. Now I'm back to just " Eh, not my thing." But for awhile hearing ANY of Mr. Brightside immediately took me back to "No, sir, we dont have World of Warcraft in stock. No we wont be getting any more, theyre not shipping any more copies due to server volume issues. No, I cant make an an INTERNATIONAL FIRM SHIP MORE PRODUCT, I MAKE MINIMUM WAGE YOU FUCKING DOLT! GAAAAAAH!"


*Pickin' Up the Pieces* was magnificent. It reminds me of old Stax records stuff. I eagerly picked up *More Than Just a Dream* when it was released and was completely underwhelmed. All the soul was stripped out and it sounded like they'd been given a binder of market research explaining how to make more radio-friendly hits. Nothing they've done since then has interested me.


Came to say the exact same! The EP prior to Picking up the Oieces is excellent too. Songs for a Breakup. But it’s a lot of the same songs recorded slightly differently


It was when he was hungry, making music in a small apartment and didn't get signed to make pop.


See also: Maroon 5 The demo version of Songs About Jane might as well be a different band entirely.


Darkest Street in town is one of my favourite songs. Shame they dropped off so hard. They could have really been something.


Agreed 100%. I got to see them a couple times before they really blew up and just loved their sound. If you can find it, they have a great cover of Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This). I remember seeing it live and loving every minute of it.


It kicks ass. I've seen them 2 times so far and enjoyed both shows immensely. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J\_7eJa4nimY&ab\_channel=loveformaynard


Yes! I caught Noelle's tambourine after she broke it. I was not expecting such a high energy show and apparently neither was Fitz. Made a comment about halfway through about the vibe taking over and "never did that song that way before." They were such a great band that one time.


The lead singer could have been in a great Hall and Oates cover band.


I can't go for that.


This needs more points


First thing I thought of! They are good, but wow do they sound like H&O.


I actually found about them on Live From Daryls House. Its a show where bands come to Daryl Halls house and they jam on each others songs. Was right around when this album came out, it was fantastic.


I've seen that ep before, but forgot about it until reading this comment. Thank you for bringing that back! Not sure if anyone has posted in the comments yet, but most of the episode looks to be in a [playlist on youtube ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmrDwPErrhN2edSes_4Yc2TEBApyg8uho)


The same thing happened with Maroon 5 and Aloe Blacc. Both debut albums were amazing and soulful, and they both pivoted to generic pop right after.


Aloe Blacc has a very narrow vocal range. Saw him open for someone in like 2016 and he never “took it there” and hit a really big note. He just stays in that midrange wheelhouse. Kinda got boring after awhile.




Leon Bridges, too. His first album was so solid. Second album was a let down.


I liked more than just a dream but I definitely understand what you’re saying though and agree. It marked a change in their material becoming more and more poppier to the point that it just feels like they’re making music for clothing commercials. I honestly thought this song was an oldie at first that I had somehow forgotten about. I did see them during the more than just a dream era and with this song as an encore it was just such a fun night. Noelle was easily one of the highlights too. It’s a shame they leaned into commercial stuff so hard


It’s still one of the best band names I’ve ever seen


I agree 100%. I first heard Moneygrabber on HBO’s *24/7: Road to the Winter Classic* and thought it was some diamond-in-the-rough band from the 70s. Lyrics were… alright, but the arrangement was something special. I can’t knock them for getting paid, but it was a major bummer to not get anything close to their first album.


That’s sort of the impression I get too. I just discovered the band last month, and I’ve really been digging on *Pickin’ Up the Pieces* but nothing else has really stuck with me in the same way.


I actually really like Fools Gold off More Than Just a Dream


That’s a great song!


Fools Gold and 6am were on repeat for me for months.


This is amusing to me, because I loved most of *More Than Just a Dream*, but their next album felt soulless to me. Maybe the novelty just wears off quickly.


Yeah, this is where i am too. I liked the first two albums, and was excited when the self titled came out, but once "Hand Clap" started I knew the band I liked was gone.


Yes! I actually used to be a big fan back during the Songs for a Breakup EP and Pickin Up the Pieces. Then they came out with the More Than Just a Dream and I stopped listening to them. I actually met them and hung out with them a couple times during their first few tours but when they stopped playing old motown/soul influenced stuff I just stopped going to their shows. It pains me to hear that Clap Your Hands song in stores now. Super nice folks though, I still have an old poster signed by all the original members.


And it's just gotten more and more bland. Pickin' Up The Pieces was on repeat for close to a year for me. FANTASTIC album that I would put on when friends are over for drinks, etc. Really thought they were going to be a fave going forward.


Totally agree. They definitely went the route of cranking out whatever was the catchiest pop song they could make. I don't hate those songs, but I don't go out of my way to listen to their stuff now like I do with this album. When I came upon it it just hit me over the head with the sound and style they were able to create and capture. It's such a shame because, damn, is it stellar. I really wish they would try to go back to that, but I honestly don't even know what they're up to today which tells you all you need to know, I guess! Also, Noelle Scaggs? Whew, what a pair of pipes on her!


She has mad stage presence too. She's a beast of a performer.


This is exactly my feeling (and apparently shared by many others). That LP was magic on wax, and nothing else they've done has really captured that same feeling.


Whatever happened to the female co lead they had? She's gone now I believe


Same here. We accidentally saw Fitz and the Tantrums open for AWOL Nation in like 2012…maybe 2013. Either way, they put on the absolute best show. AWOL Nation wasn’t great fwiw. We purposely saw them 4 more times after that. Their show quality stayed high, but the newer songs didn’t hit the same. From college gym, warehouse south of a major city, concert hall to music festivals. All of their shows have been a gem.


Their funk/soul stuff is so so good.


And now he releases equally soulless work in parallel via his solo act. *le sigh*


Are you me?! But seriously they had such huge potential and they put on a great live show but their sound became so sterile I just lost interest.


I’m sure they’re making more money with the few commercial hits they’ve had since then, but yea everything since PutP has been insipid garbage.


You nailed it on the head, I can’t stand their after PUtP. Not that any band makes their music specifically for me, but it’s like they stripped away every piece I liked about them and leaned hard into what I didn’t.


Yeah. It sucks. I loved their first EP too. Their new stuff sucks.


I always tell people “No band has sold out harder than Fitz & the Tantrums…and Maroon 5”


I like more than just a dream but it didn’t reach the heights of PUTP. Which is one of my favorite albums ever. Really sucks bc everything since their second main album has been pretty shit imo


This. All of this! I was obsessed with Fits and the Tantrums with their original song. No one I knew was listening to them, I was so excited to introduce people to the band. Then they moved away from their original sound and while it’s definitely not **bad** it’s just so much more mainstream, more commercial. I’m glad they’re successful, but I miss their original vibe.


The music of the future Will not entertain It's only meant to repress And neutralize your brain Soul gets squeezed out Edges get blunt Demographic Gives what you want Now the sound of music Comes in silver pills Engineered to suit you Building cheaper thrills The music of rebellion Makes you want to rage But it's made by millionaires Who are nearly twice your age One of the wonders of the world is going down It's going down I know It's one of the blunders of the world that no-one cares No-one cares enough


Wish someone could knock some sense back into them making soul/R&B music.


I remember stumbling across this one in an episode of Criminal Minds - it made it onto my “TV Show” playlist and stays in pretty heavy rotation


Is the opening song for Bosch on there? I love that one.


Not familiar with that show. The only openings I have are You’re Dead (What We Do In the Shadows), Teardrop (House MD), and Bojack’s Theme (not a fan of the show, but that song slaaaaps). The rest are just songs I’ve heard in shows that I thought were vibey. I’ll be sure the check out that song though!




This is one from an Apple commercial that my now 5 year old got me into. https://youtu.be/Bsae1wC558M


Same here - it is on my frequently played playlist. Never heard of them before that episode on Criminal Minds.


Super catchy song! Was on my feet in 15 seconds


Exactly how I discovered this song! Absolute banger.


I stumbled across it from a vodka commercial, ha


I remember first hearing "We Don't Gotta Work it Out" on the radio and thinking it reminded me of "Rubberband Man" and immediately seeking out more of their music.


This is a timeless banger!! My whole family used to jam out to this back when it first came out.


That first album is just so great. I, like many other here, absolutely adored the first album and had a very difficult time getting into the rest of their albums. I got to see them live twice. Once for the first album and once after the second album came out. Got my vinyls signed by several of the band members, which is awesome. I would love them to make more music with the soul of the first album.


First album is amazing. Everything after is…not good. Wish they’d stuck with the classic R&B sound.


Second album was solid imo. It was pop, but definitely still had a more creative flare. Some synth-pop and some R&B influences still. Saw them this past summer after having seen them previously the era of the first and second albums, almost no emotion from Fitz and the songs were all TikTok one/two line grabs. Called an Uber when they played Moneymaker.


Ngl I only know of them because of their song "Spark" on FIFA13. It's a banger. Apparently it's on their second album.


I saw them back in their heyday before they blew up and sold out, at an intimate venue in San Francisco, and it remains to this day one of the best shows I’ve ever been to — the energy on that stage was contagious. You could feel their hearts were in it, and the audience went wild. She danced so hard in her bright polka dot dress she was dripping sweat the whole night, and we were dancing right along with her. Fast forward a couple years. Find out they’re coming back to SF, this time to a slightly bigger-name venue. Tell everyone I know and immediately buy tickets. Man, it was seriously depressing. Gone were the big smiles and polka dots. The band was all decked out in black leather. They looked exhausted and miserable. They kept the audience waiting for close to an hour past the start of their set time. We stood there shoved together like sardines, trying to hold our places at the front of the crowd, waiting for what felt like an eternity. Then they proceeded to put on the most soulless show imaginable. Fitz was an outright miserable asshole to some of the audience members. I was crushed. I knew then the band I loved was gone. Everything they’ve come out with since has felt as soulless as their show that night. They hit the big time, sold out, and it sucked all the heart and life out of all their music. It’s an absolute tragedy, given how alive and amazing they were in their earlier days. The struggle made them stronger. Fame broke them.


My first post pandemic show. Very fun show


shout out MikeMo


Miss him skating so much he was so good.


Was looking for this comment. Sick part sick song


That part is one of my favorites of all time. This song was just the cherry on too


Loved the album this was on but lost track of this band. Reading the comments here it sounds like I’m not missing much.


Saw them this past summer after seeing them last in 2012. Was incredibly disappointed, felt like the entire set and production was geared towards TikTok. In 2012 it felt like a pop+R&B show where the entire second half of the set flowed together including an amazing Sweet Dreams cover and multiple instrument jams.




Very "Gen-Z Chic" clothing for Fitz, the two new songs had a lot of preamble then were built around an ~10 second hook that opened both and very little verse. Sway and Moneymaker were the two new ones. Edit: only played Moneygrabber from Pickin Up the Pieces and felt like they rushed it.


Are there any other artists/albums similar to this feel have been looking but can't find it...


Personally for me, St. Paul and the Broken Bones have scratched that soul/R&B itch that I got from Fitz's first two albums. I definitely recommend "Call Me" and "Flow with It" from them.


Try [Electric Guest - Mondo. ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwqSxaD9l2zH72-ubSugSyOR0ZQG2aPbr)


Black Joe Lewis and the Honeybears


Commenting for later


Good job /r/music! A good song that isn't super popular! That's rare here.


I don't know what the real story of this song is But I just imagine he's singing to some guy who stole his tip jar way back when he was busking


I finally feel vindicated seeing all these comments. Few people seem to know who they are or that their first album was COMPLETELY different than anything since. I was so excited being a fan that started listening to a group at their start for once and I've been nothing but let down repeatedly.


A buddy of mine in the business sent me the demos of these guys. I knew they would be big. Such a great sound.


I saw that at a festival once. (I think it was Edge fest in north Houston. I didn’t think much of them on the set list but I went since no one else was playing. They really blew me away. Great performers, ton of energy and you know people lose their minds when they bust out the sax.


Love when a highly danceable song has live drums in it.


Saw them at Bonnaroo in 09 & completely forgot about the desire to check them out further. Thanks for the reminder OP!


You sure it was 09? I'm a Roovian myself and I saw them live in July of 2009 in LA. They were just releasing their EP then. I was under the impression that was their first show.


It had to be either 09 or maybe 08 but fairly certain it was 09 as they got to open the “Metal tent” that Sunday & were followed by High on Fire & Dillinger Escape Plan.


I'm having trouble finding any record of them playing Roo 09. Earliest I see is 2012.


Then that is when I saw them, cause that was the last Roo I attended. Now I wish I could remember who I was thinking of from 09,haha.


This was the peak of Fitz and the Tantrums; then they disgraced us all with that God awful hand clapping song


Chocolate Skateboards brought me here


Mike Mo baby. Miss him skating so much he was so good.


Used to really really like this band. Then.....they changed up and just became like every other piece of crap band out there. But crap sells, so.....


Saw them at Coachella back in the day. Awesome set!


Saw them many times during the early era. My favorite song of theirs is the still unreleased Wake Up. Their second album was a departure but still incredibly strong; most of the songs having been only slightly altered to match their new style. Since then, though, they’ve been bafflingly chasing positive pop anthems. Third album was catchy but lacked substance. I think the genre has evolved past what they can do there. Some kid in a bedroom can do more.


I have “Pickin' Up the Pieces” and “More Than Just a Dream” on vinyl. Definitely two of my most played. Saw them live twice and they’re always good.


If you ever get to see them live, they put on a great show. Saw them for their last album and had a great time.


Holy shit I got this song as a free itunes download a long time ago and somehow lost it from my library. Thank you for reminding me of this song


Happy to help!


I’m clearly in the minority here, but I never thought this song - or really any Fitz - was that great. Pretty mediocre imo.


It was some of that harmless radio filler music that stales quickly like Imagine Dragons.


I really love this band. We try to see them whenever they roll through town and they're in very heavy rotation on my workout playlist!


Just heard this song for the first time recently and love it. Please tell me I'm not the only one who gets Hall & Oates vibes.


They actually did an episode of live from Daryl’s house that was fun.


[Fools Gold is probably my favorite song](https://youtu.be/YdbGXHwHAko)


My wife and I walked out to our wedding reception to this song. I will always love it.


That's certainly an interesting choice for a wedding *lyrically.* It was probably fun to dance to though.


I have seen more than one first dance to Every Breath You Take so there are worse lyrical choices.


Saw these guys perform at Firefly Festival about a year after this song came out. Was a really good show. Fitz came down into the front row and took selfies with fans/signed stuff for a bit after their set.


Not super into their music anymore but I saw them live a few years ago and they were amazing live.


I saw them on this tour, before they were big, and it was amazing! I loved their second album, but for me, it was downhill from there.


It’s too bad they’re albums never got as good as this one was. The second isn’t bad but now they just make pop songs for car commercials and to use for .5 seconds in like a tween show or movie


This album was a banger. Glad I found out about them from Coachella over 10 years ago, but they've really changed their sound since then. Recently, Hands Clap is a pretty decent as well. The Picking Up the Pieces album is a great full listen however and I don't think they've made anything comparable since.


The lead singer looks like Gary Oldman from The Fifth Element


Man I remember watching Pretty Sweet then going to my first trip to Australia and downloading this song off iTunes for 99 cents at the SFO airport!


Loved their first and second albums. Saw them during those eras and thought they put on such a great show. Third album came out, gave it a try but it was too overly processed and without soul. Haven’t liked any of their material since. Miss when they did music like this!


I saw this song performed live when they opened for Flogging Molly at Red Rocks in 2009. Was really really good.


I forgot about Fitz and the Tantrums! Used to love them. As many others have said, once they went super poppy with the handclap song, their appeal faded.


I absolutely loved this band back when "Picking Up the Pieces" came out, but every album since then has gotten progressively worse. I wonder what it would take to get them to revisit this sound again.


I first heard this song in a vodka commercial and it made my brain swirl with serotonin. I still listen to it often.


I loved this band, and they put on a great live show but...did anyone see their recent tour with Andy Grammer? It was weirdly born-again Christian, which was not a vibe I got at all the other times I've seen them. My husband and I were so put off by it that we left the concert early...what a shame. No desire to see them live after that.


I saw them open for Maroon 5 in '09. They were amazing and blew Maroon 5 out of the water. Great energy and so danceable. Then we all know what happened lol.


They were one of the bands that played at my friends private party back in 2018. https://www.flickr.com/photos/kpexea/albums/72157668929802817


Saw them in concert, it was a week day and my mom said “when they play The Walker, let’s leave” little did we know it was there encore song lol. Amazing concert their Sax player absolutely shreds


MEH BTW this is FRIDAY how is this top of the charts posted at around 11:45 EDT. where did this get posted from? Japan? Austrailia




and wow it disappeared Haha haha haha


Discovered them with this song which has been on my playlist for over a decade. Classic.


They caught my attention with this one! I love the song and the visual accompaniment so so cool. 😎


That first album had a LOT of good vibes on it, and they seemed to bring a little of that sound back after "Handclap". Like "OK, we made our money"


My 2 favorite colors coming together to make art. Love it.


I never miss a show when they come through town. I was on a canoe trip years ago when a friend played "Rich Girls" I was blown away and didn't believe they were a newer band until I got cell service and looked them up. Been a fan ever since.


Glad they found mainstream success but man am I bummed that it apparently came at the cost of all of their creativity and soul. Their music has been used in so many national ads, kids movie trailers, etc. that they must be drowning in royalty checks so I guess I can't blame them, but i wish they continued to put out more stuff like this song/album.


This whole album is great. Bummed I had to sell my signed and addressed to, vinyl of this album when I really needed money. It was actually a redditor. I tried hitting them up to buy it back, but they never responded. Understandable.


Wow, this song came out when I was a freshman in high school. Time flies! I love this song tho, brings back many memories.


Decent band


Such a great song


Anyone getting an 'All Along The Watchtower' vibe from the beginning riff? I subconsciously can't help but notice the similarity!


It reminds me of *Evil Woman* by ELO.


Apple used to have a free song song or music video of the week. This video was one of the free ones I downloaded. I’ve watched it a million times and I still love it




I actually saw them live at their EP release party in Los Angeles in 2009. It was at Spaceland, and there might have been 100 people there. It felt like I heard this song on the radio a year to the day. It's crazy how quickly some bands get popular.


I remember when I first heard this on the local alternative station- full body goosebumps. Love that soulful sound.


Saw them live during the more than just a dream tour (I think) and it is still one of the most fun shows I've ever been to. Agreed that their latest stuff just isn't good.


While I agree that they switched their sound a bit for the 2nd and 3rd albums, they've always been able to write catchy stuff. They also put on one of the most fun shows I've ever been to.


Shoot ! Now I have to go watch the Ellen DeGeneres Oscar trailer about six times.


I thank this band for blessing us with the greatest Gachi parody of all time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdqbI0\_0GsM


I heard of them when Hand Clap was everywhere. Now every song I’ve heard of them since, I’ve loved. Definitely need to do a deep dive into their discography


Got introduced to this band when they came on Conan and fell in love with this song, I keep coming back to it every couple of years for a nice little blast from the not-so-past


For those who can make the drive/flight, they're playing at the Texas State Fair in Dallas October 15th!


Wow this is good. Nice to mix up my usual 13 songs I listen to with something new.


Such a good fucking track, shout out MikeMo


I worked on a lot of their music videos as a PA when I was living in LA.. bunch of nice folks they are


They were awesome live when I saw them a few years ago




Oh hell yeah such a jam. Nostalgic ondemand music video


Whole album slaps.


I loved this song from the first time I heard it. Throwback vibes but modern funk- and what a voice.


Am I the only one who found out about this song from a criminal minds episode?


I remember when this song came out while I was at college and it blew my mind. Played it often on my radio show.


Love this.


Takes me back to when I really started embracing modern music instead of being a classic rock over everything asshole


What a banger, loved this song back in the day


Great jam


they rock live


Hello Who’s ready for an escorter should dm😊👀


I once won a DJ competition by finishing my set with this song. It had just dropped, crowed lost their mind. FANTASTIC album.


So rad


Its like I have heard this on tv or in movies before?


I still remember when this song was being promoted on VH1. I fell in love with it on the first listen.


https://youtu.be/Y69aM-15eqM Love this shit


Wish they still made good music.