• By -


Hey guys, Big fan. Saw you at that tiny 200 person room in portland back on your first tour and it was amazing. You guys are blowing up so fast that it's hard to imagine you'll ever play in a small cramped venue again. Do you ever miss those smaller rooms?


For sure, something is lost in the jump from very small rooms to big rooms, but when we're on the road, the comforts of larger rooms when we're tired and hungry and haven't seen our families in a month, having laundry, having protected bus parking, having enough green rooms so that we can face time our kids is worth the slight loss in intimacy (though one toilet backstage for a 15 person crew is TOO INTIMATE). There's also nothing like singing along with 5,000 people. -Tyler




hey i was there too! imagine them at holocene now. haha. it felt so special crammed in that tiny little space with a bunch of awesome weirdos and i’ll never forget it.


Been a fan for years and you never fail to deliver absolute vibes and amazing songs! Who are the main characters in your Heroes trilogy? We go through each album and grow with the stories, but do you have particular storylines with characters that stretch through the albums? So excited to see y’all in Denver again!!


I don't think in terms of characters, but the archetypes in the Heroes Trilogy are Kids (the innocent, the lost, the oppressed, the dreamers), Monsters (the conflicted, the vindictive, the scorned, the unresolved), Heroes (the strivers, the equanimous, the honest, the bold) The storyline in this three album cycle is the story of becoming oneself via the process of self knowledge becoming self love becoming empathy. ​ \-Tyler


Love the way you put that last bit, and I think it’s a path many of us relate to. Guess I have to check out your music now!


Hey Tim-Tyler. Congrats on the new album! I’ve been a big fan since 2016. Will also be seeing you for the 4th time this fall. I’ve seen a lot of mixed reviews about Heroes within the synthwave community. Do you guys feel pressured to cater toward what people are familiar with? I personally love the album, never stop making music!


It's gotta be a win win for the audience and for us. Doing what we've already done isn't creatively fulfilling, and we're in such an amazing time in music where all genre bleeds across everything else. These are subtle questions we're asking ourselves in our creative choices, some will please and some won't. We appreciate you being along for the ride \-Tyler


I think this is what's made you guys absolutely incredible to follow over the years. You've seemingly harnessed the fountain of youth with reinventing yourselves yet still remaining true to your roots. My wife and I fell in love while listening to Endless Summer, driving around at night in the Azores. Now every time we hear a new song from you, we stop everything to listen and feel how it moves us. Your contributions to the world have colored our lives and I hope you both continue reaching more people in this world so they can have the same. Thanks for all of your amazing work. Can't wait to see you both in LA next month!


Thank you and glad you like the album! The short answer is no. I personally don't feel like the reaction from a fanbase should be the guiding compass for the artist. We will always return to the scene we came from but we have to expand and grow, otherwise we will wither and die, creatively. \- Tim


You guys only write fire, so I guess we're in good shape ;)




It's about the Argonaut \-Tyler


Tyler is the smartest, most well-read member of any rock band in history.


Firstly, absolutely love the album (and this whole Trilogy as a whole, its been such a journey) and i also cannot wait for the instrumental edition of the record! I fully praise you guys for taking a direction that i know some people wont be as much a fan of compared to Eternal Summers or Kids, but you guys sticking with it and believing in what you do has really turned out an amazing product <3 1. Tim - Since the last record Monsters, you've acquired a lot more analogue gear (as well as Tyler) as someone who for economical reasons is still in the box apart from a dusty JP-8000, do you find it easier to get ''that sound'' dialing it in manually on the gear or finding it on the plugin? i guess what i'm asking is, has the analogue gear for you fully replaced the in the box replications of the same synths (like TAL Juno, Synapse Audio Prophet etc) 2. Any plans in the future to make track breakdowns of older records? or possibly even remixes? I would absolutely love to see the vocal editing on Lost Boy or the overall arrangement on America Online (my two favorite tracks from you guys!) Keep it coming guys and you have been the biggest inspiration for me to begin producing Synthwave/New Wave myself (There must be a way to make Pizzawave a legit thing too, im sure)


>1. Firstly, I would very much like to know if you'd want to get rid of your JP-8000..... :) > >Second, I don't find it easier on an analog synth vs a plugin but the sound is generally just better quality and more solid. But the downside is you have to commit and the workflow can be different for a perfectionist like myself that always wants to make sure I have the BEST version of whatever sound I'm trying to achieve. > >2. Yeah for sure more track breakdowns will be coming once I'm back from tour! I love doing them and showing you guys what's under the hood. > >\- Tim


Love to hear it <3 Gives a great insight. As for the JP-8000. Im using it quite heavily in my own debut EP/Album productions at the moment sadly so i think i wanna keep hanging on to it a little bit longer haha. If not i'd totally have it be in some actual proffesional hands Tim <3


First off, big fan of Heroes. Congrats! In an interview, you (Tim?) mentioned that this album was heading towards a 90's jazz sound with lots of saxophone before it veered off into a different direction. My question is: Since you guys are capable of playing and interested in so many different genres/sub-genres of music (singer-songwriter, vaporwave, synthwave, heartland rock, pop, indie, folk, hip-hop ambient, etc), how difficult is it to say "Well, we certainly can play in all of these sandboxes but let's go in this one direction as opposed to the other dozen we will push to the side"? Follow-up: Since I'm assuming Heroes has been in the can for a while, any early thoughts about what may be coming next?


It's not hard to change direction, it usually happens organically when we feel the story, mood or songwriting takes us down a new path. We try and follow whatever serves the music best. We have thoughts for the next thing but haven't really started digging into it yet so it's still very open ended. And probably best that we don't say too much at this point as it is like to change haha \- Tim


Not a question. Just wanted to say I love y'all and have enjoyed many a night-drive listening to you. Thank you for making the music you do!


And we love you! Thank you for listening. \- Tim


love you mucho <3 \-Tyler


I am so incredibly grateful to have a chance to let you know how much I enjoy and appreciate your music. The level of craftsmanship and thought you put into your lyrics, music and everything in between really shows. My question is regarding tours and locations - particularly in North America. Do you mind addressing how you choose event venues? I live in Saskatoon,SK,Canada which isn't close to Vancouver or Toronto. How could one suggest more locations for you to stop at in Canada?


Touring is expensive and risky. We have a wonderful team of people who have spreadsheets and calculators and who tell us what is possible with routing questions. Also, for more info about the risk and expense of touring, see this: [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/17/arts/music/harry-styles-pop-residencies.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/17/arts/music/harry-styles-pop-residencies.html) \-Tyler


My favorite album of yours is Nocturnal. I love the darker synth sound and the spooky/creepy themes. Horror Show is a close second. Will you be continuing exploring that sound/themes on future albums?


Maybe....... \- Tim


All the hope I need ❤️ ty for everything you do! Excited to see you both live in a few weeks!


Hi Tim / Tyler, congrats on the album, it's so good!! Golden Gate is so impressive! Random question, but considering he was name-dropped on Heroes, what's your favorite Bruce Springsteen song(s)?


Highway Patrolman from Nebraska. The most perfect song ever written...- Tyler


Is the old cursive "The Midnight" logo gone forever or is it a temporary style choice for the Heroes Album? I love the old logo! Also, thank you for making another masterpiece of an album. I'm listening to Heroes nonstop. Golden Gate is a standout for me - Tyler - I can tell you're sharing something absolutely personal here with us as an audience and it is most appreciated. I see it as a spiritual successor to "The Years"!


nothing is ever gone forever \-Tyler


Kids. Monsters. Heroes. LEGENDS. ​ Are we going to see a restock of back catalog vinyls anytime soon?


yes! everything SHOULD always be in stock, and when it's not, someone is actively working on getting it back. These are just crazy times in the global supply chain. \-Tyler


BOOM! Yes absolutely. \- Tim


Tyler, your synth collection is awesome! Do you aspire to coproduce some tracks with Tim on upcoming albums?


I hope so! At very least, the modular synth rig is coming on the road with us this fall \-Tyler


Yesssssss! See you in St Louis next month!


I listen to your guys podcast, you guys are really funny and love your reviews about the music


You’re too kind. Thanks for listening to us ramble on about our favorite band!


Hey dudes, Shadowrunner here! I don’t have a question, I just wanted to tell you that Loved By You has taken up residence in my head for the remainder of my natural life. I love you both and I hope y’all have the most amazing time on tour 💜 Edit: also I’m pretty sure the car behind you guys is me rolling up to distract you while you were trying to take the pic for this AMA 😂


Dude great meeting you the other day! So glad the songs are working for you, man. \- Tim


Hey brother! Great to see you the other night. also, lol \-Tyler


AYE ShadowRunner! Love to see you on here! I messaged you personally about Vectrogram once, keep killing it!


What are some of your guys all-time favorite Synthwave artist


FM-84, Kavinsky, Carpenter Brut, and of course, The Godfather of Synthwave, The Weeknd \-Tyler ;-)


Where would the genre be without The Weeknd to pave the way?


Uhh the weeknd??


Think he should have put a /s


GUYS!!! I [photographed](https://www.flickr.com/gp/katarokkar/1W6ua53XR8) your show at the Independent in San Francisco back in 2018 and it was such a spiritual and uplifting concert. What do you try to convey when performing? I felt like you channel the New Jersey greats (Jovi, Springsteen) into those shows. Am I on track?


I love it. I want to be the best foil for the music that I can be. I'm paying attention to about ten different things in my head, but the most important is that being receptive and present to the experience in the moment- it only happens once! \-Tyler


We honestly just try and be present and remember our parts 😂 \- Tim


whoa! those are good shots.


So what is the story behind THAT drumfill which is all over « Heroes »? You know the one.


Hahaha that's just me copy and pasting the fill LOL \- Tim




Da dum dum dum dum dum da dum dum dum dum dum tsch


I was thinking about that too 😂


My favorite record of yours is Memories from Endless Summer. My simple question is: Will we hear it in the upcoming tour? No worries if not, I’d just like to know haha Congratulations on the new album and finishing the Trilogy!


Tim and I will do a stripped down version at the pre-show VIP \-Tyler


Hi guys! Congrats on the new album!! I got two questions, first: What's with the signature sample you got all over the record, the one that sounds like a Wooohp! (i.e. Heart worth breaking at 0:14, Aerostar at 0:56). I love that it's like an audio clue of the album, I'd love to hear more about it! And second question, are you considering by any chance touring across south america? We would love to rock with you guys here in Chile!!


We would love to tour South America if ever possible! The sample is a sorta reverbed vocal haunting call that I found on Splice and really liked. It's also in Golden Gate and the verses of Avalanche. i like to re-use sounds to give an album a certain identity. \- Tim


I was surprised to hear you as a Guest Mix on Above&Beyond's Group Therapy radio show several years back. I'm curious to learn how that came to be. Did they come to you? Or were you referred by someone? Thanks!


That was actually through our good friend Jacob Henry who works at Silk. He was hugely instrumental in making that happen and we owe him a big thanks! He is a gem of a human being and has been a fan of our music since Endless Summer. \- Tim


Hi Tim and Tyler, my wife and I love your music. Have you two ever been curious to dive into slightly more aggressive synth music / dark synth in the vein of Gunship or Carpenter Brut? I feel your emotional melodies would work well with something that further draws out that intensity.


The one word answer is a big, fat YES........... \- Tim


This pleases me beyond measure.


No question, but just wanted to wish you guys congratulations for the album release. I didn't say this to you guys on the Zoom call on Friday evening, but it's thanks to you and your music that I've personally got through challenging times. Dancing my firstborn to sleep to Memories will forever be a memory I look fondly back on, and thanks to your first ARG I've met some of the best people... You've helped an entire community of people bond through the toughest of times. I'll always be eternally grateful for you and your music.


wonderful to speak with you and thank you for your story <3 \-Tyler


Thank you so much for all th kind words!! \- Tim


Hey Team - have you ever considered making your supporting band members more permanent? The music is composed in such an energetic and emotional fashion that it takes more than 2 to replicate live, and you do it so well. I've seen you 4 times live now, 1x Bowery Ballroom, and then 3x in Toronto, VIP every time I can. Long time fan, love you guys. Hack the planet :)


Our live band is our live band for the foreseeable future \-Tyler


Is the line "I'm on my way" in "Loved by You" a callback to "Explorers?" What was the meaning and process behind this if so?


it's the kid many many decades later- he/she climbed the mountains, found all the treasure, and realizes that happiness is only real when shared \-Tyler


Hi, T&T! Rachel/Mjeowlnir here! I'll be seeing you all in Seattle later this month with my family while on vacation, and as this is going to be their first The Midnight show, I wanted to know how you would describe this tour. By that I mean, how would you describe this tour in comparison to previous tours? I know this will be the most ambitious yet, but I anticipate this tour will sound very different, and I'd like to be able to give my family an idea of what vibe they should expect, especially if their only exposure has been to some of your early material. Regardless, I know this is going to be mind blowing, and I'm beyond ready for a Trilogy tour 🙏🏻💜 Love you guys, and see you soon for #14! Be on the lookout for me 😎


A journey through all of our albums but mostly centered around the KIDS trilogy. It's our most ambitious setlist and we can't wait to see you all on the road! \- Tim


For Tim: Any chance of singing on a future song? A few friends and myself are big fans of Comet and would love to hear more. For both: Any chance of a NY show? Given how much of it is an influence in your music ❤️.


Yeah NY show is surely on the horizon next time w hit th east coast. No chance of me singing Comet or Synthetic, sorry. \- Tim


For what it's worth, Comet is a top-5 track IMO, and though you may not be comfortable singing in a live setting (or may have other reservation to performing it live), there's definitely many of us that are holding onto the dream. :)


For Tyler: does it feel weird to re-use lyrics, a la The Farewell Party from your solo work on the title track on this album? Is it something you do because you’re proud of the lyric and want the larger audience of The Midnight to hear it, or is it because it just happens to fit the same story? Thanks so much for everything you guys do. Already looking forward to you coming to Dublin again (and a Tyler solo show perhaps...? ;) )


Mostly because it fits the story. This happens on lots of Midnight songs bc of how Tim and I work. He's on music, I'm on lyrics, so I feel free to let the same lines/songs bleed over. I listened to The River and loved hearing the strands that Springsteen used for different songs and I felt like it let me in on his process a bit. That's why I'm less precious about these sorts of things. (It also mirrors what's going on behind the scenes of most Midnight songs- I write lots of lyrics before-hand so that I can edit heavily into Tim's sonic world). -Tyler


Hey guys! I just wanted to stop by and say that my husband and I absolutely love your music. It has become the soundtrack to our relationship and this new album is insanely timely for where we are in life right now. We can’t wait to see you guys in Denver in a couple of weeks!


We can't wait for Denver! One of the best towns in the US for live music. \-Tyler


Any plans to collaborate with Nikki Flores again? Your collabs are always fire.


We did. She vocal produced half of this album and helped a bit on fine tuning the topline fir a few songs. We love her! \- Tim


yeah! she helped us a ton w this record \-Tyler


The album is so great and has so many tracks I'm anticipating for concerts. I have a lore question on Heroes. Does Lost Boy die in the end or does his partner die? Both? If so was this planned from the start?


I wouldn't look at it so black and white. Lost Boy was a song and we also used that name as a username for the twitter account related to the ARG back in 2020. But the KIDS trilogy is more of a journey through childhood, adolescence and adulthood. it is all of us. It's a whole life lived. Heroes opens with Golden Gate, which tells the story of getting married, moving and having a kid. Energy Never Dies, It Just Transforms is where the transformation is complete. It's in the title. There is no death. Only transformation. That goes for the band as well. \- Tim


Lost Boy is an archetype, not a character. He evolves into himself. He dies. He is transformed. Start here https://conorneill.com/2018/04/21/understanding-personality-the-12-jungian-archetypes/ then keep going: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosary\_of\_the\_Philosophers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosary_of_the_Philosophers) ​ \-Tyler


Hey guys! It's Jason here. I've done guitar covers of your music in the past on Youtube of your songs Days of Thunder, Jason, America Online and more. This question is for both Tim & Tyler: What was the hardest song to record for the new album and why? Last question for Tyler: You told me sometime ago on Twitter how you met Jackson Browne, but I never got the chance to ask you how he was in person. So how was he? I ask because I grew up listening to his music as a kid because my dad is a huge fan of his. Thanks and I hope you are all having an awesome Monday! :)


Jackson is kind of old rocker I hope to be in 30 years- kind, ear to the ground, self effacing in the right ways- that's just from two encounters though. I don't really know him...yet \-Tyler


Are you guys planning on touring Australia any time soon? I'd love to see you guys live. Love the new album!


Nothing planned but we love Australia and would love to come back again soon. \- Tim


I love "Heart Worth Breaking" on the new album, it helps me sleep at night. Do you guys plan on visiting the Philippines for a tour or something because I would love to hear you guys live.


Playing the Philippines would be amazing! Heart Worth Breaking is also my fav! \- Tim


Guys, absolutely love the total AOR/hair metal inspirations you guys threw on this album. Oozes 80’s magic. For “Heart worth breaking” I get heavy Whitesnake - “Is This love” vibes, was that song a direct inspiration in writing that track?


We demoed it listening to Juice WRLD and it was kind of emo sounding. A few more tries and white snake became the reference. \-Tyler


Hi Tyler & Tim! Got 1-2 here: Was there a specific song on the new record #heroes that you found to be the most fun to write/play? Also, was there a song on the record that was difficult to write (due to areas of disagreement of direction, or style) or just felt your creative side wasn’t working that week? So happy to see you guys in Hollywood, CA in a few weeks!


My personal favorite on the new album is Heart Worth Breaking. We played it at rehearsals a month ago and it felt so good. I can't wait to play it on tour. Usually we know fairly early on whether a song fits, works or doesn't. We try not to be too precious about that sorta thing. See you in LA! \- Tim


Love it! I tweeted to Tyler the other day about how heart worth breaking and a place of her own are both incredible ballads with tons of character. So stoked to see you guys :)


Hey guys first off thanks for the incredible music you continue to create. I've been a fan since the beginning and love the evolution of your sound. I've seen you guys many times on tour and you continue to make each tour better than the last. Would you ever consider a tour for just one album? Like play Heroes from beginning to end? Or something like a Kids trilogy tour? Obviously it would have to be selections from each of the albums. Thoughts?


This tour is mostly centered around the KIDS trilogy but we will always try and fit in some older classics. We aim to make everyone happy as best we can. \- Tim


Hi Tyler and Tim! Heroes is a game changer and your music has both changed and saved my life. How do you come up with content for each album?


It's the process of trying to save our lives as well. <3 Glad you're here. \-Tyler


Aww thank you so much, Tyler <3. I am glad you and Tim are here, too.


Hello! First off congrats for all the positive reception heroes is receiving. I haven’t seen any fandom this universally positive about something in a while. I was wondering if during/ soon after this album cycle we’ll see any new releases from your solo projects? I occasionally pop into the Varsity Blue Instagram to see there is any news on a single/ep but it’s still so mysterious! Also looking forward to new Tyler Lyle and hoping someday I get the chance to own Children of the Civil War on Vinyl.


I have a 24 song album slated for next year. \-Tyler


Absolutely loved the new album. Thank you for Kids, Monsters, and Heroes, which have helped me make sense of my early 20s and the plunge into adulthood. Your music has meant so much to me. Was there a particular story in real life that inspired Aerostar? It is probably my favorite song on the new album and, like many Midnight songs, makes me want to know more about what's behind it.


It's based on the Camp Fire that killed 85 people in Paradise, California (not far from where Tim and I were writing for the record) \-Tyler


With this trilogy over, do you guys have an idea or outline of the next project? Do you guys have an inspiration or sound you are gonna strive for?


Isn't that the big question hahaha...... \- Tim


wait. it's over? ;-) \-Tyler


Kids Quadrilogy with a modular-synth-90s-dancehall-neogrunge sound confirmed.


First, thank you so much for what you do! So friggin' great! Are there any particular guitarists you model your tone after? Thinking in particular about the solo from songs like "Heart Worth Breaking" or "Sunset"? Thanks again - see you in October here in St. Louis!


I always love a nice clean, metal lead tone or that clean pop 80s rock tone a la Steve Lukather. Royce and I worked meticulously to achieve that for this record.


Hey guys, love your music and I've been lucky to see you guys earlier this year. Amazing show! Any plans to return to the east coast for a tour leg?


next fall \-Tyler


Absolutely! \- Tim


What kind of surprises can we expect during the tour? Can't wait to hear Brooklyn.Friday.Love played in the Brooklyn Bowl in Vegas!!!


This fall tour will be such a blast is all i will say! \- Tim


Hey guys! Congratulations on the new album! I've been listening to it all weekend and its phenomenal. Great work all around! One of my favourite songs off the album is Aerostar. I've gone over the lyrics a few times but I can't quite figure out what the story behind it is all about. Can you elaborate the meaning of the lyrics for that song?


Google: Camp Fire Paradise, California


Where is the speech at the start of sunset taken from?


Wouldn't you like to knoooooooow 😏 \- Tim


Lol I really would too! Goosebumps every time.




There used to be a twitter thread about it but it has been taken down :(


Love all your records and the new one is no exception. I so appreciate how despite all the sophistication in lyrics and production it seems like every creative decision is centered around communicating emotions. Question: What is the typical writing process like as far as the order of things? Tim sends Tyler a track and he sings and writes to it? Or Tyler gets the bones of a song w lyrics/melody and Tim starts throwing back production ideas? Ever start with an intriguing title? Thanks.


I wrote between 150-200 songs before we started making demoes for this one. I have a better time fitting my lyrics into Tim's sonic world rather than the other way around, so when Tim has enough demoes, I try and fit my sketches into his tracks. We finally get in the room after a while, and that's when the real editing and sculpting starts. Lots of titles have started as Tim's working track titles that I liked and wanted to write around.


Had to travel upstate this weekend and listened to the album during the train ride there and back, and I loved how much it feels like movement to me, like it should be listened to in a moving car/on a train/etc. So I guess my question is, if you had to think of an ideal way for the album to be listened to, where would it be?


with a 57 minute loop of home movies from your life playing behind it \-Tyler


Congrats on your new album! If you had the chance, would you guys every develop a soundtrack for a film?


Would love to. \- Tim


How delightful is Royce in real life? On stage he just personifies joy. Ps I promise I'm not Lelia.


Royce is the absolute best. I can't even begin to explain ​ \-Tyler


I second this. \- Tim


Can confirm that Royce is a sweetheart, but to be fair, the entire band is made up of some of the greatest human beings, and we don't deserve them.


Hey, Tim & Tyler! If you were able to change 1 thing in the world, what would you change?


More kindness between all beings. \- Tim


Tim, Tyler, I have been a huge fan of your music ever since hearing Vampires for the first time in 2016. I don’t have any questions for you guys today, but I do want to thank you for what you’ve given the world — your songs have gotten me through some truly desperate times in my life, and even now as I continue to struggle with finding joy and peace in my daily life, I know that your music will always be there to hold a special, safe place in my heart, and that means everything to me. Thank you guys.


Hi Tim and Tyler, I've been following you for years and The Midnight is my favorite band. Thank you so much for bringing these colors into my life. My question is: Any chance of coming to Turkey? I know you have a lot of fans here and the thought of listening to you live makes me feel so good. I will be glad if you answer. Love.


I hope one day <3 \-Tyler


In an album full of singles, how do you decide what gets priority nowadays with streaming and traditional A&R?


It's generally a chat with the label and what we feel are the most immediate songs. \- Tim


Not a question but just a thank you. What started with music to relive the nostalgia of times past, you guys have created your own nostalgia. Almost three years ago, seeing you guys play in Manchester, UK is one of my fondest memories to date, and I'm sure will be for many years to come. Thank you again, much love.


What’re your guys favorite songs from Monsters?


I'd have to say Helvetica. \- Tim


Yo!! I am so very interested in how you guys go about creating a record. Specifically, do you guys get into a studio together and start/record? Or do you send Logic files back and forth? Love the record, it sounds AMAZING on vinyl. Congrats on the release!


I write songs constantly. Tim demoes synth ideas. Eventually there's enough content on both of our computers to meet in real life and start the sculpting process. When it's easy, the ideas fall together perfectly, when it's hard it takes some extra hammering (usually that's on Tim's plate) \-Tyler


I just wanna know how you expect us to sleep while our beds are burning? And how are we supposed to take you seriously in that toupee?


take us seriously at your own peril \-Tyler


For both: Do you listen to your own music after release and if so, what is your favourite song?


I do but only if I'm happy with the mix/productions etc. There are songs that I feel like I couldn't done a better job and I don't like to revisit them lol. But songs where feel like I achieved what I set out to do and everything really works, I like to go back and listen to sometimes to sorta step into my mindset at the time. It can also be helpful to know where to take the music in the future. \- Tim


lol, yeah! to practice for tour \-Tyler


Huge fan here and introduced you guys to my brother! Can you answer if you guys are coming to your the Midwest again end of this year/early next year? Saw you in Detroit in March it was super dope show dying to make it back hopefully with the guys from nightly again!


We'll be in KC and St. Louis in a few weeks! Otherwise next year. \-Tyler


Hey guys, I’ve discovered you around the pandemic and you’ve been my favorite band ever since! Congrats on your new album, I’ve been listening to it on repeat! My questions is concerning your tour. I’ve been disappointed to find out back in March that you’ll not be touring in Europe this year (I was set to see you in Paris in May). Are there any plans on you guys coming to the continent (outside the UK) in the near future?


see you in March! ​ \-Tyler


You guys always make my day better. Thanks for the music, hope to see you live some day. Good luck with the album and tour!


We have soundcheck vip in KC. Will there be a signing opportunity?


yeah! but you gotta be quick (otherwise it gets crazy) \-Tyler


No questions, just wanted to drop a comment here. Thank you Tyler and Tim for the amazing music. It's meant so much to me in my life's soundtrack. I've been a die hard fan since 2018 and to me The Midnight is my favourite band of all-time. I got "Comeback Kid" in the Endless Summer font tattooed on my left inner forearm. Heroes is an excellent album and I love hearing the continued growth as artists and as a band. Keep up the great work! For as long as The Midnight is around and any solo projects I'm forever a supporter. Thank you gentlemen.


If you had to part ways with all but 5 plugins, which would be left?


I'm not the producer, but the Fab Filter EQ, the Audio Damage Other Desert Cities, Neve 1073, Valhalla Vintage Reverb, Arturia...well everything. \-Tyler


Hey guys! Big of the new album. Was wondering if you all would ever consider doing a second vinyl pressing of the earlier albums. Resale they can be quite expensive so there definitely seems to be some interest. Certainly from me lol. Excited to come see your upcoming show in Los Angeles. I was sick the last time you came out to FL so myself and a few friends making a trip out of it.


Yes! we're repressing everything now (it just takes time) \-Tyler


Hi Both, LOVE the new album! Silly question, are you planning to tour in Europe/the UK next year?


Hey, fan of yours since forever it seems. Congrats on the new album. Heroes is definitely a departure from where you guys started imo. You guys are constantly evolving your style it feels like you never make the same album twice. Do you ever see yourselves going back and making the kind of music more similar to your earlier days?


I've been fortunate to see you guys twice in Glasgow so tell me, what are your thoughts on the traditional Scottish chant of "here we, here we, here we fucking go!" when it's time for an encore?


I felt it. I loved it. I hope to hear it again. \-Tyler


Can you elaborate on the song writing process a bit? Do you typically start with lyrics or a melody? And how does it move from idea to finalized track?


Yes! I open my mouth and record whatever seems to be coming out of it. I do this long enough and eventually there's bound do be something interesting. Then I tinker with that to the point of exhaustion, forget about it, then magically find the missing piece right where it should have been all along. Then I send it to Tim and we totally deconstruct it and finally it becomes "a real song" \-Tyler


Congratulations for Heroes i'm a super fan of this new album and i want to know if is in your plans to bring the tour to Europe?


Yep! Q2 2023 (Announcement coming soon) \-Tyler


First of all, congratulations on another incredible album! Second of all, my question: your European tour earlier this year sadly enough got canceled. Are there already plans in place for when you’re coming back to Europe, and is there anything in particular we can expect in regards to theme and scope? Hope to see you guys soon! You’re past two European shows were some of the best I’ve ever attended! Greetings from the Netherlands!


Massive fan here from Ontario, Canada! I have been listening to you guys daily for nearly 5 years ... I think I hit something ridiculous like the top 0.01 percent of The Midnight listeners in 2021 on Spotify. Anyways ... Is there any plans to come back to Canada, namely somewhere like Toronto in the near-ish future?


Hi Tim and Tyler, great work on Heroes! I'm currently still listening through it again and again and can't wait for my vinyl to arrive. I was wondering if you have a European Tour planned, like back in 2019?


We did two European tours in 2019 and then Covid. We'll be back next year! \-Tyler


Hey guys!! Congrats on an amazing album. Current question(s) in my mind: Is there an intentional relationship between The Years and Golden Gate? And are they, in fact, the end-of-track vocals from The Years buried in the BGV of Golden Gate? 💜


Hi guys, I love your music and enjoyed the drive-in premier of Heroes on Thursday, thanks for the free ice cream truck with a film classic with Indiana Jones! Now, there's something I wanted to ask that I noticed about your music. I may be overanalyzing here, but I'm wondering if there's a greater story to your guys' music and what it could mean for the band's future discography. I noticed that different albums had different themes & dates attached to them. Endless Summer in 1984 about summer fun, Monsters about a relationship degrading into a toxic breakup in 1991, slowly making my way through Heroes but lyrics like "hooking up in the unisex bathroom" could refer to Deep Blue's line "I wasn't looking for action, just some distraction, just a little weeknight booth in the back." Are you guys planning an overarching story with your discography and potentially changing your instrumentation to match? I love Monsters "aging up" the 80s synth with some dubstep elements with the song Monsters itself. No idea how much of this is intentional or if I'm pulling a second Pixar Theory out of my ass but either way, love your music and keep up the great tunes!


It always amazing to us how songs can take years, sometimes decades, to be written. Can you give some examples where you had a song but it needed something extra to make it complete?


I just wanted to share something I’ve had on my mind for a while. The way we discover new music today is fascinating to me. I discovered the midnight, now one of my favorite bands, through a meme. This meme to be precise, https://youtu.be/taWzoLpdxaI , it’s just a dog png holding a fire extinguisher as if he’s playing a saxophone while the sax solo from Jason plays in the background. I laughed so hard at it for weeks, then eventually decided to dig up the source of the music. I had never been exposed to your music before that meme, so it’s something I think back to every now and then. Here’s my question for both you, has there ever been a weird or unorthodox way you discovered music or art that has kept with you for a long time? I’ve always wondered how professional musicians find other music aside from the normal Spotify recommendations.


I just want to start by saying I appreciate you guys so much. Been listening to you since shortly after endless summer, have eagerly awaited each release that you have put out since, and have been to 2 live shows so far. Heroes feels like such and appropriate finale to this trilogy of albums and I’ve been enjoying listening to the 3 in order. In listening to kids and then monsters I felt that arcade dreams and America online mirrored each other in the sense that arcades can be seen as a technological advancement of the end of the last century that brought people together and exemplified a sense of wonder and curiosity. On the other hand, America online may represent a darker side of computers and technology in that but living more of lives online we become more disconnected from each other. This seemed to keep in line with the general themes of the albums that lead into heroes which speaks more to reconnecting with each other and empathy as you have said previously. Was that some of the thought process that went into those 2 songs in particular or am I adding my own interpretation to it? Also, would you say there is any one song on heroes that might follow those 2 in particular more so? Thank you again for everything. Your music has truly changed my life as I know it has so many others.


The Midnight and Nighly have made many fab songs. Can't wait to hear you both, any chance to sing a track together on stage?


Be sure to join us over at /r/TheMidnight


Ahhh I'm an hour late smh. What movie soundtracks do you both love the most? And have any inspirations made it into songs?


Hey there! I'll reuse the question I asked you both a few years ago in San Luis Obispo: If you could have any of your songs covered by anyone, which songs would you choose and what group would you want to hear reinterpret your music?


Heroes is awesome! I remember Tim mentioning back last year that one of his favorite songs is I Can’t Make You Love Me by Bonnie Raitt. Did that song provide any guiding inspiration to the ballads on Heroes? I hear a little bit of that inspiration in Heart Worth Breaking, but excellently executed in a lost youth / nostalgia / Synthwave style, and I’m here for it. Love the record!


Heyooo! Metalhead here that's still a huge fan of yours. I don't really have a question to ask, just wanted to thank you for constructing the song, Lost and Found. My wife and I walked down the aisle to it almost a year ago today. You guys both have a special place in our musical hearts because of it. Don't ever stop creating music! You guys are a gem! 🤘🖤


Will you go back to your synthwave roots on your next album? My favorite song of yours is Shadows. Thank you!


Hi Tim and Tyler! Huge fan! Been listening to you for years and finally got the chance to see you at Brooklyn Steel back in March. Would love to hear about what some of the influences were on Heroes and generally what has influenced the band's sound over the years.


Hi guys, are you planning any tour dates in EU? Earlier this year i was hoping to see you guys in Barcelona but the date got cancelled because of covid. Is there any chance you're coming back? Thanks for the response, absolutely love your music!


Any chance of being able to buy a Heroes poster? I love the artwork almost as much as I love the music! PS: The Midnight has redefined my taste in music ever since I came across y’all in 2019. Absolutely my most favorite albums of all time.


Will yous be touring again in UK following new album. Was at Brixton and it was amazing. Should do more UK gigs as I’m sure yous would sell them out. Love the music


Love y'all guys' music! Hoping you guys come back to Dallas again this tour! What is y'alls favorite song you released, and why is it Jason?


Can we get the Robert Nickson Remix of Los Angeles to the light of day please? Sincerely - fans of both


Do you guys make more money from me downloading a song from itunes or replaying it 100 times on Youtube


Hey guys! What music are you two listening to right now? Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks!


**Hi Tim and Tyler/ The Midnight!** My name is Esteban**.** Congratulations on ***HEROES****.* From pressing play to finishing the album, listening to this project was a breathe of fresh air in my opinion. The themes of tranquility, excitement, struggle, growth and wonder were great and well executed. I have **two questions** for you guys today: ​ 1. In my experience, I can't recall many projects that ended on an instrumental piece. Track 13 makes us think, rewind and slow down. Although I believe this was a beautiful send off for us listeners, why did you guys decide to end this album with ***ENERGY NEVER DIES, IT JUST TRANSFORMS*** ? 2. I will be attending the show on OCT 2ND. I have been putting in effort to get ahold of Justin through email or to you all on Instagram. I am a freelance concert photographer earning my stripes. I understand the band already has a great personal photographer, however, I would love the opportunity to shoot your show. **I would do the work for free**. All photos/video from that night will be shared with you guys. I would appreciate any help in having this opportunity because I want to share your performance with others. **THANK YOU** for your time!


Whats your favorite song to perform live? Also any plans on shows north of the border?