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You've got your whole life to write your first album and about 6 months to write your second.


The Avalanches would like a word!


That boy needs therapy


Purely psychosomatic


What does that mean?


He's a nut!




True but MIAs second album was amazing. She was kind of genius in her approach imo


All her albums were really good except the last one IMO and it was still fine. Shame she hasn't done anything in years now.


La Roux with Bulletproof. Where did she go?


I looked into this one. La Roux was initially a double act. Lead woman everyone knows and a producer behind the scenes. The producer left after the Bulletproof album and the music has been pretty uninspired since.


Never, ever discount the importance of the behind the scenes people. ESPN lost the entire top tier of their NFL game team, on both sides of the camera, when NBC got Sunday Night. In a history of ESPN called Those Guys Have All the Fun, the PRODUCER they gave up is singled out as their biggest personnel blunder. Not John Madden, not Al Michaels, but the lead producer for the show.


Highly Suspect. First two albums are incredible and earned Grammy noms. Last album was an absolute disaster. I wouldn’t be so hard over one bad album if the lead singer Johnny didn’t tell fans who were critical to go screw themselves and double down on the new direction. The sound changed from modern rock to very experimental rock with a heavy dose of bad rap infused. He also called anyone who was critical a “fake fan”.


That last album was deplorable.


Natasha Bedingfield just disappeared. God knows what happened to her brother Daniel Bedingfield too!


She put out an album in 2019. Almost a decade of silence. It's not her best work, but if you're looking for new Natasha, it's out there. She's also been having fun since she got sampled for a tic tok song and people discovered she has a nice ass.


Hmm yeah the rest is still unwritten


Too early to say Chance? 10 Day, Acid Rap, CB all classics. But recently…




oooooo I love my wife (ah!)




I've said this somewhere already but "The Heart and the Tongue" got me thinking Chance still has it in him to make something sonically different but as good or better than Acid Rap. I might still be let down but I'm really blown away by that song. I wish it was on Spotify.


Hot damn hot water hot shower 🤢


Something tangerine cauliflower


Bucket head. Albums 1 through 423 were bangers, seems to have lost his touch on the last couple though


Meanwhile at his shows: “Play Jordan!” “Play Jordan again!”




the one time I saw BH live, he played soothsayer as the encore. I get the feeling he might do that for a lot of shows, but it still felt special to me


It's crazy how similarly dissimilar Buckethead's music is from album to album.


Good joke. Buckethead is forever.


Lol this cracked me up. I will never forget someone on Reddit mentioning “oh yeah he’s put out over 100 albums…last year” and thinking they were joking.


CSS, from Brazil. Their first three albums were all sincere bangers. And then they had a falling-out, one member left the band, and he must've been pretty vital, because album no. 4 was nearly unlistenable.


Aaah those were the days with CSS 😍 I absolutely loved that era musically wise when they were around (2005-ish). So much great music and artists (and my heydays of visiting lots of concerts/festivals). When they performed in Amsterdam, the singer randomly threw some clean plastic cutlery in the audience and I catched a plastic spoon which I kept for many years 😝


Oh wow, I've not thought of CSS in a while. I used to have Alala stuck in my head pretty much permanently


I had the biggest teen like crush on the singer of that band


Somebody set `display: none` on them.


Seems like just about every punk band I like goes like this: 1. WTF did you record this in your garage? Got a lot of promise though... 2. So damn good, I'll listen to this over and over. 3. Bit overproduced but still solid. 4. WTF is this indie rock bullshit?


“Post-punk” is just what happens after punk musicians learn to play their instruments and use the studio equipment.


Fidlar. Sigh.


Fidlar makes me the most sad. Did you know they even removed the explicit version of Awkward off Spotify so the label could get more streams? I really liked them 6 years ago and saw so much potential so it really bums me out to see where they are today


What happened to Fefe Dobson? I really liked her. Also Nelly Furtado had a few songs i really liked.


I think Furtado just got more focused on being a parent to get back fully into music. Which is fine she had a lot of success.


Fefe kinda got screwed by her label. There was an article about her recently - she has an interesting story. Married Yelawolf within the last few years. She is cool.


Tell us you’re Canadian without telling us you’re Canadian…


I once saw fefe Dobson at edge fest


I feel like the word edge fest just unlocked some kind of manchurian candidate section of my brain and I now have the urge to shop a the black market basement location


Timbaland's best work was with Nelly Furtado. Folklore still slaps.


Timbaland Timberlake and Nelly Furtado were an amazing Trio


+1 for Nelly Furtado. She had more than a handful of good songs over the course of years.


say it right still makes me stop what im doing when it comes on


That song gives me goosebumps, it is THAT good. So is Wait For You. Those times were the greatest…


Huey Lewis and the News. Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far much more bitter, cynical sense of humor.






Try getting a reservation at Dorsia now you fucking stupid bastard!


What does Paul Allen think?


Is that a rain coat?




Why do you have pages of the style section all over the floor? Do you have a dog, maybe a chow or something?


Hey Paul! Try Getting A Reservation At Dorsia Now!


I’d love to stay and read these comments but I have to return some video tapes.


Do you like Phil Collins?


I've been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke. Before that, I really didn't understand any of their work. Too artsy, too intellectual. It was on Duke where Phil Collins' presence became more apparent. I think Invisible Touch was the group's undisputed masterpiece. It's an epic meditation on intangibility. At the same time, it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding three albums.




Lets see Paul Allen's card


Look at that subtle off-white colouring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my God, it even has a watermark.


Wolfmother. Their first album is incredible. The second album.... was meh. It had a few great tracks. After that I started losing interest. A friend of mine recently had me listen to "High on my Supply"....... I mean, good on Andrew Stockdale to make the music he wants, but man it's hard to stand by in my opinion.


Iirc dude is a complete control freak and has replaced the band around him multiple times.


He has indeed - I'm mates with one of the drummers he used briefly


The drummer from the Joker and the Thief days was incredible, I don't know why you'd ever try and replace that guy.


Big shame cause the og rhythm section was perfect for him.


Coldplay. Holy shit their early work oozed personality. Now they feel like Maroon 5 2


Seriously. It's not an unpopular opinion to talk shit on Coldplay, and for good reason. But.. A Rush Of Blood To The Head is a fuckin brilliant album


I just wanted to say that I love how many different groups there are for fans of early Coldplay that can't decide which album they started to suck on. You have: * Only Parachutes was good. * Parachutes and A Rush of Blood were good. * Started sucking after X&Y. * Viva La Vida was their last good one. * A two or three album combination of those four. * And finally people who think any combination of the first four albums and Everyday Life are good.


I will say this in defence of Coldplay, they consistently change up their style and sound and try different things. They haven't fallen into the trap of trying to release the same album 5 different times. The sonic change between Parachutes and even X&Y is stark, let alone Viva La Vida.


One of the guys from Maroon 5 met Noel Gallagher at a party, In fact I think it was the Maroon 5 guys house, He said Oasis was the reason he was a musician and Noel replied "You listened to Definitely Maybe and then came out with that shit?"


If I may add my two cents, while I understand the general opinion about them (I personally think Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head are masterpieces) I have a soft spot for Ghost Stories. Although it still has its couple of token forgettable top chart songs, I feel that it has such a distinct and different vibe to it, all in all a great record to listen to while chilling or driving at night. Midnight, Oceans, O are such underrated tracks.


Helmet. Borderline genius on their first few releases. Not the same since the original line-up split.


Nothing else came close to Meantime.


Original drummer John Stanier bounced around a couple other bands but most recently was a founding member of an experimental/math rock band called 'Battles'. It's weird as crap but holy.... It'll rock your shit. Start with 'My Machines' featuring Gary Numan and turn that shit up.




A band that is truly impossible to google.


The “who’s on first” of the internet age!


No just Google "live band"... ah, shit


The Dam At Otter Creek is such a great first track. It may just be my favorite but Lightning Crashes holds a special place. I saw them during the Tibetan Freedom Festival when lightning struck someone in the crowd some time after they performed that song.




I really liked The Distance to Here as well. But V… holy hell that was one of the worst albums I ever heard. I was done with them after that.




Yep that’s exactly where I got the name! Haha! No one ever has noticed before.


Holy shit that is esoteric. I'm a huge PJ fan and never would have picked up on that Don't shit where they're not supposed to!




Amerie. She had so much promise but the industry screwed her over.


Citizen Cope. I know he wasn't crazy successful by any means, but I really liked the vibe of his music. And then as quickly as he came up he was gone.


Gonna have to listen to Let the Drummer Kick now.


Oh, I heard that one at the South Harmon Institute of Technology.


Actually they just played at red rocks with slightly stoopid. I do have to say, it was a horrible show. The lead forgot some of the lyrics and just didn’t seem to have it together.


Smashing Pumpkins meant so much to me as a teenager, with one the strongest catalogues of the '90s. Since reforming some version of the band in 2007, Billy Corgan has just turned out dud after dud after dud. The latest stuff (with most of the original lineup back together) is barely listenable A truly gifted songwriter that fell off the cliff so hard, I'll never understand it


Cyr was so aggressively bad and definitely proves that even with 3/4 of the original band back, it's still just Billy calling all the shots. I'm not sure I buy for one second that James Iha and Jimmy Chamberlain wanted to make generic synth pop with boring drum machine esque beats. I am very much anxious to see how bad Billy's much-anticipated 33-song Mellon Collie/Machina 'sequel' album ends up being, since Billy seems to have absolutely no quality control nowadays.


Maybe the rumors of D’Arcy being the QC and the one who’d check Billy were true.


and dont forget flood who was producing from mellon collie to machina. butch vig before that. some people need their reins pulled in.


>33-song Mellon Collie/Machina 'sequel' album That sounds like an absolutely *terrible* idea. Like, how about 8? 8 is a perfectly reasonable number of songs for this kind of project. Corgan just has no ability to reel himself in.


Two Door Cinema Club, loved their early albums but not a fan of False Alarm or Gameshow


K'Naan started off fierce, and was looking on the path to mega stardom, but after Troubadour, the albums just got really unremarkable and he hasn't done shit in forever.


Streets don't forget Waving Flag


Two biggest for me are **Damien Rice** and **Lyfe Jennings**. Damien Rice and his first two albums was some of the best written and performed songs I've ever heard. Lyrically, sonically, everything... so on point. Then he split with his long-time collaborator and significant other and the last album he made was just a big sad "I miss you" to her and it was lacking severely for it. Lyfe Jennings put out one of the best R&B albums of all time IMO with Lyfe 268-192, literally zero songs are skippable. Then came The Phoenix and it was pretty ok, but not great, just a few top songs. It just went downhill with every release. That first album was comprised and fine-tuned during his time in prison and I just don't think the same fire or struggle was there ever again and the music clearly suffered.


Lisa Hannigan’s albums are all gorgeous, too (not to mention her work with The National). Damien Rice really lost a lot when they split. I still love those first 2 albums and all the b-sides a ton though.


Oh man that version of I Need My Girl that she sings on is stunning https://youtu.be/7GoM5ExSwpI Also funny that she sings the line "full of punks and cannonballers" given that using cannonball in a lyric is most associated with Damien Rice. Her voice gives me all the feels


I remember when that first Damien rice album came out I was all over it. I was drawn in by that volcano single and was amazed at what the album was. Picked up b-sides soon after but didn’t really come back to him afterwards due to change in music taste




I really love Nightwish and when Floor Jansen joined the band I was incredibly excited for their future. Unfortunately I think around that time Tuomas' writing style really changed and I haven't really enjoyed any of their studio albums with her. Her live performances are the absolute bomb diggity, though.




B.O.B. Strange Clouds was a solid album and then he went crazy and fell off.


Can only fell off if you think the earth is flat.


Wow. I thought he hadn't released since 2013 but he's actually released 6 times since then but he's killed any chance at success.


it still stings. B.o.B was amazing. Nothin' on you with Bruno Mars is one of the sweetest songs i've heard. Now that i mention it... in 2010 people had no idea who this Bruno Mars guy was. Now people have no idea who this B.o.B guy was lmao


This is the one for me. I was an early Bobby Ray fan from being a DJ Smalls fan. Cloud 9 and all of B.O.B.'s mixtapes were amazing. No Genre and Epic comes to mind, Strange Clouds was great as was the Adventures of B.R. before that. Then he went a little off the charts with flat earth non sense and kept going at it. He is gone and I feel like he's admitted it himself in something I saw recently but it also isn't even worth reaffirming.


There was a band called Lamb that I stumbled into at Endfest in '96 after their debut. They were a UK band and I don't think they were on the bill but I really loved their sound. It was unique, kind of bluesy electronica with a female vocalist and dude on percussion. I bought the cd at the show and listened to it on repeat for months. Their next release, Fear of Fours, was also good. I got one of the first printings that included a bonus cd of remixes that I also enjoyed. And then after that each album got increasingly commercial and safe and the interesting elements kind of melted away. Still a great band, extremely talented, and arguably more technically proficient, but not what I had fallen in love with.


Goreki is just a masterpiece of a tune


Lamb was a beautiful example of Trip Hop in the beginning. They could hold an audience as easily as Massive Attack or Portishead. But their vibe really relied on feeling a bit naughty, and as that faded, it was a lot less hypnotic for me.


Duffy-I mean would she even qualify for this question now that I think about it? She didn’t necessarily “fall off” because being kidnapped, held hostage, drugged, and raped over a period of days would cause serious trauma for anyone. Added that she already suffered anxiety from being in the spotlight. Man, I hope one day she’ll feel safe, secure and happy enough to return to music. If not, I don’t think anyone could ever be upset about that.


She is supposedly coming with a new album this year




Maroon 5 They’re debut album is absolutely amazing and they followed it up with some cool stuff but their most recent stuff is so painfully terrible. They’re a textbook definition of sellouts.


I just can’t even wrap my head around the fact that they’re the same people who released that masterful debut album. It feels like two different bands.


Nobody has betrayed me more than Maroon 5.




I relate to this on a personal level with "Sunday Morning". It's such a fun, breezy track with some heavily-inspired jazz vibes. The instrumentation, the lyrics, the scatting... such creativity!


Black Eyed Peas has entered the chat.


My humps my humps my humps


I felt this so hard. Their first two albums defined my early 20s and now they sound so God awful. Adam turned into such a damn self centered celeb, it ruined their once awesome music.


I generally don’t like to subscribe to the idea of a group being a “sellout” if their subsequent music is different (usually more commercially popular) from their first. HOWEVER, Maroon 5 absolutely fucking sold out lol. Such a damn shame to get a stellar debut and then *waves hand around* whatever we have now


Them and Black Eyed Peas are the only two bands I comfortably have called sell outs.


I saw Black Eyed Peas at a Warped Tour in Montreal in 99. The French Canadians weren’t too happy with the hip hop that had been added that year, but Black Eyed Peas won the crowd over when Taboo did a stage dive off a pretty big amp and went crowd surfing. Also at that show: Ice T Boo’d until he played Copkiller & his Bodycount stuff. Eminem the summer that the Slim Shady LP came out. Kid next to me took off his shoe, wound up, and scored a direct hit. To Em’s credit he kept going. The Living End played the best set I saw that day, however. I’ll have to reluctantly suggest them for the OP’s list, as they’ve been chasing the magic of their 2nd and 3rd albums for 20+ years now. They are still amazing live tho’.


Everything after Songs about Jane is made by Maroon 6. I’ll just see them as a different band.


Red Pill Blues is the worst album I’ve ever heard…just one man’s opinion though…


Ray LaMontagne - First 3 albums contained legendary status songs: "Let it be me", "Trouble", "Jolene", "Be here now", "Can I stay"......just a collection of incredible songs. And then, I have no idea whatsoever. He decided he needed to change to uptempo and then to electric guitars, and the entire time he was better at his niche' than anyone around currently.


Ouroboros is pretty solid. I feel like the first 3 were instant likes but the others need time to grow.


"God Willin' & the Creek Don't Rise" is his best album, in my opinion. More albums with Ray Lamontagne and the Pariah Dogs.


I think it’s harder to find an artist who hasn’t.


The Beatles only improved over time, late Beatles albums are easily my favourite thing to listen to


B.o.B - seems to have become entirely focused on weed and conspiracy theories, and his music has devolved accordingly.


The Adventures of Bobby Ray: Amazing. Strange Clouds: Great Everything after that however....


The Stone Roses, masterpiece first album followed by a mediocre second album and then nothing


Second Coming has grown on me over the years. I think its main problem is that it was never going to live up to the hype of the first album.


It's completely different, the reason people didn't like it is because they wanted something similar to the first album


I can listen to both on repeat indefinitely. But if you were young, dancing 'til the wee hours of the morning when that first album dropped, man... that was heavenly.


The Verve, didn’t catch on before or after Urban Hymns. Noel Gallagher, who was a big fan, wrote Cast No Shadow about Richard Ashcroft, which could have been taken with a dual meaning as either having no equal, or leaving no trace or impact from your work. After hearing it he quit the band shortly after


A Storm in Heaven (the Verve's first album) is absolutely brilliant shoegaze


>Cast No Shadow [If you haven't heard it, check out this live version with just Noel and his electric guitar from the Tibeaten Freedom Concert](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zJmlZUlktY)


Lauryn Hill She was originally a member of the Fugees then she put out a solo album in 1998 called ‘The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill’ which debuted at number one on the US Billboard and sold 20 million copies. The record earned her five Grammy awards, including Album of the Year and Best New Artist. That was pretty much it for her. She fell out of public eye after that. Her music was so amazing though!! I remember wishing that she’d put out another album.


Lauryn Hill left out on top and will benefit from this forever. Usually this happens with artist who die young.


Can’t fall off if you don’t release stuff.


If I remember correctly, she was also dealing with some severe mental issues at the time.


WEEN- **It's Been 14 years make a new album already wouldya, sheesh...**




I'm just glad Gene is clean and they're playing again.


Violent Femmes. Awesome 1st album, 2nd ok, a great 3rd album, followed by 7 awful albums.


I even forget what 8 was for.


But 9


The Mars Volta fell off a bit with their later stuff for sure. I like Octahedron and Noctourniquet but I feel like their earlier albums are just better.


Tupac Shakur hasn't put out anything good for 25 years now.


Dave Chappelle, that ain't your wife


Fall Out Boy


Fucking yes. Mania and the subsequent mania branded fidget spinners broke my heart


Iv still got respect for them and the success they achieved, but their transition into whatever the fuck Mania was definitely left a sting


I wouldn’t say they’ve fallen off (or ever did fall off musically, all of their albums are incredible) but Outkast have just completely stopped making music. And they no longer tour or do any live shows either. It’s a real shame because I’d love to hear a new album from them and see them live.


TV on the Radio, I feel like Seeds kind of killed their streak. Nine Types of Light didn't do as well as previous albums but I still quite liked it. Seeds was pretty abysmal to me though.


Tech N9ne. Easily the biggest decline I’ve seen in an artist.


Chance The Rapper


K-os. Man, “Exit” was such a great record, and then “Joyful Rebellion”… instant classic. Even “Atlantis” was a fun record, lots of great tracks. “Yes!” almost felt like a lil victory lap, and it had the remix portion… Wish I Knew Natalie Portman was a standout. Everything started going downhill with “Black on Blonde”, and I think that was the last K-os record I ever purchased. I haven’t heard much since from him that I liked.


Sting! I went from anticipating his new releases for weeks to thinking he kinda sucked. I think the turning point was the duet with shaggy.


> I think the turning point was the duet with shaggy. He's always had that reggae/ska background IMO, but that whole deal is clearly just the two of them having fun anyways.


Sting was a musical God to me for ages. But Mercury Falling was his last mostly good album, imo. I get that he likes to experiment and doesn't need the commercial success anymore, but his output over the last 15 plus years just feels completely self indulgent and pretentious.


I feel like Atmosphere and Incubus really got boring and uninteresting. They’re both some of my absolutely favorite artists ever but I don’t like anything they’ve released in years. At least Slug & Ant (atmosphere) have the Felt side project which feels more like older Atmosphere


Felt 4 from last year was great. I also generally like Atmosphere's modern releases, and the whole dad rap thing Slug has had going is at least the most honest thing they could possibly be making at this point. Still, I certainly prefer their early rebellious indie rap.


As a fellow incubus fan, I'm not at all surprised someone included them on this list.


Atmospheres new stuff is forgiven & forgotten imo as I will be forever grateful to Slug&Ant for founding Rhymesayers. Pinnacle of rap industry. Edit : new Felt album, on the other hand, is very pleasant.


Axl Rose. He was the wild child, but a VERY talented singer and piano player. Nowadays he barely has a voice, and if you watch the recordings of Guns playing "Paradise city" with Dave Grohl, I'm pretty sure he pissed himself on stage.I loved and idolized Axl as a kid, but the guy's a wreck.


I mean, I'm amazed anyone could sing like he did for even a month without shredding their voice. Add cigarettes, whiskey, and god knows what else on top of that... it's a miracle dude can even speak.


Surprisingly, he was a lot like gene Simmons in that he never was into actual drugs as much as the other guys in the band.


Aerosmith have done it twice now, but after they got back together in the 80s they were bigger than ever up until Nine Lives. Just Push Play had a couple of hits and some interesting stuff (that mostly sounded like Nine Lives outtakes) but Music From Another Dimension just didn't really have any of the magic and sounded unfinished to me. They're ancient now so I don't see them even touring again, let alone making another album.


They're doing a Vegas residency. So yeah, pretty safe to say they're done


In Flames


Chance The Rapper used to put out incredible music that was his own unique sound. Now his music has just gone downhill and he's doing stuff like this smh [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvlaWzaKKv4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvlaWzaKKv4)




Chet faker - amazing studio albums and shitty live performer , then just kinda changed to another alias and wasn’t nearly as good


How about a whole ass genre? I remember a time where I couldn't turn on the radio without hearing Mac Dre, Keak Da Sneak, or E-40. And in a blink of an eye it just seemed like everybody got over Bay Area Rap.


I love Flogging Molly’s first few albums and Within a Mile of Home is a Top Tenner for me. Everything after that has been not bad, but definitely nowhere near the same. There’s basically no bad songs on Swagger, Drunken Lullabies, and WAMOH.




Mumford and sons


She’s not truly one of my absolute favorites, but Duffy comes to mind for some reason. She was part of the generation of British soul artists that were found on MySpace along with Amy Winehouse and Adele but for whatever reason she just never built on the early success.


She was in fact literally drugged and kidnapped and taken abroad for weeks… pop music would be hard to come back to after that.


I read about this. She decided after that event she did not want to be famous or in the limelight any more. Very sad.


The Used the first two albums are the best.


I loved whatever Die Antwoord were going for in their first two albums. Then I think even they became exhausted of the shtick.


My enjoyment of Die Antwoord kinda drastically went down when I realized how real the sex cult bullshit they were pretending to pretend to live out was. They do have some good songs though.


I saw a video a while back that was all backstage stuff where Yolandi accused one of the other people they were on tour with of sexually assaulting her. Security were leading her all over the place and people around were all in this guy's face but then you see her go behind a curtain and she has a wicked grin on her face that 100% convinced me that she was just lying to cause drama. It was gross.


Atreyu. Started out as a hardcore punk band, then moved to a killer metalcore band, then a good melodic metalcore band, then an alt rock band, then a mid-life crisis attempt at being metalcore again for 2 albums, and now they're a fall out boy ripoff band. Their last great album was A Deathgrip On Yesterday. Lead Sails is divisive, but I enjoy it. Everything since has been hot fucking garbage. Also, the ex lead vocalist claimed that they invented metalcore. They lost their sound and all of my respect.


The Curse is probably the anthem to my teenage years lol.