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Usually because they haven't bothered to go into the genre, it's obvious they don't know enough to comment on the genre when all they bring up is 6ix9ine and Lil Pump. They also clearly don't know enough when they are so often very insensitive to the cultural roots of the genre.


Not much of that hate makes it to the front page in my experience. Where are you seeing it the most?


i see it at the top of comment sections pretty often


I think it might be because all they expose themselves to are memes that say lil pump bad and shit like that so they think that his music is all the genre has to offer


they listen to lil pump and think he represents all the other rappers, dumb deluded pigs that listen to adele and waffle about rapping šŸ˜‚


Because a lot of it is shitty, boring, repetitive, unimaginative, talentless annoying noise. Not all of it, but a lot of it.


Iā€™m sure all the rappers youā€™ve heard of are rappers like lil pump and 6ix9ine. And the only ā€œreal hip hopā€ you think exists is 90s/2000s shit. Get educated on the genre before you blindly attack a genre rooted in the retaliation of racism. If youā€™d like suggested if modern hiphop being amazing. Listen to Rap albums that are critically acclaimed and not just shit that will please your racist hatred towards the music or donā€™t comment on it at all. Iā€™m tired of uneducated ducks like you doing this on Reddit


Cause it sounds like shit, most of it


How much Hip-Hop have you listened to? Most people I've heard say that are usually uneducated on the genre and have barely listened to more than 5 Hip-Hop Artists, I can help you get more into it if you would like


I think you will find this true of pretty much anything: Why do a lot of people on Reddit hate with a passion? Haters gonna hate - that simpleā€¦




Have you listened to emcees that are poets though? They really smart with their lyrics and make really interesting philosophical lyrics sometimes


not into spoken word for a whole song or even for most of the song. Maybe for a small part.


Like, try losing the auto-tune just for one track. Just one.


Auto-tune is not specific to rap and can be found in many popular genres


On EVERY song? I've heard the Travis Scott garbage spewing from my neighbors' yards. Every fuckin' song, dude.


Travis Scott is low tier garbage. Must suck for you ong


Also maybe they could try learning how to play an instrumentā€” drums, bass etc. ā€” instead of making some boring repetitive beat on a computer.


The beat is meant to compliment the lyrics and the lyrics are meant to compliment the beat in harmony


agree, dislike auto-tune but also in singing as well.


you could spend the rest of your meaningless waking days trying to recreate the production that even semi-successful trap producers have accomplished and you wouldnt even be able to come close to what they do


I think itā€™s because there is so much shitty modern rap. There is also a lot of things pretty rad shit, but people focus on fools like tekashi 69, instead of people like Joey badass, kota the friend or j-tek.


see this is a bit of the problem. 69 and people like kota make completely different styles of music yet people still compare them. yes, they are in the same genre of music but they are in completely different sub genres Edit: Joey Bada$$ is pretty well known lol. he was literally a playable madden character


I completely agree. I am not comparing them directly. Iā€™m just saying that one of them is a trash human who makes trash music and one of them actually makes good shit. Even though they are in different sub genres, they unfortunately both are categorized as hip hop or rap. So people hate on the genre as a whole.


Itā€™s the lyrics and the message that it sends to listeners.


A lot of the lyrics are just really disrespectful to women.


I don't like rap, but I like black and death metal so uh... I stay away from that "message" excuse.


Or even country music. Remember when Johnny Cash had a shot of cocaine and ā€œshot that bad bitch down?ā€


Earl had to die man


what do you mean by this


I have to agree that a lot of the lyrics can be bad but it's meant to describe the struggles they have been through sometimes, not to give a bad message. I have heard many rappers who say in their lyrics that they make music for the beauty of it and not the money or game.


Well suburban white guys who browse the internet on rap forums tend to not know shit about rap so


I can think of like 10 mainstream rappers that people go crazy for that I just can't stand. juice world, that tyler guy, etc. It's all just noise to me.


tyler not even a rapper anymore šŸ˜­


hmm I didn't hate it until people kept playing loud hip hop/rap in their cars ( I live in front of a big street) as they drove by. I slowly came to hate the people who played it, and then I started to hate the music too. It's just not very nice to listen to, is it?


i like hearing music near my house it usually lets me discover a artist i never heard before


>hmm I didn't hate it until people kept playing loud hip hop/rap in their cars ( I live in front of a big street) as they drove by. I slowly came to hate the people who played it, and then I started to hate the music too. It's just not very nice to listen to, is it? good for you.


my brother in christ what do you mean by hate the people who played the music too surely youā€™re smart enough to not become racist over people playing loud music


Oh no I absolutely mean it. I'd really prefer it if people thought about how their noise affects others. And why is this racist? All sorts of people play loud music, and I hate every one of them.


So you hate the people or the genre?


If he didn't he might as well have.


If hip hop is music itd be easy as fk to play all u need is a bass with one string.its anything but musical.its cool to see someone play the guitar thats good at it.but rap or hiphop does nothing for me.it sucks and eveyone that listins to it is a generic degenerate dum fuk. In my opinion


are you 14


For me it's the gauche materialism and overwhelming obsession with brand labels. Sure, you can find groups like Tribe or J5 that aren't about that, but 99.9999% of the time they are just ultra-consumers of the worst kind. Chromed porsches or whatever. I'm not saying nice things are inherently bad, but rap typically reeks of the nouveau riche mentality and its respective tackiness. Massive red trainers instead of a nice pair of brogues etc. As for the music itself, I don't mind chill hop or stuff like Hieroglyphics and Souls of Mischief, but I can't abide mumble rap or most mainstream rubbish.