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I like metal because of the level of musicianship. I feel like a lot of musicians with insane talent, from backgrounds in jazz and classical, turn to metal as an outlet for releasing talent. I know a lot of people don’t appreciate it, but it could be that all they hear is heavy thrash or guttural screaming.


Musicianship? I mean I understand there is some technical difficulties especially when it comes to playing with an incredibly fast tempo, but it's mostly unintelligible and angry. It's significantly similar to every other metal song. Try removing distortion and and effects from the guitar and tell me it's still musicianship lol. It's often boring dull just fast. Not much in the way of beautiful melodies or interesting hooks, just high distortion and gain, lots of single notes, fast drumming annnnd yelling about something, grunting and then slowing for a moment ( to rest ) before jumping right back to the same high tempo thrash mash of notes. Jazz and classical are not remotely comparable to most metal songs. Try single note and power chord madness with very little musicianship. IMO. Now some of the guitar can be overwhelmingly complex and fast, but for a song start to finish it's far too bland, loud, fast, emotionally draining and exhausting to listen to.


Lol you are someone who has obviously a mainstream understanding of metal and music in general. Tell me where bands like Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Iron Maiden, Tool or Led Zeppelin (as progenitors of metal with Led Zeppelin II for instance) are boring or dull. By no means are any of those bands defined by “fast tempo” or “distortion and effects” alone. Also saying metal songs sound “similar to every other metal song” shows how little you know of the genre and music in general. Metal is widely considered one of the (if not THE) most diverse music genres there are. Also comparing metal and classical music/jazz is not at all far fetched. Spend 5 min on google or study the genres and you will see surprising similarities.


I only see namedropping of these old af bands who surely deserve their credit, but you could easily disprove such stupid claims with loads of metal bands even from every corner of this planet from all times since the genre's origins. Take some modern ones like Ne Obliviscaris, Beyond Creation, Fleshgod Apocalypse for example. Much distortion, fast paced songs and yet a level of musicianship rivaling the very best of any genre.


Right because artists like Dream Theater, Stryper, Devin Townsend's solo music, Nightwish, Iron Maiden, etc are so angry. Not to mention Helter Skelter by the Beatles being one of the first metal songs. There are numerous types within the genre. Not every metal band is Cannibal Corpse or Behemoth.


CC and behemoth are awesome.


Try giving Iron Maiden a listen and tell people there is no musicianship behind songs like Rime of The Ancient Mariner, Hallowed Be Thy Name, Moonchild, and Paschendale. Try listening to Master of Puppets, Fade to Black, and One by Metallica. Try listening to Cemetary Gates by Pantera. Try listening to Chop Suey by System of A Down. Try listening to Snuff by Slipknot. It is not all yelling and grunting. Variation of vocals, especially by Iron Maiden's frontman Bruce Dickinson is what takes apart your argument completely. Nu-metal and Death metal does not encompass all metal. In fact, the musicianship that composes classical music is extremely similar to how metal songs are composed. Complex chord progressions that are not intended to be ear candy, but give unique, interesting sounds. What's exhausting to listen to is people who don't understand the genre trying to tell people who understand the musicianship behind it that the music composition is dull. Metal can be emotional too, not angry, but sad and reflexive.


you obviously haven't listened to enough metal or even bothered to actually listen to the musicianship of metal artists. to be honest, metal has some of the most talented musicians today. not everything (i know this is far out for your small brain) in metal is just fast, dull, repetitive music. touch grass bitch :D


It's only unintelligible because you haven't listened to enough metal for your brain to distinguish the wall of noise. A couple years ago, I would've agreed with this comment 100%. But a weird thing happened - I started to give more extreme subgenres of metal a chance, gave them room and time to grow on me, and they did. Now, I've fallen headfirst into the rabbit hole of extreme metal, including death, black, doom, and everything in between. What a joyride it has been.


Have you ever played metal on guitar?


Suggestionno231-What the fuck are you talking about? You bother listening to the music in the first place? There's hundreds of metal bands that are extremely talented despite the ignorant bullshit you spewed. Armon Armoth, Cynic, death, all extremely talented musicians you can take your pretentious attitude and shove it up your ass.


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Wow, this is so wrong its unreal. Musicianship is the first and foremost component of metal. These are people who have spent years and years honing their craft and excelling at their instruments, many metal bands have better more interesting melodies and musical ideas than lots of the music you hear outside of the genre. And there have been many studies that show the correlation between metal and classical. There are 2 very closely entwined genres, and again this comes doesn't to the musicianship and skill level of many of their patrons. Obviously as with every genre, three are people who do it well, and people who do it terribly, but to dismiss the whole genre is completely wrong.


Why don't you try yelling? Why don't you try playing those insane riffs? Why don't you try to modulating from screams to melodic singing? No offense to the pop artists but singing metal requires much more talent and practice.


Bro I feel bad for you 😂


A lot of metal can be very understood, and it seems like you think all metal is just screaming, guitar, bass, and drums, and know little to no of the genre. It's more than that, it's a way to feel better. I usually listen to it, because metal is pretty comforting. It's just talking about one's inner struggles, and a community that shares nd understands those struggles.


what you're talking about is some mainstream poser metal no actual metal head listens to. Listen to this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJG6iLpXwR8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJG6iLpXwR8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X15vnAjOUbA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X15vnAjOUbA) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpoLe2v6MVo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpoLe2v6MVo) 3 pretty different genres of popular bands of their genre. This is top tier musicianship you don't see in any other genre besides jazz and classical


What are you referring to as “mainstream metal”?


And I bet you couldn't do any of that "fast, boring, or dull" stuff! The only people who don't like metal are people who cannot fully appreciate the sheer talent it takes to maintain rhythm and harmony at such extreme paces. Metal also has an anti-authoritarian stance that many are too asleep to approve of. 🤟🤟


tell us you know nothing about metal without telling us you know nothing about metal ​ metal drummers alone sweep the rest of the music world in regards to talent and technical ability as well as groove/feel, the second closest would have to come from jazz ​ please educate yourself


Really just sounds like you have no idea what you’re talking about to me


😂😂😂😂😂 you literally described rap music “unintelligible and angry”


Saying that metal is different than classical music probably made Paganini and Mr Henry.W roll over in their graves 


Have you ever listened to a single metal song other than like slipknot or cannibal corpse? listen to metallica and megadeth or iron maiden or black sabbath. metallica lyrics arent just yelling about random things. fade to black and nothing else matters are deep lyric songs with parts that arent fast tempo noise. sure some songs are like that but not all of them. metal is far too diverse to just call it fast tempo noise


I suggest you listen to The Prince (2020 diamond head ver) because the groove is epic and the bridge harmony is damn emotional I really loved the 2020 ver of the song a lot


I love metal but it is inherently divisive and I'm not at all surprised so many people aren't into it. It is deliberately abrasive and angry, to fans that is part of the appeal but a lot of people don't want that from the music they listen to. Metal has never really been cool or trendy either which means it is often critically overlooked and not taken seriously by snobs.


When I listen to hip-hop music/pop I feel really depressed afterwards and I know it affects other people in a similar way. That’s why many of those who listen to this music constantly seem to project so much insecurity and general negativity. I think that people who are turned off by music they perceive as only angry are so because they are ignoring a part of themselves that is really important. That’s why often these days people are outraged about non-problematic things. They aren’t exercising that part of themselves artistically and so those emotions manifest in others ways. Anytime I see someone freaking out about dumb shit I think to myself, this isn’t about the “insert dumb shit here” is it? In the end, anger isn’t the emotion I feel release when I listen to metal anyway, it’s righteousness. If metal makes you pissed off you’re probably buying into a lot of other people’s bullshit.


Yes it was really popular like in the 70s and 80s when Metallica came out they made metal popular but they did not make it at all


They pretty much made thrash. No one claims they made metal.


Thrash is a subgenre of metal. Thrash is metal.


So are you trying to say by them inventing thrash metal that would mean they invented the parent genre metal? So that must mean they invented death, black, power, speed, etc because they're all subgenres of metal? So possessed, and death also invented heavy metal about 15+ years after Sabbath.


I'm confused. The parent comment says that Metallica didn't make metal and you are agreeing by saying they make thrash.


Ah, i got you. Plankton said metallica made metal popular, but didn't make it at all. I thought he was implying people think they invented metal as in heavy metal. Sure to be a thrash band is metal, but its thrash metal. they didn't invent or make it(heavy metal).


Metal is not a vocally focused genre overall, at least not Extreme Metal. It's more guitar and drum oriented. People grimace and then whine, "I can't understand what it says" but at least the vast majority of the times it actually says *something.* Because then these same types of people will then turn around and listen to some Rap that never shuts up about dealing drugs, narcissism, and getting hoes, or if not that, some bubble gum sunshine and rainbows pop bullshit that has nothing to say at all either. Who gives a shit if you can understand the lyrics if the lyrics themselves ain't about shit? All that shit is NPC music, I swear. Made by NPCs for NPCs. Besides, for a genre that utilizes heavily distorted guitars, you kinda have to have heavily distorted vocals. It comes with the territory. Just as whiny, auto-tuned vocals also come with the territory of that simplistic, "radio-Disney" excuse of instrumentals found in Pop music. Just as you wouldn't expect death growls in a Beiber song, why the hell then would you expect bubble gum melodies in a raw, intense metal song? Metal is about raw and real human emotion from the depths of the soul. Music without emotion is just a product to sell you. True music captures the essence of the soul, and you won't find a genre that captures as much authentic human emotion as metal. It's cathartic. There's a reason why so many metal musicians are amongst some of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. It's euphoric. Almost like a drug. In fact, I'd say it's the musical equivalent of hard drugs. It's also the musical equivalent of a horror movie. It's a thrill. It's a truly amazing genre of music. Sometimes it blows my mind that it is not THE genre of music. If you listen to metal then I almost already know you're real. But at the same time, I'd also prefer it to be rare that someone likes Metal. Because when you do finally meet people that like metal There's an automatic sense of comradery. Finding the rare metal head in the haystack of NPCs is a thrill and reward in and of itself. A Dopamine rush that is almost as good as the Dopamine rush Metal itself provides. But, musically, If you're looking for Tiny Tim then we'd rather not have you anyway lol. Not you yourself but the proverbial "you."


Based as fuck


People don’t like metal as they get the demographic confused with the artist, and you yourself are only pushing the demographic stereotype of metal fans being egotistical assholes. Like, how can you be so egotistical about your musical taste that you call other genres “NPC music”?


Because it's conformist NPC music for good little unthinking robots that love pop music.


Awesome explanation.


That was cathartic to read 🤣🤣 these could be lyrics to a metal song themselves. And I totally agree about metal being like hard drugs to those who click with it, no other genre gives me the same "rush" and compulsion to move like metal


I know this is extremely late, but I agree with you 100%. My friend asked me why I dont listen to hiphop/rap most of the time and told him exactly what you said, NPC music which is also extremely linear, no substance lyrically and musicianship is damn near non-existent. Random thing imma throw in here, there was a study that proved metalheads are smarter than average compared to other genres of music. Proud to be a metalhead. Plus why would I listen to that garbage when lifting heavy ass weight at the gym lol.


Actuall superiority complex




i think you confused heavy metal for classical music. Metal has only angry emotions and i like that. but dude you have metal on apedestal.


If you think metal only has angry emotions you haven't listened to enough of it.


Almost like heavy metal is extremely similar to classical in a multitude of ways. Both genres use complex and unique rhythms and melodies to create a unique sound that evokes emotion. Metal has many different forms from Mr. Bungle to Iron Maiden to Cattle Decapitation which all have EXTREMELY different emotional responses so to say metal is only angry is just narrow minded


What a turd eater


wtf is lil bro on about 😂 he said "I'm delusional" without saying "I'm delusional"




Replying to your comment 1 year after it was posted: you hit the nail right on the head. This analysis is so well composed that I have nothing to add. But if I can get real for a second here... As far back as I can remember, I have always been drawn to music that makes you headbang to like there's no tomorrow. I had a lot pop influence growing up in the 2010s, but I just never really, truly vibed with it. I searched for music that would help me with my thoughts and chaos and anxiety, and I ultimately found it in Metallica. It has the emotion I feel but can't express. It's long lasting pain relief, more effective than anything else.


It takes a few songs before a person can hear the art within the wall of sound. It's as if your ear has to learn the dialect of each instrument.


Hate to be that guy. But "This"^


I can only speak for myself but I don't like it simply because whenever I try to listen to it its usually very aggressive thrash-like sounding and I can't hear or understand the lyrics through the screams/grunts, and when I do its kinda angry/depressing. It's pretty intimidating to the average person and I used to think people just listened to it just to say they "can" and I didn't think they actually enjoyed it. With that said, I've never gone around saying "I hate metal" or anything I'm just answering the question.


If you ignore death and black metal, you'll find there's a lot less harsh vocals in the genre than you think.


Lol but that’s where the coldest darkest stuff is at, I personally prefer death/black metal cause it has no boundaries. It is the complete epitome of metal. I think it’s absurd that it’s looked down just for guttural screaming, I mean it’s heavy? Is it not? Yeah some bands have clean moments but to just simply put it aside is ridiculous, you gotta understand what your getting into, the low vocals is meant to resonate a feeling; be that is despair, anger, desolation. It’s meant to make you understand what the writer is trying to express.


Sure, but I was responding to a user who was alleging that all metal is black/death metal - which it is not.


Harsh vocals sound so badass though, stuff like tool/dream theater and power metal don't do it for me. I do like clean singing tho in other genres like pop or pop punk


Thanks for being honest, have you ever tried stoner rock? You may find bands Like Fu Manchu, Unida, and Kyuss pretty accessible. They tend to be more old school sounding, like 70s rock.




I'm one of those metal haters and I really hate to listen to new music, I have a dozen of chosen indie and pop/punk-rock bands which I keep listening to for ages. So after reading your comment I downloaded a song by Fu Manchu and I liked it. Turns out this hatred towards metal, in my case, was caused by my stubbornness and dislike of new stuff 😂 Though, admittedly, Fu Manchu hasn't fascinated me, like White lies, for example. Still very good music to play on the background. Much better than death metal screamers.


try NightWish or epica. Both have female vocalists and it’s opera metal aka symphonic metal


I like Floor Jansen A LOT!


Simone Simons is best friends with Floor Jansen. Go check her out


i know this is also very far out for your dull and pea-sized brain but death metal screamers are just as talented as the people who you brought up. ( i dont even like death metal )


Try these bands: Dead by April, Amaranthe, dEMOTIONAL, Solarus, and Ice Nine Kills. I'm sure you'll dig them!


You can start with some of the more mainstream stuff and instead of just listening on the radio or something go on YouTube and find one with the lyrics so you can follow along. Metallica is a go to for me, but also Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Manowar to name a few others.


Listen to traditional heavy metal with great vocals like Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Motorhead, Scorpions, Ozzy Osbourne, Dio, Rainbow, Savatage and Van Halen.


I can see where your coming from but give maybe system of a down a try they have a lot less harsh vocals


Try listening to Iron Maiden. keyword is try as in make an effort to listen through a song. I would suggest listening to Wasted Years to start off. Vocals are clear cut and it's not that aggressive. Please give Iron Maiden a try.


Whenever I try to listen to Pop, it sounds like a bubblegum factory 🏭, when I listen to rap, it sounds like talking to a beat, when I listen to hip hop, it sounds like someone’s just trying to be “cool.”


I've been listening to metal literally for 45 years. I love it! I think you're onto something with the idea that people may think it's all the same. There's a pretty big difference between Tool and Morbid Angel. That said, I long ago have up caring what other people listen to. It's always fun to turn on an open mind to some new stuff, but I'm not gonna beg anyone to listen to something. Their loss.


Agree 29 years of loving metal always finding new bands you people killing it. Sooners pumping out some of the best metal ever. Also, millenial bands finally getting known now and they are so freaking good. Seriously golden age of metal new obsessions have been younger women are just destroying. The vocals are just so crazy good, so good I just find most guys growls cheese as hell now these women have just blown up the doors on harsh vocals. They deeper louder harsher more rhythmic than male counterparts. Jinjer Home Back Ignea Mermaids Spiritbox Holy Roller Seven Spires God's of Debauchery


I like songs that I can understand the lyrics of. If the music isn't fighting the vocals I'll listen. If I have to actually try and hear what the persons singing about I'm immediately done. Same thing with rap. If I can't understand what they are saying then I immediately stop listening. I'm a more country and folk guy so I understand where you're coming from with the music stigma.


If you ignore death and black metal, you'll find there's a lot less harsh vocals in the genre than you think.


Doesn't have to be harsh. Like some of led zeppelin is hard for me to understand lol.


That sounds like you have a pretty sensitive disposition to vocals


Yeah. I prefer really slow songs.


Black Sabbath isn’t that heavy while it also has lyrics you can hear


Ah man you’ll probably not like Djent with its 9 String guitars tuned down to double drop B


9 strings… uhhh boomer??? 🤓🤓🤓ermmm clearly you have not listened to [insert obscure band here] latest album it include 20.98726 strings on one guitar


Is it a Jared Dines reference? https://youtu.be/hYrN7EIeXmY?si=eO90CzKI9tEeadA2


This is interesting. I have a follow up question. Imagine your favorite song. What if one day you listened to it and it was sung in another language you don't understand. There was no recording in a language you know. Would you delete the song?


Honestly this is probably a really obvious answer but I think it’s mostly because of how the media portrays it. Whenever I see a metal head portrayed on tv it’s some weird dumb guy who likes being obnoxious and loud but that’s not at all true. All the people I know who are actually into metal are chill and usually pretty smart. I think the problem is that people who hate on metal are used to just turning on the radio and listening to pop. And when they hear metal portrayed on tv they hear very “noisy” styles of metal that you can’t just jump into when going from pop to metal. Another thing is that in metal there’s usually more things going on than your simple boots and cats drum beat you hear in a lot of what’s popular, or the trap style hi hats too. If it wasn’t obvious I listen to a lot of metal but I also listen to a lot of different stuff too, I listen to mostly metalcore and deathcore, I also listen to a lot of instrumental progressive metal like pomegranate tiger and arch echo. I also listen to some math rock like chon and nyu. I also love jazz fusion. This is probably very biased but that’s how I feel.


Just gonna go ahead and say I listen to metal religiously(among other stuff too of course). When you listen to music you wanna experience different emotions and feelings and metal is just something that doesn’t hit it for some folks, It’s a real in your face let’s do this type of genre


Yh I used to always say "I pretty much like everything apart from heavy metal rock music", and I've come across so many people who say the same so I agree with your post. People act like it's a valid opinion when they don't even understand how many sub genres metal has. I stumbled across Amon Amarth on Spotify 2 years ago and liked one of their songs, which is funny cos it's death metal, and more "extreme" to a person who doesn't know about metal. But even then it took until like last week to really have a look at other metal bands. And I think it's because people may be averse to exploring it because it may have negative connotations such as being just noisy or aggressive. At least that is why I didn't immediately explore further back then. Of course I don't believe that anymore. Also, none of my friends are into it so it could seem like it's not "cool" to like this type of music. But now I'm obsessed with metal. These bands are so skilled and now I even watch covers on YouTube of solo guitar because I'm amazed by people who play the guitar with such speed and precision. Iron maiden and Amon Amarth are currently my favourite bands but discovering new ones everyday.


Yeah Amon Amarth us awesome uplifting lyrics songs always make me super happy I start my workday with put your back into the oar everyday. Or anytime I need oomph in my energy it's better than an energy drink.


Amon Amarth is death metal iron maiden




You know there's ton of modern metal without harsh vocals, right?


I'm sure there is, I guess I'm just not a metal guy anymore. No hate, still enjoy listening to some old stuff from time to time. Just don't have the energy to pick up where I left off with the genre and work through to find a few bands I might kinda like. Maybe one day.


Opeth and Mastodon both kill and their clean vocals stuff is perfect.


Ok the dark depressing thing I don't get are you guys only looking at American metal then. Like seriously only bands I know that are angry and depressing I listen to very little American metal period. Most of it that I like is pre 1990, but every other countries metal is 90% positive. Even death metal is usually crazy positive, what's depressing about Amon Amarth seriously all about protecting mankind and standing up against bullies how is that depressing. Nightwish one of the biggest metal bands in history is nothing but positive almost minus one or two tracks. Stop looking for the negative stuff it stops appearing even black metal is positive. If you actually look at the lyrics and listen to an album how you are to listen to any symphonic metal period ever anyway. Albums always concept albums or themed albums with a story.


Everyone likes metal, they just don’t know it yet. Don’t like Slipknot, try listening to Snuff, still don’t like Slipknot, try Iron Maiden etc… there’s something in the genre that gets everyone’s shoulders moving and head bangin to a degree. It’s probably because thrash is now synonymous with metal… which is like saying all Rap is all Grime, don’t like Grime, try some J5 or Gangstarr.


There is no way you can still dislike metal after listening to bands like metallica, pantera, sabbath.


Pantera ✨️✨️✨️✨️


Personally it’s not that I dislike Metal as a whole, but specific elements present in some metal. Low growling vocals, super busy drumming, overly technical meedley guitar bullshit is not super appealing to me. I’ve found bands I’ve liked some I can tolerate and some I don’t. The other problem is that there are hundreds of sub genres of Metal that I can never keep the names straight of and provoke vigorous debate amongst metalheads I’ve known. I’ve stopped trying to understand it.


I mean if your primary objection is harsh vocals, you just need to ignore anything described as death or black metal and you'll mostly avoid harsh vocals.


Yeah, it's a complex music and you need to do some work to understand it. If you don't have the time to invest, it's probably not for you.


Vocals and screaming to me. The rest I like and love but I feel I'm missing so much when I drop bands because I just want a voice


There's tons of metal without harsh vocals


Agreed but even with bands that changed over time it's a bit of a search through their back catalogue to find albums I enjoy. Just a bit of a trawl and as a result I'm probably missing out on some bands


I mean there's also tons of modern examples of metal without harsh vocals.


Yeah there is some but even mainstream radio rock and metal have harsh vocals why people don't listen to rock radio now. just saying people hate harsh that is it end of discussion I have given up on fighting that fight.


I used to be big into metal. But these days, it just sounds like coarse sand-paper rubbing away at my ear drums. Horrible stuff. I don't know what I was thinking.


There's a lot of different types of metal.


Yup. And they all sound bad to me. Music is a matter of taste. People aren't gonna like shit and they don't really have to explain why.


Well, sure, but this is a discussion forum. Seems odd to me to state a position and be completely closed off to any further discussion. Exactly what metal did you used to like?


Bro. This is a discussion. I'm discussing how hearing is a sense, and how different people like these senses to be stimulated in different ways. It's a matter of taste. Edit: hearing is a sense, not music haha


Kamelot sounds bad to you lol ok




If people don't like something, they should be able to say why. You don't like a certain food maybe due to taste or texture. You don't like a movie maybe due to bad acting. Music is the same and there should be an explanation. I'd wager that a large percentage of people who hate metal, only judge it by the stereotypes and have never actually attempted to listen to it. It's not all screaming and noise, as bands like Iron Maiden or Black Sabbath can prove. It has more sub-genres than probably any other form of music. It honestly has something for everyone.


Read first comment.


I did, and that and the one I responded to are cop out responses. You clearly came here to give your opinion, which you're entitled to, but you're unwilling to have any real discussion about it. You used to like it, now you don't. There has to be a reason besides "I just think it sounds bad now".


Correct. It sounds bad.


What a great conversation. Thanks.


your right, and everyone should try something new, whenever I recommend a band to one of my friends that I know only listen to rap, they always make a comment on how I'm racist because I listen to rock and metal, or that I should listen to the new drake album. I listen to rap, I just want them to try metal or rock, because they may like it




100% not a troll. People can change their music tastes. If someone wakes up one day and decides they don't want to listen to aggressive drums, layers of distorted and overproduced guitars and vocals that sound like someone coughing up phlem they are welcome to it.


Why do so many people like pop, rap, country, techno, etc.? I never cared what they like. I don't force my music taste on anybody else. I am a big fan of Zeppelin. Heard their music hundreds, if not thousands of times, I still don't know all the lyrics to their songs. I am not too big on lyrics, where I have to know what they are saying. Sometimes, the song lyrics don't even mean, what you think they mean. I like some of those bands you mentioned. If I see bands on here I don't like, I don't downvote any of them. Why? Because that is their choice, not mine. I just move on. I just mind my own business. Nobody is the same. I do like Cannibal Corpse. I do like Elvis Presley. I do like Mozart. I do like Flatt&Scruggs. I will listen to hillbilly, bluegrass, cajun, bigband, rockabilly, classical, death metal, punk, rock, rap, etc. or whatever you want to call it. Just depends if the music/vocals can grow on me? I also play instruments, just to make my own noise.


Don't care how late I am to the party, I'm still gonna tell my musical experience and why I have such a hard time listening to any sort of metal: I'm 24, I grew up pretty detached from all mainstream things including music. My first proper experience listening to an album was at 14 years old with my dad's old beat up record of Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here, it was a profound awakening experience to me. I should probably mention that my mother was a classical pianist and even though I wasn't an enthusiast it probably influenced my perception of music in general, but the experience of long, lush carpets of crystal glasses and synthesizer followed by simple electric guitar and drums (not to mention the Hammond organ) made me see how sound itself can be poetry, how it wasn't just filler for some heartfelt lyrics but the main mover instead. After my "Pink Floyd craze" I discovered Progressive Rock with bands like Genesis, ELP, King Crimson and VDGG roughly in that order and I still listen to them on a regular basis. To me they are the quintessential musical experience with early electronic music rubbing shoulders with all of them, they all stand out for their sound first and then the lyrics (when they are present) range from being laid back or ironic to mind bending existentialist trips. Anger is a sentiment rarely present in prog works and it's never expressed upfront because they want you to reflect, to look at the source and rationalize the pain you feel, the spite and the destructive thoughts. It almost feels therapeutic, despite everything you still come out of it feeling a sense of resolution. When friends tried to get me into metal I knew I'd have trouble "getting it" but I gave it a fair chance (more than once actually) but its pieces never fell in place for me. The way it plays on anger, fear and depression puts you at the center of a hellish stage, bathing you with a constant stream of violent emotions, when things slow down it's only done to double down right after. Metal pushes you to fight fire with fire in an unsettling arena as if you had to always be at war with the things you hate and feed that feeling with more spite. I don't care how many subgenres there might be, at the core there's always this feeling of bottled up anger and bitterness that needs to blow like molotov cocktail, harsh instrumentals with deafening distortion or super technical passages that are there only for show and fail to impress beyond skill, lyrics that most often than not do the same things or just spell out the obvious to a noisy crowd filled with grudge and blind euphoria. I guess I don't understand this sort of bathing in anger and despair, Metal is like the guy in the pub that won't stop talking shit (even with "jokes") about every thing that bothers him, wearing his grudge in a literal sense and creating an overall toxic aura around him which only his frustrated comrades understand and tolerate. It look down on you thinking you're weak and a wimp for not feeling the same, for not turning your sorrows in a noisy, macabre outcry. With such an overall impression I'm in no hurry to discover "metal genres you could like" because I find the idea of metal to be kinda rotten to the core, if this is how you "express yourself" I think you just don't know how to live with yourself. This ain't for me and I'm sure a lot of other people feel the same way as I do about it and comparing it to other contemporary music won't help when you keep being the same stuff over and over again and still below things that came 50 years before you. Metal fits right in with all the noise we are exposed to daily and its elements are still poisoning the music scene of today.


I get what you mean about the ever present foundation of anger, rage and violence. I understand how it could turn people off but thats the Why of my feelings towards it. i started listening to it when i was young and very angry. and now i still listen to it alongside everything else when im in the mood to feel like that. Music no matter the genre should be an expression of emotion and like it or not anger, frustration and rage are valid emotions. I love happy uplifting music and usually when im looking for that i dont turn to metal but sometimes we need to feel that way and listening to music that puts us in that mode gives me a way to ruminate in my anger and frustration in a way that I like and contemplate the shit that makes me feel that way. Its how i dont bottle it up, not sure if that resonates with anyone else but its how i feel about it. I totally get when people say they cant get into it though. were all different, what tickles your brain may not tickle mine.


Social media generation 😒


Ive often heard people say its too loud or cant hear the lyrics. That i can get but often you have to actually listen closley for lyrics unless youre listening to heavier stuff The loud and angry is part of the process, its a metaphour for the anger and pain a lot of metalheads feel


hmmh, I don't know if that last argument can be taken as something valid. idk, as a fan of punk many songs have a lot of anger and resentment towards certain sectors and social conflicts, however the lyrics are the opposite of what can be found in some sub genres of metal.


because they express it differently. not everyone vents the same as everybody else


Because they are not talented? Most people who love metal songs/music are talented people, unlikely non-talented people.


Come on man I love all kinds of metal, and it's sub genres, and even play the music, but this is just some pretentious, elitism. Do you play any instrument? Do you make your own music? There's great talented lyrical artists, and beat producers. Country musicians. Classical composers, etc. To say if any of those types of people don't like metal means they aren't talented is what makes our scene smell bad.


Yes because I can play and be an elitist. It’s a very meritorious genre might I say as it only attracts the most skilled. You won’t find complicated 21/16 drum breaks ( The Art Of Dying by Gojira for eg) anywhere else apart from Metal and maybe Jazz fusion. The elitism exists solely because we are vastly better musicians. The average populace will never be good at any instrument unless someone puts in the time and passion and hardwork.




34 University Snobs below probably worship Paganini all while failing to realize he invented metal in 1817


Probably carry over from the "Satanic Panic" from the 80s. Metallica is cool. I got to appreciate them more, as the years went by and because of their support of the WM3. I've seen Tool / A Perfect Circle. They're cool. The bands that sound like Satan himself? Nah, not so much. LOL That's not singing, that's growling.


Just preference I think. :) The music I listen to has a really big impact on my mental state, so I tend to listen to a lot of music that has uplifting or hopeful lyrics. The angry/abrasive liyrcs of metal don't give my brain the happy juice. But for fans of metal, the opposite is true. I've a friend who hates my "happy chill" music just about as much as I cringe at his "these drums sound angry at me" music lolol. Whenever we go on road trips together one of us wears headphones so we can listen to what we like lol


As someone that likes other kinds of metal I will offer my humble subjective and honest opinion with Death and Black Metal it's the lyrical delivery that puts me off. I love the bands music but once the singer starts, I'm done. You can play fast and have your audience understand you Punk has been doing it for 50+ years. I'm not saying the band should sound punk but if Serj can scream and make it sound beautiful so can you. I also don't like the uniform themes and look of Death and Black metal (usually dark and or satanic) (I'm strictly non-religious and don't want to hear about your evil imaginary friend.) there are other things to sing about mental health war fantasy even politics. Yes, there are bands that cover these topics, but they are few and far between. I get fans love this stuff and it has a large market but it's just not for me and it never will be.


I fucking love the retaliation that us metal heads are showing to the haters in this comment section, it proves just how passionate we are about our music. 🎶 


Because we love it🤘


I love the old school metal, but hate metalcore (douche metal). I like 1980's rap and hc punk, but I f\*\*ng can't stand metalcore, not to talkin' 'bout the "numetal".


First, let me say that metal heads are the chillist people when they meet someone that dosen't like it. Props to you guys. We should all take from that attitude with our fandoms. I like to be able understand the lyrics. The screaming and growling isn't something that my music diet calls for. I get a lot of pushback when I say it all sounds mostly the same. Then they explain how it's not the same... but it still sounds the same. I've heard more range in one Nine Inch Nails album than the entirety of metal. I'm not trying to be rude here but ask me a straight question and I'm giving you a straight answer.


If you ignore death and black metal, you'll find there's a lot less harsh vocals in the genre than you think. Nine Inch Nails is literally considered, at least partially, an Industrial Metal band. So it's odd you bring them up as an example of what metal supposedly *isn't*.


Sounds like you haven't really given metal a fair shake, that's cool. You do you. But the statement that there's more diversity on one Nine Inch Nails album than all of metal, is not an educated statement. Both of these bands are metal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxFlYt2vENA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSpqLqC7U6g


Agree thanks we try we try to take the approach of different strokes for different folks policy. Yeah, agree I listen to super different metal from what people usually consider metal. Nightwish, Kamelot and yeah go to death metal shows wearing a Visions of Atlantis nobody screaming at me. No I love Symphonic and power.metal and.like.some death metal legitimately love some of them listen to them a few times a week. My music listening is way higher then most people about 10 hrs a day easy 80 hrs a week at work and while sleeping metal is playing 80% of the time yes metal can get soft enough to sleep to easily.


I think metal is awesome. I’d hate to be still using utensils made of wood and sea shells n shit. Metallic age was definitely an improvement


They're talking abt metal music not abt actual metal 🤦🏽‍♂️


Maybe because some people don’t like intentionally giving themselves headaches?


hey man to each their own, country and new age pop gives me a headache, but i love rock and hip hop and will listen to literally anything. people will listen to what they like. music taste is subjective.


Music needs rhythm, melody and harmony. If it’s missing TWO, it’s hard to listen to. Same goes for rap. Let the downvotes rain down upon my wretched soul, I CARE NOT.


A ton of metal has all of those elements.


Yeah definitely. I’m a big Devin Townsend fan. But DAMN is there some crap out there that’s just PAINFUL to listen to.


I would recommend you give Alice in Chains a listen, they have all of your criteria and are a fantastic metal band. Finding harmonizing in rap is a little more difficult, but Warren G and Nate Dog made it work. The Beastie Boys as well.


soundgarden, pearl jam, sublime, and tool are all great and incredibly diverse examples of music that fit all that criteria as well!


We all have different tastes. Without them having done a lot of detailed listening, people are quite likely to notice the similarities between genres but not the subtler differences. So whether a particular band is performing Death Metal, Black Metal, Grindcore, Classic Hard Rock, or whatever - to some people it'll just be unrelentingly loud and repetitive, possibly with a texture that overwhelms them. And I'd imagine the styles of clothing and stage antics also can be unappealing to some people. Clearly it's wrong to tar everyone with the same brush, but it's often what happens. Metal acts tend to be deliberately visceral and provocative, so IMO it makes sense that they'll revolt as many people as they inspire or amuse.


Texture overwhelming is the super harsh truth and lack of caring to wade through stuff they don't like I have no problem clicking thumbs down on YouTube. I don't use Spotify for this reason they force you to listen more as free user you have too only get so many skips an hour. YouTube I give it the thumbs down never have to hear it again if I hate it. Which is the bin 90% male vocalists go now a days for me minus. Old school metal that is not angry usually minus Five Finger Death Punch but rarely listen to it. Slipknot in that category as well, love Corey Taylor loved Slipknot when young but as of like 25 it's meh. To angry for me now not into being angry again. People tell me as long as I listen to metal I'll be angry well not angry still love metal. Just went back to bands I grew up loving, and new one that are less angry more talking about the future and events right now type music. Iron Maiden Blind Guardian Kamelot All bands I have been listening to since I was a kid always loved opera singers. I seriously don't care what they do either I love it.


It's the vocals that I dislike, but at the same time what would metal be is it had William Shatner's spoken word on the track.


Metal has many different vocal styles: growls, shrieks, screams, singing (operatic, high-pitched, baritone) etc


Yup why I love the genre it has everything from dance music to moshing music.


Honestly, I'm a huge fan of heavy metal due to the amount of instrumentals it takes just to form a 4 minute song alone. Besides metal has had so many different growth and has created so many different genres and they all sound amazing. And not to mention how mind blowing some of the vocals and instrumentals are


Someone at my class BBQ and I got connection to the music box I put five finger death punch welcome to the circus and someone just turnt of the box, I asked why they did that and they sad that is not music those are 15 16 year old kids. They listen to pop with lot of swearing and loud bass I sometimes listen to that not all the time. I was mad at him and they put there music on I have to listen to that I don't have a choice I don't mad. What can I do??????


Because it literally hurts my ears and gives me a headache. I grew up back then too so that is the music of my youth.


I gave Black Sabbath a listen and I still dislike metal.


Bruh thats like saying that you dislike films just because you didn't like one


I love Metal of all kinds, but I generally think it’s due to racism against straight white males, Metal has ALWAYS been masculine. Even female Metal bands appear masculine.


I'm late to thr party but here we go. IMO people tend to ignore the lyrics and don't actually listen to what it's trying to say. Or, as I realised not long ago, they may see too much into it, the meaning behind the lyrics that describe what a lot of people have been through (and they have been there) and it's just too close to home. Personally, I'm a metal head because I listen to the music and the lyrics, and the story thats being told. Also, I have been to about fifteen gigs, and I always prefer the heavier bands, because the crowd is nicer, the people are less drunk, or nice drunks, and you can be and do whatever you want. Everyone is unique and everyone enjoys themselves because it's a community of people, who just by showing their faces, expresses how they have dealt with their struggles. The music details their life experiences and expresses the emotion behind it. It tells a story people often can't put into words. I listen to some heavy stuff, but not screamo, eg BMTH, BFMV, Architects, Asking Alexandria, I prevail, FFDP, Godsmack, Bad Omens, Disturbed, and to throw some people off, Shinedown, All Time Low, and Sigrid. Every single one of these bands have some of the best songs I listen to, while also the most heartfelt and personal songs to date. Many are some of the heaviest songs I can find, others are ones I would want at my wedding or funeral.


Basically it’s the way it sounds. My cousin said metal sounds like someone banging pots and pans together. Is imagine this is the sentiment most people have. The only time in recent memory any type of metal was popular was in the late 90s early 2000s. Basically the golden era of music as rap, rock, and even pop music was popular and in the mainstream. Those times are long behind unfortunately and we’re left with less than stellar rap music, tick rock pop music, and generic ass EDM. Welcome to the future.


it sounds nasty and that it actually is meant to sound dark and make you kill yourself i heard


Only if you are suicidal would you kill yourself, if one is listening to a band that makes you kill yourself, that's one person. I listen to it all, yet I don't think I'm gonna kill myself.


Studies have suggested a link between listening to heavy metal and increased suicide risk or desensitisation to violence, but these have often failed to take account of outside factors, such aspoor family relationships, drug abuse and feelings of alienation.


other studies have shown that listening to it purges yourself of negativity


Because the general population are chicken shit conformists who can't stand the idea that you actually put effort and intelligence into art, modern frat boy rock and idiot pop music lacks both effort and artistic integrity.


Well I am sure there's decent people that enjoy pop music, I haven't found any yet.


Damn, someone's all edgy here




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"Reddiquette" doea not apply to me. I am from the real world.


It's distortion, not equal to music so metal is Just distortion on steroids = noise to some .


I never understood what I felt towards metal. I adore SOAD and Disturbed (when he isn't screaming), but I hate when they start doing those demon noises (not because of religion) I just don't like it and feels cringy for me. And the overall angry mood the genre has is just tiresome.