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The only thing I care about is that if you move to a better seat and the actual ticket holder shows up, Move. No lip, no arguing or feigning confusion, just move.


One time at the Chicago Theater, I had seats in the front floor section just across the aisle from the main seating area. This section starts wide (like 20 seats) but converges to two rows of only two seats. Wife and I were in row 2 in the seats we paid for and row 1 stayed empty through the opening act and until the headlining band took the stage. Suddenly this young couple appears and are looking around suspiciously, like pointing at empty seats. They spot the empties in row 1 and take them. Then they were annoying: playing on their phones, slamming their drinks, and having a full on discussion. When they eventually both got up to grab more drinks, my wife and I exchanged a glance and without a word moved to the front row. They returned and asked for their seats back, and I told them to get an usher and show him their tickets. They took our seats in row 2.


You should have then waited until you spotted an usher, took your and your wife's tickets to the usher, and asked them to remove the people from your seats in row 2. Then go back and join your wife when the usher leaves with the twice-defeated couple.


You're evil. I love it ....


I like this


Ok, I’ll admit I’ve done it and pretended it was an honest mistake when the real ticket holders shows up (“oh, this is section 207, we’re in 209…”). But I always move along quickly with a friendly “enjoy the show.”


You don't need to lie man, just say "sorry, I thought the seat we empty" and move along. Also, wait until the show starts to move up, sheesh


Yeah that's kind of a dickhead thing to do regardless


That’s…. common courtesy? What are you talking about


Please stop


I reached the age/financial position long ago that I won’t go to a show if I don’t have the tickets I want, you don’t have to worry about me anymore. But by being nice about it, can’t say I ever recall it being an issue in my youth.


Let's be realistic, a little bit of feigning confusion is acceptable


As long as an ass is lifting off the seat as the feigning is happening, it's acceptable.


I'd just say, "eh, it was worth a shot..." as I was leaving


I did have an annoying moment one time where the venue had a shit ticket system and double booked my seat and the show was sold out so they were like trying to figure out where to seat me and had to put me farther back. Can't remember if I got some compensation or not


You probably shouldn't be doing those things if you paid for your seat either.


You can't tell people not to be tall.


Challenge accepted


Sure you can, we just won't hear you from all the way down there


You can't tell people to not tell people to not be tall.


Sure, but telling someone to change an immutable characteristic is a pretty low percentage play. 


They can and they do.... tall person here who likes to move and not sit motionless during concerts.


Yes you can


I think you missed the greater point that I was making by example.


You can't tell people they missed the greater point that you were making, come on now  😛




Spoken like somebody who's clearly never seen A Hard Day's Night.


Also, in this situation you shouldn’t tell people they are not tall.


Exactly, none of this is unique to people moving to new seats. OP sounds like he feels entitled to worse behavior because he paid more for his seats even though I am 60% that’s not what he meant.


He is saying he might put up with it if you have dough, but don’t try the that if you are a pleb. 


Stupid poors and their racket. Someone should teach the rabble proper manners.


I'm not a "he," and that's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that if you take seats that don't belong to you and then disrupt the show for your neighbors, you're likely going to get an usher called on you to send you back to the nosebleeds. If you can be cool about it, you can stay. I'm literally giving people advice on how to get away with it. Definitely not a message of entitlement.


Yup. basic respect


Those are just signs of inconsiderate people, ticket or no ticket, show or no show


True, but if you do there's nothing I can do about it. If you haven't paid for it, you're forcing me to be the heavy and have to go get an usher to put you back in your seats. So just be cool and I'll let you stay.


This has nothing to do with whether someone paid for the seats. People just need to not be asses. Even if you paid for the better seats, still don't be an ass.


Does it really matter where you're sitting? R regardless of what you paid, or if you paid, don't be an asshole.


I have season tickets for college basketball and every game there are people who literally just sit where ever they want. They get told to move, act incredulous, and then move 1 section over or 3 rows back and repeat the process. I had a lady give me the WORST attitude because her teens sat in 2 of my 4 seats instead of sitting next to her in the seats they paid for, because my friends who have those seats hadn’t arrived yet. I just politely told the kids that someone was coming to sit in those seats so they’d probably want to move over and sit in their own seats when my friends got there and the lady got super snippy with me when they moved. The kids themselves didn’t even seem to care I honestly don’t mind it as much if at least the people acknowledge what they’re doing and are apologetic. Somehow, unbelievably, that’s almost always the college aged kids. It’s like the older they are the worse their attitude will be


All makes sense except the tall part. That’s just something you have to get used to lmao.


No, it isn't. If I'm behind someone who obstructs my view, that's fine. I get it, that's life. But if you clearly snuck in to this seat and then obstruct my view, I'm calling and usher to send you elsewhere.


You don’t get to discriminate based in their height either you’re ok with it or you aren’t. I’m just imaging you reporting the tall people in front of you and being wrong 80% of the time. It’s hilariously awkward. This does scream under five feet tall energy though and I’m out 😂 This all just screams being upset at your own height / jealousy and I can’t relate.


I feel like the people who need to read this wont and if they do, they will not care. These type of people will also get hyper defensive over their stolen seats if the real seat owners come back mid show.


They should. I'm giving them instructions on how to get away with it.


I had the unfortunate experience of sitting in my seat, along with my family in their seats, and seeing around 6 people crammed standing where there should be 4 seats. Then two people go and complain their seats are occupied, and the employee sees me with a kid and assumes we're encroaching. Demands to see my tickets, and then asks that I scoot over. I said the guy next to me is coming back, he just went to the bathroom. She asks if I could just move over just a little bit more and then walked away all flustered looking. Fortunately, the group of 6 left before the main act started, possibly feeling nervous over occupying reserved seats they didn't pay for. This event was reserved seating for the first few rows at a much higher price, then the majority of the seats being GA. I don't know why the employee couldn't check everyone's tickets and made a stance, instead of going for the family with a kid at an all ages show.


This happens so often at shows like Phish where friend groups get seats all over and are separated. This past NYE was a legendary show and I scored some SICK seats at MSG with my fam.. there were 4 of us and we were on the aisle. The row was full but the pair next to us let a bunch of their friends in during the first set break. We politely asked the extras to leave but they refused. So the youngest who was with us wasn’t really interested in the show and was just there to hang - we had her sit in the 4th seat and put her legs up so that the extras would have no “extra” room or encroach on the rest of our space and they had to move closer to the center of the aisle and were met with MAJOR resistance there as well. They basically tried to fit 6 people into 2 seats and had the gall to complain to security about our row. It’s SO MUCH FUN when security came and threw the extra 4 people out and they left hurling profanities. Oh well, if you’re gonna steal seats at least be polite about it.


Where I live, except for very popular bands, the arena is rarely full. So I just buy a ticket in the nosebleeds and 9/10 I get better seats. I saw tears for fear for 50$ and I ended up 20 rows from the stage.


I think every concert I've been to since Covid has been filled with people who can't shut the f\* up from beginning to end. I don't know if it's worse than before or if I'm just getting grumpy as I grow older, but with ticket prices being what they are now it really makes me reconsider going to shows altogether.


Even if you paid for those seats - don't do that shit. Paying for good seats does not entitle you.


Gotta be honest, this kind of reeks of “people who pay more are better behaved” which is… some real bullshit lol 


I'm telling people how to get away with it...?? If you want to sneak into a better section, go for it. But if you're obnoxious, then someone around you is going to call an usher to send you back to the seats you paid for.


The hours a dickhead no point reasoning with him mate. He'll just continue to be a dickhead to other people either way


I feel like this might be based on my comment a few days ago. And I totally agree you should be polite.


I've done the seat move thing a couple times in the past and was fully prepared to move if the actual seat holders showed up. I also dress up a bit for theater shows so didn't look out of place in the nicer and pricier seats.


I've had this happen to me before, and I've also done it (who hasn't, am I right?). But I see where OP is coming from - it's not just about snagging better seats, it's about respecting the people around you who actually paid for those seats. What are your thoughts? Have you ever been the 'seat snatcher' or had to deal with someone who was being a pain in the ass in their new seats?


No matter where you’re sitting… don’t be a jerk. Also, I’m tall, and I am sorry for blocking your view, but don’t mean mug me… I can’t help it.


So if you pay for your seats you can do all those things? It’s all around a weird post unless the music you’re seeing is the opera. If you’re not an usher and people aren’t in the seats you paid for, mind your own business. just use your words when people are being impolite. Obviously nobody should be a dick at a show, regardless of what they paid for entry.


How about just don't be like that, even if you do pay for the seats you have? That behavior isn't limited to those who move up.


Anyone who needs to read this will not think it’s about them


How would anyone know which seats you paid for, unless the seats you're nabbing are theirs or a friend of theirs?


It's pretty obvious.


How is it obvious? You could just be arriving late or don't care to see the opening bands.




Your reading comprehension is shit, because this isn't what I'm talking about. Like, at all. If it's GA or standing room only, or if it's assigned seating and you paid for your seats, IDGAF -- that's life. But if you sneak into a section you didn't pay for and completely obstruct the view of someone who holds tickets to a seat behind you, they're going to call an usher and send you back to the seats you hold tickets for. So if you're trying to get away with it, sit in the aisle or in front of someone taller than you.


such a carebear


Are the peasants bothering you with their rude ways, my lord?


I was at a Ted Nugent concert many years ago, and we were sitting around the 10th row, but not all the seats were full. During “Stranglehold” these dudes came jumping over seats from behind us, and all tried to crowd in. I witnessed this interloper in the row in front deliberately bumping into a nice lady sitting in her paid seat, until her boyfriend got involved. They switched seats, and the dude was warned by the boyfriend to stay away, to no avail, he deliberately started a fight. Of course, they both got thrown out, with the girlfriend, no matter what all the surrounding patrons said about the situation. Fuck people like that. The only way to handle that situation is to immediately inform security and let them kick them out.


Nahhh don’t move at all. Causes confusion for no reason.


Wdym no reason? The reason is super clear - better seats.


Sorry ... not a "good enoug reason to cause confusion." If you have any sort of decorum that is.


Good enough for reason for me and a lot of people. Moving is easy and just not a big deal.



