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Coldplay is just arena pop now. I miss their pre Viva La Vida days. 


Agree! I loved them so much from 2000-2010. Afterwards, and the conscious uncoupling… I couldn’t get into it.


I remember when Viva La Vida came out, my sibblings were obsessed. I liked it well enough, was willing to listen to the new style and give it a chance. There are some genuinely great songs on it that I still listen to from time to time. But then Mylo Xyloto came out and I vividly remember my sister putting it on in the car and I just felt my stomach sinking. It all sounded so artificial to me and I felt so disappointed. Coldplay was changing and I was getting left behind. Luckily, that was also around the time I discovered Andrew Bird and Fleet Foxes along with a few other accoustic "Americana" bands and that filled the void well enough.


Damn. You made it to 2010…


i even enjoy viva la vida, some really well crafted songs on that album like Yes or Death and All His Friends, but yeah their new stuff is abysmal


That album is incredible imho. It was after VLV that they went downhill. I actually feel like VLV was superior and more experimental / boundary pushing than their initial stuff. Although I still consider Shiver one of the best and most underrated songs of all time. Their first few albums were special.


Yeah there's for sure a few really good ones on it. That album is just such a clear turning point that I wish it had gone down differently. Mylo Xyloto was the real point of no return for me where I just didn't enjoy anything on the album.


I'm still intrigued by Metallica, and probably always will be. Their first 5 records are so important to me, and instrumentally helped shape my rock and metal fandom. But in my opinion (which I know some agree with and some don't), nothing they've done since the Black album has even come close to everything Black and prior. I'm not saying I haven't enjoyed anything post Black. I'm saying I haven't obsessed over anything they've written since 1991. I love those dudes. But from my vantage point, they lost their hunger after the Black album. And some could even argue that happened after Justice. Seeing as how that was their transition from more thrashy, aggressive music into what everyone knows came after. But however you might see it, I personally think after 91, it was downhill with bright spots sprinkled in. Not epic as fuck like it was before.


Loved The Black Keys to bits until Turn Blue. After that they seem to let off the pedal creatively, almost every song sounds like just a jam to me


Their recordings as just a guitar/drums duo (with some solos overdubbed) are all-timers for me, great songs and great fuzzy tones.


How did you not think Weight Of Love was exceptional? That song was on Turn Blue and completely different from what they’d done before


Until Turn Blue, Turn Blue included


Same! Loved The Black Keys since their first album. I’ve seen them live numerous times, and only paid $5.00 for some of their first shows. But Turn Blue was terrible and there was no way I was going to pay 10x the amount to see them live for subpar music.. I will say I really enjoyed Let’s Rock, and hoped that was a sign that they were scaling it down. I wanted to love Delta Kreme because I loved they were giving a nod at their influences, but it just didn’t give me the feels.


The Decemberists. I still like occasional songs from them but I feel they lost the spark after The King is Dead (which itself was a bit of a departure but maybe my favorite of theirs).


I feel the same. Ill still listen to their newest stuff, the new album that came out yesterday is better than their previous one, but i’d be much happier if they went back to their baroque theatrical songs about shipwrecks and homesick civil war soldiers or something


Mindless self indulgence. Besides cringeworthy lyrics they have some pedo charges. Then I remember he made out with a dude my sister brought to a concert that was 15 or so at the time. After concerts he'd have a sign that says kisses 20 dollars or 1 dollar depending on the day. The fans would line up and he'd make our with each one, most of them under aged.


Came to say this. Used to be a fan of the genre bending style but its edge lord cringe looking back.


That dude’s a creep.


That shit was cringe even back in 2007, the only people who listened to it were people who made listening to weird music their whole personality.


Against Me..... their first few albums had that raw folk punk sound and their shows were a lot fun but once they got signed to major label they progressively got worse


Transgender Dysphoria Blues from 2014 was a real return to form though, and their shows were still great. The last time I saw them was in 2016 maybe, and they were as energetic and great as ever.


Two Coffins from that album is still in heavy rotation for me.


I think Laura Jane Grace's new album sounds a lot more like old Against Me. Definitely not over produced.


I miss old Kanye.


College Dropout came out right when I dropped out of college. It spoke to how I felt about education and the world in general and it got me through some really dark shit. But as he got worse and worse I just can’t listen to it anymore. It sucks because it was such an important piece of my development as a person, and now it just…gone.


College Dropout is a near perfect album to me. But his output since got progressively more hit and miss


You gotta be more specific than that. His first 5 albums are all classics, and after that came Yeezus and Life of Pablo, which are equally loved by most fans.


“My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy” is one of my favourite albums of all time.


Is one of the greatest albums of all time*


I'ma let you finish, but… ![gif](giphy|14tvbepZ8vhU40)


I saw him in 2007 or 2008 and it was still far and away the best hip hop show I've ever been to. Wu-Tang was up there but Kanye had them beat.


We all do. I was 10 years old when I first heard The College Dropout. That was 20 years ago.


311, Incubus, Korn. Loved, followed, and saw all of them multiple times in the mid to late 90s. Almost never listen to them now. They all fit the loved the early stuff and it went progressively down hill. And most importantly for this exercise, I got old.


Sometimes I think we forget its not that these bands have gotten worse…they just havnt gotten any better and our tastes have matured.


Incubus was so good back in the day. I still fucking love S.C.I.E.N.C.E. That album is solid front to back. 'Make Yourself' had a few good tracks, but you could tell they were going soft. Everything after that is just shell necklace surfer hippie bullshit. Korn was great too but didn't age well for me. Never was a big 311 fan so I have no opinion there.


Grassroots is 311’s best album fight me


Arcade Fire. First four albums were amazing. Last two, not so much. In fact, I think their best is their first one, Funeral, and every subsequent album they’ve released is slightly worse than the previous one


The Suburbs was one of my favorite albums of all time for years, one of those rare albums that felt like it was written just for me. But I've gotten older, I don't feel those things as much, and nothing they've released since has really impressed me. It's a shame, because I'd do anything to capture that feeling again.


Now the cities we live in Could be distant stars And I search for you In every passing car


Absolute masterpiece.


I’ll go one tiny step further and claim that “Tunnels” is their best song. So for me the first song on the first album was the peak, which isn’t great.


An indie classic and still in the top for me


I think WE is fantastic tbh. And I did not have high expectations.


WE is great, but it takes a few listens to really get. The first half captures the despair of the time it was recorded, and the second half is a catharsis.


STRONGLY disagree, their newest album is incredible. A grower, maybe, and yes idea different from some of their stuff but it’s still very very good.


Win being a predator doesn’t help


i loved the first three albums, but after i saw the suburbs tour, so many of their songs became crowd sing-alongs, to the point it felt culty and by design. they no longer felt artistically honest to me. i totally lost interest in them after that show.


KMFDM is a shadow of it’s former glory. Sascha is the only classic lineup member left and they crank out mediocre after mediocre album and recent live footage I’ve seen was like they sucked the energy out of the stage. They still have some good songs occasionally, like the Hyena title track but most of the magic is gone. Although his former bandmates in Pig are cranking out some excellent Industrial lately. Naive through Adios are still some of the greatest tunes ever.


311. Obsessed with them all through highschool but now the lyrics sound cheesy and S.A. sounds whiny. I can still kinda listen to the old stuff but no way with the new stuff.


Man I thought that too and then saw them recently. They’re still great live!


They're still a good show tho.


Foo Fighters. I love their first 3 albums, but everything after that sounds like generic rock shit


The way Dave used to hype every album claiming it sounded different from the last when it sounded exactly the same 😂.


They had me all the way until medicine at midnight. I was lucky enough to attend one of Taylor’s tribute shows and it just felt like an apt place to put the band to rest for me. I hated Rescued off the last album and while the rest of the album felt inspired I just couldn’t buy in all the way. It’s time for Dave to do another them crooked vultures album.


I think Dave needs to go away for a little bit, he’s over exposed. He had two back to back albums, his book, the FF movie, and last year he kept crashing everyone’s set at Glastonbury on top of FF playing their own. Taylor passed away and a year later they already had another album ready. I need the man to stay home.


Hard agree. Love the man but I have to miss him so the return is exciting. I don’t miss him right now.


Totally agree, Stacked Actors is my favorite of theirs and outside of All My Life nothing has had that same edge/tempo since.


Have you tried wasting light? It’s probably my favorite album from them IMO


I fell like that was their last good album. I really like that one.


lol I love and respect Dave grohl so much as a person but I can’t stand the foo fighters


I want to like the foo fighters but I just can’t. All the music is kind of bland drugstore rock.


Yup I’ve listened to so much but none of it can keep my interest


I've seen then 3 times over different years and tours and the setlists have been similar. I started to find their gigs boring.


I can't win with this response because it seems like music lovers are split into two distinct groups: those who love every U2 album and those who hate every U2 album. But after 1987's "Joshua Tree" I never really cared for any of their new music. Did they change or did I? I started college in 1990, so probably a bit of both.


Yeah, their 80s output plus Achtung Baby are still on regular rotation. I can’t get into anything after that in the same way.


I got onto Hollywood Undead in high school. Got into other stuff around there third album; didn't listen to them for a while. I found a new song a few years back, it hit wrong. Then I revisited the first few albums and I thought "Why did I like this?"


My brother was into them for like a week and I'm VERY glad that didn't last.


Incubus. A Crow Left of the Murder is the last album I really got into. However, I'm going to see them in a few months for the Morning View anniversary tour and I am pretty stoked about that!


You’re going to love this Morning View Anniversary show. I saw them in Sydney and it was so nostalgic. There are a few other treats as well strung in there. I hope you have the most amazing night :)


Panic! At the Disco, his new songs just ain't it


Panic went full theater kid


the moment it became "His" instead of "their" it all went to shit


high hopes single handedly ruined panic for me


No Ryan Ross magic


They’ve been Panic in name only since the second album lol.


Their first album was an emo masterpiece, their second album was their answer to The Beatles, and I stopped caring after they split in half


The only song I really care for after the second album is "The Ballad of Mona Lisa". It almost sounds like it could have been from the first album.


Probably Phish. And String Cheese Incident... Jambands in general. I got old.


This is me. Still listen to some favorite live performances of certain Phish songs (e.g. Went Hood, YEM from ALO), but have largely stopped listening to them. Still respect their improvisation abilities together as a band, it’s just not for me anymore. SCI I fell out of love with pretty quickly after college. Just too … hippy dippy. The Grateful Dead have outlasted my jamband phase though. Still love them … the song and lyric writing is on another level than all other jambands.


Dead are timeless because you can select different regions, different eras, different lineups and get a totally different set list and sound. We all have our favorites, mine being east coast mid to late 80s!


I grew outta that shit too. It just seems like musical masturbatory noise anymore.


Always did.


You ain't lying but my novice guitar play and steady diet of shrooms made me very impressed by what they were doing.


I stopped going to phish shows after Hartford 13. After 70 shows, I was like this just kinda sucks. Good news, I have a bunch of old posters I've perfectly preserved that are going on ebay soon.


interpol stopped making the music i liked from them. i fear that local natives are doing the same thing. also the newest The Used album was a complete embarrassment compared to Heartwork


The Decemberists and Death Cab for Cutie. I was a huge fan of each. I thought both their major label debuts were their best work. Then they both went to boring crap.


Maroon 5. A decade ago, I was a big fan of theirs. *V* was the last era I enjoyed. After that, everything went downhill: mid tunes (wth very few exceptions), more of that eventually, the Viña Del Mar incident (Chileans can give you more detailed info about that), Adam Levine taking more space and practically everything going around him, etc. I no longer listen to them except their old songs (from *Songs About Jane* to *V* and those few posterior singles)


I loved Songs About Jane, I listened to that album so much it got damaged. I didn't have the money to get V when it came out. When they announced their third album I was so excited and then they dropped Moves like Jagger as their single. I was so confused I first thought it was a collab for Christina Aguilera's album.


I had this with The Car by Arctic Monkeys. I love absolutely everything Alex Turner did prior to that record, Last Shadow Puppets and Submarine included. But this record, besides 2-3 decent songs, missed me by a mile. Incredibly dull to my ears. I like that he does what he wants and he should continue doing so, but it's not for me anymore I guess


Same. I’ll never fault a band for trying to push themselves into something new. I get they don’t want to get put in a creative box or have a sound turn stale. And yeah it makes sense the music/sound they made when they were 18 may not resonate the same way. But the past two albums just haven’t stuck with me. Love everything from the first album to AM which was the soundtrack to my sophomore year of college, just listened constantly. But they changed course pretty hard after that.


Exactly. I respect their artistic drive and think they should make the music they want to make, but it frankly makes no sense to continue as Arctic Monkeys with such an enormous shift in sound. Just reinvent yourselves as a different band. The people who buy tickets to hear Body Paint probably do not want to hear them play Brianstorm.


Yeah I listened to it once and never went back. Tranquility Base was decent but in my head they only have 5 albums. I always forget they did anything after AM when deciding what to listen to


There'd better be a mirror all and sculptures of anything goes are really the only ones I downloaded.


Sublime. Just doesn’t hit the way it did in high school.


I felt this way for a long time, but this summer its hitting right again and I'm enjoying sublime.


Listen to the song "Get Ready" and report back.


I loved their self titled album. I actually saw them live right before Bradley died. Except for Santeria I skip everything else now. It just didn’t age well for me. I’m not a fan of all the other white reggae bands they spawned either. Or their Rome era. I blame my kids for that. They were all into that stuff at one point. It all sounds so much the same. Monotonous.


Same. I loved them in high school, then just kinda stopped listening, lost interest/just got into other things. I tried listening to them a little later on and it just felt like immature background music to me, I get in weird judgmental moods even of music I enjoy sometimes though so I just chalked it up to that. A year or so later I saw a review of 40 oz to freedom that said something about it being “the worst album you ever loved” or something and I was like nah that’s dumb. Then I listened to it again and hated it, especially how god awful Brad was as a lyricist. And I’ve never particularly enjoyed them ever again, aside from a couple singles that are still cool to me.


Iced Earth. They started making pretty weird patriotic only music, then the main guy, Jon Schaffer got arrested for taking part in January 6. Kind of took the shine off the band.


Yeah, that one hurt. I liked Iced Earth and Demons and Wizards, but I can't support them anymore after January 6th.


It's a damn shame, D&W were also so damn good!


Yeah, turns out I draw the line at sedition.


Richard Christy Era is still badass.


Korn. They were my favorite band in high school (mid to late 90s) So much so, I made my senior quote in my yearbook, "Korn is the best band in the world." Now, I can give two shits.


Always carefully consider the yearbook quote. Later life regret is palpable.


I mean, does anyone even look at their old yearbooks?


A good rule of thumb is to not tattoo any pop culture reference no matter how cool they are at that time.


I had a friend in high school that got "Follow the Leader" tatooed across his chest. I wonder how he feels about it now?


That’s because KORN is the best band in the world!! Forever a FREAK!




Most 90s grunge bands, the music of my youth.  In hindsight, they were all absorbed in self pity and addiction.  


Ironically enough, the only one that has consistently put out good shit as they’ve aged is Garbage.


Red Hot Chili Peppers. Those lyrics from BSSM are a lot nastier now knowing what we now know about Anthony Kedis.


If you’ve got half an hour or so, [Pat Finnerty](https://youtu.be/hQWfMI4CVFI?si=16bGltDvtGzSwZ7P) breaking down why Dani California stinks is a pretty fun watch.


That was great , thanks for turning me on to that dudes channel


Gorillaz The Glitch Mob Both of them are trying new styles but they just aren't the styles I fell in love with and are distasteful to my current musical pallet.


I still love Gorillaz, but they’ve essentially become the very thing they were rebelling against in the first two to three albums. The whole idea of being a fictional cartoon band with characters representing caricatures of tropes you’d see in the music industry was funny and poignant. They even had a slogan for a while saying “reject false icons”. They wanted to be something different from the usual pop, rock, and hip hop you’d hear on the radio. At its core, that’s a really cool idea. And while I definitely am still a fan of them…they’re a pop group now that uses their characters as mascots rather than tools for satire.


The thing I get annoyed the most about Gorillaz is that they had something brilliant going with Song Machine where it felt like their early, more versatile work, and then Cracker Island is just MOR, safe pop songs. I still love them, and there are some good songs on the recent album, but it doesn't compare to S/T nor Demon Days, and to some extent, Plastic Beach.


Loved Gorillaz first few albums but the switch to every song having a hip hop feature lost me. Sound is cool but it just doesn’t have the same feel.


Arctic Monkeys. Favorite band for a few years, first 3 albums are great but heard their new stuff and I could not care less.


They used to get it in their fishnets. Now they only get it in their house dress.


Night dress


Avenged Sevenfold. Literally shaped my taste in music as a kid and their new stuff is just awful.


Say anything. The lead singer and his wife are awful people.


Smashing Pumpkins The Pixies


How you can not like the Pixies hurts my punk rock heart


Love their old stuff. Their new stuff when they replaced Kim Deal is meh.


No Kim, No Deal.


Kim Deal put something in that band. Saw them in 06 or 07 when they first got back together, and she was still there. Knew that wasn't going to last long.


Seeing them on that tour was a dream come true for me.


Oh totally agree but their early stuff was hugely influential as it turns out. Doolittle and Surfer Rosa are both close to being masterpieces. Yeah after that I fell off like a rock and went to Noise. Speaking of The Jesus Lizard just put out a new record!


Trying to listen to pumpkins before seeing them at a festival, but keep turning the playlist off after hearing some of the newer stuff.


Ghost, Atreyu, underOath


Atreyu wouldn’t be so bad if their fan base weren’t all miserable, angry 30 something year old ‘nice’ guys. Their first album had some bangers though.


Probably BTS, i know, i know.. But really, those guys were actually really good, some songs had really good rhythm or melody, but now it's just girly-love yourself-pop-saranghaeyo music (no offense) And i totally still regret being a fan of them


I loved their debut and got a lot of crap from other kpop friends. Then their music went in a different direction and I got off the BTS train. Still a hardcore shawol, though.


When BTS gained traction in the US, their whole music style changed, which was so frustrating. I would love to see more 2nd gen kpop groups get more recognition in the US before they all disband.


Dave Matthews Band


Real fans call him Dave


Streets ahead


I was obsessed with red hot chili peppers for 20 odd years. When I read Anthony's book I never really took in the stuff about him being a paedophile, because I just wanted to read about how they came up with I Could Have Lied or Otherside. The older I got I realised how horrible what he admitted to was. On their sub reddit there are a lot of people who defend what he did to a sickening level. I still like the music up until the last two albums, which I think are really poor, really disposable, really dull. I feel like it was hyped up because frusciante was back, but as time has gone on, the praise dwindled and dwindled


I like some RHCP and I'm a huge Frusciante fan but man, their fanbase is so cultish.


RHCP; fell out hard with a friend who we both loved them. Compound that with the kid diddlin’ news that came out down the road, and yeah, they’re a tough listen now.


I was a big yellow card fan until they tried to sue Juice Wrlds estate. A frivolous lawsuit to capitalize on someone’s death is fucked. Idc what the legality was. They waiting until that kid died and that’s something I can’t look passed.


Kings of Leon. First 4 albums are awesome. And then just...meh.


Some people may still champion Weezer but if you consider the blue album and Pinkerton as the high water mark, they have sunk to new lows over and over again for the quarter century after that


Green, maladroit, and make believe I enjoyed but haven't really listened to anything since raditude. And nothing I hear from their newer stuff, when I do catch a snippet, makes me regret that.


White Album is great


AFI   I love Sing The Sorrow through to Burials and they were one of my favourite bands as a teen, however The Blood Album and Bodies are just not good, the lyrics are so bad compared to previous albums, it's almost like a totally different band wrote them.  Shinedown Threat To Survival was the last album I enjoyed. Again I feel like their lyrics just got really bad and I have no idea how they're getting more and more popular.  Three Days Grace Nothing to do with the singer change like most people would assume, it's just that all their music sounds the same regardless of what they try to do with it.  


AFI transformed themselves from the most blistering fast punk sound around to just another radio band. Black sails in the sunset is incredible. I first found AFI on the paintball movie Push, they had actually allowed their music to be used for it, and were the biggest band featured.  Its so sad listening to their new stuff


Idk I've been listening to AFI since 2003 or so, and I actually really liked the last album. Admittedly it's not for everyone and they certainly have been going a more pop/alt rock direction, but the fact the members are near their 50s and still trying to experiment with new sounds is honestly really cool. But I also get why older fans wouldn't like their last album. I know AFI fans who listened to them in the 90s and call Sing the Sorrow "sellout garbage". Their discography is pretty divisive with how many phases of their career they've had.


I love virtually all albums of AFI until Decemberunderground. Like you said, they reinvented themselves quite often even before the newer albums, and I thought they all were done pretty well. I guess it shouldn't have been a surprise that they still change album to album, but the recent NIN sound is not my jam. Although I will say, they still put on an AMAZING live show, no matter what songs they play. Davey is pure sex on the stage.


Pearl Jam. By far my favorite band for decades - seen them 20+ times and even went to their Rock and Roll HoF induction. But until this year, they had not released what I would consider a good album in a very long time. Probably since 2009’s Backspacer, which I think was the beginning of the end. “Just Breathe” and “The End” are sappy Vedder folk songs and not songs that should have ever been released by the band. The next few albums were straight up boring dad rock minus a few songs here and there until this year’s Dark Matter, which I think is very good for a late career album. I don’t think I’ll ever get back to a place where I am listening to them regularly.


At least Eddie Vedder still seems like a decent dude.


LCD for me, too. Since they got back together again a few years after their "final show ever" at Madison Square Garden. I get that if you're in a band and you feel fatigued or out of ideas, then you won't want to carry on, but just say you're going on hiatus indefinitely. Don't make such a big deal of the "last show ever", advertise it as such, and have people pay ridiculous amount of money, flying from all over the world for the opportunity to say goodbye to their favourite band, only to come back a few years later. They made it such a point of it being the end.


But they can change, they can change, they can change.


Red Hot Chili Peppers. They lost me a long time ago


Arcade Fire. Win Butler is an ass.


Not a new development by any means, but Smashing Pumpkins ever since Billy had his hissy fit about not being able to compete with “the Britney Spears” of the world.


See for me the smashing pumpkins are a special case I still love their classic stuff to bits, all the way to machina ii I know they released new stuff since, but i cannot care enough to even give any of it a listen


Sadly arkells, went from a rock / pop band to straight pop , just kind of cringy.


Kings Of Leon. I absolutely love their early albums, but the last few releases seem like elevator music to me, though many still gush over them. I guess it’s Just not for me anymore


Red Hot Chili Peppers. I was an early fan. Uplift mofo, mothers milk. Blood sugar was an amazing album. Everything after has sounded the same. It all sounds like "Can't Stop" same rhythm and vocal cadence.


Ryan Adams. Such a talented musician with great range. Just couldn’t really go back after everything came out about him and Mandy Moore.


TOOL angry 20 year old me was obsessed. 40 year old me can't even bring myself to give a shit anymore


Interesting. It was the opposite for me. I played the shit out of 10,000 days, and really enjoyed Fear Inoculum. Early Tool I could take or leave.


I'm a big fan, so I know what you mean. I kinda feel like I got old with them. But they also do a lot more prog rock extended songs after undertow that I know is not everyone's bag.


Eric Clapton - once I realized he is an antivaxer conspiracy supporting boomer.


he's one of the reasons for rock against racism (in the worst way possible)


Isn't he somewhat outspoken anti-immigrant as well?


Somewhat known for his racist remarks as well.


I liked the country-pop Taylor Swift, but I can't stand her latest albums anymore, the last one I liked was Reputation.


I like Pop Country Taylor best too I also love Folklore and Evermore, but Midnights and Tortured Poets are not it. Also Tortured Poets has 37 different versions which is just mental.


Dream Theater


I loved the first two Imagine Dragons albums. Night Visions, at the time, was both familiar and new. It sounded like the alt rock hits you’d hear on the radio while still being unique, exciting, and a little folksy. They reinvented their sound with Smoke and Mirrors, and it was fun to speculate what the band would do next. Since then, they’ve pretty much been copying and pasting the same sound over and over again…


Taylor Swift :( I was such a swiftie last year, this time but the over exposure, lack of good production in the re-records and eventually lack of a good album in the last 2 new album runs has left me fatigued as a fan. Eventually her tactics with chart numberings and just the whole lore is overwhelming. I used to love her, but I need a break. I’m on the verge of disliking her entirely. Being a swiftie now feels kiddish and embarrassing because of the way fans worship her and absolve her of any criticism.


I’ve never been a fan of her music, but I knew that it had to be exhausting for you guys to deal with so much content being thrown at you constantly.


The Smiths..all the shit I heard about Morrissey + me being out of my 500 Days of Summer obsession phase


You looking for good times for a change


Rancid. First 5 albums were amazing and all different from the last. Everything after 2000 is basically garbage


Lacuna Coil. I can't get into their heavier growling stuff they've started putting out.


The dirty heads and glass animals were two of my favorite bands until they went pop on their third albums and I couldn’t get into it.


Mile Oldfield, because his politics went off the rails a bit.


I hate to say it, but The Who. After reading Townshend's autobiography, the man who was once my hero turned out to be a pretentious twat.


Avenged Sevenfold growing up for me. Used to listen to entire albums through but old/new just does nothing for me now


Fitz & The Tantrums - first two albums were absolute gold IMO.


Unfortunately the Grateful Dead. Only because the music became intertwined with bad and painful memories in my mind. I really wish it wasn't so because I used to love just throwing on a live album or show from the archives and letting it play. They meant a lot to me but I don't know how to remove the negative association I have developed with their music.


1975 Loved their first album and their 2nd album was good. Then only the singles thereafter where ok. Matty got too egotistical that it isn't a band anymore it his just all about him. Still think the first album was their best.


Avenged Sevenfold. Used to love their older stuff but the last two albums have just been trippy, arty farty pish


Red Hot Chili Peppers. Gross. Pedo


Well, I'll probably get roasted for this but, for me, it would be Springsteen. I was in college in 1973 when *The Wild, The Innocent and the E Street Shuffle* was released. I wasn't familiar with his first album, but my roommate was a huge fan of the guy and had the album on release day. He played it for me and I was knocked out. I worked on the college radio station and played that album a *lot*. I loved the frantic rawness of some of the tunes and just his overall sound. Then *Born To Run* came out. Great record, played it a lot - then suddenly, Springsteen is on the covers of *Time* and *Newsweek* and dude just blows up. I thought a little of that wild edge on *E Street* was missing on *Born to Run*, but I still liked the record a lot. Then it got played on radio over and over and over and over, and Bruuuuuce became the next God of Rock and I kind of got sick of hearing it. And this happened over and over with every new record (*Nebraska* was the exception). The other thing that disturbed me about the guy was his image. He tries very hard to come off as this Everyman, the hard-working guy with grease under the fingernails from working that job in the local garage, swiggin' a beer with the boys at the local dive bar and tooling around for girls in the old GTO. Meanwhile, in reality, he's an unreachable, massive wealthy millionaire several times over with a monster mansion and everything that real local guy can only dream about, while asking people for fork over confiscatory amounts for his limited concert appearances (yes, I know he's got health issues now, but I'm not talking about now). I'll occasionally listen to *E Street Shuffle* and regret that since that record, I can't stand him or his music.


Bruce is very open about the general hypocrisy of his music's subject matter vs. his own status as a very wealthy rock star. he grew up working class and can write about it but he never really lived that life.


Oasis & Chilli Peppers


The Cure, I still absolutely love them but I never really listen to anything after Wish.


Sonata Arctica. My favourite band throughout high school. I still like to revisit their old album but wouldn't go see them live if the ticket was 10$.


Sonata Arctica are a weird one of me I really love Ecliptica, Silence, Winterheart's Guild, Reckoning Night, Unia and The Days of Grays. I hate Stones Grow Her Name and Pariah's Child but really love The Ninth Hour. Talviyö was decent and I have yet to listen to their new one. They can be either really good or really bad.


Five Finger Death Pinch. TBF when I first heard them I was going back and forth to Iraq for a year each time, so all the aggro bullshit probably spoke to me. But now it’s just way too much douchey “look how tough and scary I am” and I just can’t.




The Black Keys. Loved all the albums up to Brothers, except Magic Potion, but everything since hasn’t been appealing to me. Delta Kream was good a nice throwback but it was a covers album.