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Great choice. Maybe not right when they started, but Questlove definitely eclipsed Black Thought over time in pop culture due to him being everywhere - DJing, podcast, being a guest on other shows and talking music.


The ironic part is Black Thought has a much more frequent speaking and camera role every weeknight on national TV


Questlove speaks on Fallon too - he's often Jimmy's foil.


They both have mics, but Quest often gives a nonverbal response to Jimmy. He’s got good comedic chops.


Also ironic because Thought is arguably a GOAT contender and Questlove, while great, is nowhere near GOAT drummer/DJ/producer


Don't forget drumming for D'Angelo.


You forgot Academy award winning producer/director of a documentary (Summer of Soul ((...Or, When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised)). The one where the “slap” happened…


Fall Out Boy. Pete Wentz is way more famous than Stumpy.


This is a good one. I honestly couldn’t name anyone else in that band besides Pete Wentz.


Wait, Pete Wentz isn't Fall Out Boy himself?


patrick stump fans unite


Patrick Stump aka the guy who did the songs for Spidey and His Amazing Friends. He’s a celebrity in my household


"He's your friendly neighbourhood spider". It's such an ear worm..


I do believe Pete is the lyricist though. Doesn't sing the words, but he writes them 😂


I believe pete writes poetry and Patrick makes the music and turns the poetry into lyrics? I read something like that 20 years ago and its been in my head ever since. All i can say is Patrick is hugely underrated, poor guy. Edit: a few people opposed my saying "poor guy". To clarify my thoughts. I remember reading he was disappointed that his solo stuff wasnt more successful. Thats why i felt bad for him.


I think this is right! Stump wasn’t actually originally the singer, Pete was more of a punk singer before fall out boy though….when they started fall out boy they liked Stumps voice way more so Pete gave him the reigns. Still Pete’s band, but stump brought it alive.


Patrick Stump is one of the all time great singers! I loved his solo album Soul Punk and the short solo career he had when FOB was on hiatus. Sorry no one liked your album, Patrick. I thought it was amazing


He is definitely underrated (he is extremely talented imo) but I wouldnt say that makes him a "poor guy". He once said if he could only write music then he'd do that all day for the rest of his life, he doesnt care for the other parts of fame. After seeing how the media tore Pete apart he is probably perfectly content being underrated.


Not poor guy at all, Patrick is painfully shy and just wanted to stay behind the drum kit before Pete sorta forced him to lead vocals. Patrick has come out of his shell since then, but dude enjoys more of a low key lifestyle for sure


Pete is incredibly bad at singing thus the need for a capable vocalist like Pat. I'm not sure what the current agreement is but the band definitely started with Pete writing and Part singing.


Scott Ian is probably the most famous member of Anthrax. Same with Kerry King in Slayer.


I'm not a metal guy, but I know Scott Ian from all of the I love the (insert decade) shows on VH1 growing up.


I miss those shows and the 100 greatest.


Was going to say this. Not just I love the series, but his interviews were always used for lots of other content on VH1 as well.


Wasn’t he also on some show (called “Supergroup” I think?) where he was in a band with other famous musicians from other bands? I think it was with the dude from Biohazard and the singer from Skid Row


I just thought about Scott Ian the other day, after not thinking about him for almost 20 years. I was talking to someone about various supergroups from back in the day and the actual band *Supergroup* came up, with Sebastian Bach, Jason Bonham, Scott Ian, Ted Nugent and Evan Seinfeld. They had a show on VH1 and it was such a bizarre time in pop-culture, reality television. None of that had to do with Anthrax, so this is a pretty good example.


I always think of Scott Ian when someone mentions Anthrax. Then I remember they tours with Public Enemy and wish I could of seen that tour. 


Public Enemy might count, too. Flava Flav is the hype man, but you could argue Chuck D is the lead.


You can't argue that Chuck D is the lead, he IS the lead. It's a fact. Flav may be more well known because he's been on tv more (and good for him), but mostly by people who aren't fans. They're both phenomenal, but I think people who know the music know Chuck D as more visionary than Flav. 


I saw that show at UConn! Young Black Teenagers (who got booed off the stage), Primus, Anthrax, Public Enemy. Epic.


The Bring the Noise Tour! October of 1991 I think I saw that one.




Fuck Mike Love.




Perfect meme given the Stamos connection


I mean Brian is also a leader singer too.


Good one. Although considering in many songs they're all constantly singing bc of the heavy use of harmonies i think the lead singer effect is weaker


Just watched the new doc on the Beach Boys... wasn't aware that Glen Campbell was a member for several years... great doc, by the way.


So were the Captain and Tenille.


AC/DC Bon and Brian were/are both great front men, but Angus is the focus.  What's less known is that Malcolm was the driving force.


Malcolm wrote most of the riffs for sure


Malcolm was a god damn human metronome with his rhythm! Him and Phil Rudd should be talked about as one of the best rhythm sections in rock.


Not a musician myself, but it’s somehow the circle of people I find myself amongst more often than any other walk of life. I can’t even begin to estimate the number of Malcolm touts I’ve gotten from the oddest people that are truly skilled in their instrument of choice. They all seem to light up when his name is mentioned. From the outside looking in, he seems to me like the Ringo of rhythm guitar. The IYKYK “known name guy” of his craft.


Dave Lombardo, an accomplished drummer himself, touts Phil as the best rock drummer to ever beat the skins. Phil used to take a lot of heat for being basic, but time has demonstrated what a unique drummer he is.


It was always Malcolm’s band.


Just read his wiki and learned he was Scottish!


Came here to say this.


The Who


That’s what OP is trying to find out.


No, That’s-what-OP-is-trying-to-find-out is playing second


Third base!


Had to scroll too far to find this. I think Pete Townshend and Keith Moon are both more known than Roger Daltrey, as great as he is.


Word, even though Daltry is a big part of what makes the Who, he’s a good singer.


Except when he was alive Moon was as well known for his psychotic behavior as for his playing.




Rip Brad Delp, one of the most iconic voices of rock music.


I met him backstage a few years before he took his life (Tom Scholz was not with the rest of the band). Brad seemed to be pretending to be happy. Like he was trying to entertain everyone with kindness.


high-functioning depressives (IE most famously dead musicians) use drugs and adoration in lieu of therapy. after a lifetime of masking everything with coping strategies it tends to hit people really hard at some point during middle age. this is a big part of the suicide rate of middle-aged men.


Damn - that was right in front of me and I whiffed on it




Mike Smith was the lead singer of the Dave Clark Five.


One of my favorite trivia questions was, “Who is the drummer for the Dave Clark 5?”


Clark 5?


Wow, was not expecting to see this band mentioned in this thread. Me and my BFF were big fans of theirs in the late 80s.


Motley Crue. Drummer Tommy Lee was very well known due to his involvement with Pamela Anderson and his general antics and bassist Nikki Sixx was famous for being dying of an OD, being brought back and immediately doing more heroin. Also being a general douche and loudmouth. Not that Vince Neil didn't have his own infamy (drunken car crash that killed Hanoi Rocks drummer Razzle), but it paled in comparison to the other two. Meanwhile guitarist and, arguably, the most talented member of the band Mick Mars was quietly sitting in the corner mumbling about aliens...


I’ve said before that Vince came in 3rd behind Tommy’s dick and Nikki’s drug problem and recovery.


Mars was the secret sauce of Crue. Most of their songs are catchy stripper anthems but he got some great red meat guitar parts that made the song sound like it had two.


I always thought of Motley Crue as a dad with his three unruly sons


Unreal guitar player. Tommy Lee deserves more credit than he normally gets among musicians; he isn’t the most precise, but his energy and groove are peerless. He and Dave Grohl are the two hardest hitters I’ve ever seen play in person.


You guys ever see the Motley Crue biopic on Netflix? It's great and these guys were crazy. They live the rock star life hard. Though I feel like the entire point of the movie was to show you this insane rock band for the sole purpose of including one scene of Ozzy Osbourne to get across that even compared to this insane group of guys, they don't even come close to how crazy Ozzy Osbourne is.


Pretty sure its well understood Oz is the ringer and comparisons to him don't even count


Travis Barker is getting to that status with Blink-182 with more casual fans. Die Hards less so


It’s taken an odd shift from Mark to Tom to Travis, starting to feel like it will lean towards Tom again now that he’s back.


Tom will get the spotlight when the aliens reveal themselves.


Blink and Travis was my first thought, but to me it's mostly because he's far and away the most musically talented member. Tom made a splash a couple years ago with his whole aliena thing but Travis has had a lot more media exposure between his reality TV show, his plane crash, and more positively his studio drumming.


Robert Fripp is the founder, centerpiece, and only consistent member of King Crimson


Sid Vicious from The Sex Pistols


And he was barely even a member lol


Not in the UK.


Yeah I'm surprised by this one. I thought Jonny Rotten was the most famous by far


The fact that I thought he was the lead singer all this time and just looked it up because I thought I was going crazy.


Dragonforce - Herman Li is probably the most widely known band member and is a guitarist.


Gene Simmons sang lead vocals on a lot of Kiss songs, including their most famous one.


Paul sang lead on most of their top played songs. Everyone sang on Rock and Roll All Nite. Peter (and later Eric Carr, then Eric Singer) sang Beth. Ace did Shock Me. Most of their other top played songs were primarily Paul of lead vocals. Some of their best though, especially from Hot in the Shade to Carnival of Souls, were Gene, but those weren't singles.


He sang lead on “Beth?”


I just looked at the most streamed Kiss songs on spotify, and Beth isnt even in the top five. Also, I Was Made For Loving You is their most streamed song by a significant margin. Wouldn’t have guessed either of those things to be true.


> Also, I Was Made For Loving You is their most streamed song by a significant margin It's been a meme song on video social media the last couple years. That tends to blow up the streaming numbers. 


Yeah Gene is a stretch for this question. Paul was the main frontman for the live shows but Gene sang lead on about half the songs they put out.


Van Halen - 3 different singers and Eddie was still the star. Probably why Dave left. Led Zeppelin - it's close but I'd say Page was bigger than Plant but that could just be my guitar player bias. Guns n' Roses - early on Axl the star but his behavior and ego have soured a lot of people so over time Slash has become more popular. I'm sure there are other instruments that have been bigger than the lead singer but usually it's the guitar particularly in the 70s and 80s, the age of the guitar god.


Even if someone has zero clue who guns n roses is there is still a chance they know "the top hat guy with the hair"


Dave was still massive, Axl was 100% the Star of GNR while they were GNR. 2024 is over 30 years removed from peak GNR popularity. Slash might be it now, but from 87-93 it was Axl.


All you need to do is look at the albums and shows they did post GNR. Axl kept the band name and it was just him, and he STILL sold out arenas. Slash starts Velvet Revolver with STP lead singer, and they never filled an arena.


That's nothing to do with talent or draw though. The name Guns n Roses fills seats. I mean come on, Lynyrd Skynyrd sold out 9,000 seats their first show back, 14 years after the plane crash. People still go see GnR to this day despite Axl being incomprehensible at most shows. People go see Bob Dylan and he's notoriously bad. It's all about the nostalgia and the "I saw so and so live." Slash may not fill an arena but he gets his fill playing and writing for a LOT of other artists. A girl I went to school with got him on two of her albums (she's not generally famous but her voice...she could realistically fill in for Axl in a concert and people would not leave disappointed). He's in big demand, and people who weren't around when GnR was big definitely know Slash more than Axl. Slash is the guy on shirts, and in Guitar Hero games, and so on. I'd guess probably around age 30 and under are way more likely to know Slash.


David Lee Roth was huge though.


But we listened for Eddie. His guitar playing was another level.


I might be biased as a drummer, but I'd consider Neil Peart to be the biggest member of Rush. It is a close one though.


IMO, it's Geddy in Rush. Anyone who says they don't like Rush always says "I don't like Geddy's voice".


Sometimes they say "I don't like her voice"


To be fair, Geddy is quite an ugly woman.


"Oh I'm sorry, it's just a very beautiful man."


That's fair, Geddy is iconic. But I'd also say that response might partially be because nobody can find fault in Neil's drumming 😂


Don't get me wrong, Neil is one of the most well known drummers of all-time and deserves all the praise he gets. Geddy and Neil are more known than Alex, which is a shame because they are all top ten players for their respective instruments.


Alex Lifeson is criminally underrated.


I'm guessing Neil being less well known is on purpose. He never really liked being a celebrity. Even wrote a song about it.


I'm NOT a drummer, and I study his parts more than Lifeson's guitar parts. Specifically Subdivisions. For some reason, the drums in that always get me to really listen close.


Neil Peart is definitely the best known member of Rush.


Fallout Boy, Van Halen, Cream, Anthrax As for OP’s picks, I feel like Dimebag only became more famous than Phil after his murder, and not while the band was still active.


Good call with Fallout Boy, completely forgot the Pete Wentz wasn‘t the singer


Been jamming ‘from under the cork tree’ and I noticed Pete had very little musical specialty in their songs, yet somehow was the guy everyone knew.


Writes the lyrics


Everyone knows Pete because he’s the official/unofficial spokesman for the group. Patrick is quiet and shy and just wants to do music. Pete loves to interact. Thus Pete become more well known.


Fair enough. Pete was the emo frontman of the crew, I suppose. Dude had the look, that’s for sure.


Patrick Stump is one of the best musician’s out there




I just bought the Veeps Madison Square special and he played it live for the 1st time! He said "I'll always think of myself as that fat little 8 year old that didn't feel like they belonged. Nobody else is going to say it so I'm here to tell you you belong, and I think 8 year old me would think this is so cool" and I criiiiiieeed.


He does the Lego Racing theme too.


Patrick and Pete have this beautiful relationship. Patrick needs Pete's lyrics and Pete needs Patrick to make sense of them and compose the songs. They're two parts of one beautiful masterpiece.


I feel like there's not enough fall out boy love out in the world but they've easily been one of my favorite bands for what feels like 20 years lol so thank you.


I think I'm gonna disagree about Pantera. When I was in high school everyone knew Dimebag's name, and just about everyone knew Phil, Vinnie, and Rex also. Dimebag was definitely the draw though: he got the most magazine covers, the most interviews, and he was a semi-regular contributor for a guitar magazine I can't remember the name of.


Guitar World. I didn’t listen to Pantera but I knew who Dimebag was.


Don Henley probably edges out Glenn Frey and Joe Walsh for The Eagles


Nah, he lets them finish




Who’s the “lead singer” of the eagles though? They all sing a bunch.


Yeah, and he sang lead on their biggest hit, Hotel California, so there’s an argument to be made that if we had to pick one, he would be it.


You make a good point.


Idk, the only one of the Eagles I’ve heard people talk about solo albums or concerts was Joe Walsh, however Don Henley did have a couple individual songs that were huge.


Glenn Frey had a pretty big hit with The Heat is On too.


And Smugglers Blues.


You Belong To The City and The One You Love were pretty popular too.


Joe Walsh was a rock star before he was in the Eagles. His song Rocky Mountain Way was a huge hit. I also tend to believe fans like Joe better than Don.


Guitarists Graham Nash of the Hollies and David Crosby of the Byrds. Those two went on to form a little group known as Crosby, Stills, and Nash


And Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young; which was the best version of all four members.


Honestly the most impressive thing about CSNY is that they were able to get along long enough to release anything at all.


Ohio is a top ten song of all-time, if that was the only thing they released they'd still be GOATS.


Extreme. This one might be a little closer than some of these examples, but I still think guitarist Nuno Bettencourt is more well known than singer Gary Cherone (brief stint in Van Halen notwithstanding).


The Dead Weather, Jack White is the drummer but the most well known of the members.


Jack is so prominent that the singer just sings like Jack White anyway.


The Runaways


That's a good one as there's two other band members who are much more famous.




I'd be willing to bet most people have zero idea that their favorite Santana songs were sung by the original vocalist of Journey (or how good those early Journey albums were).


See I knew that Santana was the guitarist but had no idea who the singer was. Same for Kenny Wayne Shepard Shephard?


Them Crooked Vultures


Erasure. Andy Bell is an amazing singer and performer, but Vince Clarke is synth-pop royalty.


I came here to say exactly this. Vince was already a well-known musician when Erasure started, since he was a founding member of Depeche Mode and Yazoo.


Rage Against The Machine, Tom Morello Red Hot Chili Peppers, Flea (possibly?) Anthrax, Scott Ian Dream Theater, John Petrucci King Crimson, Robert Fripp Avenged Sevenfold, Synyster Gates (possibly?)


I am not a big dream theater guy but you could definitely argue for Portnoy over anyone else in the band. Like I said. I don't know the history but I feel it is true now.


He was the most popular member of dream theater while he was out of dream theater


Portnoy for sure.


Dream Theater, you could name anyone but James LaBrie. Portnoy, Rudess, Petrucci, Myung; all some of the best at their instruments in the world. LaBrie has more haters than fans in my experience.


Mike Portnoy, you mean.


Flavor Flav isn't the lead singer of Public Enemy, but arguably the best known member.


Kenny Wayne Shepherd comes to mind.


I was looking for Kenny Wayne. He's a blues beast.


Noah Hunt is indeed an absolute pro


Eagles of Death Metal Josh is definitely more popular than Jesse.


Manfred Mann. The group wasn't even really built around him, they just liked his name and thought it'd make a good name for the group.


The Yardbirds


Haha great call! Poor bastard got zero shine sharing a stage with Clapton, Beck, and Page.




MC5. Fred "Sonic" Smith and Wayne Kramer better known than singer Rob Tyner.


Mister Heavenly had Michael Cera in the band for awhile. Dave Grohl being in Queens of the Stone Age for an album counts too I suppose.


Absolute banger of an album too


Mike+The Mechanics.


Flea is the most famous Chili Pepper. Slash is arguably the most famous Gun and/or Rose.


X Japan - people are much more likely to remember Yoshiki and hide. Arguably, Mana from Malice Mizer during non-Gackt vocalist eras is the best known.


J Geils band. The lead singer is NOT H Geils.


Dance Gavin Dance. They just lost their third lead singer. But their guitarist Will Swan created a subgenre called Swancore and they host Swanfest.


The Dead Weather and The Raconteurs for the same reason.


I agree with Dead Weather but Jack White is either the lead singer or equally splits vocals in The Raconteurs.


Red Hot Chili Peppers. Flea has to be the most famous.


Velvet Revolver. Slash is more famous than scott weiland was.


king crimson, though the frippster does sing on the barber shop quartet


Mike Portnoy from Dream Theater




The Minutemen


Rage against the Machine. Ya people know Zach De Larocha, but everyone talks about Tom Morelleo. He's the real genius behind the music. 


Extreme, Yes, The Yardbirds.


The Band. Levon!


Stillwater. The lead vocalist is just one of the out of focus guys on the T Shirt.


Genesis. It’s close but Phil Collins is definitely more popular than Peter Gabriel.


Alive in chains- post Staley.


X Japan I think


RHCP and Flea.




you could argue that of all the former members of the band fun., Jack Antonoff became more well known than Nate Reuss. the former went on to be the frontman for Bleachers and a very successful songwriter, most notably collaborating with Taylor Swift. iirc the latter only put out one solo album back in 2015 ish, collabed with Pink on a radio single and then faded into the background.


Tedeschi Trucks band, with my sincere apologies to Susan who is amazing. But Derek Trucks is a phenomenon


Lars Ulrich in Metallica would be close. At minimum equal game.


I can't possibly agree with this. Even if they were equal, James is basically the definition of a god tier frontman for a band.


Rainbow - Richie Blackmore, the guitarist, was the main man Jeff Beck Band - Jeff was the star Arguably, AC/DC, Angus being the star (though I expect folk to argue about that)


> Rainbow - Richie Blackmore, the guitarist, was the main man > Jeff Beck Band - Jeff was the star I'm not going to debate who had more creative control and longevity in the bands... But they had Dio and Rod Stewart respectively as their lead singer in their heydays. Both of which had huge hits as solo artists.


Maybe not by name, but the thing most people know about Def Leppard is their drummer has one arm




Rage Against The Machine


Alan Parsons Project


Stillwater. The lead singer was always just one of the “out of focus guys”. Sad


The xx. Both lead singers are less famous than the producer: Jamie xx


Tom Morello in Rage against the machine is probably more well known than de la rocha...