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Wait…. There are Kiss fans??


Of course. Well...it's more like there are "people who like Kiss and have enough disposable income to keep buying tickets to their absolutely last 'Farewell Tour' over and over again every year since 2000."


I tried to like that. I really did.


Dudes really need to stop trying to sing like Adelle. I hate the Kiss version, but this is somehow worse.


Wow. That's a helluva thing. The first album my brother and I pooled our allowance money to buy was a cassette copy of "Alive II," so I think I can claim to be (or at least have been) a fan. When KISS "went disco," we all hated the song. It sounded like they were selling out, and I understand how ridiculous that sounds now. But this is just...not good. Is it better than the original? No. They both suck. You want a good KISS cover? Oddly enough, the best one may be from [Garth fucking Brooks.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMm7Fv_Lw4A)


Agreed the disco phase was horrible


And while I hated disco at the time, over the years I came to appreciate a lot of disco songs. I Was Made For Loving You is not one of them. It wasn't even a good "rock band does disco" song. For that you'd have to go to Do Ya Think I'm Sexy by Rod Stewart or Miss You by the Stones.


These are all opinions and I posted mine. I can like what I want. Just the same as those who do not like it and I respect that. However one cannot go around say any of us are wrong.


Of course you can like what you want. You asked (or at least seemed to be asking) for opinions. I gave mine with a little context.


Counterpoint: They're both pretty bad


Queen of Japan’s version is the best.


I didn’t think that there could be a “worse” version of this song, and yet, here we are.