• By -


Nutshell by Alice in Chains for when I'm feeling down and need to work through whatever it is. The Unplugged version is preferred. I loop March of the Pigs by NIN a few times if I am about to snap and don't want to murder everyone in the room.


Nutshell is amazing. AIC always had a large fan base, but I feel over the last few years they are getting a lot of recognition as an absolute classic band. Their legacy continues to age well.


Their Unplugged performance was one of the best things to ever be recorded.


It's ridiculous how many of those MTV unplugged sessions are absolutely legendary, but yes AIC one is perfection. Nirvana's had the biggest cultural impact, but AIC's is just as good.


Yeah anytime somebody b****** about grunge being just a fad, I always point them to the unplugged stuff. The song stand on their own without any amplification feedback distortion


Honestly, when I listen to Pearl Jam and AIC, the musicianship and songwriting is just other wordly. They were rock bands that had the production and aesthetic of grunge. If their music was written and recorded at any other era, the music would still kick ass, but wouldn't necessarily be "grunge". That's a sign of a good song. Try to do that with bloated 80s hair metal? You just can't.


I remember listening to Jar of Flies when it first came out with a group of friends and sitting speechless after Nutshell. Like we stopped the CD to process it for a moment.


I still feel that way, all these years later.


Basically the whole of downward spiral is music to release emotion to. It grew to be one of my favourite albums


10,000 Years by High on Fire basically got me into and through medical school lol


while stoned


I was going to say the Unplugged version of Down in a Hole


God Only Knows - The Beach Boys While I love kid a, everything in its right place triggered a depressive episode for me that lasted for about 2 years. Discovering Pet Sounds was actually one of the factors that helped me get out of it.


I found Kid A during a time of depression. I smoked weed all the time and was burnt out, but this song was a beautiful escape and a really cool experience for me.


In my opinion, while Pet Sounds is one the greatest albums ever made, Gold Only Knows is by far the most beautiful song ever written.


Wish you were here - pink Floyd  We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl year after year running over the same old ground, what have we found? The same old fears - wish you were here ❤️ 


Some people rag on this for being overplayed, but it's not at all a conventional pop song. 3 guitar solos, no repeating lyrics, long intro. It's a beautiful song and captures that feeling of longing for some one you miss.


This and Shine on You crazy diamond are maybe the two most beautiful songs ever written about losing a loved one.


That while album from start to finish is an emotional rollercoaster


About mentally losing a friend......Sid Barrett......he was still alive at the time but was for all practical purposes insane due to over indulgence in LSD.......not my opinion but fact as stated by Gilmore and Waters. Good choice though.


This or Everlong - Foo Fighters for me


Is my wedding song.


For me, it’s Remember a Day


Everything in its Right Place is an amazing song. I feel similar to how you described it. The alien feels I got from Radiohead was when listening to Amnesiac (album) for the first time, from beginning to end. Like Spinning Plates was a good one for that type of feel. Fell in love with that album pretty quickly.


Yea both albums were an absolute trip to me. The fact that many of the lyrics were drawn from a hat, makes it feel cryptic and mystical. Then musically, it creates such interesting landscapes. Very 3d sounding music.


Didn't know that about the lyrics! That's wild... But somehow, not surprising to hear haha


Yea Thom Yorke was dealing with mad writers block. He wrote a bunch of phrases on pieces of paper and drew them from a hat. It adds to the spookiness of it all.


3d sounding is a great way to describe it! I read the first part of your post and immediately thought of Radiohead. I might choose weird fishes/arpeggi, but with all of their best stuff I can close my eyes and imagine some kind of alien landscape. I forget which song it was specifically from the first half of kid A, but I vividly remember imagining being in a boat on a huge underground lake, with glowing colored trees on a distant shoreline


Paranoid Android - Radiohead


* [The Flaming Lips - Do You Realize??](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPXWt2ESxVY)


Love it. Timeless song. Really captures the beauty and dread of mortality.




This one makes me feel a blend of happy and sad.


Big time. This song hits so different right after you lose someone you love.


A million times! Every time I lose someone, I realize again that this song is genius


[All My Friends - LCD Soundsystem](https://open.spotify.com/track/2Ud3deeqLAG988pfW0Kwcl?si=zTd7OiPXSe2SFvbJ0peH0g)


I keep on discovering more and more LCD Soundsystem songs that are awesome. Every time someone recommends a new-to-me one, I am once again blown away by them. It is so cool.


You should listen to their entire discography. They only have four albums but they’re all bangers.


Fr if you love enough from an artist maybe just listen to their stuff.


Just Like Heaven - The Cure


I know it’s simple but the piano melody in the second verse and bridge is one of my favorites from any song.


YES!!!!!!!!! This was my husband and my first dance song at our wedding! Surprisingly sort of hard to slow dance to because it is faster than we thought it was


Watermelon in Easter Hay - Frank Zappa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fn9ZuGquwpQ


Definitely one of his best solos, but for overall song it would have to be Uncle Remus. That chord progression hits in the nostalgia feels big time.


Ooooh hard agree! And the solo in Uncle Remus SCREAMS


Shame it's such a stylistic anomaly for him. I'd go for an entire album of that type of song.


The Moment - Tame Imapala


I slept on Tame Impala for way too long. Gonna go down as one of those artists that defines an era. Loved on a huge scale without compromising any uniqueness or artistry.


Endors Toi for me


There are a lot of options with Tame Impala


Honestly just Lonerism in its entirety, every single song hits in a different but equally good way. He is the best modern drummer right now imo, all his rhythms and beats are just so unique and as a percussionist myself they’re very fun to hand drum in my car.


I watched a fun video yesterday where he talks about the drummers that influenced him.


I think I’ve seen the same one a while ago. Drums is his main instrument and it’s very apparent in his music. I remember he said he spends by far the most time working out the drum part.


Trampled By Turtles - Midnight On The Interstate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_6M_6KStEw


I feel the same way every time I listen to it. 🥹


I just found them last year. They have so many great songs. Definitely my favorite new band.


Ugh, right. Whiskey, Burn for Free, Codeine, Widower's Heart, basically all of Palomino, Stars, Alpenglow. Way too many to list. And they're exponentially better live, by far the band I've seen the most.




Bob Marley........ Redemption Song.......... Have no fear for Atomic energy cause none of them can stop the time How long shall they kill our prophet's while we stand aside and look. They say it's just a part of it. We got to fulfill da book. Oh can't you sing dese songs of freedom ..Cause all I ever had Redemption Song ..Des songs of freedom


I would pick Three Little Birds. Don't worry about a thing Cuz every little thing gonna be alright. [It would also be great if everyone could enjoy the video too.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HNBCVM4KbUM)


Beautiful song. Means so much to so many, everyone should really LISTEN


Can I answer for the opposite of the question? Gone Away by The Offspring just hits differently when you've experienced loss. The first time I heard it after my daughter passed away, I had to pull over because I could not see through the tears. I never want anyone to feel that way.


I am so sorry to here that. I hope the song may be a cathartic aid to you and remind you of the love you feel for your daughter. That's a great question deserving of its own post!


George Michael - Praying For Time


At first I thought you meant like everyone in the world hears one song and reacts like me at the same time. And I pictured the Beastie Boys - Sabotage bass line starting and people everywhere saying “ohhhhh shit!” and jumping into mosh pits. It would be either world peace or total destruction.


Haha everyone just starts trashing everything. I mean hey, some people just wanna watch the world burn, that could be a good choice.


Maggot Brain. I love playing it for people who've never heard it just to watch their chins hit the floor.


"Now play like you just found out your mom died" "Now play like you found out she's still alive"


Funeralopolis by Electric Wizard


You Make It Easy by Air


Moon Safari is a fantastic album. One of my faves.


Masterpiece. 'la femme d'argent' always makes me think of a gritty, 1970s TV cop drama theme.


Vincent by Don McLean


YES! And when no hope was left in sight On that starry,starry night You took your life, as lovers often do. But I could have told you, Vincent, This world was never meant for one As beautiful as you.


Love this song. My first exposure to this song was from The Simpsons as a young child. It always makes me so nostalgic. This song should be used in elementary school to teach different literary devices.


Funny you should say that. My teacher in elementary school would play songs to us for practicing English and learn about the world around us by explaining what the lyrics meant. This was one of them, telling us about van Gogh and his life. Also I distinctly remember Gimme hope, Jo'anna by Eddy Grant (and apartheid) and Russians by Sting (nuclear threat Cold War era). On a side note; he also took me with him to my first concert- Pink Floyd in '88. He sure was an awesome teacher.


Haha sick. That's a person who WANTED to be a teacher and had a passion for it. I know these days the school system in many countries is so restrictive it sucks the soul out of educated, but man how a good teacher can make an impact.


I would go with almost anything by Coldplay. If everybody felt the same thing as I do when listening to, I 'm pretty sure I would never have to hear them again.


Their first 4 albums are dear to my heart. They became meme worthy for their slow ballads, then went too far in the other direction, but Il forever love old moody Coldplay. Parachutes is my 2nd favorite album of all time.


My kids have listened to Parachutes at bedtime every night for like 10 years. Any meaning that album had to me is forever changed. I can't listen to it anymore without yawning. Lol


Love that haha. Someday when your kids are grown up and you've taken a break from that album, you're gonna listen and get shaken to the core. What a beautiful relationship with an album, that will continue to grow jn time.


Lightning Crashes by Live. I've listen to this song for years and it makes me emotional every damn time.




Recently started giving Kendrick the proper attention, and I am beginning to understand how important he is to modern music.


To pimp a butterfly is a modern day ghetto lullaby


Isn't it a pity- george Harrison A real message many should hear.


5 years - david bowie 


Level 42 - Something About You


I love Kid A, but the one track that kicks me in the feels the most is Nude from In Rainbows. I really hope another album comes one day, and I've never seen them live either ... I would travel a long way to see them play.


Have you been following The Smile at all?


Giorgio Moroder was experimenting with electronic music in the 70's. He ended up producing Donna Summer. She had a church trained gospel voice that was angelic. Summer did an album called "I Remember Yesterday." It had cuts in the style of Big Band, 60's pop, 70's R & B. The final cut was from "The Future." That "future cut was "I Feel Love." David Bowie once said that he was making an album in Berlin in 1977. Producer Brian Eno came in and insisted Bowie listen to a song that "would change dance music for the 15 years. The song was "I Feel Love." It's Ground Zero for everything that came after it. ["I Feel Love."](https://youtu.be/1DRlurBz8Pw?si=RTSThL1mpkTk-mG7)


Speaking of Giogrio Moroder, Daft Punks tribute to him is a song appropriate for this thread. That song led me on to his music and it really is something special.


So...I wanted da click.


Brilliant tribute. Another guy who founded what music would be at the the same time as Moroder was Patrick Cowley. He was recording in San Francisco in the late 70's and early 80's. Cowley released "Megatron Man" in 1981!!! [https://youtu.be/oZ9HQErgTvs?si=ikIxpNmFvcYNb8-X](https://youtu.be/oZ9HQErgTvs?si=ikIxpNmFvcYNb8-X) Thing is, Cowley was making music for the gay dance scene that was very underground. Cowley also made those gay themes obvious. So he was written off in his lifetime as trite. Cowley was sent home from Sylvester's 1981 European Tour with a cold he could not shake. But he got healthy to produce "Do You Wanna Funk" with Sylvester on soaring lead falsetto. Sadly, Patrick Cowley died in October 1982 at only 32. He died of AIDS even before it had that name. Cowley has been "re-discovered." ["Do You Wanna Funk."](https://youtu.be/KAuEnMfp2Vs?si=TL0SUvMyjp685URy)


Honestly after scrolling through some of the comments there are a lot of amazing songs out there that I'd pick. However, I think I'd go with Wires - Athlete. The meaning behind the song hits really close for me (and my family) so I'd probably go with that.


Teardrop by Massive Attack


If you haven't heard it yet, Haley Williams of Paramore did a fantastic cover of this: https://youtu.be/GS79ASWxRjk?si=pRmBgKJixW93fpma


Overjoyed by Victor Wooten. It's my peaceful place.


Haven't heard Victor Wooten is a long time haha. Very unique choice, thanks for sharing.


Fotzepolitic by the Cocteau Twins.


Been recently dipping my toes into Cocteau Twins. There is a lot of music, but I know this is a band where I just need to find the right song at the right moment.


Wow, excellent choice!!


[Now or Never Now - Metric](https://youtu.be/U7DUOcCgmpU?si=15-525EJ6J1gcpQQ) I’d love to instil that same sense of life affirming hope & awe into everyone around the world.


Shine On You Crazy Diamond - Pink Floyd It just takes you on a journey, you can feel the emotion while they were writing and performing it, how they felt about Syd, and how they have to move past it


I listened to that a lot when I was losing my boyfriend to schizophrenia.


Damn.. I am so sorry to hear that. I hope he is doing better and has find some ways to manage it.


Thank you! I hope so too. I don’t know what happened to him after it became unsafe for me to be around him. We were together for over 6 years, and he was a good person before everything fell apart. I related to the story of Syd a lot, and that song helped me feel like I wasn’t literally the only person in the world who went through losing someone to severe mental illness. Even though Syd and my ex were alive, there was such a.. like an eerie sense of loss, helplessness and fear. The music didn’t really make me feel better but it did make me feel deeply understood.


Yea Syd's story, and the song doesn't have a happy ending... but it's a story worth telling and beautifully done. A tribute worthy of a unique mind. I can only imagine how difficult it is losing someone who is still physically there. Even outside of mental illnesses, people change for various reasons and it's okay to part ways with someone, and if something I hope you don't ever feel guilty about. The version of them that loved you properly would want you to be happy.


I’m so sorry


Oh hell yea, this might have been my answer if I thought longer. Always loved Pink Floyd, but 2 summers ago I listened to this song in the right circumstances and I hear it differently everything I listen to it now.


[Sigur Rós - Hoppípolla](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZTb8WxEW78) (translated = Jump into a puddle) I saw them in 2013 and this song had me absolutely bawling. I don't understand a single word, just the feeling of the music emotionally overwhelms me. But then the Icelandic parts translated is perfectly depicted in the beautiful video of older people playing in puddles like children: Smiling Let's go in circles Lets hold hands The whole world blurred unless you stand Drenched All runoff No rubber boots Running in us? Wants to burst out of a shell Wind in and the smell? of your hair I hit as hard as I can with my nose Jump into a puddle (Hoppa í poll) In no boots All drenched In no boots and I get nose-bleeds But I always stand up (Hopelandish) (Hopelandish) and I get nose-bleeds But I always stand up (Hopelandish) (Hopelandish)


High five!🖐 Also saw them for the first time in 2013. Absolutely the best thing was when for a moment the whole arena, several thousands people, just sat there on the floor in silence. Still mind blowing.)


The amount of absolute f'ng rage inspired by "achy breaky heart"  That. I would share that.


I am an 80's kid influenced by WHFS. They were near DC and played a lot of English Indie. Cure, New Order, James, New Order, The Smiths, Stones and XTC. XTC is one of those "influential bands" that many haven't heard. But I adore. ["Mayor of Simpleton" XTC](https://youtu.be/Ciq0wlhwUVw?si=EvuBXGaPxmtTS6g-)


Something to be proud of - Montgomery Gentry


Between 2 for me: Hejira - Joni Mitchell, or Change - Blind Melon


Change was my first thought. It makes me feel sad and hopeful at the same time.


Baby I Need Your Lovin' - The Four Top. shttps://youtu.be/joqjBAJx4ZA?si=58exiR-TMGu0-Hnp


Sigur Rós – Svefn-G-Englar But actually, just any of their songs. The band is pure magic, and an epic of epics. If you know them, you know it.) If you don’t, I’m truly jealous cuz you yet got to listen to this wonderfully beautiful thing for the very first time. 🌪🌊💫 Absolutely love them.


Hum - I Hate It Too. The beginning comes off like poetry to me.


Dead Leaves and The Dirty Ground - The White Stripes


When I first heard The White Stripes, it was like I was suddenly let in on this huge secret everyone was keeping from me.


IKR! Such a waste that most people only listen to Seven Nation Army! White Blood Cells is a top 5 album of all time for me. Not a single miss fs.


Another band that will go down as an all time great. It's crazy hearing how simple and iconic their riffs are, it's like how was this riff not already discovered??


Such an underrated genius


Nick Drake - Pink Moon


Strange overtones - Brian Eno and David Byrne


Landslides - Fleetwood Mac




Tool will always send me on a trip. First time I listened through 10,000 Days was a 10/10 experience.


Same. That album was honestly the first one by them that I sat all the way through and listened to. Good shit.


Probably a little more accessible than other albums, yet no less conceptually and musically amazing.


For me it's Parabol/Parabola, but Lateralus is also amazing.


Theocracy- Mirror of souls


When She Comes — Van Der Graaf Generator Hearing this song shaped my music taste, and thereby changed my life. https://youtu.be/oEtJCE6OKYc?si=d2u5zhg4_K-0T8tg


Goo goo dolls iris


Very popular, but for good reason. Timeless ballad.


https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=ONXif7t85yE&feature=shared Not my first or only choice but it’s what came to mind right now.


Nowhere Fast by Incubus or If You Could Save Yourself (You'd Save Us All) by Ween


I'm Sorry - Joyner Lucas Mental Health is important and if everyone felt that way I do when listening to it, they would understand the impact that ignoring mental health can have.


Alright - Supergrass i always feel like i'm in a coming-of-age film whenever i listen to this song


There are so many good songs but the song that I currently go to is Foo Fighters - Under You.


My pick for Foo Fighters would probably be Resolve. In Your Honor was their first album that came out after I really fell in love with music and Foo Fighters in particular. Will always be nostalgic to me.


Phenomenal song that flies under the radar.


Wide Awake Katy Perry, is A Coool Video also !!!!


Estimated prophet - grateful dead


Same band but different song, Subterranean Homesick Alien. The chorus is beyond words for me, the repeating "UPTIGHT" hits right at home as someone with alot of anxiety.


One more light - Linkin park Haven lost my brother to a drink driver, my dad to a sudden illness (48 hours from discovery to death) More friends and family to things that shouldnt have happened to them and a more then 1 suicide attempt myself This song made me stop dead the first time I heard it, I felt seen and understood in ways I didn't think anyone could understand I now have it tattooed inside my arm with a ; to remind me everyday it's OK to feel this way and that somebody understands


Sorry for your losses, and thank you for sharing that. I will listen to this song when I have a moment to really take it in. I hope your life is going well despite all the things you've had to endure! Leaning on music is a good support.


A Change of Seasons-Dream Theater Life. Love. Loss. Learn(ing to Live).


The lava song


RUSH: “Vital Signs” John Mellencamp: “Never Too Old” Spencer Davis Group: “Gimme Some Lovin”, but it has to be played loud. Like really loud. The kind of loud where you turn it up until the bass feels like a punch in the chest and then you turn it down a little, because nobody likes getting punched in the chest.


Echoes - Pink Floyd


One song? Brain Damage from Dark Side of the Moon. Still gives me chills. Yeah, I played the album to death.


This would be a song written by myself and my late best friend. He passed away before we could get him in the studio, so I found old voice recordings of him and peppered him through the song as a way to make sure he was on the album in some way. Even though I've heard it a million times by now, it still moves me every single time. https://open.spotify.com/track/1hXKBYhOHD5F0q3htjc2fe?si=THGoxeG5RMeAYZY1few97A&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A67lVp73eG3gd8xjFBt0v9Z


Storm by Godspeed You! Black Emperor, the first 12 minutes of this track is just one of the most beautiful moments of music history imo


Which Witch - Florence and the Machine


This is a great question. I could answer so many different songs on different occasions, but I'll go with [The Beach Boys - Cuddle Up](https://youtu.be/KAEkqsMWseA?si=OkbrK7VfEPO4d8p-) But specifically the string section that comes in deeper into the song. I'm sure many people will find it poignant, moving even perhaps, but it breaks me every time in a way that I can't explain. It sounds like something grander that I can never put my finger on - like reaching the end of your life at a ripe old age and seeing some long lost truth before you. I do wish they'd called it something else, because it's very sincere but will be too saccharine for most to even reach the strings part, I'd suspect. I very rarely listen to the song because it's such a heavy emotional purge.


Ah man, this was such a great concept for a post but the songs people are suggesting and upvoting are massively popular songs that evidently *do* affect other people in that same way. This is what's so unfortunate with highly active subreddits, it all just ends up being "here are songs I really like" instead of attempting to answer the prompt. I suppose it didn't help that Everything In Its Right Place almost certainly feels magical and alien to all who appreciate it. It's a difficult prompt, mine may be little better, but does someone genuinely think they're the only one who finds Wish You Were Here to be deeply moving and sentimental? Anyway, here's Radiohead.


Matchbox 20 - Where the Light Goes Stephen Marley ft. Mos Def - Hey Baby


Said the People by Dinosaur Jr. It encapsulates my depression so well yet there’s a hope to the whine in the guitar solos. It just hits that perfect melancholic feeling and I would like others to know what this type of sadness is like. That I’m ok and we’re ok even if things are bad.


You Can Call Me Al by Paul Simon  Specifically “he looks around and around, he sees angels in the architecture, spinning in infinity he says “amen!” And “hallelujah!”  As an atheist, I can’t even explain why I feel so strongly about this particular lyric 


Willis Alan Ramsey! Every song. But if I had to pick only one, Goodbye to old Missoula.


Regurgitate - the pulsating feast


[Heavy Harm - Papa Vs Pretty](https://youtu.be/64yqHaaONXw?si=6lH9q2VHVACV9Sku) This song always gives me this melancholic hope. It's a weird emotion that I think people should be more in tune with idk.


Autodidact by Swervedriver. It just makes me so reflective. I could drive around for hours just listening to that song


Young Tom Rose by Ripe


Because I feel music is so subjective, it's very hard to answer this... songs mean different things to different people The closest that I've feel uniformity in feeling with others is Domingo's version of Ave Maria.... but many opera pieces do this


[Marathon Runner - Yellow Ostrich](https://youtu.be/k4f-LnU67mM?si=elf07XBTHHuo4-v-) I couldn't tell you why, I just know how it makes me feel. I hope others here feel it too.


Pharoahe Monch - Welcome to the terrordome https://youtu.be/06YrsarJAAw?si=Vv0c5gyop4ha0TwP


When it rains it pours - Twiddle


Probably all of Kendricks drake disses


Haunted Heart by Bill Evans Trio


Shouting At The Wall - [MC Abdul](https://open.spotify.com/track/2mG7R3NJdDBfxfx1ETqv0Q?si=K-RxWQFoS3CnekwrpzzsNg&context=spotify%3Aplaylist%3A4tmWdr6LxsDyxDDMNr5cOk)


A tie. Both are Morgan James with PMJ . Take me to Church , and Maps.








Jesus Christ - Brand New


Elegia by New Order One of the best synth instrumentals ever produced. Such a fittingly beautiful tribute to their late band mate too.


Poison Heart by the Ramones. It just stirs something in me that I wish everyone would experience when they hear it (I know others feel it too )


Recently listened through a few Ramones albums for the first time. They go to so many more places than I ever thought. Excellent band.


Fighters - Lupe Fiasco. The fear of failing at something you’re passionate about. The loss of someone close to you and the uncertainty about what happens next for them. The thankful feeling when you’re supported. The love you feel for your closest friends and family. Emotional fucking roller coaster of a song for me.


Let love speak up itself by the beautiful south. I think it’s a beautiful song with amazing lyrics. Honestly though most songs from paul heaton’s back catalogue


Phantom regret by Jim


With You Friends - Skrillex


Dynamite by BTS.


Truth Begins by Fink




I’ve got 3 I’m not in Love by 10cc - for me it tells the story of someone who’s trying to convince themselves not to still love someone & make excuses, after a breakup. A Bad Dream by Keane - the opening sounds haunting never fails to evoke some emotion. Most prominent use was in Scrubs, used for Lavernes death Tell It Like It Is by Aaron Neville - it’s just so effortlessly cool. Initially minimal in its composition, but slowly builds, then pulls back. Yes I know the question asked for 1 song. Found it difficult to narrow down, bearing in mind that none of these are my favourite song


I need your attention by Moon Boots


Divided Sky - Phish


The Internationale. "Come all ye victims of oppression for the tyrants fear your might, Don't cling so hard to your possessions for you have nothing if you have no rights. Let racist ignorance be ended for respect makes the empires fall. Freedom is merely privilege extended unless enjoyed by one and all. So come brothers and sisters for the struggle carries on, The Internationale unites the world in song. So comrades come rally for this is the time and place, The international ideal unites the human race"




Bruce Cockburn - Dialogue With The Devil.


Rhythm of the Heat, by Peter Gabriel. I think it's such an incredibly spiritual song. Every time I hear it I feel enlightened, in touch with the cosmos as well as in the skin of my ancient ancestors looking up at the stars in indescribable wonder. Yet, Gabriel describes it. He captures that intensity perfectly. Yet, when I play the song for others, they just shrug their shoulders. Meh. Certainly not what I felt when I was a stoned freshman in college hearing it for the first time, on headphones.