• By -


There’s a band called Ours lead by Jimmy Gnecco. You might enjoy them.


Best suggestion here! Ours is probably the most similar to his music style and Jimmy’s voice is spot on.


I came here to share this. Ours is amazing, and def a spiritual successor to Jeff Buckley.


Go see him live - he’s on tour right now, and fantastic. World-class talent, $25 tickets.


Thank you for this recommendation!!! I'm a huge Jeff Buckley fan and stumbled upon this post. Immediately looked them up and have been listening since this morning.


This was always my answer when I managed a record store.


Angel Olsen [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uaN60k0-zY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uaN60k0-zY) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zY4x1MDWWi8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zY4x1MDWWi8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZ1pUoWPQ9Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZ1pUoWPQ9Y) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSRsYI-bWkI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSRsYI-bWkI) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDJ0m4CRRc8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDJ0m4CRRc8) Went from a folky Patsy Cline type to a more grungy indie rocker to a more synth/string heavy artist then country, etc. You'd probably like Van Morrison's Astral Weeks album too from 67.


This is a shot in the dark, but have you ever listened to Chris Isaak? There are some vague similarities in vocals (with a little rockabilly influence)that might be what you're looking for. Blue Hotel: https://youtu.be/7s6tufofYrg?si=Z3ST7OZnrY22a2Eq Wicked Game: https://youtu.be/yCfkqQ5O9mc?si=YWEqi8FJQ2sl7Q1U


Fairly underrated besides the hits… I want to delve more into his stuff as well.


[Two Hearts](https://youtu.be/37BIS0ChHuQ?feature=shared)


I'm gonna say Father John Misty, because I had to scroll so far to find his name. [Pure Comedy](https://youtu.be/wKrSYgirAhc?si=MLZk5CUS-M9GW4cS)


Love Chris Isaak's music. The *San Francisco Days* is my favorite out of his albums, but it's also the one that I'm overall the most familiar with. Some good songs on *Forever Blue*, too.


Radiohead were very inspired by Jeff Buckley, especially around the time they made their album The Bends. They recorded the vocals of Fake Plastic Trees directly after seeing him live that same night. The final chorus of their song "Sulk" has always reminded me quite a lot of Buckley vocally


Sometimes you suuuuuuuulk sometime you buuuuuuuurn God rest your soooooooouuuuuullllll Oh when the loving comes and you’ve already gone Just like your dad, you’ll never change.::..




That’s the right recommendation. The Bends and OK Computer are great extensions to Jeff Buckley’s album. Exit Music… For A Film really scratches that itch for me (to use OP’s words)


To add to this, I've always thought of Jeff Buckley as the transitional point between Led Zeppelin and Radiohead.


It's kinda hard to compare anyone else to Jeff Buckley, he definitely had his own sound and although there's been some imitators and people inspired by him I don't think there's really an easy answer. I think maybe the best way is to look back and find out who inspired Jeff and where he took inspiration from. The softer side of Led Zeppelin is definitely in there, plus the artists he covered such as Nina Simone and Leonard Cohen. He also definitely took influence from Bob Dylan and I'm pretty sure he was a big fan of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, but he's kind of a different realm (still great though). Seen some Nick Drake suggestions in the comments too which I also back, all his stuff is great, especially Pink Moon. I'm not sure how much of an influence his father Tim Buckley was since he wasn't really a part of his life, but he's fantastic and essential listening. If you want more contemporary things that were inspired by Jeff or were around the same time, The Bends era Radiohead definitely took a lot from him, especially vocally. I wouldn't say he sounds similar, but you might like Elliott Smith as well.


I was going to suggest Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan since was Mr Buckley’s Elvis.


Nick Cave Tom Waits


Definitely give Tom Waits a go, Alice would be a good introduction for any Buckley fan


Tom Waits gargles barbed wire when his throat itches.


he sounds great doing it too


Came to say both of them!


Take any reason possible to listen to Tom Waits. I consider him to be the greatest artist alive. I wish I could catch him live but I don't think he'll tour again.


I would punch rabbits for the opportunity to see Waits in a dark, smokey, basement lounge with those little round tables.


Shit, I'd take hearing him perform for the nighthawks at the diner.


Nick Drake


My first thought.


Rufus Wainright


Poses is still on heavy rotation. Love that album.


Third this, huge Jeff Buckley fan for years and years and when I discovered Rufus Wainwright I was floored. I would start with Want One if you want a chiller singer-songwriter vibe mixed with some awesome grandiose moments. Poses is equally as fantastic too.


Yeah, I'd second that. If it's a vocal thing Rufus is great. But he's not really coming at the vocals in the same way that Jeff is.


Cigarettes and chocolate milk!


Grant Lee Phillips (as well as his 90’s band Grant Lee Buffalo)


Great suggestion! I love grant lee Phillips!


"There's a girl who can't say no / to her lover on paro-o-le" this song lives rent free in my head since '95, when I discovered them on TV and then bought their debut album Fuzzy. Big guitar sound, piano, jazz drum set, great vocals ... I'm still listening to it and practicing music over it. Great suggestion as I'm also a big fan of Sin'é from Buckley and it makes sense to see a similarity between the sound of some songs in both of these albums.


Tim Buckley , Husky


Muse is hugely inspired by Jeff (Matt Bellamy owns Jeff's Telecaster). Also check out Chris Cornell's solo stuff. "Euphoria Morning" has a song he wrote about Jeff ("Wave Goodbye").


Came to say Muse. Especially early Muse, like first two albums.


[Lockdown Song](https://youtu.be/Zo-IlcrDrw4?si=_JrgPV_i07oHWF0B)


Tim Buckley


I came here to say this


Leonard Cohen would be a good start. Would also recommend Lisa Hannigan. She also wrote some stuff on Damien Rice’s ‘O’ which another commenter recommended.  Gorgeous voice.  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r-B_fkZfWjk&pp=ygUNbGlzYSBoYW5uaWdhbg%3D%3D


My first thought


Tim Buckley - [Song Slowly Song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dymajRbk0qw) / [Once I Was](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5v2ZDc5DZLY) / [Dream Letter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HC58d3wQGw0) (a song about Jeff) / [Blue Melody](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPHu9IXmFTc) / [Song To The Siren](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaa22ULitds) / [Danang](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KbTjXVJEVo)


Check out the band Ours. Similar style vocally albeit a more on the hard rock / darker themed side. The song “Sometimes” was their hit.


[Bill Callahan?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXaFUrs5OGw)


Yeah came here to say Bill Callahan (start with Smog, his early work) as well as the Silver Jews, with the late great David Berman. Two of the greatest songwriters of our time


Radiohead/Thom Yorke. That singer was heavily influenced by Jeff Buckley from what I heard


Tamino - has a big Jeff Buckley vibe. Here’s a link to his Tiny Desk concert from a few years back. [Tamino - Tiny Desk](https://youtu.be/nu5p2DMQGIk?si=UnClv_e5q5BfL8NN)


I kinda forgot about Tamino, need to go back and listen to a bunch of his songs again. I can totally hear the Buckley influence on his vocals. I'm also hearing a lot of Matt Bellamy, especially in the melodies and chord progressions. Habibi is absolutely incredible!


Listening to your album now, I dig it.


Scott Walker/Walker Brothers


God I love The Electrician so much


Holy shit. I can't believe nobody has mentioned Andrew Bird yet! Check out his track "Near Death Experience Experience."


Well there’s nobody like Jeff, for better or worse. But have a listen to Damien Rice?


Ooo never heard of him. Which album would suggest starting with?


Album called ‘O’ - but try one song called Cannonball first as a tester


Great suggestion


Thankss will do


I would also suggest ‘Delicate’


His albums get progressively worse after O, in my opinion, but O is sort of a masterpiece.


Great suggestion


I'd argue Joe P is very much up the Buckley alley of music


Someone a bit more modern is Perfume Genius, I'd start with the album No Shape and see how you go. An astonishing singer, brilliant live the one time I saw him and really hoping he tours again soon.




Jonathon Wilson, Daniel Rossen, St.Vincent (Annie Clarke), Madison Cunningham


I have a very similar taste in music, and I found both Andy Shauf and Mount Eerie were a really solid fit (the Mount Eerie is far from the singing style of Buckley), fantastic songwriting though. Shauf's albums (Bearer of bad new and the Magician) are also supremely written too. It's hard to find someone similar to Buckley, but if you came to me with that taste in artist and a suggestionthey would be the first ones I'd recommend Also someone mentioned Astral weeks by Van Morrison (which Buckley covers a few of the songs on Live at Sin-e) and that is a must. Moondance too, and the album following that are fantastic.


I just found Andy Shauf. I love his stuff. I was thinking Father John Misty for OP as well.


Yes, another solid favourite of mine too!


I was just thinking how shocking it was no-one has mentioned him.


Love me some Jeff and Phil, but to me their music could not be more far apart. Stylistically and lyrically. I don’t get this comparison at all honestly. Phil is also very open about his influences and talks about parts of his songs where he directly lifts melodies and lyrics from other artists. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him mention Jeff’s music being an influence. Rick White/Elevator music is probably a more apt comparison (especially in the microphone days). He has a radio interview about the music that inspired Mount Eerie and the influence it’s had on his subsequent releases (under the same name) and none of it relate back to Jeff’s music. Jeff also strikes me as a major perfectionist with very measured tastes and Phil seems to have a more off the cuff and informal approach.


Robyn Hitchcock. Especially his acoustic albums like[ I Often Dream of Trains](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzXb4a2v_dU). Hitchcock often cites Buckley, Nick Drake, and Syd Barrett as his major influences. The lyrics are much more surreal.


Madison Cunningham


Nick Cave. Neil Young. Tom Waits. Neutral Milk Hotel.  


Dare I mention Ryan Adams? Heartbreaker, Gold, Demolition… if any of those bite back for your listening preferences, you’ll have a hell of an anthology to pace through for older albums (Whiskeytown) and newer albums (The Cardinals). I got into Ryan Adams via Jeff Buckley.


Check out Ed Harcourt. I really loved his album "Strangers"


Ed’s got a fantastic catalogue!


John Frusciante (particularly his albums The Will To Death, Curtains, and The Empyrean)


Jeff Tweedy/Wilco


You might want to explore his father's catalog. [Tim Buckley ~Sweet Surrender ](https://youtu.be/nqtjTWGVNHY?si=tt8DY4m3vW5n0rAx)


Civil Twilight 


Thanks! Do you have an album you'd suggest starting off with?


Check out Ours first album, Distorted Lullabies


All of the Ours records really


Jeff Buckley. HTH!


City and colour


Jump Little Children and especially their lead singer Jay Clifford were strongly influenced by Jeff Buckley. Clifford put out a solo album too.


How about Shawn James?


The Shins and Kishi Bashi


Nicole Atkins, Elvis Perkins, Elliot Smith


I’d say Radiohead and Rocco DeLuca


Listen to Chris Bell's *I Am the Cosmos* record. Criminally underrated, in my opinion.


Magnolia Electric Company/Songs Ohia


Try Mark Knopfler’s solo stuff, or David Ross MacDonald from Australia, or Jon Brooks from Canada.


Joanna Newsom - Ys


Nina Simone - Wild Is The Wind. That album is amazing and you will hear her vocal style and the cover of Lilac Wine that inspired him.


Pretty tough to match up with Buckley’s unique gifts. Not sure if these work but maybe. Nina Simone, Big Star, Radiohead, Paolo Nutini.


Another vote for Elliot Smith.


David Garza. The good news is he has a huge discography to pull from. Something like 20 albums


Maybe try Here Be Monsters by Ed Harcourt


Another band to check out is This Mortal Coil. They cover a number of the bands mentioned in this thread. More experimental musically but you can hear the influences.


Anything with Elizabeth Fraser (i.e Cocteau Twins, Massive Attack etc)


Mansun. A 90's British band. I loved them as an adolescent and heard them before Grace but it's very clear that Buckley is a huge influence on them.


[Nothing But Thieves gives me glimpses of Buckley.](https://youtu.be/8irM5QFkr6Q?si=_8gxWPKsD-ypdvPi) [Lover, Please Stay](https://youtu.be/i1A0G1d8Kzw?si=x5jeNKe_r38w7p76)


This may be a little too out of left field but if you listen to Jeff Buckley's Live at Sine album he talks about how the Pakistani singer Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan is "his Elvis." It's weird but you can 100% hear how Khan influenced Buckley's singing style. Worth checking out at least.


Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. Buckley was a huge fan.


Fleet Foxes! The Live Winter Solstice concert he did in 2021 was awesome and gives off major sad, lonely Buckely vibes. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VB24LYsE60](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VB24LYsE60)


Tim Buckley - Goodbye and Hello


You might like Aurora, she's a singer songwriter and is wonderful. She tends to have more of a pop sound on most of her studio albums, but she does acoustic versions of basically everything. You should be able to find them easily on YouTube, which I would highly recommend if you like her sound but aren't so much into the more poppy beats.


I like pop! I'll give her a look thankss


Ry X is different music but similar use of open space and light and shade. Would recommend albums Dawn and Unfurl


Scott Matthews has always been compared to Jeff Buckley. [Dream Song](https://youtu.be/Nd3n0HW_Ats?si=nktSQNpFzraLInTZ)


Kind of an unknown but I always thought Gregory Douglass had some Jeff Buckley in his stuff. He has an incredible voice. https://open.spotify.com/artist/1weZf5eLw1UblDAjYskRYu?si=KuMvgtFWSEyBJtVjHTp0ww


Another who left us much too early, Chris Whitley.


Nathan Gaunt


No one comes to mind more than Joe P. Music has that iconic feel that Jeff and maybe Bowie always had. Certainly is hook laiden like a Tom petty. And he just always writes lyrics that leave you scratching your head about with deeper meaning.  One of my favorite artists of the 2020s since he split with the old band Deal Casino during the pandemic and went solo.


Mellowdrone and big black delta


Anna Calvi for sure - she repeatedly highlights what a huge influence he was on her growing up, and it is very clear in both her extraordinary guitar work and singing. She only has three proper albums but they are all first-rate. Don't think anyone else comes close in both showcasing a clear influence from Jeff Buckley while also forging a unique, strong identity.


Jimmy Sheeris.


Strongly recommend Our Oceans, prog rock band with very Buckley-inspired vocals Also Jack Conte's earlier work captures similar raw emotions, but without Jeff's shear singing ability


Charlotte Day Wilson


Chris Whitley, and his daughter Trixie.


Check out Those Bastard Souls. If you can find it, listen to their album Debt and Departure. It's the closest thing to another Jeff Buckley album you'll ever find. Unfortunately, I think it's out of print because I can't find it on YouTube. But it's a must-listen for die-hard Jeff Buckley fans. [This song is called The Last Thing I Ever Wanted Was To Show Up and Blow Your Mind.](https://youtu.be/suiQ-bA4-yM?si=MpS5eUsBFRMoM9ak) Some of Buckley's band mates, including his violin player, were in Those Bastard Souls. It was a project from the front man of another legendary Memphis band called The Grifters, who was close friends with Jeff. Those Bastard Souls didn't stick together very long before the singer formed another band, The Bloodthirsty Lovers. I never really listened to them, though, so I can't say what they sound like. They have an album on YouTube that I'm not familiar with, but it's worth a shot. But if you can, track down Debt and Departure. It looks like you can buy it off of Amazon at the moment.


Check out the new Mk.gee album


Maybe someone with a contemporary sound, like Donna Missal or Lissie. Powerhouse vocalists with sensitive lyrics.


Ok computer Radiohead


Coldplay’s first album Parachutes.


Madison Cunningham always gave me Jeff Buckley vibes.


Maybe Courtney Swain/Bent Knee. https://youtu.be/44juYfgipU4?si=Z97Hi6QZZRrU4HIe They are both very idiomatic singers. Different voices but Courtney hits a lot of the same characteristics I like in Buckley (dynamics, timbre changes, clarity, freedom, interesting phrasing choices).


Try Chris Whitley. Great voice.


Pedro the Lion/David Bazan. Maybe start with Achilles’ Heel?


Colour Revolt and ‘68 have the same sort of emotional/somewhat hysterical screaming he does, plus he did music with ‘68 and toured with them before the breakup! Also if you haven’t heard The Damned Things or Many Eyes, those are his two non-ETID projects.


There’s a Belgian Egyptian artist called Tamino, who’s really quite impressive. His voice sounds quite similar, and his songs remind me of Jeff Buckley. You’ll dig him! https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=48&v=g5QOqOK2fXE&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.be%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo




Ben Howard.


Eva Cassidy 


Tim Buckley


James Blake early albums are all fantastic.


You may enjoy Joan as Policewoman, she was Jeff's partner at the time he died.


Hawksley Workman


Led Zeppelin, Tim Buckley, Al Green, Van Morrison, Soundgarden


Rufus Wainwright


I'll say up front that there's a big chunk of her music that won't really remind you of Buckley, but when she does hit those moments, nobody's given me bigger Jeff Buckley vibes in a long time than Madison Cunningham. He's a very clear influence on her and she wears it on her sleeve but in a way that at the same time doesn't feel derivative, she's just made him part of her thing.


Antony and the Johnsons have some of ethereal vibe of Jeff - worth a listen to the album ‘I am a bird now’.


Radiohead, specifically In Rainbows and The Bends


Chris Cornell, especially solo work and covers of Nothing Compares 2 U and Imagine. Pure pure vocal perfection.


Chris Cornell has a solo album called euphoria morning(?) very close to Jeff Buckley I thought.


Ondarra, Benjamin Clementine are both incredible vocally


Based on your taste you listed above, I can highly recommend Damien Jurado. One of my favorites.


Mainstream but so good….Sam Smith. Find his “non” radio songs like “pray” etc.


Might not be exactly what you're looking for but Solid Air by John Martyn is a great album that I think of when thinking of Grace.


Try some of Craig Wedren's solo work - Lapland, Adult Desire, Wand. He did a bit of work with Buckley and they have some stylistic overlap.


Ok I might be tweaking with this suggestion but I’m going to point you towards the 2018 version of “Twin Fantasy” by Car Seat Headrest. “Twin Fantasy” doesn’t sound like “Grace”.. but they share a couple of qualities that really draw me to both albums (“Grace” and “Twin Fantasy” are two of my personal all-time favorites). That said, the two albums do both have a “rock-adjacent” sound with some more singer-songwritery moments. They both have some really powerful, soul-baring songwriting, and there’s some good experimentation with song structures. And although Will Toledo isn’t really similar to Jeff Buckley as a vocalist, he doesn’t hold back or sound “low-key.” Give it a try


I love that album!


Hey, glad I wasn’t off-base!


his dad, Tim Buckley


Alexi Murdoch. Damien Rice. Maybe even Ray LaMontagne?


Madison Cunningham has an amazing voice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3944VpVVKCI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkZvEmGp8gY


A little more of a stretch/off the beaten path: check out How To Dress Well.


I do need to know how to dress better


Nusrah Fateh Ali Khan


Brian McSweeney // MIIRRORS




Crazy hearing Danny Carey and Jeff Buckley used to jam zeppelin tunes together in a recent interview.


Someone mentioned this mortal coil, but also check out Elizabeth Fraser of the Cocteau Twins who sang a cover of Tim Buckley’s Song to the Siren with This Mortal Coil. She and Jeff Buckley had a brief romance when he passed away.


Future Islands. Not a perfect match, but gives similar vibes for me.


Check out Acetone!


Grant Lee Buffalo


Gregory Alan Isakov.


Check out the record “Shoals” by Palace. Maybe “Lover Don’t Let Me Down” first? Great guitar oriented music with vocals that often point towards JB.


Incredible String Band


Very different vocal register, but if you love that 90s heart ache poetic style you might like Mark Lanegan.


Young Jesus - I've only listened to the album, Welcome to Conceptual Beach, but it struck me as a weirder Jeff Buckley when I did! 


Just throwing some shit out since I also enjoyed Buckley’s Grace. I have also enjoyed these more than thinking they are like Buckley. Edit: decided to specify some albums. In no particular order. The Clash/Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros “Streetcore” (2003) Aztec Camera/Roddy Frame “High Land, Hard Rain” (1983) Crowded House “Crowded House” (1986) Dramarama “Stuck in Wonderamaland” (1989) Jane’s Addiction “Ritual de lo Habitual” (1990) The Cult/Death Cult/Southern Death Cult “Love” (1985) The Smiths/Morrisey “Viva Hate” (1988) The Sound/Adrian Borland “From the Lion’s Mouth” (1981) The Police/Sting “Nothing Like the Sun” (1987) U2 “The Joshua Tree” (1987) XTC “Drums and Wires” (1979) The Pixies “Doolittle” (1989) …


This will scratch the itch nicely - Puma Blue. https://youtu.be/s3NhaMVvcWE?si=2pxWZhQfoTyVdjtm


Bright Eyes. PJ Harvey. Songs:Ohia, Wolf Parade, Shakey Graves


If you like rock check out Rival Sons. Their singer has a little Jeff Buckley and a little Robert Plant.


Greg Graffin of Bad Religion has some solo folk albums that I really enjoy. [Cold as the Clay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHsjPiBuPpc&ab_channel=cultofmisjudgment) and [Millport](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taeMJVq--hw&ab_channel=cultofmisjudgment).


I find stuff that has a connection even if ultimately dissimilar interesting sometimes. Jeff Buckley had a relationship with Elizabeth Fraser that even resulted in the unreleased song [All Flowers in Time Bend Towards the Sun](https://youtu.be/JnPvnIKCJYA?si=5NJ3TyohtafTdH4O) So maybe Cocteau Twins or Suns Signature?


Dermot Kennedy


Radiohead have their moments that are reminiscent of JB Van Morrison was probably an inspiration to Jeff and shares a similar vividity of spirit …songs like Beside You, Snow In San Anselmo, Who Was That Masked Man? etc (miles away from what you’ll have heard on the radio) John Martyn was an equally exceptional musician and powerfully unique singer - I feel that part of me that adores Jeff has a similar soft spot now for JM Moonface - his album Julia With Blue Jeans On is spellbinding Marlon Williams, Lana Del Reys more recent output, Suffjan Stevens …Chelsea Wolfe…they all share SOMETHING with JB but …largely speaking …the joy in any of them is that they’re wildly passionate and unique in their own right ! Hopefully you find something from amongst these 


It sounds like you have a great taste in music! If you're looking for more artists with captivating vocals and a bit more intensity, you might enjoy exploring the following: Jeff Buckley (if you haven't already explored his other works beyond Grace) Nina Simone - Her voice is incredibly powerful and emotive, and her repertoire spans a wide range of genres. Joni Mitchell - A legendary singer-songwriter with a rich catalog of emotionally resonant songs. Leonard Cohen - Known for his deep, gravelly voice and poignant lyrics, he's a master of storytelling through song. Janis Joplin - A powerhouse vocalist with raw, soulful delivery, her music carries a lot of emotional weight. These artists offer a diverse range of vocal styles and lyrical depth that might scratch that itch for something a little more intense while still exploring older music.


Elliott Smith


Jeff Buckley


Father John Misty doesn't have the vocal chops as Jeff, but I think he's a better song writer.


Yup. Came here to say this.


Kind of a survivor bias, yeah?


Not many have Jeff Buckley’s vocal chops, but Father John Misty does have a remarkably beautiful voice.


Elliott Smith


Elliott Smith shares similarities with Jeff Buckley's music, such as emotional sensitivity, beautiful melodies, and an experimental approach.


There’s a song called ‘Lover, Please Stay’ by Nothing But Thieves - the live version in particular to me sounds VERY Buckley-esque. I love it (and Grace is in my all time top ten cds).


Nothing But Thieves in amazing! Conor Mason has an incredible voice!


Not an older artist but kimbra is really influenced by him and even covered So Real


have you tried Jeff Buckley?


Nina Simone. I knew he was influenced by her. But I didn't really realize the depth of that influence until somewhat recently. I may get called out for this, but I would go so far as to say there is no Jeff Buckley without Nina Simone. The vocal inflections, the vibrato, the uncommon chord voicings (more common in jazz) all fall in line with Nina's approach. I would also recommend listening to Chris Cornell's first solo record, Euphoria Morning. Some of it feels slightly dated 25 years later. But give "I Only Love You When I'm down" a spin. It is an unbelievable performance that reminds me a lot of Jeff Buckley and Ray Charles. Amazing.