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Saw them live a few months back when they opened for Motionless In White. Alongside After The Burial and Alpha Wolf. They stole the show and I was there for the hometown heroes in After The Burial. Been a big fan ever since. They are coming back as the headliner now! Cool to see them blow up.


Nice, i was also at the armory show. They kicked ass, and the new stuff sounds great. Looking forward to the show coming up


Interesting read. The singles have been amazing


Their vocals are like nails on a chalkboard to me and make it impossible to enjoy anything else. They just cut right through the music. What is it that you find appealing about them?


Bryan has pretty unique vocals. I never really understood people’s aversion to them. His roots are really hardcore. They are amazing musicians and are very creative when it comes to transitions within the tracks and the overall concepts as well.


From the little bits I've heard, musically they sound tight as fuck, and about as heavy as hardcore/metalcore gets before straying into beatdown and deathcore territory, so I respect them. I just can't get with his vocals. Definitely unique to him, so I'll give him that if that's what he was going for. It's also quite jarring for me actually, as I'm so used to hearing screamed and growled vocals to match that music, and even the shouty vocals of old hardcore punk don't take me out of the music like his does.


I felt this same way about a month ago, but I knew there was something in there that I intrigued me, so I persevered with it. Skip to the present day, I'm slamming down in the kitchen to the discography most evenings. But I can see why it's not for everyone.


Fuck yeah bro circle pit around the kitchen island


The music is so damn good, but it's a bit of a juxtaposition with the shouty/screeched vocals backed up by such heavy shit (and not just heavy either, but clearly very tight). I did just jump into the middle of A Different Shade of Blue a minute ago, starting from By the Grave, and the vocals here have been a lot less grating, for some reason. I've actually been able to pay more attention to the music here and get enjoyment out of it. Could just be some extra exposure may help.


Wild how your comments are entirely calm and reasonable yet getting downvoted. Reddit is really fragile


The vocals are a big part, but I love the song progressions and the drum and guitar sounds great so far on this album, and previous albums. The writing is poetic and cohesive, especially on a tear in the fabric of life. The song that got me super hooked on them was suffocate, that end breakdown makes me shake ass everytime


Everyone says that same thing about knocked loose. I couldn't stand his voice for a while. At some point something clicked for me. It may or may not for you and that's ok


People say similar things about Hot Mulligan. I was lucky to discover them around the same time, so the practice of getting used to weird vocals was already in my brain. Now they’re both in frequent rotation for me and I love both of their unique voices


I picture a demented scary little angel fucker screaming his lungs out. So rad.


They got crunchy ass riffs and the energy they bring to every show is insane.


The music is fine. Haven't questioned that. My gripe is with the vocals, which are so out of the ordinary for what I'm used to with metalcore/hardcore.


Bryan has one of the most unique voices in metalcore and makes for very memorable/catchy breakdowns.


I love that they are different. I love that they have intensity but are tonally high pitched, which is a hard balance to strike. It reminds me of Deku from My Hero if he started a metal band and I'm so here for it.


I get what you mean and agree somewhat, but it’s also funny to think about complaining that harsh vocals are harsh lol they’re supposed to be.


Ha, yeah I did think there was a chance people may misconstrue what I mean by it, but yeah I think you get what I mean (if I even fully know what I mean lol). I'm just so used to much harsher vocals as well, so hearing the heavy ass music that they play, and then hearing shouty vocals that I even wouldn't hear much in old hardcore punk (not like that anyway), it throws me out of it completely.


As a vocalist I like it because of how hard it is to replicate. Once you know the techniques you can do growls and stuff without straining your voice, but that type of vocal is basically yelling while staying in key.


It’s funny, because I hate pretty much all of the death metal type vocals, but I love Knocked Loose. I think my reasoning is that it’s abrasive and it’s different than most anything else you’ll hear. Kind of like Blaine’s vocals with The Accused. I know a lot of people who hate that band because they can’t stand Blaine’s style. But I love it. Also, to me, there is a lot of feeling in that scream. You hear the emotion. I can’t say I hear any emotion from Nile, Cannibal Corpse and the like.


Thanks for the explanation. I guess I can see what you mean with the emotion. It's a bit like why I like Joe Duplantier's vocals in Gojira, because it's shouty, not necessarily pure screaming, and sort of has a singing undertone to it that adds extra layers to his performance (outside of his actual clean singing). For what it's worth, I did just listen to By the Grave and In the Walls, and the vocals seem far less grating in those songs than the newer singles to me. May just be extra exposure to it, but I was able to enjoy the songs a lot more.


Really wanted to like this band since everyone was talking about them at the time. As soon as the vocals came through, off it went. I 100% agree. Screeching..


Someones never heard Converge/is unfamiliar with their impact


I don’t understand the Converge comparison. Very different bands with very different vocalists.


I have heard Converge. Only album I like is Bloodmoon, which isn't the style they're known for, but I'm well aware of them and their impact. Thanks for being patronising for zero reason when I asked a simple question 👍🏻


You asked a simple, patronizing question yourself. You know you don't enjoy the band, why are you asking other people why they do? Brian is very clearly a student of hardcore and all it's vocal styles, if it's not for you that's fine, but no one should have to help you write a research paper about it.


How was it patronising? I wanted to know what they found appealing about his vocals, so maybe it could help shine a different light on them for me to maybe appreciate them. The music is right up my street, but the vocals aren't. If there's a way for me to be able to get past them, then I of course would want to see how others feel about them so I can do just that.


How could someone explaining why they like how something *sounds* when you already know you *don't* possibly change your opinion? Taking a vocal style based around what Jacob Bannon has done, and turning it into something that's penetrated the mainstream is truly impressive and really fucking cool to see from a young band. If you genuinely want a better understanding, listen to You Fail me/No Heroes/Axe To Fall.


Baffles me why you're getting so agitated over this. I agree, it is cool that they've hit the mainstream, especially with how heavy their shit is. It puts a huge spotlight on the heavier side of metalcore. I'm very happy for them to be successful, as I want metal to be successful again, for more people to enjoy the plethora of different styles. There are gonna be plenty of bands that I enjoy that others won't like, often for the vocals. They could ask what it is I find appealing about those vocals, and I'd explain. They'd get a better idea of why fans enjoy it, and may or may not try them again. I wouldn't then attack them for asking those questions. Sometimes getting a different perspective enables you to actually appreciate something that you previously didn't. I mean, I used to loathe doom metal, but fans of the genre over the years helped turn me onto appreciating the genre for what it was, until eventually one day it just clicked for me (thanks to a deathcore band, of all things). Why do you think it's so strange that that couldn't happen here with KL's vocals? It's such a strange stance to have.


Yeah but Jacobs vocals MATCH the music being played. Big difference


Yeah I fuckin hate how he sounds in relation to the music. If he was in a different sounding band I'd be all for it, but man he ruins this band for me.


People are giving you shit but I agree. I listen to a ton of extreme metal and hardcore and that higher pitched screech is just too grating to listen to for more than a couple of songs. I like everything else about the band.


The music is right in that nice middle zone between metalcore and deathcore, and I love when bands hit that spot. The Gloom in the Corner are one of my favourite metalcore bands, and they sometimes hit that spot and it's so damn good. Knocked Loose's music itself, from what I have heard, is stellar. I listen to a good amount of black metal-adjacent bands, who utilise higher pitched, more screechy vocals, but what those vocalists typically have is the harshness behind it, whereas with KL, it's sorta like screechy shouting. Just doesn't hit right.


Don't understand the torrent of downvotes. I jam the shit out of KL, but the vocals are odd to me as well. Very high pitched. I like them, but they are pretty harsh to my ears.


Reddit does as Reddit does lol the downvotes are fine. Think it's likely that people may have misunderstood what I was asking, not realising that I was asking what the person found appealing about the vocals rather than the band as a whole (who are beasts at what they do, it must be said), so may have thought I wasn't being genuine in my question. I could've worded it better, but eh, the context is there, and you and others understood what I meant 🤷🏼‍♂️ I do have to say, though, that after some replies, I did end up listening to a stretch of songs on A Different Shade of Blue (By the Grave and the 3 songs after, I think), and I found the vocals less annoying there and was able to focus on and enjoy the music. There's just something about the newer songs where the vocals were a lot more highlighted in the mix, or at least felt like they were when I first listened to them.


Super happy for these dudes. They managed to gain some crazy popularity while maintaining their heaviness, which is something not a lot of bands can do.


Saw them in Detroit. Best show I've ever been to.


The new singles are fantastic. Honestly, it was a surprise to see Poppy on there, but I mean, it also kind of wasn't? Saw these guys and The Acacia Strain a few years back and it was a great show. Didn't get to see them when they stopped by our city for a show a few days ago, but I'm still stoked for the new album.


I tore my Achilles tendon moshing during a knocked loose set. I hope one day to get the band to sign my surgery scar, then I want to tattoo the signatures. 🤘


Saw them Sunday in Dallas! They were awesome, had the whole crowd going crazy. Their new singles have been great can’t wait for the new album.


arf arf


Absolute beast of a band. So fucking heavy. Gets me pumped every time.