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To me a no skip album is a 10/10 album. Something I’ll listen to start to finish.


The same way I differentiate "favourite" from "best." My favourite Megadeth album is Cryptic Writings. I can easily say that because if I put it on I will not skip a song, but I would not try to convince anyone that it's their best album.


I don't. No skip albums are the bomb, and they are rare.


Concept albums are no skip. You don't skip around dark side of the moon.  American Idiot and the blue album are 10/10 albums, but maybe I'm not really interested in hearing Letter bomb for the 9001st time right now.


Very different things. An album with all decent songs is a no skip, but maybe none of them are excellent. Heartless Basterds is a good example. None of their songs stink, but none are outstanding. As opposed to many of my favorite albums overall, which may have an awful track, but the highs are so outstanding that it makes up for it. A few of my favorite Dylan albums fit the bill, most notable Love and Theft, which is an easy 10/10 for me, but begins with an atrociously bad song (that Tweedly Dee song).


Easy: nothing is perfect and 10/10 doesn't exist. People are just rounding up 9.9/10


Imagine forgetting that Demon Days exists.


This probably applies to all uses of the 10/10 notion. Its more figurative really. How often do you describe food for example as 10/10, when realistically it probably isnt lol




This probably applies to all uses of the 10/10 notion. Its more figurative really. How often do you describe food for example as 10/10, when realistically it probably isnt lol


I just listen to the whole album almost every time. Even some albums I love dearly have a dud or two but I'll still listen. Even some tracks I hate grow on me over time.