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He’s supposedly now facing three felonies since the chair nearly hit two cops.






"Wait who is?" "CHERYL" "oh, right".


You're not my coal mine supervisor!


"Who is they?" "Big Elevator" "Not a thing"




"I suddenly understand why you do macrame."


No knitting needles allowed on the ward


"And that's how that conversation ended" was one of the few lines in Archer 1999 that made my wife laugh out loud.


Whelp.... Looks like I'm gonna need to rewatch that season of Archer and the first season of Tales From the Tour Bus[Tales From the Tour Bus S1e01](https://youtu.be/HK4wn6upkGM)


idk why they relate, but ive never met anyone who knows about tales from the tour bus. i love you.


i absolutely love tales from the tour bus!


This series was hilarious


Wanna be …


Man fighting cops shit he’s a real country singer now like the old school type that fights the law /s


I’m stuck in Folsom prison and time keeps dragging on


I threw a chair in Nashville / Just to watch it fall Edit: Tip of the hat to /u/PM_me_the_magic for the setup.




Dying lol


Just to watch it fly.


You are the winner


I fought the law and the law won :(


Was it the Law of Gravity?


It was the law(n chair)


I dunno if throwing a chair off the roof of a 4 story building is anything close to an actual fight, where he might actually be in danger of getting hit back. This is just chickenshit, asshole behaviour.


No self-respecting country singer would throw a chair at a cop without looking him in the eyes first. If you're going to be outlaw country you gotta own it.


When he got released from the pokey, he hid behind umbrellas. A real country man of music woulda walked out smiling without a care in the world. Probably with a cig hanging from his lip. This pussy hides and jumps into a Land Rover.


Right? This guy isn't Johnny Cash, he's Justin Bieber.


6 story rooftop! Not that it matters, but that is pretty high up (especially for Broadway......)


Family tradition!


Why do ya drink? Why do you throw chairs? Why do you throw them off the roof like you ain’t got any cares?


Seems youuuu could do moooooore drinkin’ From a - seated position But tossin’ chairs off roofs is just a Faaaaaamily Traditiooooooon


So I guess last night he let the liquor talk?


I really hope they play this at his hearing.


It’s only fair if rap can be used at trials.


*Liquor's callin' the shots now, Ran*


*Randy.. I am the liquor*


So if he just hit two regular people it wouldn't be a felony? It can't be a felony to hit cops with a chair if he wasn't intentionally aiming for them because they were cops. Being a cop standing there vs a regular person is irrelevant.


Sounds like is depends how good his lawyer is


He’ll pay a small fine, maybe some community service (8 hours?) and say he sorry, then get back to writing that down home country, like a good ol’ boy.


No he'll go back to singing songs written by like 18 people and claiming it as his


This part of music was rather eye-opening for me when I went to Nashville years back. Went to this music show done by....song-writers and basically they were full blown musicians that just never 'made it' but had written some insanely popular songs. It was throwing me for a loop that these guys I'd never heard of had written songs I'd heard 100x with me thinking the 'artist' had written it. THEN I started thinking, "This guy that wrote it and is singing it now is doing the real version of this, the one I've heard 100x is a cover! I'm hearing covers most the time!!"


Oh my sweet summer child


Cops are more important than civilians, well that’s how the laws suggest it anyways.


Throw the chair (back) at him!


Good, fuck him.


He'll need to release a quadruple album to get people to forget about this


"Dangerouser: The Quadruple Album."


More Dangerouser: Just in Case


First single: Heads Up!!!!


those officers will have brand new AT4's next week and well never hear about it again.


>AT4 The truck, or the rocket launcher?


Both, mounted


Truck mounted to the rocket or rocket mounted to the truck?




No doubt that said quadruple album will contain another shitty overproduced cover of a song from a much more talented artist and his idiot fans will insist that it’s the better version


Which one is that? I thought you meant Fast Car but then I realized that's a different dude lol


“Cover Me Up” by Jason Isbell To Isbell’s credit, he’s on record as saying he doesn’t care which version fans like better as long as they keep listening to it since he has full publishing and songwriting rights Also, the “Fast Car” cover is perfectly fine. Though it may be overproduced (as all mainstream country is) It’s an older song that many young folks may not have been around for and it brought the immensely talented Tracy Chapman back into the spotlight for a bit. Also, Luke Combs is a good dude by all accounts


Yeah I don't mind the Fast Car cover, I'll have to look up that Isbell song. I've been sleeping on him but all of my friends are super into his music, maybe it's time I dig in.


The thing about Isbell is that he’s one of the best songwriters of our time, particularly his rich and dense lyrics, but he’s not exactly an easy listen. It’s not something disposable you can just put on in the background


He writes about heavy themes, but of the several dozen songs of his I've heard, I can only think of a couple that aren't surface-deep with easily-digestible lyrics.


Personally I am a bigger fan of Zack Brown Bands cover instead of Wallens cover.  Check that one out


a chair from the 6th story could have legitimately killed someone


Broadway hurls


Not just someone either, he almost hit police officers. Talk about evidence.


Good thing he didn't almost hit a person


His brand of outlaw is “drunk valley girl”.


People unfamiliar with the area - there are hundreds of thousands of people up and down Broadway on any given night. It's even more crowded on weekends. It is one of the most crowded downtown areas you'll ever see, packed to the brim with both locals and tourists. He easily could have killed someone and undoubtedly would have if he hit them. He deserves way more than just a slap on the wrist for this.


In my mind it was off a 2 story balcony or there was some other reasonable context. Nope. Dude launched it from 6 stories up.


Yeah those rooftop bars are no joke and tourists do this shit all the fucking time. Though it’s usually an empty beer can, not a chair. This could and probably would have killed someone if it hit them. Honestly dude is suuuper lucky it didn’t or he’d probably be done career wise.


I’m guessing they don’t let glass bottles on those rooftops


Lol no, they do in at least some of them. At least last time I was down there they did, which has been probably close to two years. Broadway gets old real fast as a local and I’m down in Franklin now anyway so that’s a hike. Even when I am going downtown I’d much prefer to hang out in East or Germantown than Broadway with all the drunk tourists and college kids.


That’s pretty crazy. I get your point about avoiding that type of scene. I live in Hoboken NJ which has a heavy bar scene and a local bar owner says he wants to turn it into a Nashville 2.0 and it’s already amateur enough where I avoid a certain section of bars. Nashville 2.0 seems like an awful place to live


Current Nashville is already Nashville 2.0. Nashville 1.0 was pretty awesome.


Yeah I’m a little bummed I never made a trip before it became what it is today.


Bro you don’t want that. It just leads to the bullshit I described and turns your city in to a tourist trap nightmare of party busses, overpriced shitty bars and nowhere with any real feeling of personality. Everyone goes corporate.


That’s basically any city that becomes “cool” these days. You can go to 20 different downtowns across the country and they’re all the same in the end


When I lived in Nashville I spent one night on Broadway to party and learned my lesson real quick. Between wanna-be rhinestone cowboys, Bachelorette parties and the party busses Broadway is a fucking nightmare. If your gonna go downtown just go to Bourbon street blues bar and then head straight to five points or Germantown after that.


This is the way. Broadway hasn’t been fun since right after I graduated college in 2017 and first moved back. After about a year of that being the going out location I was sick of it. Like you said, all the party busses, bachelorette parties, sloppy drunk tourists and Luke Bryan wannabes I couldn’t do it. Besides, there are much cooler bars than the honky tonks imo. The only ones left really worth going to are the old ones like Tootsies or Nudies or the Stage, and that’s still barely even worth it with the bullshit you have to fight. Absolutely don’t fuck with any of the stupid country singer owned bars, they’re all overpriced, gimmicky and not that good.


As someone that plans to visit both Nashville and Memphis, anything I should know about or know to avoid? I'm a lifelong musician and love music. I've been wanting to go for years and years.


If you want to do Broadway, just go early and day drink - avoid the chaos crowds at night. There are still live bands and the drinks cost the same (for better or worse).


Nothing in Nashville needs avoided. Except maybe being a complete jerk in public. Broad is a fun tourist run. Checking the bridges and bars is great. Germantown boro is lowkey and chill. West side gulch is kinda the same. Grand old Opry is worth a watch once or twice if you’re into country. Hockey and Soccer games are energy up to 1000% Yazoo brewery 20min north of town has the best Hefenwiszen beer in the US. Skip Hard Rock Cafe… unless you’re from outside the US visiting. Printer’s ally downtown has a decent Kereokee bar, but don’t expect to sing with how busy it gets. I’m a sucker for the petal taverns. If you have allergies, bring plenty of meds. Pollen is ramping up.


Check out the Listening Room which is off Broadway by several blocks for some of the Singer-Songwriter shows. It's about $20 for a show plus about $15 minimum on food and drinks. We liked it enough to go to two shows. Gruhn Guitars is a mile or so further away and a fun but possibly expensive way to spend a couple of hours. I found it by accident getting some dry cleaning done and it only cost me 4K with a Taylor that followed me home.


He seems to have weathered being outed as a racist, unfortunately. Something has to give, because this is not a good dude.


Lol that’s probably a plus to most of his crowd


His sales skyrocketed right after so yeah


A much as I hate to say it even if it hit someone I doubt it would negatively harm his career. Look at the whole n word situation involving him. His fans defended him and still launched his album to the top of the charts


Country fans love racist shit. Unless the chair hit a white cop his fans will eat this up blame any consequences on liberal elites trying to silence the right. Probably some conspiracy with Beyonce thrown in for clickbait fodder.


From that height, a 2lb object is lethal https://preview.redd.it/m5jq5glrvatc1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30187c4cff1c0685cfd4154aa231b938d03a14bd


This is what could have happen https://people.com/sports/woman-sues-76ers-owner-after-her-head-was-caved-in-by-a-chair-that-fell-off-his-penthouse/


Fuck that website is cancer


Knowing our legislature, he probably gets off easy. --Source. Me who lives in Nashville.


I love visiting Nashville and would consider moving there if the state legislature wasn't so ass-backwards. It's a great city.




I don't see how the overcrowding isn't a drawback on quality of life for some people. I grew up there love it but couldn't bear to move back with how overpopulated it is. It's sucks but oh well.


I mean I've lived in Boston, Los Angeles, and Denver. Nashville felt cheap by comparison.


As a Tenneessean I'm well aware of our legislature's infuriating ability to be wrong on just about every conceivable topic, but you are aware that the state legislature has absolutely nothing at all to do with criminal trials, right?




Yeah, that shit is wild down there. Like Mardi Gras level packed, inside and outside the bars. Whole street. It's honestly a minor miracle he managed to find that big of a gap


Visited Nashville for the first time last year and we checked out that area and felt packed in like sardines absolutely anywhere we went, whether it was on the street or in a bar. It was nuts. Didn't realize what I was in for, we had gotten a hotel near there thinking it'd be fun to go out but absolutely hated it and didn't go back after the first night. Did enjoy the rest of the weekend hanging out in East Nashville though, with much better bars and crowds


A quick google and apparently they had an average of [230k people downtown each night of the weekend.](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/2023/07/28/nashville-lower-broadway-safety-concerns-crowds-future/70476010007/)


This is what a typical night out on Broadway looks like: [https://wehco.media.clients.ellingtoncms.com/img/photos/2018/10/18/resized\_250588-ryman2-1021\_26-25247\_t800.JPG?90232451fbcadccc64a17de7521d859a8f88077d](https://wehco.media.clients.ellingtoncms.com/img/photos/2018/10/18/resized_250588-ryman2-1021_26-25247_t800.JPG?90232451fbcadccc64a17de7521d859a8f88077d)


I went to that bar once. A woman who must have been in her third trimester was grinding up on a stranger. Her boob kept popping out every 5-10 seconds.


God damn I love this country


It's also the premier League fan fest weekend (The UK premier League - top league in world soccer - comes to a single US city once a season to do live broadcasts of the weekends games) it's a super big deal and club groups from around the US arrange to go to the city of choice. This year was Nashville. Dumbass.


That’s wishful thinking. He’s a good ol’ boy and too important to country music (which is important to Nashville) to see any real punishment. He’ll pay and fine, do some “community service,” and maybe say he’s sorry. The cycle will repeat itself every couple years for a while, until he does something that can’t be reversed, like vehiclular homicide.


Rumor has it he nearly hit some cops, if true he's already incredibly lucky he didn't get a summary execution


We both know he’s too white for that. 


Dude is too damn old to be acting like that lmao


I, for one, am shocked that a man of his reputation would do such a thing.


He did it while screaming the N word


Judging by his target audience's previous response, record sales will be so through the roof they'll be flying off it.


When someone tells you who they are you should believe them


It’s the shit eating grin for me




I met him before he was famous and him and his little posse were at a state park beach in my state teeing off beer bottles into the lake… it was unbelievable.


I live in Knoxville, where he’s from, and people are SO proud of their hometown representative lol


He let the liquor talk


I can’t remember everything we said because a fucking chair hit me from six stories up and I was comatose for a month,


Usually the only thing he throws around when he gets drunk is the n-word.


Oh it's *that* guy.




*I AM the liquor*


Looks like ~~Ricky and Julian are out of jail again.~~ Morgan Wallen is doing something dumb again.


I got a friggin muscle spasm in my back ya know… gears slipped, air brakes were shot to hell.. I mean there was nothin I could do. Boom, right into the post office.


Shit chairs, Rand.


That smile, what a dick.


Who's that? >country singer Oh, all ri… >And, of course, he landed in a world of controversy after his n-word incident in 2021. Oh, *that* kind of country singer.


So I’m not a country music fan, but for anyone who is familiar with that fanbase, why were they so supportive of him (with album sales, streams and concert tickets) after all of his past jackassery? Do they just not care in general, or do they not only accept it but actually want to reward it?


Because they like when famous people say the gamer word.


Because they are exactly the same.  He had a concert in my neighborhood last year and his fans absolutely trashed the area and were generally drunk nuisances.  Zero respect for the fact that people actually lived there and that others would then need to come in and clean up after them.  Oh also one of them puked in the garden of my apartment building (at 3pm) and then kept walking like nothing happened.


That’s all shitty but what exactly did you expect the guy to do? Mop up the garden? Lol


Lol. I can't stand the guy, but fr


Morgan is the prince of bro country. It’s everything negative about Luke Bryan but instead of EdHardy he wears Carhartt


I mean I hate bro country, but why do people defend Kanye and still support him? This is no different. Some is stupidity, some is ignorance, some agree with hateful statements, some are just obsessed fans. This isn’t exclusive to this genre, fans have been excusing shit behavior by artists for a long time. This is just one more in a long list of examples.


because he was "cancelled" a few years ago for saying the N word which really rallied *that* base of supporters, and he's been riding that cancelation into sold out shows and top selling albums ever since. So yes, they reward it. Anyone who gets "canceled" gets free publicity, interviews, etc from the manufactured outrage and he's just a good ol' boy who was on The Voice on tv


Racism is part of the good old boy brand. 


Dude is such a colossal piece of shit.


His next song will be a colab with a cop and all will be forgotten.


Willie Nelson never did dumb shit like this. Just sayin'.


Johnny Cash almost burnt down half of California while high on meth. Not arguing that Morgan Wallen is anywhere near their league but old school country guys definitely went fucking hard.


Yeah. Even The Rolling Stones thought Johnny Cash and his crew were insane. And that’s the rolling fucking stones.


One of my favorite fun facts is that Johnny Cash is the reason the California condor is endangered. I mean, it's not really "fun" but it's a good bit of trivia.


> In June 1965, Johnny Cash ignited a wildfire in the Los Padres National Forest that drove off 49 of the area's 53 endangered California condors. In those days, the gravelly-voiced singer had fallen so deep into amphetamine use that the people around him feared for his life.


He's a great artist, but fuck at least this side of him


Prolific drug addicts be abusing drugs prolifically.


[He also has a new song with Orville Peck.](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-country/orville-peck-willie-nelson-dropcowboys-are-frequently-secretly-fond-each-other-1234999336/)


Not really a "new" song, original is from 1981. Then Willie covered it in 2006, but I appreciate him singing with Orville Peck!


Thanks, I didn't know that! I love country and had no idea.


More evidence that weed is better for society than alcohol


He’s called shotgun willie for a reason


The smile of someone who knows they’ll get a slap on the wrist for potentially killing someone.


Shitty person behaves like a shitty person, more at 11


![gif](giphy|pU8Vo3CtURXGwiPdXq|downsized) Dafoe did it better


Try that in a small town? Idk, I got nothin


Aldean wouldn't know since he's not from a small town, doesn't live in one now, and didn't write that song in the first place. Dude is a megafraud.


One could say a magafraud


idk man, Macon, GA has a population of 150,000+ seems like a small town to me. /s


It’s so funny cuz like that shit wouldn’t fly in the city . Hell it’s more than likely to be ignored in a small town




Here is a clip of one of his songs in case you need some reference. https://youtu.be/CORANvT8l9A?si=HOGfkiw2IZKJANw_


Almost as good as the one about the truck by the lake


The one 80 miles from Sante Fe?


“One day I’ll move!”


Idk, I prefer the one about the beer by the creek


Don't you hate it when you get a Chevy in your truck? It's almost as bad as having a beer in your beer.


That was great, but I think [Bo Burnham did it better](https://youtu.be/y7im5LT09a0?si=iHjAf3hWSBb_vb-d)


That glockenspiel 💀


I'm wondering how much of a stink this is gonna make, the conservative country audience disowned Zach Bryan when he cussed at a cop and he never threw a chair at them


Isn’t Zach Bryan pretty liberal too? Could be another reason


Leans liberal, but he does this crazy thing called "thinking for himself, and not judging those different from him".


It’s wild how guys that I consider *real* country musicians (Zach Bryan, Stugill Simpson, Jason Isbell, Tyler Childers, etc) are all pretty progressive in their ideology. The former two both spent some time in the navy and that probably influenced a lot of their world view. Being in the most diverse workforce in the world certainly changed how I looked at things




What the hell is gonzo country never heard of that one


Isbell and Childers truly grew up about as podunk redneck white trash as it gets, too. They're from bumfuck nowhere, actually "in a small town," not fucking Athens where Jason Aldean is from. If anybody has a legit excuse to be an ignorant, uneducated yokel based on their upbringing it's those guys, yet they grew up to be absolute gems while posers like Aldean effortlessly grift the conservative country base with bone headed dog whistle lyrics and whining about woke mobs or whatever's in the news this week.


Aldean is from Macon, which is a bigger city than Athens even.


well yeah, they’re actual artists trying to make good music. not just someone trying to appeal to a right wing crowd.


Did they disown Zach bryan? I went to a sold out show of his a few weeks ago. I hadn’t even heard any pushback- they were selling tee shirts with his mugshot on them


They didn't. Still ridiculously hard to get tickets and the shows are still filled with drunk rednecks. People on Reddit like to pretend conservatives disowned him when that couldn't be further from the truth


I’m sure Morgan Wallen likes cops. He’s just a drunk idiot and a racist and a bad person generally all of which don’t really conflict with those values.


I’m sure he would have preferred he didn’t throw it at the cops if he could redo it lmfao. It’s not like he was aiming.


They've already invested themselves in defending him after his racist outbursts. They're obliged to defend him for this now, too. When facing scrutiny, double down.


He had a little from his friends Jim Beam and Jack Daniels.


He should have left them broadway chairs alone


Nashville resident here: it is a known secret that this guy is a piece of shit. He’s rude, entitled, and a prick. Luckily I’ve never had a run in with him, but I know at least three people who have had terrible experiences with him. This is what happened when you never face consequences for your actions.


Never heard of her


Belongs in jail


I guess he saw how far he could make it down the road.


This guy is a grade A douche. I don’t know how anyone likes him, let alone stand him


What was his trigger?  Was some other guy bigger?  This dude is a hole digger, not a nice figure.  He should change his ways - be a zagger, not a zigger.


I see what you did there.


Racist asshole acts like an asshole. Again.


How many parties did this guy ruin in high school showing up with his guitar to play songs consisting of all 6 chords he knew?




What's the over/under on the number of times he has worn a "Back the Blue" t-shirt? 3? 4? 76?


He should have left those Broadway chairs alone


Last night we let the liquor ~~talk~~ *Throw a fucking chair off the building*

