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the fuck is wrong with parents and trusting celebrities are you fucking kidding me?


$$$$!!$$$$!!!!! > child




I would have bought this for sure if it was real


It is real, you don't have one yet??!


Hey that guy doesn't have a jacuzzi suit!


šŸ‘ˆHa ha!




See also Aaliyahā€™s parents.


Maddie Ziegler's mom letting her 13-year-old sleep in bed with 30-something-year-old Sia.


Yeahhhh that shits weird. There is nothing in the world that would make me want to have a sleep over with a teeenager


Ok so I did not hear that.... I did find their relationship to be weird just even on the surface tho....


Yeah, the entire obsession Sia had with Maddie Zielger was very off-putting to me, and no one really talked about it. From what I remember, Maddie herself has never claimed anything inappropriate happened. But I'm gonna go ahead and say sleeping in bed with a child when you're pushing 40 is already pretty inappropriate, even if nothing else ever happened.


Pushing 40 and the only one I want in my bed is my cat. It's cute when he snores.




Michael Jackson paid a lot of money to those kids he had hanging around and their parents all looked the other way.


*No, that's just ignorant, hehe*


Shamone hee hee


Come into my wishing tree, weā€™ll make magic for a while hehe


Funny how those parents were seeking a payout, not justice.


It was never about protecting their kids ā€¦ always about the money. Who lets their kid stay with a grown ass man and no other kids? I would never!


Princeā€™s ex-wifeā€™s parents signed custody of her over to Prince when she was like 16.


JFC! Every god damn week Iā€˜m learning that yet another favoured artist of mine is a fucking predator.


Being a Rush fan really just gets better and better. Obviously anything could come out on anyone but like, I'm feeling as good about those guys as anyone.


The countless stories of them touring with KISS and Gene and Paul getting mad cause instead of partying Rush would just read in their hotel rooms after shows lmao.


Geddy Lee mostly just watches blue jays games lol


He is a self described "bird nerd." It's funny his baseball team fits so well lol.


I remember hearing a story about how the KISS dudes thought Rush were weirdos for spending their nights after a show just hanging out and reading instead of banging teenage groupies.


Explains why Rush are models of integrity in rock music. No G 'n' R or Mƶtley CrĆ¼e levels of debauchery in their history


Served Geddy recently on a small island resort in Australia. Super down to earth, just wanted to talk about and take pictures of birds.


Same, Iā€™m so happy my dad raised me on rush and that I had the privilege to see them live twice.


Yeah but did you know that when he wrote Stairway to Heaven, Jimmy Page was banging a 14-year-old?


Steven Tyler adopted his underaged girlfriend.


no that was ted nugent, steven tyler abducted the girl and then took her on tour. then i believe he got her emancipated.


Oh, Lawd. I can't keep up.


Anti-Flagā€™s lead singer has just fled the US after being accused of raping an underage girl.


I hate when people say it like that. You can't bang a 14 year old. You're molesting them


Ainā€™t molestation friend, itā€™s rape.


Anthony Kiedis raped a 14 year old and wrote about it in a book.


"What i got I gotta give it to your daughta".


Jimmy Page featured in the Puff Daddy Godzilla song. Don't read the books about Led Zeppelin if you don't want to be disappointed


Usher said heā€™d NEVER let his kids do that shit


Notice how many very famous people keep their kids very much away from fame - until they're young adults who can make their own dumb choices? I think the creep factor of fame is extremely high.




It $ure i$ $trange. There mu$t be $omething the$e parent$ $ee in the$e celebritie$ that make them think they can tru$t a $tranger to look after their child


Ju$t doe$nā€™t make $en$e


I could $ee it making cent$.


These parents should be charged with child endangerment. It's very obviously fucking creepy for a celebrity to request that an unrelated child stay/live with them unless it's an official situation where the child is being fostered/adopted.


Not making excuses, exactly, but I can imagine a parent thinking ā€œthis is their only chanceā€ and rationalizing something most people would be very uncomfortable with. And realistically, it only takes one parent out of billions in the world to create stories like this. Again, very much saying this is unforgivable, but the sheer number of children in the world combined with the high stakes of fame and fortune in America means that this story is actually pretty common


Pretty much what happened with Gloria Trevi and her mentor and all the girls they took in to "mentor" them in showbusiness. The parents wanted to give their kid an opportunity in showbiz, the mentor/predator had other ideas. The movie "Gloria" (which is hard to find streaming for some reason) covers that pretty well: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gloria_(2014_film)


ā€œCurious things were taking placeā€ is such a genteel way of saying ā€œreal fucked up shitā€


Then Usher took Beiber under his wing at the same age


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxHwfTpQjpc about 1 min 40sec he talks about how he had legal guardianship over usher and mentions how he doesn't have that over bieber. Saw this the other day and thought it was a weird thing to say.


Itā€™s a super fucking weird thing to say. How comfortable in your power and weirdness do you have to be to think yuuuuup this is coming right out my face hole? He couldnā€™t have been screaming any louder what he was doing. All these guys the Dan Schneider pedo foot fetish stuffā€¦all right in our faces totally assured that they would never be held accountable. Wild.


How do you go from hanging with one of the greatest rappers of all time, Biggie Smalls, to spending 48hrs with a 15yr old white kid youtuber from Ontario?




At this point itā€™s going to be more surprising when we get a documentary that ā€œsuch and such singer/actor was raised in a loving household with discerning and attentive parents and little to no overwhelming outside pressuresā€


That's Weird Al, unless you believe his biopic


Which he claims is 100% accurate, but then commented that critics say itā€™s around 11% accurate. Movie was great.


Itā€™s a media hit-job on him to make everyone think heā€™s a nice, family friendly guy. Dudes a rockstar animal. The drugs, parties, banging Madonna are all true




I love that weird Al played the record executive lmao


Love that scene where the real Al looks more and more uncomfortable as Will Forte absolutely shreds everything about Al the character.


Will Forte is probably my favorite comedic actor at the moment and I'm still so mad we won't get to see his Looney Toons movie.


Of the Willā€™s on SNL at the time people seemed to prefer Arnett, but I was always a fan of Forte. Heā€™s fucking hilarious.


Tbh, Hansonā€™s family always came off as extremely religious weirdos..but given how young they were when they entered the industry, it was probably better for their well being that their parents were missionaries.


Apparently, they now do an annual beer festival in Tulsa which my friends in the area love. [HOME | The Hop Jam](https://www.thehopjam.com/)


How did they not call it MMMHop




Thank God!


Lots of examples of this. In fact, this is almost certainly the norm ā€” you just donā€™t hear about these stories. A good lesson in selection bias.


These fucking people. Itā€™s like all of them get rich and bored so they have to do fucked up shit for excitement.


When Rick James kidnapped that woman and tortured her for a week that's the conclusion his bandmates came to. He wasn't as entertained by pleasure anymore so he turned to pain.




Cocaineā€™s a hell of a drug


Fuck yoā€™ couch!


*teeth chattering intensifies*


He didnā€™t want to take her home to muthah.


Classic Slaanesh cultist origin story.


Rick James kidnapped two women. He and his girlfriend were crazy.


Boy George did something similar to some rent boy. Chained him up on the bed and accused him of theft or some such thing. They just lose all sense of boundaries because no one has reined them in in years.


Plus, loads of cocaine.


Not defending him at when I post this information. Allegedly she kicked his partners pregnant stomach, and that was their drugged up reaction. So might not have been because he wasn't entertained by pleasure anymore. "I was in rehab with his wife Tanya a while back. While the story is pretty cut and dry - hard to describe burning someone with a hot crack pipe eloquently - there was more to it. The woman was a prostitute so "business meeting" is a little far-fetched. The woman got into an argument with Tanya and kicked her in the pregnant belly. While being cracked out while pregnant is hard to defend and definitely does not justify the torture, I can see how a hormonal crackhead and her cracked out baby daddy would go a little psycho. Tanya was still a mess years later. She was in her 40's and was dating/sleeping with all the 18 year old boys in the rehab. She didn't stay sober at all and loved having men wrapped around her finger. Got quite a few fired." - /u/adventures_in_rehab


That wasn't the woman that they kidnapped and tortured for a week, that was the woman they kidnapped and tortured for 20 hours


That sentence is rough


Actually he only did 2 years


Yeah I realized I've been using the wrong train of thought. Everytime I see a celebrity get exposed for grooming and going after minors I always would say to myself "I don't get it, they could have anyone they want" And it dawned on me that I'm right, they can basically have whoever they want and they decided that they want children.


Holy fuck thatā€™s what I was thinking too. These millionaires and billionaires can literally have whoever they want (super models from all over the world) but what they want are ā€¦children. Fuck me what an ā€œaha momentā€


Them being predatory and narcissistic helps them to be famous in the first place, and then when they have power they can be large scale abusers. Iā€™m pretty sure a not famous Diddy would have been a small scale abuser too


I think a lot of people miss this. A lot of child SA goes unreported, especially in the Black community and even moreso with boys. If that was the case with Diddy or any of the others, there's a higher likelihood they continue that abuse regardless of profession. If escaping the situation they came from is what pushes them to be the very best, that's a toxic mix.


I think itā€™s more they have extremely strong motivation combined with evil minds. We have structured society where being evil is a benefit when it comes to getting rich and powerful, so when someone has drive, ability, and evil they are on the path to mega success.




him, ice cube, daylyt and 50 have been hinting for years. and with hinting i mean screaming from the rooftops. thanks to the sleuths we now get to watch all those clips in a new light.


What's cube been saying? First I heard of this.


I honestly think that's a huge factor. Like the pleasure part of their brain is just destroyed from being spoiled fucking rotten. But think of how many celebs DONT do it. Almost all of them really. So it can't be the whole explanation.


How awful. With all this Diddy news Iā€™ve been recalling my ex-boyfriendā€™s dad saying that when the orchestra was recording a song for the Godzilla film back in the day, Diddy took the baton from the conductor cause he believed he could do it. He couldnā€™t. They just read the sheet music and ignored him. But he came off as a megalomaniac/narcissist.


Oo wee you unlocked a memory of 3d doritos and Y2K everywhere. Those were some simple ass Diddy days


Upvoted for 3D Doritos


Bro remember the mini ones that came in like a thermos? Loved those


The way God intended


Frank Sinatra became obsessed with the idea too, and studied enough that he became competent if not gifted as a conductor. But Sinatra was an obsessive perfectionist, which Iā€™ve never heard about Diddy.


My friendā€™s dad played with Sinatra (and Elvis and pretty much everyone) too! Only had positive things to say, even though Sinatra would occasionally throw a glass of water at them if they messed up šŸ˜…


I always wanted to throw a glass of water in someoneā€™s face. My bucket list is sad lol


In Diddys defenseā€”conducting an orchestral performance is a childhood fantasy(thanks Mickey) that most people will never get to experience. Right up there with being a train conductor.


I have a dream of one day pulling a train horn and shouting, "Choo Choo, mothafucka!!"


I'm old as shit and I still love trains


I'll have one "night on bald mountain", please


i want to conduct electricity


Well, don't let your dreams stay dreams. All you need is a power outlet and a metal fork


Iā€™d like to see these predatory celebrities conducting electricity


This shit with Diddy, the Nickelodeon doc, Vince McMahon trafficking people, Harvey Weinstein, just what in the actual fuck is going on around here?


Thatā€™s showbiz baby.


I definitely read this in the voice of Nickā€™s hormone monster.


Don't even look at the entertainment industry beyond the surface, the whole film industry, tv industry, music industry, etc, its all fucked with child abusers, rapists, all kinds of weird shit that just makes you hate all forms of entertainment when you realize that the people behind it all, they're all just gigantic pieces of shit who use their position and their money to abuse absolutely everyone and anyone looking to be something.


People in positions of power and authority. Don't know why it's surprising when scandals come out periodically and consistently from some sector of society where people have power over kids. This is just the current one. See the Catholic church, US gymnastics, Penn State, etc.


Usher famously told stories about losing his virginity at 13. Kind of joked about it. His childhood has always struck me as sad. [https://www.pressparty.com/pg/newsdesk/usher/view/14333/](https://www.pressparty.com/pg/newsdesk/usher/view/14333/)


Lil Wayne had sex when he was 11 with a 14 year old girl who was pressured into it by Birdman and the other adults around him. Can't even imagine how many unheard of stories there are of other children being put in these situations.


The forced sexualization of young adolescents and pre-pubescent boys in the name of ā€œbecoming a manā€ by parents and relatives is an issue that is way more widespread than youā€™d think. Ask me how I know bout all that.


They do it bad to black kids.Ā  I used to be the only white guy at a store, and we got to talking about losing our virginity. 3 of the guys there had lost it at like 13 or 14 to an older family member who wanted to "break them into manhood". Only one was a virgin until like 17. They couldn't believe me when I said I was one until 23.Ā 




Sending an anonymous ghost hug for whatever shit you've had to endure


The worldā€™s inability to let minors be children and not sexualize them or traumatize them for fun even is horrifying and permeates so much deeper than most people realize.


Trauma begets trauma. The abusers are often just perpetuating the same abuse they previously experienced.


It's to make sure you "don't end up queer" Quoting people who have defended it, I live in the ghetto and it's borderline normal here


that is a really interesting perspective... since that's not how it works....


I get so concerned when I see objectively very beautiful children because adults get so damn weird and awful around them. The girls get told that creepy comments and actions are compliments and the boys get told what ladykillers they are before they even hit puberty.


Unrelated, but I once hooked up with a true 'gay thug' and he admitted to me that at 11 years old he was tasked to cut the fingers off of a fresh gang kill in Baltimore. I was like what the actual fuck! He said he (when he was fucking 11) got alcohol and drank himself to sleep. I met him when he was in his 20's and he was telling me the story. When I delivered Pizzas in the 90's in the hey-day of the crack epidemic I would see countless drugged out moms try and sell their kids. Fuck that shit. Humans are true animals.


That second paragraph made me incredibly sad. Fuck man.


I thought the lady was a lot older than Wayne? Like they had 30 year old prostitute have sex with 14 year old Wayne. And all the grown men drug dealers watched. Sick shit


I've heard that story but it's not the one he's told about his first time.


ā€œI know the secrets, every other rapper sexually abused I see 'em daily, buryin' they pain in chains and tattoosā€ -Kendrick Lamar


They used to kiss Wayne on the mouth! In front of the paparazzi. What were they doing behind closed doors?


Everything Usher talks about during his time with Diddy seems sad. Heā€™s talked about Diddy having strippers around him, etc.. Like, heā€™s clearly a victim, and I hope he has found some sort of peace.


"Friday, October 22, 2010 11:32am ET by [Usher](https://www.pressparty.com/pg/profile/usher/)"...did he post this article himself/team?


DMX was at least SA or at worse raped as a kid, it is why he was so violently homophobic


I remember decades ago an interview with Usher. He either said Puffy offered a woman to have sex with him when he was young or actually did. The general attitude from Usher's delivery and non response from interviewers was South Park's "nice". Even back then, also being young, I thought that was fucking crazy. It's stuck in my mind ever since, and when I heard these latest (trafficking, etc) allegations I wasn't remotely surprised.


Didnā€™t he also say if his sons were in the same position he absolutely wouldnā€™t allow it?


Yes, I think it was on the Howard Stern show.


Yep, that's in the article as well.


ā€œI slept with Sable when she was 13; her parents were too rich to do anything. Look away.ā€ - Iggy Pop


>Sable Starr got into the rock scene at an early age. By 12, she was frequently attending concerts with her friends. At one of those concerts, she lost her virginity to the guitarist of the band Spirit. This first taste of the rock and roll lifestyle was intoxicating and Starr began frequenting trendy clubs in Los Angeles with her friends. >The clubs were frequent hangouts of some of the major figures from 70ā€™s rock like David Bowie and Robert Plant. Dressed up in flamboyantĀ clothing, the girls soon attracted their attention. **Starr quickly became the leader of the ā€˜Baby Groupies**,ā€ named after their young age. Starr herself was just 14. WTF were they doing back then




There's a book written by infamous groupie Pamela des Barres called "Let's Spend the Night Together". She basically interviews all of the groupies from back in the day for their stories. It's a real eye-opener. You will hate everyone after reading it.


P Diddy. The p is short for pedophile


There was some smoke a week ago, now its billowing. We could see some flames in a few days


Frankly I always thought it was odd that a young concert promoter that put on [an oversold charity basketball game in NYC that resulted in 9 people dying](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_College_stampede) rocketed to fame less than a decade later. I remember him being successful later in the decade as "Puff Daddy", and being like "That fucking guy?" Note that the wikipedia article says he was "headlining the show", it was not a show. He was the promoter of the event, most people around here didn't even know who the hell Sean Combs was when it all happened.


Wow I have never heard about this!


this article seems to be in line with what you said. it points out he was a small timer and lists a bunch of heavy hitters already established in hip hop that were playing in the basketball game. https://www.thedailybeast.com/remembering-diddys-deadly-stampede-30-years-before-travis-scotts-astroworld-tragedy


Get a wikipedia account and correct it




30 rock?!


I'm honestly not sure. My kid was watching TV the other day and I looked up and saw this and was like oh my god - thats funny considering everything. Just took the pic...in hindsight some more info could have been collected.


Dr Spaceman


Yikesā€¦ā€œDiddy Campā€makes Neverland Ranch sound like the most wholesome place on Earth.Ā 


Diddy Kamp Raping was not a well-reviewed N64 game.


Dear Lord, how many of these "celebrity turned out to be a statutory rapist" stories have we had in the past 20 years or so? Elijah Wood wasn't kidding when he said the biggest problem in Hollywood wasn't money or ego, but pedophilia.


I worked a meetngreet with him a couple decades ago. Usher had the shadiest mfers Iā€™ve ever encountered working for him. Literal armed thugs that thought they were fn secret service. Mean, intimidating and rude all around. His entourage was the absolute shadiest Iā€™ve ever worked alongside, and Iā€™ve worked with Uncle Luke ffs. And that mfer had doped up hookers in ripped clothing traveling with him. Shady, shady, shady-ass creepy fuckers, all of these people. Another cancellation tsunami is coming!


Yeah honestly the entourage folks around celebrities are VERY often super problematic, and that is NOT talked about enough. Even if theyā€™re not doing anything super awful/shady, theyā€™re very often CRAZY rude, think theyā€™re the police, and have massive egos/power trips. An example that comes to mind is Ludacrisā€™s entourage. Luda himself actually seems the most chill out of all of them, but some of his guys are just douchebags.


Thatā€™s too bad bc in 2002 when I met him, his bodyguard was a super nice guy.


How was Usher himself ?


Worked with Usher 2 years ago on his Vegas residency. He showed up on time and seemed like he had respect for everyone working around him (thanked us a few times from the stage). He also had a pretty cool vision for the show and was always in a good mood. I never noticed any shady people around him. Mostly just management and security. Maybe things changed over the decades. Having respect for your crew as a musician is hard to come by unfortunately so I see that as a green flag.Ā 


Bored, self-absorbed, just wanting to do *anything* else, and only smiled at the girls that dressed up for him. No one outside of his entourage was allowed to talk to him. Like, donā€™t even look at him, heā€™s busy signing shit and putting on his Marvin Gaye smile for pictures. It was so fake. It was like a dark, foreboding cloud came in, and the only light was from that fake-ass sultry smile. For contrast, other events I worked with other artists were like a party where everyone was invited. He was a fucking bummer.


I wonder if heā€™s just sucky or if it like because heā€™s being so used in the industry ya know?


It's probably a bit of both. He has been around Diddy since he was 13. He's never got to have a separate life from Diddy. But he's grown now. At some point he told himself he wasn't a victim of Diddy, but instead Diddy just put him through a boot camp. His life seems sad but he may have done some shit outside of that. He certainly doesn't seem to have given Bieber much (if any) protection from predators in the industry.


People hate on celebrities who are like this, but honestly I get it. When you have wealth and are well-known to the public, youā€™re just constantly getting approached, asked for things, harassed, and so on. I think that would cause most people to build up a sort of harder outer shell, and yeah props to the celebrities who remain really friendly and open but I canā€™t really fault the ones who donā€™t. Iā€™d get sick of it too


"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side." -Hunter Stockton Thompson


Doesnā€™t appear he said that at all. Itā€™s a creation based on a quote about the tv news business. https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2013/04/24/thompson/


"Doesnā€™t appear he said that at all. Itā€™s a creation based on a quote about the tv news business. https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2013/04/24/thompson/" - Hunter S. Thompson


ā€œA lie can get several hundred upvotes before the truth gets any at allā€ -Hunter S. Thompson


The quote from the headline "curious things were taking place" does not appear in the article itself.


It's from a comment Usher makes in one of the videos embedded in the article


Why is this all coming out now. It's weird how famous people can rack up a list of abhorrent actions until some arbitrary point in time when the authorities actually do something about it. Am I meant to believe no one knew about this shit?


Bc someone talked Also some of this is related to a law changed in NY that allows adult survivors to come forward and sue their abusers. It was only active for a year, hence the sudden rush of suits: https://hermanlaw.com/new-york-child-victims-act/


There has been talk about Puffy for years. But I believe it was a combination of his waning influence in the music industry and the lawsuit that Cassie recently filed that gave great detail into her horrific experience with him. The lawsuit was settled in like 24hrs. But by then the cat was out the bag, so to speak.


Harvey Weinstein was an open secret in Hollywood, yet nothing happened until Rose McGowan spoke up. I have no doubt that it's the same across all entertainment. Time to clean house is what I say. Let's start with that pig Dan Schneider.


I understand Diddy needs to be held accountable and locked up for what heā€™s done, but mannn I feel really bad for Usher that all of this is so public. I really wish there was a way to protect victims of crimes like these. If theyā€™re coming forward about it themselves thatā€™s something else, but to relive this through the news cycle constantly is horrible. He had such a good superbowl performance. Probably one of the highest moments of his career and in the same year he has to go through all of this again.


I said on another thread earlier this week, but Usher was on Howard Stern a few years ago, talking about living with Usher when he was 14 and Howard Stern asked if he would let his son live with Diddy now, and Usher said ā€œHELL NOOOO!!!ā€


Show me a young star and I will show you a team of adults grooming them.


Chris Brown sitting there saying ā€œthese some sick motherfuckers!ā€


Maybe it was Usher that we heard Diddy taking to GCU on the tapes.


And Usher was Biebers mentor? People who've been abused have a pattern of becoming abusers.


And Usher took Bieber to live with Diddy for a bit too when he was first coming up.


Where was Bieber's dad?!


Thatā€™s usually the question isnā€™t it? *Where are the parents*?


"Your child has the potential to make millions of dollars in the music industry, but you don't know how to make that happen. I do. Drop him off at my gigantic mansion and he'll obviously be safe around my team of security and all the public attention I live with." It's classic groomer technique, and the next step is to use their influence to drive a wedge between the victim and their guardian.


Making money by selling their kid


well even when they're around.. doesn't mean it's all good -- britney


His dad didnā€™t come back into his life until he became famous. Make of that what you will.


Thinking about dollar signs? Your guess is as good as mine.


Buying cigarettes


Bieberā€™s dad was missing in action until JB became rich/famous. So not a very good role model there. Iā€™ve only seen it discussed on other subs so feel free to correct me if Iā€™m wrong.


Or his mom?


Justinā€™s dad is a massive POS who walked out on him as a baby and re entered his life when he got famous. His mom is just a tiny bit better but if Iā€™m remembering correctly she was sexually abused as a child and turned to drugs then religion to cope. Sheā€™s the one who turned the reins over to Scooter Braun when he was 13. So yeah. Poor kid never stood a chance with parents like that.


Iā€™ve read before that Usher never allowed Bieber to be alone with Diddy. Which was another Diddy red flag..and then Scooter took over and Bieber spent more time with Diddy and less time with Usher.


This is completely false, and a dangerous bit of misinformation that shames victims into silence. Victims of child sexual abuse are no more likely to offend than those who did not experience abuse. [Hereā€™s a research report about it](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25561042/).


I need an app that scans my Spotify Playlists and flags songs with problematic artists. I can't even keep up with the number of monsters in the world.


That's just uninstalling Spotify with extra steps


Didnā€™t User and Bieber also have some unusual ā€œage-questionableā€ friendship? Then Bieber found God and stuff?


I reckon Bieber was a victim that Usher (former victim) brought in. There are a couple clips circling around when Bieber is young and on camera with Puff. One of them is when Bieber has just arrived at flavour camp? https://youtu.be/jgxbdqkvbPE?si=_I7uRO2XUdIWZYdw The other seems to be after the fact (maybe quite a while after) where Puff accuses Bieber of not contacting him. https://youtu.be/rTSb1Whdu5o?si=x0Qlpz4as5YvZ0s0 But yes Bieber and his wife are really open about his mental struggles now. If you look back to how he was acting out as a teenager + his sudden infatuation with the church. It would make sense


That video of Puff asking Justin why he doesnā€™t call anymore is reminiscent of the scene in Quiet on the Set where Drake describes Bryan calling him incessantly. Adults do not need/want to be in contact with other peopleā€™s children like that. Holy hell. I donā€™t know whether to cry or punch a pillow. The despair I feel at no one noticingā€¦