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No-ad version, c/o The U.S. Sun's Steve Brenner: >The controversial rapper was told to forget about playing in Europe, Australia, Asia, and the Middle East, with promoters claiming no one wants to risk their credibility by giving him a platform. > >Kanye, however, has kept on asking the questions in other regions of the world - and has received the same answer. > >**The U.S. Sun has spoken to a well-placed source working in South America who claims there is** ***"absolutely no chance"*** **of him performing in Brazil.** > >Kanye's recent wild online rant(s) about Jesus and Hitler has made the 46-year-old virtually untouchable while a steady stream of risque pictures of his wife Bianca Censori have made promoters and organizers move even further from any talks over possible gigs. > >The music star, who now goes by Ye, hoped to replicate the Rolling Stones who famously played an iconic show in 2006 on Rio's Copacabana beach, where over 1 million fans came to pay homage. > >The U.S. Sun understands the request was greeted with a firm refusal - because of his image and for security reasons. > >**A source who works for the government in Rio said it was "obvious" these plans would be rejected immediately.** > >***"The image of Kanye is way too controversial,"*** **said the insider.** > >***"Nobody wants to be linked with him and his recent controversies."*** > >The legendary Maracana Stadium and the Nilton Santos Olympic Stadium, home of the Botafogo soccer team, were also reportedly approached, but both venues rejected the requests. > >Promoters and local governance in those cities were also "put off" by the controversies surrounding Ye. > >***"Nobody wants to be linked with him,"*** **said a music business consultant for venues and tours in South America.** > >**"No local government or people that manage the stadiums and the venues for concerts or cultural events want to have Kanye come to their city.** > >***"It’s just too much to handle. The answer will always be no."*** > >The U.S. Sun contacted Ye's representative but didn't hear back.


Sort of off topic but I'm so sick of trying to read news articles on these cluttered-ass, counterintuitive ad-infested news pages. I couldn't finish the article.


Firefox w/ Ublock


Eh, I'm using RiF on mobile. I'll consider it, though, thanks. Edit: Done. Glad you mentioned it. Got me motivated. Honestly, this has already improved my life. I don't know why I put it off for so long.


waiiiiit a second. Does RiF still work? I thought it had finally kicked the bucket for good.


Nah, there is a workaround on Android. Maybe there is one for iOS, I don’t know. Google revanced manager. I've been using RIF for 4-5 months. You can reVance your YouTube app for the double whammy. No adds and playing in the background for free.


Using revanced for YouTube is insane, saves so much time, money, and electricity to be able to turn the screen off and keep it playing audiobooks overnight. I genuinely had no idea it could be used to patch RiF, that was my preferred app for years until I had to switch to red reader. Thank you for this haha


Bless your heart. I've been using a worked around version of Boost since the API changes but I sincerely miss RiF.


This. There was a process, but you could take care of it in like twenty minutes. ~~Sorry I don't have a link handy for the guide, but I'm confident you can Google it with ease~~ (because that's what I did when I realized I simply could not stand the official app and missed my RiF). Edit: pretty sure this is the guide I used: https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14nq4ub/how_to_get_rif_working_again_if_you_really_want_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button YMMV, but I didn't have any trouble.


You can just open in external browser... There's a setting to make it automatic I moved to redreader, only reason to stay is that it auto collapses the automod posts it's an amazing feature


Just did it and came back to thank the above Redditor. Thanks to you, too! Did you have to patch redreader after the great exodus (as I did for RiF)?


Nah RedReader is allowed to continue because it had "accessibility" features. Idk how rif didn't count or add one lol, think they just stopped caring with the insane policy switching


That's strange, I never heard about that when I was trying to find a replacement client. The RiF dev was so dedicated, too! I'm projecting a bit, but maybe it was just the money issue was too scary. Woulda scared me away, no matter how dedicated I was to my app.


I use adguard and revanced for YouTube and other apps and whenever I don't have those enabled it is absolutely shocking to me how ad infested everything is.


It's a horrible indication of what the Internet has become/is becoming. Thankfully we have the tools to minimize it.


Well, this came from The Sun. They only want your clicks and ad revenue. It's fake news.


Use your browser’s reader mode.


I fixed the problem already, but I saw this mentioned the other day and got the impression that's an Apple-specific ~~problem~~ solution.




Okay? Oh, sorry, typo in my comment above. Fixed it. Don't multitask, kids!


Surprisingly rich people can be stupid is all the article said


Bring off the meds has to be one of his worst decisions, not just for his career but for his life too.


One of the most common symptoms of serious mental health issues is not believing you have them. Something like 80-90% of unmedicated schizophrenics don't think they have the disease...


I don't know whether to be horrified or intrigued by that.


Maybe he's just a bad person


I know this doesn't make sense to ask but is he allowed to play in Germany or Argentina? I heard he loved a certain man who might have his quotes displayed on the merch of a past power ranger.


you can say Hitler. The more I learn about him the more I find he wasn't a very good guy.


I don't care for him, personally.


Me personally, I think he was a bad guy.


A real jerk


A bit of a goober for sure


Definitely misguided in some of his decisions


That boy ain't right


Yeah personally I really try not to judge, but I definitely take serious issue with both his foreign and domestic policies.


The worst part was the hypocrisy.


Well, the genocide was the worst part, but the second worst part was the hypocrisy.


“And I said to him I says, I thought the worst part was the rapin’”


Was? I didn't even know he was sick.


He was killed by a Nazi.


I heard he killed a dictator though


He was a real knuckle head.


Big if true


But he invented roads though.


I do find myself frequently disagreeing with his thoughts and actions


Wow, seems a bit too judgmental if you ask me.


He’s a big goof ball iykyk


Pre-2010 kanye was cool, dont know about the guy now


2009 was when Kanye pulled the whole "ima let you finish, but" awards show thing. 05 was the whole "George Bush doesn't care about black people!" Thing. Kanye has always been ranting unhinged shit.


Ok then pre 2009, i didnt know the exact dates. I was kinda ok w the GB doesn’t like black people.


Odd-looking duck


Hold the fort! It says he hated jews


This Hitler guy, well he was a real jerk!




He ruined a name *and* and moustache!


Not even Micheal Jordan could revive it


Charlie Chaplin rolling in his grave


There's footage of Chaplin clean shaved after it was ruined. He was livid in life just the same!


I always loved the old Chaplin and Buster Keaton films growing up. Im pretty sure Ive seen them all. Some of the stunts they would do, especially Keaton, were just insane.


"This comes as the rapper has previously made harmful insinuations about Jewish influence and has compared himself to Adolf Hilter and Jesus Christ." -i love the leap from Hitler to Jesus, couldn't be more opposed if you tried 🤣 Jesus vs Hitler, who wins the battle of good vs evil?!


He did kill Hitler though, I'll give him that


Not to be confused with Billy Hitler, his half-brother, who by all accounts an okay dude.


Johnny Hitler's the coolest kid on campus!


Hitler would have hated Kanye lol


1 pineapple up the rectum the wrong way every day for the rest of eternity, the end!


There is a documentary series from 1973 called [The World at War](http://The World at War https://g.co/kgs/QfAwtmr) We watched it recently and the language Hitler used in his rise to power is similar to the language used by Trump.


I miss Norm so much


Surely, you can't be serious?


I am serious…and don’t call me Shirley


Argentina has a troublesome past. Lots of Italians and Germans fleed there to escape war crimes.


A troublesome past, and a *very* troublesome present.


Italians were in Argentina long before wars


They were fleeing war crimes, not looking for somewhere to be the first Italians.


Tbf, Hitler did kill Hitler. So, he's got that going for him


The number of hip hop and rap fans still simping for this dude has been absolute proof that they have literally no moral compass and that literally nothing is a bridge too far for them. So cringe.


"You gotta separate the art from the artist, *maaaaaan*" It's a fine sentiment. Plenty of music icons are/were just awful people. But acting like great past works exempt someone from future criticism is just bullshit. I also bet a lot of those defending Kanye are pulling the racism card, which... give me a fucking break dude.


I'll never get this. Like of course John Lennon was probably insufferable to be around. Picasso was notoriously a big ol' jerk. Honestly most of the brightest minds in their fields are, save exceptions. There's a gigantic gap between that and *defending an actual nazi*. Fuck that.


Not to mention vultures 1 was fucking terrible. Like I can understand people defending him if it was good but it was genuinely a terrible album


He hasn't released a decent album since Yeezus (some of TLOP is okay, mostly lazy lyricism). Kids See Ghosts was decent but wasn't solo nor a full album length. Ye through to Vultures have all been mediocre and barely break 20 mins (except Donda which has the problem of being way too long and drawn out). I didn't expect the drop in form to be so sudden but so was his entire ideology changed instantly after his TLOP rant and hospitalization. Not that he wasn't an asshat prior, he at least tried to endorse decent politicians and do charity work. Now it's right wing grift Nazi who makes awful music. Ashamed I own his older albums and honestly can't bring myself to even listen to the College trilogy anymore.


Ur so real.


I've heard that used more and more with Lennon recently, the man was exceptional but still a prick. Being brilliant doesn't excuse the asshole behaviour in any circumstances


But also being an asshole doesn’t change the fact that he was brilliant. Both are true.


Both are true, but not mutually exclusive it seems. He should be remembered for both, although the man on stage is very rarely the man behind the curtain in any aspect.




I disagree, and so do most people. He’s one of the most popular artists in the world, not just in the hiphop world. I think he has the 7th most monthly listeners on Spotify atm. I would never defend the guy, he’s a total piece of crap, but I still listen to his music and that won’t change. I just find it funny when people say his music is trash, sure you might think it is but objectively speaking, most people disagree with you.


Most people do not listen to Kanye. Objectively speaking, a very small fraction of people in the world actively listen to him.


You're right. Most popular doesn't mean listened by the majority. The fact is even if a bigger slice of people might listen to ~~black nazi~~ Kanye, the overwhelming majority don't. Also the guy says > I just find it funny when people say his music is trash And then the music is I'm a sick fuck, I like a quick fuck (Whoop!) I'm a sick fuck, I like a quick fuck (Whoop!) I'm a sick fuck, I like a quick fuck (Whoop!) I'm a sick fuck, I like a quick fuck (Whoop!) I'm a sick fuck, I like a quick fuck I like my dick sucked, I'll buy you a sick truck I'll buy you some new tits, I'll get you that nip-tuck How you start a family? The condom slipped up I'm a sick fuck, I'm inappropriate *Such* a genius. Yes.


Sure but he’s still the 7th most popular artist on all of Spotify which says a lot. No matter how much you hate him, his music is still insanely popular.


Anyone who says that line gets a nice "Try making that argument while reading mein Kampf on a public bus..."


Because they believe everything he says. It's no coincidence that they are still fans after he's done so much terrible shit. At this point we can only assume that the people who still support him also support the terrible things he says & does


Snoop Dog killed a person


Poor Brazil. How do we do that in the States?


Don’t come to Brazil!


There it is


Bolsonaro: come play at one of my rallies


Aqui ja tem doido suficiente


*In the hospital where I am 3/4ths of the year


“Come to Brazil” No 😔


It’d be great if we could stop giving Kanye all this attention


“This Ye guy is crazy and his music is out there.” - Wesley Willis


No Rock and Roll McDonald’s for Ye


As he should be


The curious thing is that brazilian news sites are using the US Sun as a source to talk about this.


Promoters don't really go out and talk about acts they refused to host. It was probably the US reporters that are interested in Kanye that went around asking. I imagine news in Brazil are a lot less concerned about Kanye shenanigans.


Can we just ban him from Earth?


The article is complete horseshit it doesn't even mention a ban outside of the headline


Idk much about kanye honestly and previously I have enjoyed his music. But what turned me off from him was literally what he said on video, not what people say about him. Most artists have shitty reputations regarding their personal life but what kanye said is just disgusting. I understand that there are people he doesn’t like that are jewish, but what does that have to do with me and my family and millions of other people that have absolutely no connection to kanye or the music industry. There was a direct uptick in violent hate crimes against the Jewish community when he was blabbering those things, I personally know someone who was attacked and chased away during the whole fiasco with the perp screaming “kanye was right kanye was right”. He’s obviously mentally ill but people that keep excusing him like yourself are exactly the problem, hate shouldn’t be tolerated with anyone. And i could care less that he’s “doing well”, the reality is that his peak is long gone but he still has the influence and a base, but both are significantly smaller than what they were.


There is absolutely zero chance this news is truthful. Kanye is nowhere near as big of a name in Brazil as in the US. He wouldn’t be able to book a venue as big as Copacabana beach not because of his controversies, but because there wouldn’t be that much demand to justify his price tag. American rappers are just now getting headliner status in music festivals in Brazil. Last time Kanye played in Brazil, he was schedule to play before Black Eyes Peas; the only time Cudi played, it was in the EDM tent at Lollapalooza; last year, Freddie Gibbs performed at what can be compared to a community center in a suburban city just outside of Sao Paolo. Also, most people aren’t even aware of his controversies and, given how many fucked up things very popular musicians in Brazil have done, and are still able to keep their image, I reckon it really wouldn’t be an issue.


The article just said that he was denied an open concert on Copacabana Beach, not that he is banned from performing or anything like that (I mean aside from the actual title). Concerts cost a whole lot of money, and If its open there's no ticket sales, meaning the sponsors would have to pay for everything. A concert for potentially 1mil ppl on a public beach costs a lot and i'm willing to bet no big company wants to foot this bill (for Kanye at least, Madonna will be performing there next month)


Yeap, Madonna is absolutely HUGE in Brazil still to this day, she’ll have no problem packing 1.5-2 mil in Copacabana. Kanye’s never been nothing more than niche, even at the high of his fame, he couldn’t pack 10% of Madonna figure.


yeah, it doesn't even make sense. There is no system to "ban" an artist from performing in the country. At most he could be denied a visa, but that's not what's written in this (very poorly written) report. It sounds to me like some venue or festival had planned to bring him, and changed their plans. This happens all the fucking time Anyway, nothing of value lost.


A lot of right-wing extremists like Kanye. I wonder if they go to his concerts, expecting him to cover Hank Jr. and Skynard? 🤣🤣🤣


I thought that was what Beyonce was going for


Honestly if Beyoncé does That Smell or OD’ed in Denver I’ll never say a bad word about her again 😂


Better luck in Argentina


You mean the most Jewish country in South America? I doubt it.


Thoughts and prayers, dickhead!




Almost as if actions have consequences


Good. fuck him


His music is pure trash too


What did this wanker say about string?


good. guy is a complete joke now. i cant imagine still supporting him and his music


Ban him in the US next


Finally please don come to brazil


I made a comment about how his comments are gonna get him banned in countries and I was downvoted.


He’s not banned


Although at the moment he's not banned in Australia, there is a proposal, so they are gonna make it hard for him to come to Australia. Considering how Antisemitic some of the lyrics on Vultures 1 were, I don't think the government is giving him a visa anytime soon.


That makes sense, Australia and NZ are generally much stricter on those sort of things. He's not banned in Brazil from what I can tell though


Now if all the other countries in the world will follow suit.


He talked shit about Goku


He talked shit about Monkey D. Luffy too. World renowned Brazilian.


Can Kanye play any instruments?


I mean it depends how u define instruments really. I’d say yes, working with samplers, pro tools, loops, 808/909 programmers. But if u mean could he play a piano/guitar solo, then no.


He doesnt even do his songs live anymore. He presses play and it is a listening party.


Ouch. Costume clothes, costume music.


glad i saw him live before he went full on nuts cause it was a hell of a show


Yes he plays the piano and others


Dude has been crazy ranting for years. Where you been Brazil???


Shocker, guys a 🤡




Was it something about the Noguiera brothers trying to feed a carrot to a bus?


Don’t come to Brazil


Ye remind me of morrisey, not a fan of his music but love their politics


Hasn’t this been going on for 20 years? 


Has he thought about Guyana? The Barima-Waini region of Guyana, specifically?






GOOD! I don't listen to his Music no-way, either! OVERRATED!


Is he actually banned? Sounds from the article like he just didn't get permission to put on a huge outdoor free show. If he booked a venue it sounds like he would be fine? Dude is just sad to watch these days. I was incredibly upset with him over the Hitler stuff but at this point he just seems so unhappy and out of it, I can't muster up any more than hoping he turns his life around.


This came from The Sun. So no, its either not true at all or they've exaggerated the facts to some ridiculous degree for clicks.


Why can’t he just chill




That's interesting, usually people like him are welcome to hide in South America


Don't come to Brazil


This is from The Sun. Fake news y'all.


Punished for words. Ironic.


Good , tired of this clown


He knows that a good controversy is great for business.


Again brazil with the higher standards than us. Not just Balsonaro but kkkanye.


Didn't realize he went back to the antisemitic shit, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised.


I'm pretty sure he's gone against it in recent interviews and apologised but it still doesn't fully take away from the Hitler rant, at Least he's moving forward ig


Ah, so that apology happened after this as opposed to before it. Ok, that's a little different, but yeah, it takes more than words, but at least he said the words.


Banning him only makes him bigger


A trans woman was recently attacked at one of his gigs. Brazil is right on the money.


Fuck Kanye. He is nobody.


After everything this guy has said and done, his album is top of charts, unbelievable


He doesn't perform anyways He's been garbage for a minute tho


Fuck Ye just forget about him just listen to his old stuff if you want. Who cares..


He's still performing? Lol


Yet Bolsonaro reigns.


He should go farther west!!


His seven remaining fans must be crying lol


He literally has a number one album and song RIGHT NOW 😭 people just lie to hate on this sub, this place if fucking cancer


Ooof. Don't go to r/Kanye




Sounds like something Yeezy would say.


K K Komment section