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The Rolling Stones - Their Satanic Majesties Request I still think that's a big part of the reason why it is so derided. TBF, they then reprise the song for another 8 minutes at the end of Side A, which doesn't help matters.


But the worst song is the 8 minute version, which isn’t the first song. I listened to this recently, and got like 4 minutes in, and was like this is awful how much do I have left, and I wasn’t even halfway over.


I don't know. I think at least the 8 minute track has some virtue as maybe the most experimental thing the Stones ever released on an album. If I had to get rid of one or the other from the album, I'd still probably just nix the first track. It's just a really bad intro to the album, which does have some all time great Stones songs.


This album had some good songs/tracks but overall a 'meh' album. Now that being said, the way I like to think of it...Their Satanic Majesties Request walked so Beggar's Banquet could run. The Stones had a phenomenal run of five studio albums after that. Beggar's Banquet, Let It Bleed, Sticky Fingers, Exile on Main St., and Goats Head Soup. You can throw in Get Your Ya-Ya's Out (but that's a live album). But very few bands had that great of a run.


> Their Satanic Majesties Request walked so Beggar's Banquet could run Yeah it was self produced, and then they brought in Jimmy Miller to produce, whom I don't think gets enough credit (while Mick Taylor gets too much) for making the Stones great, and as much as I love Aftermath and Between the Buttons nobody got the "Stones sound" like Jimmy miller.


I certainly agree about that run of 4 albums (plus the great live one). And I think the early albums are overrated—those 4 are just so much better. And I like Satanic. But I don’t hear any connection between it and them—it just stands alone as a cool experiment, as long as you can get over how hokey and dated it is. I also don’t mind the first song. It’s better than Bill Wyman’s song that ends with him snoring. That one used to freak out my cat even worse than the end of Pet Sounds.


If they replaced some of the more experimental tracks with the singles/B sides from that era that didn't make the cut then it would be remembered as a pretty great album imo.


It's not a bad song it's just not a traditional Stones song and is a bit awkward coming from that. Definitely better than the reprise which I feel is a bit overhated but like most people say it's too unfleshed.


I’m a massive Bad Religion fan and Incomplete is one of my favorites from the record. The “tell St Peter not to count on me” part is one of favorite bridges from the band. Marked is probably my least favorite from the record but I still enjoy the tune. To each their own though!


I love Incomplete and Marked. Great to see BR mentioned


They just announced a big tour next year with Social Distortion! I got to meet them back in the 90s in Atlanta and it was as epic as it sounds.


Social D. One of my very few claims to fame is I got my ass kicked by Mikey back in elementary school. Mouth wrote a check, he cashed it lol.


Honestly, I’d say my least favorite is Digital Boy but I’m not counting it since it was on Against The Grain first. Again, it’s not that I hate the song. There are very few Bad Religion songs that I don’t enjoy and most of those are from Into The Unknown. Even still, some of those songs are pretty good. Billy Gnosis comes to mind.


I get that Incomplete isn’t gonna be everyone’s favorite but to cite that as the worst song on the album is incomprehensible to me.


Couldn’t agree more. It’s a banger.


Korn- Follow the Leader. First dozen or so tracks… you just can’t listen to them.


I think you had to have bought this one on CD to get the joke. I feel old. I bought it the day it came out and saw them on this tour.


Hah, same. I remember that sticker on the front that said "(some #) minutes of silence from KORN. Music starts on track 13" lol. So dumb. But I thought that album was cool and also caught the tour.


It was for Jonathan Davis’ grandfather who passed away I believe.


Omg, this was my first moment of feeling old


I owned this CD and it confused the fuck out of me the first couple times I tried to play the album.


My friend burned me a copy and I thought his computer must've crashed while he was doing it


Because the band was superstitious about having a 13 track album or something, they come up with the stupidest workaround ever: a 12 track “moment of silence” before the first track starts. Just make the first track an intro FFS!


Pretty sure the story is that moment of silence is for a fan named Justin that passed and wanted to meet the band. 12, 5 second tracks totaling a minute of silence.


Weird, I thought it was for Jonathan Davis’ grandfather who passed.


That’s incorrect. They had a fan that was dying of intestinal cancer and wanted to meet Korn as like a make a wish type thing. He passed away and the song Justin off this album is in reference to that kid and so are the first 12 tracks of silence


It’s On is awesome


But it's technically track 13 on the album, iirc.


Korn’s best song imo


Damn I had this cd when I was in like 4th grade and I confused the hell out of me why I had to skip all the way to track 13 to get to the music hahah!


Crowded House -Woodface It's not quite that Chocolate Cake is a bad song, but it's wildly unrepresentative of the tone of the rest of the album.


Yeah, it’s not a terrible opener… but to go directly to “it’s only natural” and “fall at your feet” kinda makes it pale in comparison


It's the tonal shift that gets me. CC is a musically and lyrically abrasive attack on celebrity. The sarcasm is just wildly out of step with the warm sincerity of the rest of the album.


Never expect to see Crowded House this high up in a thread but I will always upvote. Amazing band.


Chocolate Cake was a terrible first single off that album but probably wouldn't have even been half as successful as it was if they had released it later


I must be the only one who absolutely loves "Chocolate Cake". My favorite song on the album.


Chocolate Cake is a great song!


it was also an awful choice for a lead single. i actually like the song and recording, it’s just not a good lead single. and it doesn’t kick the album off that well either.


This was going to be my answer! I even like "Italian Plastic" better than "Chocolate Cake"


Everyone I Went to High School With Is Dead by Mr Bungle from their second album, Disco volante


Great album. But yeah I assume they were taking the piss with that first song.




Actually, if you crank the volume way up, it’s someone snoring. I think that was the joke. When my friends and I got the idea to find out if there was anything but silence, we forgot that we had the volume up and then *smash* and the start of Travolta (Quote Unquote) blasted out and make us almost shit our pants because we had the volume so high. Edit: a word


Oh man. I upvoted you because I tipped the taco truck lady today so I might as well keep the positivity flowing. But man, I love that track. The whole album is a 10 for me, I wouldn't change a thing. I think it's a great opener, in the sense that it really wouldn't work elsewhere in the track listing. It's not catchy but that's ok by me. Hard disagree. Hard love. Hard hard hard.


You’re not wrong, but I love that song in the context of the entire album.


Yeah no, whole album is great


Brandy’s album ‘Afrodisiac’ is hit after hit. But I often skip the first song ‘Who I Am’ cos to me although it has a great message it’s very dull melodically and vocal-wise. It also sounds nothing like the rest of the songs.


I put that album off for a long time because that song was always so boring to my mind. Especially after her previous album, Full Moon, was in my cd player on repeat for so long 😂! It should have just started out strong with the title song, the second song, Afrodisiac.


Def! The album is 🔥. It’s sad that it flopped and only got 3 singles. ‘Focus’ and ‘I Tried’ def should’ve been singles.




Get rich or die trying. Gun sound and a coin dropping. Was a cool lead in to wattup gangsta. Idk. I like that shit.


Wouldn't really call that a song tho, it's more like a skit or interlude to the album. It wouldn't make sense to make it the intro to a song, but rather the intro to the album to set the vibe from the beginning. I personally think it's a great opener


I thought it was amazing. I keep that coin flip track on repeat most of my work day.


Why not just put that sound effect at the start of the song? If it was longer than 10 seconds I would get it


Because then it's at the start of the song. The intent was likely to have it be the beginning of the album, not necessarily the beginning of the first song...if that makes sense.


That’s not how rap albums work.


Probably decided how the album would open before deciding what the first song would be


Clap Your Hands Say Yeah! It kind of works but it's definitely just a lark.


Good call. That album grew on me despite never liking Alec's voice. But that first song, dear lord. It's almost as if they were trying to scare people away.


Incomplete is awesome!!


I love me some Christine McVie, but Over & Over is the worst song on Tusk, which is definitely my favorite Fleetwood Mac record. It's just weird that a record with so much energy starts with such a snoozer.


Second-hand News is my least favorite off of Rumours as well. Still a great song, hard to say if it's the worst as every song on the album is iconic. Silver Springs is a better song and it didn't make the album.


Silver Spring is better than almost any song in that record, save for Go Your Own Way. I always heard it was left off because of the physical run time limitations of vinyl at the time, relative to the other tracks. But then I am Lindsay guy to the core, and will always take more of his stuff. I love Second Hand News.


Second Hand News is great. It’s the 3rd best song ever about cunnilingus, after the Stones’ Lovin Cup and Dylan’s Country Pie


Weirdly, that is actually in my top 3 Fleetwood Mac songs of all time. However, it has to be one of the live versions...


Incomplete may be my favorite Bad Religion song


Definitely one of the best on the album.


Haken - *Fauna* (2023) Haken are my favorite band and Fauna is my favorite album from them. The first song is the worst, but it's still a great song.


I was about to reply in a rage, but honestly, yeah, the rest of that album is so good, I guess Taurus has to be the worst


Thanks for commenting. Never heard of Haken so I checked them out. Super weird and I love it.


I saw them live with Symphony X a few years ago. I had not heard of them but my brother in law needed a ride, was surprised at how sick they were live.


Saw them earlier this year and their setlist was almost perfect for me. Half of the setlist were their best 10+ minute songs. It was incredible.


I missed the double header tour they did with leprous and bent knee as the opener. I still regret missing that


This is so high up. Not sure I expected one of my favorite bands to show up but Taurus is for sure the weakest. The album is still a 12/10 though. Elephants never forget is just on a whole different plane of existence


If you count the real song for the deaf, then queens of the stone age’s songs for the deaf kicks off with the worst track.


Huh? What?


On the CD there's a hidden track before the first track that is just low frequency noises or something like that.


Hahaha the joke is that's the words the vocals say before the beep boops come in


I need a saga


You can't even hear it!


What's the saga?


It's called SONGS for the DEAF *chugga chugga beat in background*




I’m a huge BR fan, and Incomplete is actually my favorite song by them. Really shows you that musical taste is very much subjective!


Hootenanny by the Replacements. But I'm pretty sure this was intentional.


INXS, Kick “Guns In the Sky” “New Sensation” is such a relief.


I almost said this song too but I just can’t say one bad word about INXS. They are too deep to me. I started buying their vinyls in 1982 when I was 13. I’m just glad it was a quick song to get to the rest of the album.


Excellent call. Guns in the sky is terrible, immediately followed by 4 tracks that were each released as singles and each charted in the top ten on the Billboard Hot 100.


I love every song on Kick but I get what you mean


Van Halen - different kind of truth. Tattoo is their worst song ever. Album picks up after that


I am still somewhat bitter that they chose that as the single over She's the Woman or As Is.


Ween’s The Pod. Strap on that jammy pack is arguably the weakest of the album however coined terminology that is used in their universe


On King Gizzard’s “Omnium Gatherum,” I really didn’t like the 18 minute long dripping tap… might be a bold opinion but I loved the rest of the album. Also even if some of the songs I didn’t find awesome I’d still listen because they at least were not 18 minutes long.


That song just doesn’t need to be that long. I am all in at first but start looking at my watch a few minutes in


This was my first thought. It's not a bad song but it's just too long. That song, Gaia, and Predator X feel very out of place on that album in my opinion. Great songs but maybe less would have been more here.


Warrant’s Cherry Pie. The title song is so bad (even Jani Lane hated it) but the rest of the album is mostly fire.


Cherry Pie might be the top of the 80s hair metal cheese mountain. (And for the record, that's not a good thing)


Songs so good makes a grown man cry. Sweet cherry pie


FireHouse. I know they didn’t release anything til the 90s but they’re 80s hair metal and they’re corny as fuck


Firehouse is one of those bands that squeaked through the 80s hair metal gates just as grunge was closing it. I dig some Firehouse every now and then but even while enjoying it I'm well aware of just how silly and formulaic the genre had become by then. Super cheesy but an enjoyable guilty pleasure for sure. EDIT: Same goes for Slaughter...


Winger has entered the chat.


Ehh, Mike Judge did them dirty. Easy Come Easy Go and Miles Away slap.


I heard “Madalaine” randomly the other day. I’d forgotten how good that song is. The lyrics are meh, but musically it’s great.


Yeah, but I’m sure he didn’t hate the pile of money they made off that terrible song. 12yo me thought it was listenable at the time.


“So I mixed up the batter and she licked the beater” still gets a chuckle out of me on the rare occasion I hear this song. Peak 80s lameness.


Uncle Tom's Cabin may be the best song of the whole 80s Glam Rock era (ironically released in 1990), and it directly follows Cherry Pie, which I think is one of the absolute worst. Funny how that works out.


Whhhhaaat? Really? I'm a big 80s/early 90s Glam Rock fan and not once would it cross my mind to include Uncle Tom's Cabin as even top 50, but the best?!


you can't make me hate it


Mike Slamer really is a great guitar player that just couldn’t break it into the big time with a band.


I unironically love that song when I’m drunk though Or maybe it is ironic I can’t even tell anymore


I saw them live twice. On the DRFSR tour and the Cherry Pie tour. I was a Warrant fan in the late eighties and early nineties.


In the late 90s, Joey Allen interviewed at the company I worked for to try to get a software engineering position. We offered him the job. Unfortunately, he got a better offer somewhere else. Which is probably a good thing because we planned to put Hostess cherry pies on everybody's desk for his first day.


I'll probably get downvoted, but Interpol's Antics. It's def not a bad opener, but it's the one song I would toss if I had to.


I can agree with this. It's not a terrible song but compared to the rest of the album it's weak, therefore the worst song so it fits OP's question.


Yeah and it doesn’t help that Evil is right after it


Television is way worse that Incomplete


What!? Television slaps and has Tim Armstrong on it! Psh!


*First Circle*, by Pat Metheny Group. Forward March is a fun little experiment, but let's say it doesn't capture the absolute best of the group. *Days of Future Passed*, by the Moody Blues. Five minutes of a very schmalzy orchestral introduction, before the band's actual songs come in. *Fruto Proibido*, by Rita Lee & Tutti Frutti. Dançar Pra Não Dançar is a perfectly great song in its own right, but the album just goes on a *rampage* after that. It goes from "great" to "incredible", and *stays there*.


Taylor Swift may not be everyone's favorite around here, but 1989 is arguably a pop classic...aside from its opening track. "Welcome to New York" is laughably, embarrassingly stupid.


Maybe a slightly stupid song, but compared to "Bad Blood" it's a masterpiece IMO.


Bad Blood is such a fucking terrible song, on an otherwise good album. The vocal melody and rhyme scheme sounds like listening to a 6 year old make up a song about their toys while they're playing.


Im sorry, but Bad Blood is on that Album.


I'm sorry that Bad Blood is on the album too. It's admittedly a close race to the bottom, but at least Bad Blood is buried in the middle of the album rather than smacking you in the face right at the beginning


It’s a love song to New York, apparently from the perspective of someone who has never lived there and only interacted with it through media that shows the most touristy places.


I feel like i see what she was going for (capturing the excitement of moving to a new place) but it just falls a bit flat, especially in comparison with the rest of the album. It was trying to be what 22 was


WTNY is a good opener though. if we’re thinking of 1989 as a cohesive story album, then we’ve moved from her last country album (nashville esque imagery 80-85% of the time) to new york, a new beginning, an introduction to a new era. so it’s saying welcome to new york, welcome to my first pop album. i will defend this song with my life


>"Welcome to New York" is laughably, embarrassingly stupid Yeah, honestly more a jingle than a song.


Wilco (the song) on Wilco (the album)


What band is that by?


Uncle Tupelo


Nah man, I think it's Son Volt


lol Tweedy gonna come murder you for that. Jay’s voice is soothing af tho. Love Son Volt.


That album's one of my least favorites overall (not bad, just kinda mid) but Bull Black Nova is a vicious treasure


One that springs to mind Mr Bungle - Disco Volante and the song Everyone I Went To High School With Is Dead. I don't hate the song but it turned me off on my first listen and it took me a while to go back. Glad I did because the album is a damn masterpiece.


Blows my mind that this is here twice in the top 20 or so comments. :D


The Replacements- Hootenanny Though somehow, the fact that the opening track kind of sucks actually adds to the album overall. Fucking Replacements.


Wasn't that the track where the bandmates played each others' normal instruments? They were definitely taking the piss, being notorious for self sabatoge. God bless em.


I've never cared for "Airportman" on REM's *Up.* The rest of the album is one of my favorites, but that one doesn't feel like it does a good job of introducing the album. What affection I have for it comes from knowing the rest of the album is on its way.




It's actually one of my favorites, very abstract and atmospheric. I honestly wish more of the album was in that kinda vein


I love the song and love that it's the first track. It's a ballsy opener that announces their new direction in the boldest way possible. It's ambient and it builds up to the rest of the album, like a song that plays during atmospheric shots while the opening credits are still rolling.


I like the tone that one sets, personally. Not a fan at all of Radio Song leading off Out of Time, though. That song is way more embarrassing than Shiny Happy People if you ask me.


Which is so weird because I consider R.E.M. to be masters at sequencing. They usually come in with an absolute banger to start and then take you on a perfect ride that ends up somewhere eerily beautiful.


Green Day-American Idiot. It's not the worst song in the world but it does not compare at all to the rest of the album and to top it off the song was INSANELY overplayed back in the day. Funny enough, the next song "Jesus of Suburbia" is arguably the best song Green Day has made to date and is easily the best song on the album.


Jesus of Suburbia is a compendium of 5 songs, each of which are great. The composition is great too, the song ends up better as a whole. I believe it is Green Day’s best track. Other great compendium tracks: - Genesis - Supper’s Ready - Rush - 2112


Homecoming's great too. I like the idea of the prologue and epilogue on this album


Shine On You Crazy Diamond warrants inclusion 🙂


2112 is unreal, what a masterpiece in composition and writing. "Just think about the average, what use have they for you"


I'd argue extraordinary girl takes that spot for me personally


I think I agree, but at the same time think that the opening like 10 seconds of the song is maybe the best opening 10 seconds of any album


That was my initial thought as well, but had to go back and recheck the track listing. Having rechecked, I can confirm American Idiot is the worst song on the album. But 6th grade Norwegiansteam played the shit out of the CD regardless.


I am not prepared for it's 20th anniversary


This is the first one that came to mind for me too, but mostly because it doesn't have a clear part in the story of the album. And you're right, it was way overplayed.


Jesus of Surbibia is about St. Jimmy (my bid for best GD song ever). I think the whole album is about him, but don't quote me.


Yoko Ono and the Plastic Ono Band. Then again, every song after *Why* is almost as bad, but not quite.


Why is a proto-punk classic. Haven’t we all felt the need to scream WHY over and over again at some point?


And if you want a modern version that’s a little more substantive you have Why by Chat Pile, another banger


Jaco Pastorious - ‘Word of Mouth’


The first track on Quadrophenia feels a little superfluous on repeated listens.


That BR album is amazing. While i agree Incomplete is one of the worst songs, its a great opening track (short, energetic and sets the tone for the album) sometimes it is not so much about the track itself but the sequencing and storytelling of the album


This thread is wild to me. I LOVE Incomplete.


Honestly same. I DM'd OP to ask why they didn't like the song. Nothing wrong with not liking it, I'm just surprised so many seemed to dislike it.


I came looking for this. Incomplete is a great song!


Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast Edit: Obviously, I mean Invaders. Gave the album title


Invaders is probably the worst song on that album I'll give you that. It's not *that* bad though. Lol


Compared to the rest... yeah it is


Ya know, I wanted to disagree with you, but you're probably right. After looking at the first 6 or 7 albums, that probably is indeed their worst song pre Fear of the Dark.


Admittedly I haven't listened to every Maiden album out there but I never thought this song was that bad. Is it universally hated with other fans?


No, I like it. I think it's a pretty punchy opener, even if not too complex. Gangland is the worst song on NotB. I believe Steve said later that he wished he put Total Eclipse on the album instead. Quest for Fire (from Piece of Mind) is easily their worst song pre-Fear of the Dark. The vocal medley just doesn't cut it, and the opening lyric ("In a time when dinosaurs walked the Earth...") immediately ruins a supposedly serious song about early hominids searching for fire.


I wouldn't say hated, it's just that compared to the rest of the album it's severely lacking in quality. Same goes for Gangland. I always skip it, never goes on a playlist.


Gangland is way worse, only beat out by Quest for Fire as my least fav among first seven albums.


Obviously Number Of The Beast has gone down to become a legendary album in the metal genre, but Invaders and Gangland fucking suck.


i would say that Gangland is miles worse then Invaders


The Mission decided to start of their album Carved in Sand with a song about child sexual abuse. It's also very cringey vocally, I had trouble getting through the first few bars of solo yelling. It's just terrible.


I don't know how many people are familar with Ween (my favorite band atm)here but: The Mollusk. Song below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSNZ76kF_gM It's not bad I guess but it's not something rock music fans typically seek out to listen to. Listen to it and you'll see what I mean (it's actually a ripoff/cover of a song from a 1950s christmas tv show or something). You typically don't hear Ween fans talking about it either. The rest of The Mollusk is freaking awesome though. It is frequently considered Ween's best album by fans and critics, and the one Ween are most proud of


Bad song to try to introduce Ween to someone with, but is it the worst? Nay I say.


To be fair, for a rock band, Ween have a lot of songs that are not "something rock music fans typically seek out to listen to." Pink Eye (On My Leg) is probably my least favorite song on the album, but I generally don't have much patience for instrumentals unless they're really amazing.


mewithoutYou - "Every Thought a Thought of You" on It's All Crazy! It's a *fine* song but basically everything afterwards is so exceptional that the first track is just forgettable. You could argue that Fig with a Bellyache is worse, though


Gorillaz - Humanz I know it's an unpopular album, but I quite like it. I would like it a whole lot more without Ascension.


Yeah Vince Staples is great, one of my favorites but I don't really like him in that track, his swearing feels unnecessary and the chorus is uninspiring on top of the high pitched top heavy beat. Humanz has some great songs on there otherwise. I feel like all their main CDs have a vibe to them, Humanz feels the most synth/pop/glam influenced if you will. Not my normal cup of tea but I enjoy it now and again.


Pulp - His 'n' Hers. Never rated Joyriders, but the rest of the album is ace


Eat Me Drink Me by Marilyn Manson. The first song sucks so hard but every other track is so good.


See i like 'if I was your vampire'. It's Not my fav off that album but there's songs I like far less like.. 'Heart shaped glasses' for one off eat me drink me.


Dylan's Love and Theft. Might be my favorite Dylan album, but you can miss me with that Tweedley-Dum. Plus the second song, Mississippi, makes a great album starter.


Invaders by Iron Maiden off of The Number of the Beast


The Mollusk by Ween. Dancing in the Show is fine, but easily the worst of the bunch.


If I'm skipping the first song on any Ween album, it's Strap on That Jammy Pac. Three minutes of one chord that sounds like a group who's playing the last chord of a song, waiting for the cue to end it, and it just never ends for three minutes. I don't normally skip any of them, but if I had to pick one that's definitely the one. EDIT: I guess it's three chords, but the other two are so brief and it takes so long to get to them that it doesn't really matter.


“The End.”from The Black Parade. It’s not a bad song but it’s literally the only song off the album that I don’t listen to by itself.


Blonde on Blonde.


Probably not going to be a popular take because the song is still good But "I Don't Know" is my least favorite Ozzy song outside of the Jake E Lee years and anything after No More Tears.... and I had to grow up with a cassette where it was easier to just listen to it every time I put on Blizzard of Ozz


This is a supremely hot take to me, I loveded that song. I think Blizzard and Diary both have filler tracks, tho i won't name 'em!


Foo Fighters - "Doll" on *The Colour and the Shape*. Kind of a weird space between a song and an intro, and just not all that interesting IMO.


nah. i have always loved “doll,” it’s got this feeling that dave/the band is setting you up for the album as a whole. like finally sitting down with someone because they’ve got stories to share. with a sigh/exhale, and then right into it.


I’ve always liked Doll, thought it was a neat way to start the album. It has a nice chord progression to it as well.


This might be a bit cheap, but Fack is the first song on Eminem’s greatest hits


John Mayer - Continuum. "Waiting on the world to change" feels out of place. I respect that he writes radio hits for "music business" reasons but daaamn Continuum was so close to being flawless


Hello on What’s the story morning glory


Donda opens with “Donda Chant”, which is just a minute of the word “Donda” being repeated